607 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity of chitosan-alginate nanoparticles: a targeted therapy for cutaneous pathogens.

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    Advances in nanotechnology have demonstrated potential application of nanoparticles (NPs) for effective and targeted drug delivery. Here we investigated the antimicrobial and immunological properties and the feasibility of using NPs to deliver antimicrobial agents to treat a cutaneous pathogen. NPs synthesized with chitosan and alginate demonstrated a direct antimicrobial activity in vitro against Propionibacterium acnes, the bacterium linked to the pathogenesis of acne. By electron microscopy (EM) imaging, chitosan-alginate NPs were found to induce the disruption of the P. acnes cell membrane, providing a mechanism for the bactericidal effect. The chitosan-alginate NPs also exhibited anti-inflammatory properties as they inhibited P. acnes-induced inflammatory cytokine production in human monocytes and keratinocytes. Furthermore, benzoyl peroxide (BP), a commonly used antiacne drug, was effectively encapsulated in the chitosan-alginate NPs and demonstrated superior antimicrobial activity against P. acnes compared with BP alone while demonstrating less toxicity to eukaryotic cells. Together, these data suggest the potential utility of topical delivery of chitosan-alginate NP-encapsulated drug therapy for the treatment of dermatologic conditions with infectious and inflammatory components

    Measuring Galaxy Star Formation Rates From Integrated Photometry: Insights from Color-Magnitude Diagrams of Resolved Stars

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    We use empirical star formation histories (SFHs), measured from HST-based resolved star color-magnitude diagrams, as input into population synthesis codes to model the broadband spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of ~50 nearby dwarf galaxies (6.5 < log M/M_* < 8.5, with metallicities ~10% solar). In the presence of realistic SFHs, we compare the modeled and observed SEDs from the ultraviolet (UV) through near-infrared (NIR) and assess the reliability of widely used UV-based star formation rate (SFR) indicators. In the FUV through i bands, we find that the observed and modeled SEDs are in excellent agreement. In the Spitzer 3.6micron and 4.5micron bands, we find that modeled SEDs systematically over-predict observed luminosities by up to ~0.2 dex, depending on treatment of the TP-AGB stars in the synthesis models. We assess the reliability of UV luminosity as a SFR indicator, in light of independently constrained SFHs. We find that fluctuations in the SFHs alone can cause factor of ~2 variations in the UV luminosities relative to the assumption of a constant SFH over the past 100 Myr. These variations are not strongly correlated with UV-optical colors, implying that correcting UV-based SFRs for the effects of realistic SFHs is difficult using only the broadband SED. Additionally, for this diverse sample of galaxies, we find that stars older than 100 Myr can contribute from <5% to100% of the present day UV luminosity, highlighting the challenges in defining a characteristic star formation timescale associated with UV emission. We do find a relationship between UV emission timescale and broadband UV-optical color, though it is different than predictions based on exponentially declining SFH models. Our findings have significant implications for the comparison of UV-based SFRs across low-metallicity populations with diverse SFHs.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures, ApJ accepte

    Autologous stromal vascular fraction therapy for rheumatoid arthritis: rationale and clinical safety

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    Advancements in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment protocols and introduction of targeted biological therapies have markedly improved patient outcomes, despite this, up to 50% of patients still fail to achieve a significant clinical response. In veterinary medicine, stem cell therapy in the form of autologous stromal vascular fraction (SVF) is an accepted therapeutic modality for degenerative conditions with 80% improvement and no serious treatment associated adverse events reported. Clinical translation of SVF therapy relies on confirmation of veterinary findings in targeted patient populations. Here we describe the rationale and preclinical data supporting the use of autologous SVF in treatment of RA, as well as provide 1, 3, 6, and 13 month safety outcomes in 13 RA patients treated with this approach

    Does backreaction enforce the averaged null energy condition in semiclassical gravity?

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    The expected stress-energy tensor of quantum fields generically violates the local positive energy conditions of general relativity. However, may satisfy some nonlocal conditions such as the averaged null energy condition (ANEC), which would rule out traversable wormholes. Although ANEC holds in Minkowski spacetime, it can be violated in curved spacetimes if one is allowed to choose the spacetime and quantum state arbitrarily, without imposition of the semiclassical Einstein equation G_{ab} = 8 \pi . In this paper we investigate whether ANEC holds for solutions to this equation, by studying a free, massless scalar field with arbitrary curvature coupling in perturbation theory to second order about the flat spacetime/vacuum solution. We "reduce the order" of the perturbation equations to eliminate spurious solutions, and consider the limit in which the lengthscales determined by the incoming state are much larger than the Planck length. We also need to assume that incoming classical gravitational radiation does not dominate the first order metric perturbation. We find that although the ANEC integral can be negative, if we average the ANEC integral transverse to the geodesic with a suitable Planck scale smearing function, then a strictly positive result is obtained in all cases except for the flat spacetime/vacuum solution. This result suggests --- in agreement with conclusions drawn by Ford and Roman from entirely independent arguments --- that if traversable wormholes do exist as solutions to the semiclassical equations, they cannot be macroscopic but must be ``Planck scale''. A large portion of our paper is devoted to the analysis of general issues concerning the nature of the semiclassical Einstein equation and of prescriptions for extracting physically relevant solutions.Comment: 54 pages, 3 figures, uses revtex macros and epsf.tex, to appear in Phys Rev D. A new appendix has been added showing consistency of our results with recent results of Visser [gr-qc/9604008]. Some corrections were made to Appendix A, and several other minor changes to the body of the paper also were mad

    Adaptation of targeted nanocarriers to changing requirements in antimalarial drug delivery.

