7 research outputs found

    Pre- and Post-Conference Practices Amongst Nursing Students During Clinical Practice: A Literature Review

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    A conference is a team meeting which is undertaken by nursing staff at every shift change. The conference is conducted before (pre-conference) or after (post-conference) handover. The implementation of this conference has an impact on student skills in reporting plans and results of nursing care during shift changes. This study seeks to acquire an overview of the implementation of pre-conference and post-conference practices by nursing students in clinical practice. This research is a literature review study with five articles. Article ratings are measured using the JBI (The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Tools) format. The literature review was conducted using one database (Google Scholar) for previous studies published in the last 10 years (2010–2020). Of the five articles included in this study, one concluded the discussion pre-conference badly, two concluded the pre-conference was not optimal, and two articles concluded the pre-conference processes were acceptable. For the results obtained in post-conference research, one article did not explain explicitly about the implementation of the post-conference procedures, one concluded that the implementation of the post-conference was not optimal, one concluded that the implementation of the post-conference was quite optimal, and two articles concluded that the post-conference procedures were quite good. It is hoped that the results of this literature review can provide education and information for students, science, educational institutions related to the implementation of the method conference. Nursing students are advised to hold conferences accordingly with standard operating procedures (SOP) for good implementation results   Keywords: Nursing Student, conference, clinical practic


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat instrumen diagnostik two-tier yang dapat mendeteksi miskonsepsi siswa tentang materi segitiga dan segiempat. Metode deskriptif digunakan untuk membuat instrumen dari bahan segitiga, sedangkan metode RD digunakan untuk membuat instrumen dari bahan segi empat. Validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen diagnostik two-tier dievaluasi. Uji validitas instrumen menunjukkan bahwa 8 soal dari 10 soal materi segitiga dan 7 soal dari 10 soal materi segi empat dinyatakan valid. Instrumen tersebut kemudian diujicobakan pada siswa SMP kelas tujuh dan delapan. Hasil tes dianalisis dan ditafsirkan untuk mengidentifikasi kesalahpahaman. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian ini, miskonsepsi siswa tentang materi segitiga antara lain mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis segitiga berdasarkan panjang sisi dan besar sudut, serta menentukan tinggi segitiga yang menyebabkan mereka salah menghitung luas segitiga. Kesalahpahaman tentang materi segi empat di kalangan siswa termasuk indikator teoritis untuk mendefinisikan segiempat dan jajaran genjang

    Problems, Solutions, and Expectations: 6C Integration of 21 st Century Education into Learning Mathematics

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    21st century education requires the integration of six competencies (6C) into the classroom. Because it is important to equip students with better skills. This survey examines the problems faced by mathematics teachers in integrating 21st century pedagogic 6Cs into integrated mathematics skills, and solutions to overcome these problems. This qualitative study collected data through questionnaires from 15 mathematics teachers spread across eight different schools. As a result, low student motivation, difficulties in integrating several skills, difficulties in time management, lack of understanding of student concepts, and difficulties in making lesson plans, as well as limited teaching materials. To overcome this problem, we integrate ideas based on providing videos (it's much better if you use/design videos yourself to suit the characteristics and interests of students), group work, providing private discussion rooms by watshapp, providing short material summaries with narration so that language is easy for students to understand, use timers to manage time, and ask for references and exchanges. Make lesson plans with other teachers

    The Effectiveness of Independent Learning on Student Mathematical Learning Outcomes in Online Learning

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    Learning independence is something that plays a very important role in improving student learning outcomes, so that both educators and other parties must pay attention to the learning independence possessed by students. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of student learning independence on learning outcomes in online learning. The method used in this research is SLR (Systematic Literature Review). In this study identification, assessment, and description of the results of the research will be carried out. In this study the researcher will review and systematically identify articles/journals which at each stage are in accordance with what has been determined. Data was collected through documenting journals obtained in literature studies. The number of journals reviewed by researchers is 10 accredited national journals related to the chosen theme, sourced from Google Scholar and Mendeley. These journals are selected based on certain criteria to obtain relevant data. These criteria include (1) there is the name of the author, (2) there is a research title, and (3) Relevant. Based on the literature review that has been done, that student learning independence has an important role in improving learning outcomes, especially in today's online learning. Learning independence has a positive influence on student learning outcomes in online learning.Kemandirian belajar merupakan hal yang sangat berperan dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, sehingga baik pendidik maupun pihak lain harus memperhatikan kemandirian belajar yang dimiliki oleh siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan kemandirian belajar siswa terhadap hasil belajar pada pembelajaran daring. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah SLR (Systematic Literature Review). Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan identifikasi, penilaian, dan deskripsi hasil penelitian. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti akan mereview dan mengidentifikasi secara sistematis artikel/jurnal yang pada setiap tahapannya sesuai dengan yang telah ditentukan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mendokumentasikan jurnal yang diperoleh dari studi literatur. Jumlah jurnal yang direview oleh peneliti adalah 10 jurnal nasional terakreditasi terkait tema yang dipilih, bersumber dari Google Scholar dan Mendeley. Jurnal-jurnal tersebut dipilih berdasarkan kriteria tertentu untuk mendapatkan data yang relevan. Kriteria tersebut meliputi (1) ada nama penulis, (2) ada judul penelitian, dan (3) relevan. Berdasarkan kajian pustaka yang telah dilakukan, bahwa kemandirian belajar siswa memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar, khususnya dalam pembelajaran daring saat ini. Kemandirian belajar berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran darin


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    The ability to think critically in mathematics is one of the thinking skills needed by students to obtain a problem-solving procedure and to find logical results, especially when facing developments in the 21st century. One of them is by implementing cooperative learning assisted by liveworksheets. The purpose of this study was to determine students' critical thinking skills in the implementation of cooperative learning assisted by liveworksheets. This research uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The subjects of the study were 30 students in class VIII-I. Research instruments in the form of lesson plans, observation sheets, tests, and interviews. Data collection techniques using observation, tests, and interviews. The results showed that the student's critical thinking skills were mostly 72.36%, including the high category and the level of students' activeness in learning mathematics was 82.1

    Pre- and Post-Conference Practices Amongst Nursing Students During Clinical Practice: A Literature Review

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    A conference is a team meeting which is undertaken by nursing staff at every shift change. The conference is conducted before (pre-conference) or after (post-conference) handover. The implementation of this conference has an impact on student skills in reporting plans and results of nursing care during shift changes. This study seeks to acquire an overview of the implementation of pre-conference and post-conference practices by nursing students in clinical practice. This research is a literature review study with five articles. Article ratings are measured using the JBI (The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Tools) format. The literature review was conducted using one database (Google Scholar) for previous studies published in the last 10 years (2010–2020). Of the five articles included in this study, one concluded the discussion pre-conference badly, two concluded the pre-conference was not optimal, and two articles concluded the pre-conference processes were acceptable. For the results obtained in post-conference research, one article did not explain explicitly about the implementation of the post-conference procedures, one concluded that the implementation of the post-conference was not optimal, one concluded that the implementation of the post-conference was quite optimal, and two articles concluded that the post-conference procedures were quite good. It is hoped that the results of this literature review can provide education and information for students, science, educational institutions related to the implementation of the method conference. Nursing students are advised to hold conferences accordingly with standard operating procedures (SOP) for good implementation results   Keywords: Nursing Student, conference, clinical practic