5,343 research outputs found

    An experimental investigation of internal area ruling for transonic and supersonic channel flow

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    A simulated transonic rotor channel model was examined experimentally to verify the flow physics of internal area ruling. Pressure measurements were performed in the high speed wind tunnel at transonic speeds with Mach 1.5 and Mach 2 nozzle blocks to get an indication of the approximate shock losses. The results showed a reduction in losses due to internal area ruling with the Mach 1.5 nozzle blocks. The reduction in total loss coefficient was of the order of 17 percent for a high blockage model and 7 percent for a cut-down model

    Syntax circuitry: a mobile game for practicing programming language syntax

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    According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [1], computer science professions are among the fastest growing occupations in the U.S., and computer science occupations will add more than half a million new jobs in the next ten years. A similar need for computer professionals is expected in Kazakhstan. Simultaneously, universities in the U.S. and worldwide are seeing poor retention rates in computer science, a major reason being that students often view the early courses in the subject as uninteresting and dull [2]. Game-based learning is one of many techniques proposed to address this issue [2,3,4,5]. We have developed a mobile game that provides an engaging way for students to practice (not learn) the basic syntax of C, C++ and Java (since these languages share the same syntax for basic constructs like declarations, selection and iteration). Learning programming language syntax is a tedious process. Practicing by programming is, of course, ideal, but we believe that a game which is fun to play in their spare time will help students get used to distinguishing correct syntactical constructs quickly

    Prediction of biomass ash fusion behaviour by the use of detailed characterization methods coupled with thermodynamic analysis.

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    Ash deposition such as slagging and fouling on boiler tube surfaces is an inevitable, though undesirable consequence of burning solid fuels in boilers. The role of fuel characteristics, in affecting the form and severity of the problem, is significant. In recent years, biomass fuels have gained increasing popularity as an environmentally friendly source of energy in power plants all over the world. This study is based on characterising the fusion behaviour of four biomass fuels (pine wood, peanut shells, sunflower stalk and miscanthus) using ash fusion temperature (AFT) tests, simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) of fuel ashes, calculation of empirical indices and predicting ash melting behaviour with the help of thermodynamic equilibrium calculations. The AFT results failed to show any clear trend between fusion temperature and high alkali content of biomass. STA proved useful in predicting the different changes occurring in the ash. Empirical indices predicted high slagging and fouling hazards for nearly all the biomass samples and this was supported by the possible existence of a melt phase at low temperatures as predicted by thermodynamic calculations

    In Vitro Antioxidant and In Vivo Hepatoprotective Activity of Leave Extract of Raphanus Sativus in Rats Using CCL4 Model

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    Background: Raphanus sativus is reported to have a variety of biological activities. This work screened the hepato-protective and antioxidant activity of ethanol (ERS), and aqueous (ARS), extracts of leaves of Raphanus sativus in Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), model in rats.Material and Methods: The extracts were subjected to antioxidant tests (Total reducing power and Total phenolic content), and preliminary phytochemical screening. A pilot study was done on 100 and 300 mg/kg extracts, form which 300 mg was chosen for further experiments. The albino rats (200-250 grams), were divided into 5 groups of 6 animals each (n=6). There were three control groups comprising of normal control (normal saline -1ml/kg), negative control group (CCl4 1ml/kg in olive oil in a ratio of 1:1 v/v), and positive control group (Silymarin 50mg/kg). The Test drugs were given in a dose of 300 mg/kg for both ERS and ARS extract for 7 days. Biochemical parameters (AST, ALT, Alkaline phosphatase, Total Bilirubin), histo-pathological examination of liver and in vivo antioxidant tests [CAT, GSH and MDA] were done.Results: The phytochemical study showed the presence of flavanoids, terpenoids, alkaloids, saponins and sterols. A dose dependent increase in the oxidative potential was observed in both the extracts with total phenolic content 70.1 and 44.4 GAE/g extract for ERS and ARS respectively. ERS 300mg/kg showed a significant (p<0.001) increase in levels of AST, ALT and alkaline phosphatase as compared to negative control (percentage hepatoprotection =45.3%) while ARS 300 mg/kg (p<.01) group showed 30% hepatoprotection. The GSH (p<0.001) and CAT (p<0.05) in ERS and ARS were significantly increased while MDA levels were decreased (P< 0.01), as compared negative control. The findings were confirmed histo-pathological examination.Conclusion: The ethanol and aqueous extract of Raphanus sativus have partial hepatoprotection against CCl4 toxicity.Key words: Raphanus sativus, hepatoprotection, CCl4, antioxidant