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    The adaptation of existing antimalarial nanocarriers to new Plasmodium stages, drugs, targeting molecules, or encapsulating structures is a strategy that can provide new nanotechnology-based, cost-efficient therapies against malaria. We have explored the modification of different liposome prototypes that had been developed in our group for the targeted delivery of antimalarial drugs to Plasmodium-infected red blood cells (pRBCs). These new models include: (i) immunoliposome-mediated release of new lipid-based antimalarials; (ii) liposomes targeted to pRBCs with covalently linked heparin to reduce anticoagulation risks; (iii) adaptation of heparin to pRBC targeting of chitosan nanoparticles; (iv) use of heparin for the targeting of Plasmodium stages in the mosquito vector; and (v) use of the non-anticoagulant glycosaminoglycan chondroitin 4-sulfate as a heparin surrogate for pRBC targeting. The results presented indicate that the tuning of existing nanovessels to new malaria-related targets is a valid low-cost alternative to the de novo development of targeted nanosystems

    Adaptation of targeted nanocarriers to changing requirements in antimalarial drug delivery

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    The adaptation of existing antimalarial nanocarriers to new Plasmodium stages, drugs, targeting molecules, or encapsulating structures is a strategy that can provide new nanotechnology-based, cost-efficient therapies against malaria. We have explored the modification of different liposome prototypes that had been developed in our group for the targeted delivery of antimalarial drugs to Plasmodium-infected red blood cells (pRBCs). These new models include: (i) immunoliposome-mediated release of new lipid-based antimalarials; (ii) liposomes targeted to pRBCs with covalently linked heparin to reduce anticoagulation risks; (iii) adaptation of heparin to pRBC targeting of chitosan nanoparticles; (iv) use of heparin for the targeting of Plasmodium stages in the mosquito vector; and (v) use of the non-anticoagulant glycosaminoglycan chondroitin 4-sulfate as a heparin surrogate for pRBC targeting. The results presented indicate that the tuning of existing nanovessels to new malaria-related targets is a valid low-cost alternative to the de novo development of targeted nanosystems

    wallace 2: a shiny app for modeling species niches and distributions redesigned to facilitate expansion via module contributions

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    Released 4 years ago, the Wallace EcoMod application (R package wallace) provided an open-source and interactive platform for modeling species niches and distributions that served as a reproducible toolbox and educational resource. wallace harnesses R package tools documented in the literature and makes them available via a graphical user interface that runs analyses and returns code to document and reproduce them. Since its release, feedback from users and partners helped identify key areas for advancement, leading to the development of wallace 2. Following the vision of growth by community expansion, the core development team engaged with collaborators and undertook a major restructuring of the application to enable: simplified addition of custom modules to expand methodological options, analyses for multiple species in the same session, improved metadata features, new database connections, and saving/loading sessions. wallace 2 features nine new modules and added functionalities that facilitate data acquisition from climate-simulation, botanical and paleontological databases; custom data inputs; model metadata tracking; and citations for R packages used (to promote documentation and give credit to developers). Three of these modules compose a new component for environmental space analyses (e.g., niche overlap). This expansion was paired with outreach to the biogeography and biodiversity communities, including international presentations and workshops that take advantage of the software's extensive guidance text. Additionally, the advances extend accessibility with a cloud-computing implementation and include a suite of comprehensive unit tests. The features in wallace 2 greatly improve its expandability, breadth of analyses, and reproducibility options, including the use of emerging metadata standards. The new architecture serves as an example for other modular software, especially those developed using the rapidly proliferating R package shiny, by showcasing straightforward module ingestion and unit testing. Importantly, wallace 2 sets the stage for future expansions, including those enabling biodiversity estimation and threat assessments for conservation.journal articl

    Characterising a genetic stronghold amidst pervasive admixture: Morelet’s crocodiles (Crocodylus moreletii) in central Yucatan

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    When backcrosses are fertile, interbreeding between endangered taxa can lead to the admixture of gene pools under threat. One such case pertains to the Mesoamerican crocodile Crocodylus moreletii, a species which shows strong signatures of both recent hybridisation and historic intogression with the American crocodile C. acutus across large parts of its range. In the present paper, we use RAD-seq derived SNPs (4980 nuclear and seven mtDNA loci) to demonstrate that C. moreletii populations inhabiting the region of Calakmul in central Yucatan (Mexico) are rather unaffected by hybridization, despite being surrounded by coastal areas where pervasive admixture has previously been documented. All (based on fastSTRU CTU RE) and 96% (based on NGSadmix) of 84 genotyped individuals from 18 sampled waterbodies (locally termed aguadas) were free from nuclear introgression of C. acutus DNA at at threshold of 0.95. Seven individuals (8%) possessed a C. acutus mtDNA haplotype, five of which were derived from two adjacent, rather peripheral aguadas. Spatial inferences based on a DAPC and fineRADstructure further showed that the region of Calakmul is inhabited by three genetic clusters spanning across a set of distinct aguadas each. Taken together, our findings reveal that central Yucatan contains the currently largest documented stronghold of C. moreletii populations only marginally affected by introgression, which has major implications for the conservation management of this important flagship species