44 research outputs found

    Development Of Neural Network Based Estimator To Determine Coagulant Dosage And Treated Water Qualities In A Water Treatment Plant [TP159.C55 A798 2008 f rb].

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    Penentuan dos pengental yang optima di dalam proses pengentalan bagi sesebuah loji rawatan air adalah amat mustahak untuk menghasilkan kualiti air terawat yang memuaskan The determination of an optimum coagulant dosage in a coagulation process for a water treatment plant is very important in order to produce satisfactory treated water qualitie

    ¿Qué es el Parménides de Platón? : una interpretación de la problemática del uno y de la multiplicidad

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    Este trabajo analiza la manera como los problemas filosóficos se presentan en Platón en torno a su segunda estancia en Siracusa. Los eleatas presentes en este diálogo se dan a la tarea de refutar la teoría de las formas que defendía el joven Sócrates. En esta dirección, se examinan las cuestiones relativas al uno que es y que no es. El primer capítulo aborda la dificultad propuesta por el eleata Zenón, afirmando que las cosas sensibles toman parte en la semejanza y en la desemejanza, semejantes por el hecho de hacer parte de una misma forma, desemejantes por hacer parte de formas diferentes. Para el joven Sócrates, lo difícil sería mostrar cómo debe el semejante devenir desemejante y a la inversa; en pocas palabras, manifestar la pluralidad dentro del mundo de las formas. El segundo y el tercer capítulo de esta investigación analizan las nueve hipótesis. El análisis de las cinco primeras hipótesis respecto al ‘uno que es’ constituye el segundo capítulo, y el de las cuatro últimas hipótesis respecto al ‘uno que no es’, el tercero. Se analiza el programa del maestro Parménides que propone formular la hipótesis de la existencia del objeto en cuestión, es decir, las formas, y examinar sus consecuencias; luego, formar la hipótesis de su no existencia y ver entonces las consecuencias para el objeto en él mismo y en relación con sus opuestos.This work is concerned with the philosophical problems in Plato by the time of his second trip to Syracuse. The Eleatic philosophers present in the dialogue intend to refute the theory of forms defended by the young Socrates. In this sense, questions about the one that is and that is not arc examined. The first chapter deals with the difficult proposal of Zeno of Elea. He affirms that sensible things take part in similarity and dissimilarity, in similarity by making part of the same form, in dissimilarity by making part of different forms. For the young Socrates the difficulty resides in showing how the similar must become dissimilar and conversely; in few words, how plurality is displayed within the world of forms. In the second and third chapters the nine hypothesis are surveyed. In the second chapter the first five hypothesis regarding ‘the one that is’ are studied; while the remaining four regarding ‘the one that is not’ is the subject of the third chapter. The program of the teacher Parmenides is analyzed as a whole. In this program the hypothesis about the existence of the object, that is, the forms, is firstly formulated and its consequences examined; secondly, the hypothesis about its not existence and the corresponding consequences in the object itself and in its relationship with its opposites.Filósofo (a)Pregrad

    Gestión de las aguas termales en el centro experimental La Raya de la Universidad Nacional De San Antonio Abad Del Cusco – Distrito de Marangani - Provincia de Canchis y la satisfacción del turista – 2019

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    El presente estudio es de tipo descriptivo, de diseño no experimental de corte transversal, teniendo como propósito, establecer la relación existente entre la gestión de las aguas termales del centro experimental la Raya UNSAAC y la satisfacción del turista. La muestra objeto de la presente investigación está conformada por los 100 turistas que ingresan a las aguas termales en el centro experimental la raya UNSAAC ubicada en el distrito de Marangani la técnica utilizada fue la encuesta y el instrumento el cuestionario. El objetivo general DETERMINAR EN QUE MEDIDA LA GESTIÓN DE LAS AGUAS TERMALES EN EL CENTRO EXPERIMENTAL LA RAYA UNSAAC INFLUYE EN LA SATISFACCIÓN DEL TURISTA. Los datos fueron procesados haciendo uso DE MEDIDAS DESCRIPTIVAS COMO EL PROMEDIO LA DESVIACIÓN ESTÁNDAR, ASÍ COMO LOS INDICADORES PORCENTUALES A TRAVÉS DEL PROGRAMA SPSS 21. La hipótesis planteada fue la gestión de las aguas termales en el centro experimental la Raya UNSAAC influye en gran medida en la satisfacción del turista Los resultados de la investigación concluyen que la gestión de aguas termales en un 70% influye negativamente en la satisfacción del turista esto se ve reflejado en las encuestas ya que en su mayoría están poco satisfechos con la gestión de las aguas termales en el centro experimental la Raya UNSAAC