    Malicious User Attack in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Signal detection in cognitive radio network (CRN) is influenced by several factors. One of them is malicious user that emulate primary user (PU) signal. Emulation of PU signal causes detection error. This paper investigates the impact of malicious user attack to PU signal detection. A number of malicious users are randomly deployed around secondary user (SU) at a certain distance. They attempt to attack primary signal detection that is transmitted from 100 km to SU receiver. Then, the received signal power at secondary receiver and the performance of probability of false alarm and probability of miss detection under two hypothesis of Neyman Pearson criterion are studied. The derived results show that a number of malicious users has a significant impact to the performance of received power at SU and detection error rate

    Impact of Treatment Response Metrics on Photodynamic Therapy Planning and Outcomes in a Three-Dimensional Model of Ovarian Cancer

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    Common methods to characterize treatment efficacy based on morphological imaging may misrepresent outcomes and exclude effective therapies. Using a three-dimensional model of ovarian cancer, two functional treatment response metrics are used to evaluate photodynamic therapy (PDT) efficacy: total volume, calculated from viable and nonviable cells, and live volume, calculated from viable cells. The utility of these volume-based metrics is corroborated using independent reporters of photodynamic activity: viability, a common fluorescence-based ratiometric analysis, and photosensitizer photobleaching, which is characterized by a loss of fluorescence due in part to the production of reactive species during PDT. Live volume correlated with both photobleaching and viability, suggesting that it was a better reporter of PDT efficacy than total volume, which did not correlate with either metric. Based on these findings, live volume and viability are used to probe the susceptibilities of tumor populations to a range of PDT dose parameters administered using 0.25, 1, and 10 μM benzoporphyrin derivative (BPD). PDT with 0.25 μM BPD produces the most significant reduction in live volume and viability and mediates a substantial shift toward small nodules. Increasingly sophisticated bioengineered models may complement current treatment planning approaches and provide unique opportunities to critically evaluate key parameters including metrics of therapeutic response

    魚類におけるスクワレンおよびコレステロールの生合成 : I. アセテートのとり込みに関するin vitroの研究

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    アセテート-1-14Cからのスクワレンおよびコレステロールの生合成に関し,コイの肝膵臓,ニジマス肝臓およびマウス肝臓のホモジネート上澄液を用いて研究した.補酵素ATP,NAD,NADPおよびNADPHを添加し,30℃で好気的・嫌気的条件下に培養を行なった. アセテートの総脂質中へのとり込みは,ニジマス標品を用いた場合は非常に活潑で,コイ標品でもかなりな程度行なわれたが,マウス標品では著しく低い結果を得た.コイおよびニジマスで代表される魚類標品での脂肪酸合成はステロール合成を凌駕していたが,マウス標品では逆にコレステロール合成が優れていた. 一般的に魚類におけるコレステロール合成に関する補酵素要求性は陸上動物のそれとあまり相違してはいない. スクワレンからコレステロールへの閉環に関し要求される補助因子の一つとして,好気的条件下の合成にみられたように,分子状酸素が重要に作用する.さらに,深海産のサメ肝油中にみられる異常な程の大量なスクワレンとそれ程でもないコレステロールの含量に関して考察を加えた.The biosynthesis of squalene and cholesterol from acetate-1-14C has been studied in the homogenate supernatant of carp hepatopancreas, rainbow trout liver and mouse liver. The incubation was carried out with the addition of ATP, NAD, NADP and NADPH at 30℃ for certain periods of time under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. It was shown that the incorporation of acetate-l-14C into the total lipids was very active in the preparation of rainbow trout liver, less active in carp hepatopancreas, and low in mouse liver. In the fish preparation represented by carp and rainbow trout, the de novo synthesis of the fatty acids exceeds of the sterols. On the contrary, the cholesterogenesis surpasses the lipogenesis in the mouse liver preparation. In general, the coenzyme requirements for the cholesterol synthesis in the fish are not markedly different from those needed by land animals. As one of the cofactors required for the cyclization of squalene to lanosterol, the molecular oxygen is very important as shown in the case of aerobic condition. Moreover, it was discussed why certain deep sea sharks contain extraordinarily high amounts of squalene and little cholesterol in their liver oils.This work was partly supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education to the senior author (M.K., Title No. 86574)