14 research outputs found

    Uncoupling of EGFR–RAS signaling and nuclear localization of YBX1 in colorectal cancer

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    The transcription factor YBX1 can act as a mediator of signals transmitted via the EGFR–RAS–MAPK axis. YBX1 expression has been associated with tumor progression and prognosis in multiple types of cancer. Immunohistochemical studies have revealed dependency between YBX1 expression and individual EGFR family members. We analyzed YBX1 and EGFR family proteins in a colorectal cancer (CRC) cohort and provide functional analyses of YBX1 in the context of EGFR–RAS–MAPK signaling. Immunohistochemistry for YBX1 and EGFR family receptors with two antibodies for YBX1 and EGFR were performed and related to clinicopathological data. We employed Caco2 cells expressing an inducible KRASV12 gene to determine effects on localization and levels of YBX1. Mouse xenografts of Caco2-KRASV12 cells were used to determine YBX1 dynamics in a tissue context. The two different antibodies against YBX1 showed discordant immunohistochemical stainings in cell culture and clinical specimens. Expression of YBX1 and EGFR family members were not correlated in CRC. Analysis of Caco2 xenografts displayed again heterogeneity of YBX1 staining with both antibodies. Our results suggest that YBX1 is controlled via complex regulatory mechanisms involving tumor stroma interaction and signal transduction processes. Our study highlights that YBX1 antibodies have different specificities, advocating their use in a combined manner

    Alterations of mTOR signaling impact metabolic stress resistance in colorectal carcinomas with BRAF and KRAS mutations

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    Metabolic reprogramming is as a hallmark of cancer, and several studies have reported that BRAF and KRAS tumors may be accompanied by a deregulation of cellular metabolism. We investigated how BRAF(V600E) and KRAS(G12V) affect cell metabolism, stress resistance and signaling in colorectal carcinoma cells driven by these mutations. KRAS(G12V) expressing cells are characterized by the induction of glycolysis, accumulation of lactic acid and sensitivity to glycolytic inhibition. Notably mathematical modelling confirmed the critical role of MCT1 designating the survival of KRAS(G12V) cells. Carcinoma cells harboring BRAF(V600E) remain resistant towards alterations of glucose supply or application of signaling or metabolic inhibitors. Altogether these data demonstrate that an oncogene-specific decoupling of mTOR from AMPK or AKT signaling accounts for alterations of resistance mechanisms and metabolic phenotypes. Indeed the inhibition of mTOR in BRAF(V600E) cells counteracts the metabolic predisposition and demonstrates mTOR as a potential target in BRAF(V600E)-driven colorectal carcinomas

    Cell Type-Specific Human APP Transgene Expression by Hippocampal Interneurons in the Tg2576 Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Amyloid precursor protein (APP) transgenic animal models of Alzheimer’s disease have become versatile tools for basic and translational research. However, there is great heterogeneity of histological, biochemical, and functional data between transgenic mouse lines, which might be due to different transgene expression patterns. Here, the expression of human APP (hAPP) by GABAergic hippocampal interneurons immunoreactive for the calcium binding proteins parvalbumin, calbindin, calretinin, and for the peptide hormone somatostatin was analyzed in Tg2576 mice by double immunofluorescent microscopy. Overall, there was no GABAergic interneuron subpopulation that did not express the transgene. On the other hand, in no case all neurons of such a subpopulation expressed hAPP. In dentate gyrus molecular layer and in stratum lacunosum moleculare less than 10% of hAPP-positive interneurons co-express any of these interneuron markers, whereas in stratum oriens hAPP-expressing neurons frequently co-express these interneuron markers to different proportions. We conclude that these neurons differentially contribute to deficits in young Tg2576 mice before the onset of Abeta plaque pathology. The detailed analysis of distinct brain region and neuron type-specific APP transgene expression patterns is indispensable to understand particular pathological features and mouse line-specific differences in neuronal and systemic functions