    The effect of the liquid plant growth stimulant seaweed seychelles on the germination of seeds of microgreens of coral radish (Raphanus sativus var. Sativus)

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    The article presents the results of a model experiment to study the effect of a liquid plant growth stimulant Seaweed Seychelles on the germination of seeds of microgreen of coral radish (Raphanus sativus var. Sativus). Seaweed is a source of natural plant growth hormones. Each of them is an important biostimulant of health. Auxin is known for its positive effect on the roots. It is used in synthetic hormones for rooting. Seaweed contains more than 60 trace elements and nutrients. First of all, it is potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, iodine, manganese, molybdenum and boron. In the course of this study, it was found that the liquid plant growth stimulant Seaweed Seychelles significantly increases the germination of seeds of coral radish (Raphanus sativus var. Sativus). Seed germination was 98%. The phosphorus content increased by 14.5%, and the nitrogen content by 30%, the pH remained neutral. Seaweed Seychelles liquid stimulant actively affects radish sprouts and contributes to an increase in growth rate and quality


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     Laporan arus kas (statement of cash flows) merupakan salah satu kompenen dalam laporan keuangan. Kas PSAK 2 merupakan kas-kas yang setara kas. Setara kas ialah likuid jangka panjang kriteria penuh. Manajemen kas artinya sesuatu system pengolaan industry dan perusahaan untuk mengatur arus kas dan mempertahankan likuiditas perusahaan juga. Manajer keuangan harus mampu untuk memanfaatkan ide cash dan perencanaan kas serta mengelola uang yang masuk ke perusahaan, uang yang dikeluarkan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas apakah terdapat perbedaan manajemen arus kas UMKM Gabovira antara sebelum dan setelah pengumuman nasional Covid-19 dan apakah terdapat perbedaan keberlangsungan UMKM Gabovira antara sebelum dan setelah pengumuman nasional Covid-19.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis event study (studi peristiwa). Metode event study ialah metode analisis dengan mengkaji reaksi UMKM terhadap suatu kejadian (event.Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan manajemen arus kas dan keberlangsungan UMKM Gabovira sebelum dan sesudah pengumuman nasional Covid-19 yang di ukur dengan menggunakan rasio keuangan. Untuk rasio likuiditas yang diproksikan dengan Current Ratio dan Quick Ratio menunjukkan keduanya terdapat perbedaan manajemen arus kas dam keberlangsungan UMKM Gabovira sebelum dan setelah pengumuman naasional Covid-19. Sedangkan rasio profitabilitas yang di ukur dengan Gross Profit Margin dan Return On Asset menghasilkan nilai yang berbeda. Gross Profit Margin menghasilkan tidak terdapat perbedaan manajamen arus kas dan keberlangsungan UMKM Gabovira sebelum dan sesudah pengumuman nasional covid 19. Sedangkan Return On Asset menghasilkan terdapat perbedaan manajamen arus kas dan keberlangsungan UMKM Gabovira sebelum dan sesudah pengumuman nasional covid 19. Dengan demikian semua rasio likuiditas yaitu Current Ratio dan Quick Ratio menyebabkan penurunan selama periode sesudah pengumuman nasional covid 19. Sedangkan untuk rasio profitabilitas yang menyebabkan penurunan langsung selama periode sesudah pengumuman nasional covid 19 hanya Return On Asset

    Études des propriétés catalytiques des nanocatalyseurs d'argent et de cuivre supportés sur l'alumine pour la réduction des NOx

