160 research outputs found

    Spectral Variability of Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. II: The C IV Line

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    We examine the variability of the high-ionizaton C IV line in a sample of 105 quasars observed at multiple epochs by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find a strong correlation between the change in the C IV line flux and the change in the line width, but no correlations between the change in flux and changes in line center and skewness. The relation between line flux change and line width change is consistent with a model in which a broad line base varies with greater amplitude than the line core. The objects studied here are more luminous and at higher redshift than those normally studied for variability, ranging in redshift from 1.65 to 4.00 and in absolute r-band magnitude from roughly -24 to -28. Using moment analysis line-fitting techniques, we measure line fluxes, centers, widths and skewnesses for the C IV line at two epochs for each object. The well-known Baldwin Effect is seen for these objects, with a slope beta = -0.22. The sample has a median intrinsic Baldwin Effect slope of beta = -0.85; the C IV lines in these high-luminosity quasars appear to be less responsive to continuum variations than those in lower luminosity AGN. Additionally, we find no evidence for variability of the well known blueshift of the C IV line with respect to the low-ionization Mg II line in the highest flux objects, indicating that this blueshift might be useful as a measure of orientation.Comment: 52 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Discovery of a z=4.93, X-ray selected quasar by the Chandra Multiwavelength Project (ChamP)

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    We present X-ray and optical observations of CXOMP J213945.0-234655, a high redshift (z=4.93) quasar discovered through the Chandra Multiwavelength Project (ChaMP). This object is the most distant X-ray selected quasar published, with an X-ray luminosity of L(X)=5.9x10^44 erg/s (measured in the 0.3-2.5 keV band and corrected for Galactic absorption). CXOMP J213945.0-234655 is a g' dropout object (>26.2), with r'=22.87 and i'=21.36. The rest-frame X-ray to optical flux ratio is similar to quasars at lower redshifts and slightly X-ray bright relative to z>4 optically-selected quasars observed with Chandra. The ChaMP is beginning to acquire significant numbers of high redshift quasars to investigate the unobscured X-ray luminosity function out to z~5.Comment: Published in ApJ Letters; 4 pages; 3 figures; http://hea-www.harvard.edu/CHAMP

    Genome-wide and protein kinase-focused RNAi screens reveal conserved and novel damage response pathways in Trypanosoma brucei

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    All cells are subject to structural damage that must be addressed for continued growth. A wide range of damage affects the genome, meaning multiple pathways have evolved to repair or bypass the resulting DNA lesions. Though many repair pathways are conserved, their presence or function can reflect the life style of individual organisms. To identify genome maintenance pathways in a divergent eukaryote and important parasite, Trypanosoma brucei, we performed RNAi screens to identify genes important for survival following exposure to the alkylating agent methyl methanesulphonate. Amongst a cohort of broadly conserved and, therefore, early evolved repair pathways, we reveal multiple activities not so far examined functionally in T. brucei, including DNA polymerases, DNA helicases and chromatin factors. In addition, the screens reveal Trypanosoma- or kinetoplastid-specific repair-associated activities. We also provide focused analyses of repair-associated protein kinases and show that loss of at least nine, and potentially as many as 30 protein kinases, including a nuclear aurora kinase, sensitises T. brucei to alkylation damage. Our results demonstrate the potential for synthetic lethal genome-wide screening of gene function in T. brucei and provide an evolutionary perspective on the repair pathways that underpin effective responses to damage, with particular relevance for related kinetoplastid pathogens. By revealing that a large number of diverse T. brucei protein kinases act in the response to damage, we expand the range of eukaryotic signalling factors implicated in genome maintenance activities

    The Chandra Multi-Wavelength Project: Optical Spectroscopy and the Broadband Spectral Energy Distributions of X-ray Selected AGN

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    From optical spectroscopy of X-ray sources observed as part of ChaMP, we present redshifts and classifications for a total of 1569 Chandra sources from our targeted spectroscopic follow up using the FLWO, SAAO, WIYN, CTIO, KPNO, Magellan, MMT and Gemini telescopes, and from archival SDSS spectroscopy. We classify the optical counterparts as 50% BLAGN, 16% NELG, 14% ALG, and 20% stars. We detect QSOs out to z~5.5 and galaxies out to z~3. We have compiled extensive photometry from X-ray to radio bands. Together with our spectroscopic information, this enables us to derive detailed SEDs for our extragalactic sources. We fit a variety of templates to determine bolometric luminosities, and to constrain AGN and starburst components where both are present. While ~58% of X-ray Seyferts require a starburst event to fit observed photometry only 26% of the X-ray QSO population appear to have some kind of star formation contribution. This is significantly lower than for the Seyferts, especially if we take into account torus contamination at z>1 where the majority of our X-ray QSOs lie. In addition, we observe a rapid drop of the percentage of starburst contribution as X-ray luminosity increases. This is consistent with the quenching of star formation by powerful QSOs, as predicted by the merger model, or with a time lag between the peak of star formation and QSO activity. We have tested the hypothesis that there should be a strong connection between X-ray obscuration and star-formation but we do not find any association between X-ray column density and star formation rate both in the general population or the star-forming X-ray Seyferts. Our large compilation also allows us to report here the identification of 81 XBONG, 78 z>3 X-ray sources and 8 Type-2 QSO candidates. Also we have identified the highest redshift (z=5.4135) X-ray selected QSO with optical spectroscopy.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in ApJS. Full data table and README file can be found online at http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~pgreen/Papers.htm