    "Tufted angiomas" im Kopf-Hals-Bereich

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    Einleitung: Büschelartige Hämangiome (tufted angiomas) sind seltene, gutartige, vaskuläre Tumoren. Sie sind eine Unterform des lobulären, kapillären Hämangioms, die meistens in der Kutis und Subkutis lokalisiert sind. Dies ist die erste Studie, die einen 5-Jahres-Erfahrungsbericht einer der größten Universitätskliniken Europas und einen Überblick über aktuelle Literatur darbietet. Methoden: Wir führten eine ICD-10-basierte Datenbankrecherche über den Zeitraum 10/10 - 10/15 im SAP der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin durch. Es erfolgte zusätzlich eine selektive Literaturrecherche auf MEDLINE via Pubmed. Ausschlusskriterien waren eine ausschließlich dermatologische Manifestation und Prädilektionsstellen sowie "tufted angiomas", die nicht im Kopf-Hals-Bereich lagen. Ergebnisse: "Tufted angiomas" des Kopf-Hals-Bereiches betrafen vor allem Männer (72,7%), das durchschnittliche Patientenalter lag bei 36,8 (12-73) Jahren, die durchschnittliche Größe der Hämangiome war 15,0 mm (1-45). In 10/11 Fällen war die chirurgische Exzision die Therapie der Wahl. In unserer Klinik wurde ein männlicher Patient mit einer dolenten Raumforderung der linken Orbita behandelt, welche nach computertomografischer Diagnostik in Vollnarkose über einen transkutanen Zugang chirurgisch exzidiert wurde. Die histologische Untersuchung ergab ein büschelartiges Hämangiom mit dem typischen "cannonball" Muster. Das Follow-up wird ausführlich dargestellt.Schlussfolgerung: "Tufted angiomas" sollten bei vaskulären Tumoren im Kopf- und Halsbereich in die differenzialdiagnostischen Überlegungen einbezogen werden. Bei symptomatischen Fällen stellt die chirurgische Exzision die Therapie der Wahl dar.Der Erstautor gibt keinen Interessenkonflikt an

    Defined astrocytic expression of human amyloid precursorprotein in Tg2576 mouse brain

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    Transgenic Tg2576 mice expressing human amyloid precursor protein (hAPP) with the Swedish mutation are among the most frequently used animal models to study the amyloid pathology related to Alzheimer's disease (AD). The transgene expression in this model is considered to be neuron‐specific. Using a novel hAPP‐specific antibody in combination with cell type‐specific markers for double immunofluorescent labelings and laser scanning microscopy, we here report that—in addition to neurons throughout the brain—astrocytes in the corpus callosum and to a lesser extent in neocortex express hAPP. This astrocytic hAPP expression is already detectable in young Tg2576 mice before the onset of amyloid pathology and still present in aged Tg2576 mice with robust amyloid pathology in neocortex, hippocampus, and corpus callosum. Surprisingly, hAPP immunoreactivity in cortex is restricted to resting astrocytes distant from amyloid plaques but absent from reactive astrocytes in close proximity to amyloid plaques. In contrast, neither microglial cells nor oligodendrocytes of young or aged Tg2576 mice display hAPP labeling. The astrocytic expression of hAPP is substantiated by the analyses of hAPP mRNA and protein expression in primary cultures derived from Tg2576 offspring. We conclude that astrocytes, in particular in corpus callosum, may contribute to amyloid pathology in Tg2576 mice and thus mimic this aspect of AD pathology

    ADAM10 is the physiologically relevant, constitutive α-secretase of the amyloid precursor protein in primary neurons

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    An important mechanism that prevents the formation of the Alzheimer's disease amyloid-â peptide is the constitutive cleavage of amyloid precursor protein (APP) by á-secretase, a metalloprotease of the ADAM family whose molecular identity is still controversial. Here, Stefan Lichtenthaler's laboratory resolves this controversy and identifies ADAM10 as the physiologically relevant, constitutive á-secretase of APP

    QUINT: Workflow for quantification and spatial analysis of features in histological images from rodent brain

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    Transgenic animal models are invaluable research tools for elucidating the pathways and mechanisms involved in the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Mechanistic clues can be revealed by applying labelling techniques such as immunohistochemistry or in situ hybridisation to brain tissue sections. Precision in both assigning anatomical location to the sections and quantifying labelled features is crucial for output validity, with a stereological approach or image-based feature extraction typically used. However, both approaches are restricted by the need to manually delineate anatomical regions. To circumvent this limitation, we present the QUINT workflow for quantification and spatial analysis of labelling in series of rodent brain section images based on available 3D reference atlases. The workflow is semi-automated, combining three open source software that can be operated without scripting knowledge, making it accessible to most researchers. As an example, a brain region-specific quantification of amyloid plaques across whole transgenic Tg2576 mouse brain series, immunohistochemically labelled for three amyloid-related antigens is demonstrated. First, the whole brain image series were registered to the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas to produce customised atlas maps adapted to match the cutting plan and proportions of the sections (QuickNII software). Second, the labelling was segmented from the original images by the Random Forest Algorithm for supervised classification (ilastik software). Finally, the segmented images and atlas maps were used to generate plaque quantifications for each region in the reference atlas (Nutil software). The method yielded comparable results to manual delineations and to the output of a stereological method. While the use case demonstrates the QUINT workflow for quantification of amyloid plaques only, the workflow is suited to all mouse or rat brain series with labelling that is visually distinct from the background, for example for the quantification of cells or labelled proteins