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    Les objectifs principaux de ce travail sont de faire l'étude de la synthèse, de la caractérisation et des propriétés catalytiques de nanocatalyseurs à l'argent et au cuivre supportés sur l'alumine {Ag/Al₂O₃ (I), Cu/AI₂O₃ (I) et Ag-Cu/A1₂O₃ (I)} pour la réduction catalytique sélective des NOx par le propylene sur une plage de concentration d'oxygène comprise entre 1 à 15%. Les propriétés physicochimiques telles que la structure, la surface spécifique, la réductibilité thermique en présence d'hydrogène ont été étudiées. Les catalyseurs obtenus sont des nanocristaux, leurs propriétés sont nettement différentes en comparaison aux matériaux de taille micrométrique. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les échantillons à base d'argent utilisés dans cette recherche avaient une structure principalement cristalline et que la surface spécifique était très élevée. Le matériau préparé en une seule étape Ag/Al₂O₃ (I) présente une plus grande surface spécifique que celui préparé en deux étapes et le catalyseur conventionnel. Pour cela cette méthode a été retenue pour préparer les autres échantillons étudiés dans ce travail. Également on a pu observer qu'avec l'addition du cuivre aux catalyseurs on voit que la surface spécifique diminue considérablement, avec l'absence de la structure cristalline et que leur réductibilité vis-à-vis de l'hydrogène adsorbée à la surface augmente. Les résultats catalytiques indiquent que le catalyseur Ag/A1₂O₃ (I) préparé en une seule étape présente une meilleure activité catalytique pour la réduction sélective du NO en N₂ en présence d'une teneur d'oxygène très élevée comparativement aux Ag/Al₂O₃ (II) et Ag/Al₂O₃ (C) préparés en deux étapes et à partir de l'alumine commerciale pour les mêmes conditions réactionnelles. Pour Ag/A1O₃ (I), l'addition du cuivre Ag-Cu/A1₂O₃ (I) dans la structure augmente l'activité catalytique pour la réduction du NO, pour l'oxydation de C₃H₆ et la stabilité thermique à de très hautes températures. Cependant, la présence d'oxygène dans le courant gazeux a un effet négatif sur la réduction de NO avec le catalyseur Cu/A1₂O₃ (I), qui devient quasiment inactif à une concentration de 10 à 15% d'oxygène

    Rheological Characteristics of Pulp-fibre-reinforced Polyamide Composite

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    Recently, there has been increasing interest in utilizing pulp-fibre–reinforced, higher-melting–temperature engineering thermoplastics, such as polyamide 11 and polyamide 6 in the automotive, aerospace and construction industries. Moreover, the rheological characteristics of those composites were not fully investigated in relation to processing approaches and pulp-fibre aspect ratio. Two processing approaches were used in this thesis: the extrusion compounding process and the Brabender mixer technique using inorganic salt lithium chloride (LiCl). The fibre-length distribution and content, and the densities of the PA11 and modified bio-based PA11 after compounding, were investigated and found to coincide with the final properties of the resultant composites. The effects of fibre content, fibre aspect ratio, and fibre length on rheological properties were studied. The rheological properties of high-yield–pulp (HYP) –reinforced bio-based Polyamide 11 (PA11) composite (HYP/PA11) were experimentally investigated using a capillary rheometer. Experimental test results showed a steep decrease in shear viscosity with increasing shear rate; this melt-flow characteristic corresponds to shear-thinning behavior in HYP/PA11. The morphological properties of HYP/PA11 composite were examined using SEM: no fibre pullout was observed. This was due to the presence of the hydrogen bond, which created excellent compatibility between high-yield pulp fibre and bio-based Nylon 11. The viscoelastic characteristics of biocomposites derived from natural-fibre–reinforced thermoplastic polymers and of predictive models were reviewed to understand their rheological behavior. Novel predicted multiphase rheological-model–based polymer, fibre, and interphasial phases were developed. Rheological characteristics of the composite components influenced the development of resultant microstructures; this in turn affected the mechanical characteristics of a multiphase composite. Experimental and theoretical test results of HYP/PA11 showed a steep decrease in apparent viscosity with increasing shear rate; this melt-flow characteristic corresponds to shear-thinning behavior in HYP/PA11.The nonlinear mathematical model to predict the rheological behavior of HYP/PA11was validated experimentally at 200˚C and 5000S-1 shear rate.Ph.D

    Haiti’de Evlat Edinme Süreçlerinin Değerlendirilmesi: Sosyal Refah Ve Araştırma Enstitüsünde Vaka Çalışması