    A Randomised Controlled Trial of a Play-Based Intervention to Improve the Social Play Skills of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

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    There is a need for effective interventions to address the social difficulties of children with ADHD. This randomised controlled trial examined the effectiveness of a play-based intervention for improving the social play skills of children with ADHD in peer-to-peer interactions. Children with ADHD (5 to 11 years) were randomised to an intervention-first (n = 15) or waitlist control-first group (n = 14). Participants allocated to the control-first group received the intervention after a 10-week wait period. Children invited a typically-developing playmate and parents of children with ADHD participated. The intervention involved: six clinic play-sessions, weekly home-modules and a one-month home follow up. The Test of Playfulness (ToP) was scored by a blinded rater. Parent reported treatment adherence was used to assess treatment fidelity. Between group statistics were used to compare the change of the intervention-first (10-week intervention period) and control-first (10-week wait period) groups. Once all children had received the intervention, repeated measures ANOVA, post hoc Least Significance Difference tests and Cohen's-d were used to measure effect. Changes in ToP social items were analysed using Friedman's ANOVA. Linear regression analyses were used to identify variables that predicted change. The control-first group did not change during the wait period. The change in the intervention-first group was significantly greater than the change in the control-first group (during the wait period). When the data from the two groups were combined, the mean ToP scores of the children with ADHD (n = 29) improved significantly following the intervention, with a large effect from pre to post intervention and from pre intervention to follow up. Children maintained treatment gains at follow up. All ToP social items improved significantly following the intervention. The findings support the use of play involving parent and peer mediated components to enhance the social play skills of children with ADHD. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12614000973617

    Increasing confidence and changing behaviors in primary care providers engaged in genetic counselling.

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    BackgroundScreening and counseling for genetic conditions is an increasingly important part of primary care practice, particularly given the paucity of genetic counselors in the United States. However, primary care physicians (PCPs) often have an inadequate understanding of evidence-based screening; communication approaches that encourage shared decision-making; ethical, legal, and social implication (ELSI) issues related to screening for genetic mutations; and the basics of clinical genetics. This study explored whether an interactive, web-based genetics curriculum directed at PCPs in non-academic primary care settings was superior at changing practice knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors when compared to a traditional educational approach, particularly when discussing common genetic conditions.MethodsOne hundred twenty one PCPs in California and Pennsylvania physician practices were randomized to either an Intervention Group (IG) or Control Group (CG). IG physicians completed a 6 h interactive web-based curriculum covering communication skills, basics of genetic testing, risk assessment, ELSI issues and practice behaviors. CG physicians were provided with a traditional approach to Continuing Medical Education (CME) (clinical review articles) offering equivalent information.ResultsPCPs in the Intervention Group showed greater increases in knowledge compared to the Control Group. Intervention PCPs were also more satisfied with the educational materials, and more confident in their genetics knowledge and skills compared to those receiving traditional CME materials. Intervention PCPs felt that the web-based curriculum covered medical management, genetics, and ELSI issues significantly better than did the Control Group, and in comparison with traditional curricula. The Intervention Group felt the online tools offered several advantages, and engaged in better shared decision making with standardized patients, however, there was no difference in behavior change between groups with regard to increases in ELSI discussions between PCPs and patients.ConclusionWhile our intervention was deemed more enjoyable, demonstrated significant factual learning and retention, and increased shared decision making practices, there were few differences in behavior changes around ELSI discussions. Unfortunately, barriers to implementing behavior change in clinical genetics is not unique to our intervention. Perhaps the missing element is that busy physicians need systems-level support to engage in meaningful discussions around genetics issues. The next step in promoting active engagement between doctors and patients may be to put into place the tools needed for PCPs to easily access the materials they need at the point-of-care to engage in joint discussions around clinical genetics

    Transient Elastography in Community Alcohol Services: Can It Detect Significant Liver Disease and Impact Drinking Behaviour?

