The transcription factor YBX1 can act as a mediator of signals transmitted via
the EGFR–RAS–MAPK axis. YBX1 expression has been associated with tumor
progression and prognosis in multiple types of cancer. Immunohistochemical
studies have revealed dependency between YBX1 expression and individual EGFR
family members. We analyzed YBX1 and EGFR family proteins in a colorectal
cancer (CRC) cohort and provide functional analyses of YBX1 in the context of
EGFR–RAS–MAPK signaling. Immunohistochemistry for YBX1 and EGFR family
receptors with two antibodies for YBX1 and EGFR were performed and related to
clinicopathological data. We employed Caco2 cells expressing an inducible
KRASV12 gene to determine effects on localization and levels of YBX1. Mouse
xenografts of Caco2-KRASV12 cells were used to determine YBX1 dynamics in a
tissue context. The two different antibodies against YBX1 showed discordant
immunohistochemical stainings in cell culture and clinical specimens.
Expression of YBX1 and EGFR family members were not correlated in CRC.
Analysis of Caco2 xenografts displayed again heterogeneity of YBX1 staining
with both antibodies. Our results suggest that YBX1 is controlled via complex
regulatory mechanisms involving tumor stroma interaction and signal
transduction processes. Our study highlights that YBX1 antibodies have
different specificities, advocating their use in a combined manner