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    PELLITIER, Robenson. “An Assessment of Adoption Processes in Haiti: Case Study of the Institute of Social Welfare and Research (ISWR)”, Master Thesis, Ankara, 2018. Adoption is defined as a measure of child protection used through the child welfare system to provide a permanent home with a parentless child or to facilitate to a childless parent to find a child. Further, that measure is pretended to be in the best interest of the child. The main purpose of this study is to understand the adoption process in Haiti related to the principle of the best interests of the child as defined in the Convention on the Rights of Children of 20 November 1989 and The Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and International Cooperation in Respect to Intercountry Adoption of 29 May 1993. A qualitative research was conducted with a sample of 12 participants. A semi-structured interview proceeded with three (3) child welfare public authorities working at the Institute of Social Welfare and Research(ISWR), two (2) foster care managers, and seven (7) birth parents of adopted children. Moreover, a content analysis is conducted to analyze and interpret the data. The finding of this research indicates that the adoption process is focused only on the management of the children’s adoption files as being arguments on the best interests of the child and ignored the different environments of connection of the child as vital elements in child development in the post-adoption.The result suggests that the child surroundings connections might be the tool to predict the best interests of the child in the adoption process.PELLITIER, Robenson. “Haiti’de Evlat Edinme Süreçlerinin Değerlendirilmesi: Sosyal Refah ve Araştırma Enstitüsünde Vaka Çalışması”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2018. Evlat edinme hizmeti, çocuk refahı sistemi aracılığıyla evlat edinilen bir çocuğa anne ve/veya babanın da yer aldığı kalıcı bir ev sağlamak veya çocuk sahibi olamayan bir ebeveyne çocuk sahibi olması için kolaylık sağlayan çocuk koruma sisteminin bir boyutudur. Bu boyutun çocuğun yararına olduğu iddia edilmektedir. Bu araştırma, 20 Kasım 1989 tarihli Çocuk Hakları Sözleşmesi ve Ülkelerarası Evlat Edinme Bakımından Çocuk ve Uluslararası İşbirliği Korunması hakkında 29 Mayıs 1993 tarihli Lahey Sözleşmesi'nde tanımlanan çocuğun yüksek yararı ilkesi ile ilgili olarak Haiti'deki evlat edinme süreçlerinin değerlendirilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Nitel tarzda olan bu araştırma 12 katılımcıdan oluşmaktadır. Bunlar, üç (3) çocuk refahı kamu görevlisi, iki (2) kurum bakımı yöneticisi ve çocukları evlat edinilmiş olan yedi (7) biyolojik ebeveyndir. Görüşmeyi kabul edenlerle yarı yapılandırılmış bir görüşme yapılırken, verileri analiz etmek ve yorumlamak için bir içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak bu araştırmanın bulguları, evlat edinme sürecinin sadece çocuğun evlat edinme dosyalarının yönetimine ve çocuğun yüksek yararı üzerine odaklandığını, evlat edinmenin çocuğun gelişiminde önemli olduğu ancak çocuğun çevresiyle olan farklı bağlantılarını göz önüne almadığını göstermektedir. Araştırma, evlat edinme sürecinde, çocuğun çevresiyle olan bağlantılarının önemli olduğunu ve çocuğun yüksek yararını tahmin etmemizde bunun bir araç olabileceğini göstermiştir

    Haiti Voodoo Leaders Prepare Temples for Coronavirus Sufferers

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    This article details the response of Voodoo Practitioners in Haiti, specifically Houngans and Mambos, to the COVID-19 pandemic. Herbal remedies designed to cure and aid with COVID-19 are discussed in the article. The use of sacred space, including Djèvos, in addition to ritual practices are also discussed in the article. Voodoo deputy leader Euvonie Georges Auguste and Haitian Voodoo “Ati” Carl Henri Desmornes are both featured in the article

    Improvement of formulation of identification and solution of the bidimensional impact between structure and rigid wall

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    Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de uma formulação, via método dos elementos finitos (MEF), para a identificação e solução do impacto não linear bidimensional entre estruturas anelares reticuladas e anteparo rígido fixo. O comportamento dinâmico não linear geométrico é feito por meio de uma formulação posicional classificada como Lagrangiana total com cinemática exata. Utiliza-se o integrador temporal de Newmark modificado para descrever o comportamento dinâmico, de forma a garantir a estabilidade na análise do impacto. Desenvolveu-se um algoritmo de identificação da ocorrência do impacto, utilizando-se segmentos auxiliares que definem uma região formada por pontos passíveis de impacto. A solução do impacto é feita com um algoritmo de retorno geométrico segundo superfície curva com aproximação qualquer para o anteparo rígido, considerando situações com e sem atrito. Faz-se uma comparação entre a técnica adotada e a técnica dos multiplicadores de Lagrange e das penalidades, mostrando a equivalência entre as mesmas. Por fim, são apresentados exemplos numéricos gerais utilizando a técnica desenvolvida, onde se fez um estudo de convergência para discretização geométrica e temporal.This work has as main goal the development of a formulation, based on the finite element method (FEM), for the identification and solution of the bidimensional nonlinear impact between reticulated cyclics structures and fixed rigid wall. The dynamic geometrically nonlinear behavior is treated with a positional formulation classified as total Lagrangean with exact kinematics. The time integrator of modified Newmark is used, to describe the dynamic behavior, to assure the stability in the analysis of the impact. An algorithm of identification of the occurrence of the impact was developed, using auxiliary segments that define a region formed for feasible points of impact. The solution of the impact is made with an algorithm of geometric return as curve surface with any approach for the rigid wall, considering situations with and without friction. A comparison between the technique adopted and Lagrange multipliers and penalty is made. Finally, general numerical examples are presented, where a study of convergence was made