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    Introduction: Alcohol is the leading cause of cirrhosis in Western populations. The early identification of high-risk drinkers followed by intervention is an effective way to reduce harm. We aim to assess the feasibility of integrating transient elastography (TE) into community alcohol services, and to determine its impact on modifying drinking behaviours. Method: A prospective cohort study was conducted at a community alcohol clinic in Nottingham, UK (April 2012 to March 2014). Patients (>18 years) with a primary alcohol problem were recruited. Those known to liver services or those known to have chronic liver disease were excluded. Significant liver fibrosis was defined by a liver stiffness of >8 kilopascal (kPa). Follow-up was for a minimum of six months. Data were descriptively analysed for significant differences between patients with a normal liver stiffness versus raised liver stiffness. Results: 156 patients were invited; n = 87 attended and n = 86 underwent successful TE. The majority were male (n = 53, 70.0%), and the mean age was 46.3 years (SD ± 9.8). Median liver stiffness was 6.9 kPa (range 3.1–75.0kPa). Clinically significant liver fibrosis was identified in n = 33 (38.4%), of which n = 6 were in the cirrhotic range (≥15 kPa). The baseline median self-reported alcohol intake for normal stiffness was 126 units per week (range 24–378) and in raised stiffness was 149.0 units per week (range 39.0–420.0); this difference was nonsignificant (p = 0.338). The median reduction in self-reported alcohol intake in the whole cohort was 65.0 units per week (range 27.0–88.0, p < 0.001); in the normal liver stiffness group it was 25.0 units per week (range 18.0–75.0, p = 0.154), and in the raised liver stiffness group it was 78.5 units per week (range 36.0–126.0, p < 0.001). Conclusion: The study demonstrated that transient elastography is a feasible tool to stratify clinically significant liver disease in community alcohol services. It can stimulate a change in high-risk drinking behaviour and a normal liver stiffness result does not provide false reassurance to participants

    Using a New Odour-Baited Device to Explore Options for Luring and Killing Outdoor-Biting Malaria Vectors: A Report on Design and Field Evaluation of the Mosquito Landing Box.

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    Mosquitoes that bite people outdoors can sustain malaria transmission even where effective indoor interventions such as bednets or indoor residual spraying are already widely used. Outdoor tools may therefore complement current indoor measures and improve control. We developed and evaluated a prototype mosquito control device, the 'Mosquito Landing Box' (MLB), which is baited with human odours and treated with mosquitocidal agents. The findings are used to explore technical options and challenges relevant to luring and killing outdoor-biting malaria vectors in endemic settings. Field experiments were conducted in Tanzania to assess if wild host-seeking mosquitoes 1) visited the MLBs, 2) stayed long or left shortly after arrival at the device, 3) visited the devices at times when humans were also outdoors, and 4) could be killed by contaminants applied on the devices. Odours suctioned from volunteer-occupied tents were also evaluated as a potential low-cost bait, by comparing baited and unbaited MLBs. There were significantly more Anopheles arabiensis, An. funestus, Culex and Mansonia mosquitoes visiting baited MLB than unbaited controls (P<=0.028). Increasing sampling frequency from every 120 min to 60 and 30 min led to an increase in vector catches of up to 3.6 fold (P<=0.002), indicating that many mosquitoes visited the device but left shortly afterwards. Outdoor host-seeking activity of malaria vectors peaked between 7:30 and 10:30pm, and between 4:30 and 6:00am, matching durations when locals were also outdoors. Maximum mortality of mosquitoes visiting MLBs sprayed or painted with formulations of candidate mosquitocidal agent (pirimiphos-methyl) was 51%. Odours from volunteer occupied tents attracted significantly more mosquitoes to MLBs than controls (P<0.001). While odour-baited devices such as the MLBs clearly have potential against outdoor-biting mosquitoes in communities where LLINs are used, candidate contaminants must be those that are effective at ultra-low doses even after short contact periods, since important vector species such as An. arabiensis make only brief visits to such devices. Natural human odours suctioned from occupied dwellings could constitute affordable sources of attractants to supplement odour baits for the devices. The killing agents used should be environmentally safe, long lasting, and have different modes of action (other than pyrethroids as used on LLINs), to curb the risk of physiological insecticide resistance

    A rapidly convecting lava lake at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua

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    Lava lakes provide a rare opportunity to study conduit flow processes through direct observation of the exposed magma surface. The recent lava lake activity at Masaya volcano (Nicaragua), which commenced in 2015, displayed several unusual phenomena. We report on the dynamics of this rapidly convecting lake, which, to the best of our knowledge manifested the highest lava flow velocities ever reported for a lava lake: 13.7–16.4 m s−1, in addition to unusual fluid dynamic behavior involving alteration in surface flow direction. We studied this system with multiparametric and high time resolution remote sensing measurements, performed during June 2017, including ultraviolet camera observations of SO2 emission rates, near infrared thermal camera measurements and video analyses of the lake surface. Median SO2 emission rates of 3.1 (±0.8) and 3.7 (±0.9) kg s−1 were found, which are lower than previously published estimates, and could represent challenging remote sensing conditions or a waning in lava lake activity. Video analyses enabled characterization of frequent bursts of approximately hemispherical spherical-cap bubbles on the surface with diameters ranging 0.6–8.5 m (median of 2.6 m), and calculation of individual bubble masses, which contribute to active bubble bursting values estimated at 1.9 to 3.9 kg s−1. We show that only a small fraction, 7–17%, of total emission volumes are contributed by these bubbles, based on estimated emission rates of 22.5 and 26.9 kg s−1. Furthermore, periodicity analysis reveals regular 200–300 s oscillations in SO2 emissions. These are not shared by any of our other datasets and particularly during the contemporaenously acquried thermal data, hence, we tentatively assign an atmospheric causal generation mechanism, driven by atmospheric transport and turbulence phenomena, such as eddying. Overall, we highlight the uniquely high velocity and fluid dynamic behavior of Masaya lava lake
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