11 research outputs found


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    This study aims to discuss “Links in Journey of Idea to Productin Creative Writingâ€. The study explores influencing elements in creative writing process up to be a literary work as a masterpiece. Methods of the study consist of qualitative design in explaining discourse, library research in collecting data, and causal approach in answering the problem statement that is how and why creative writing can promote local culture. Units of analysis cover the factors in the elements building the literary work as the product of creative writing conducted by author. Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees the author from the mass identity he or she seesall around. In the end, he or she will write not to be outlaw hero of some under culture but mainly to save him or herself, to survive as individuals. Furthermore, creative writing is anything in which the purpose is to express thoughts, feelings and emotions rather than to simply convey information.Keywords: journey, creative writing, literary work, autho


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    This paper’s title is Trinities in Discovering Meaning on Literature aiming to discuss Instructional Scheme on Literary Studies. Methods of the study consist of qualitative design in explaining discourse, library research in collecting data, and problem-based approach in answering the problem statements, the three-substances of which are significant to English teaching on literary studies. Literary studies are the humanistic studies of literature and literary research is the final project for the students who are going to complete their study at notably English Literature Study Programs. Their final project must compose scientific written report. It is in the form of writing literary analysis. The most significant point to emphasize is that literary analysis is an argument about a literary work and that whatever recommendations are made throughout the interpretation from the need to write persuasively about a clear, scientific, and debatable thesis. The writing on literary analysis is getting branched out being up to date in any academic atmosphere, of course, in line with the development of theory, history, and criticism on literature. This article is an alternative way for instructional manuscript blending theoretical or conceptual ideas with practical ideas about an alternative pedagogy in the area of English literary studies teaching and research. It is designed to help teachers specialized in literature introducing the writing literary analysis to their students. I deliver this article because I am sure that the trinities in the science of literature must be comprehended by the teachers before they transmit it in the classroom activities in teaching English Literary Studies. The term “Trinities†above is going to be explained in a discussion.Keywords: trinities, literature, instructional scheme, literary studie


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    Abstrak  Muatan Budaya dalam Produk Menulis Kreatif dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas muatan budaya dalam produk menulis kreatif dalam pemahaman bagaimana budaya lokal dapat dipromosikan melalui menulis kreatif. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi unsur-unsur yang berpengaruh dalam proses penulisan kreatif hingga menjadi sebuah karya sastra sebagai sebuah karya utama. Metode penelitian ini berupa desain kualitatif dalam menjelaskan wacana, penelitian kepustakaan dalam mengumpulkan data, dan pendekatan kasual dalam menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yaitu bagaimana dan mengapa menulis kreatif dapat mempromosikan budaya lokal. Analisis unit meliputi faktor dalam unsur-unsur yang membangun karya sastra sebagai produk dari menulis kreatif yang dilakukan oleh penulis. Menulis adalah betuk kebebasan pribadi. Hal ini membebaskan penulis dari identitas massa yang dia lihat di sekitarnya. Pada akhirnya, ia akan menulis tidak untuk menjadi pahlawan penjahat bagi sebagian orang di suatu budaya tetapi terutama untuk menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri, untuk bertahan hidup sebagai individu. Rangkaian analisis dilakukan untuk mendapatkan penjelasan bagaimana budaya lokal dapat dipromosikan melalui menulis kreatif didasarkan pada dua subjek, yaitu penulis sebagai pencipta tulisan kreatif dan karya sastra sebagai produk dari menulis kreatif.Kata kunci: revelancy, culture, creative writing, literary work, author Abstract Culture Content in Creative Writing Product in English Learning. This study aims to discuss culture content in creative writing product as an understanding how local cultures can be promoted through creative writing. The study explores influencing elements in creative writing process up to be a literary work as a masterpiece. Methods of the study consist of qualitative design in explaining discourse, library research in collecting data, and casual approach in answering the problem statement that is how and why creative writing can promote local culture. Units of analysis cover the factors in the elements building the literary work as the product of creative writing conducted by author. Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees the author from the mass identity he or she sees all around. In the end, he or she will write not to be outlaw hero of some under culture but mainly to save him or herself, to survive as individuals. The work is directly or indirectly related to the universe inclusive of man, material things, events and ideas. The reader somes as the final element. The series of analysis is conducted to find out the explanation how local cultures can be promoted through creative writing based on two subjects; the author as the creator of creative writing and the literary work as the product of creative writing.Keywords: revelancy, culture, creative writing, literary work, autho

    Actantial Models in the Owl and the Pussy-cat: A Narrative Scheme on Poem

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    The study entitled "Actantial Model in The Owl and The Pussy Cat by Edward Lear: A Narrative Scheme on Poem " revealed a narration scheme to find out three models in narration text, namely the function model, action model, and narration model realized in the poem. The approach used to solve the problem is a structuralism approach by using Greimas' Actant theoretical base. The method of data collection in this study is objective literary research. Presentation of data processing is a report using the qualitative description design. The benefits of this study are expected to be one of the developments in literary studies, especially the study of poetic literary works for future students, teachers, researchers and literary critics. The results of this study are the discussion of narration schemes, which consist of the functional model, action model, and narration model of the poem


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    This paper entitled “Keterperjaraan Pikiran sebagai Comfort Zone dan Ketakutan Perubahan sebagai Mental Block yang Tercermin dalam Novel ‘The Cave’ Karya Jose Saramago†emerges primary signifier representing other signs, and dimension relationship of syntagm and paradigm realized in the novel “The Caveâ€. Theapproaches used to solve the problem are intrinsic and semiotic approaches. The methods of data collecting are library research and documentation. The presentation of data processing result is descriptive research report. The result this paper is solution from signification analysis consisting of the significance of the sign “Goaâ€as icon, index, and symbol and the scheme of syntagm and paradigm dimension relationship and their significance. Seen from the relationship, writer finds the message in story that is two matters which sometime cannot go together; those are tradition and modernization, because during civilized historical journey of human being, the modernization often breaks the tradition. The challenge is how to make them coexisting and accepting each other. Modernization or become modern will be able to be accepted and can become the change for the world if sustained by tradition, moreover, if the tradition has been owned and has grown on its nation.Keywords: primary signifier, icon, index, symbol, paradigm, syntagm


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    This research is entitled "Use of Web-Based Poetic Device Tools as a Learning Media for Creative Writing of English Poetry" The benefits of this research are both theoretical and practical. Theoretically, this study can be used to learn more about how to teach English poetry and creative writing using Web-Based Poetic Device Tools. Practically, to develop abilities in the use of Web-Based Poetic Device Tools as a medium for original English poem creation. The urgency of the research's findings will be able to expand the use of English poetry tool sites in general E-Learning implementation and can enhance the language industry, particularly innovative English poetry composing. The method of this research is Research and Development used to produce certain products, Models for Creative Writing of English Poetry Using Web-Based Poetic Device Tools and Simulation of the effectiveness of these products. The concept of scientific knowledge of poetry and poetry writing, the recognition and application of the use of web-based online poetic tools, the model, method, and steps of web-based poetic device tools in poetry writing, and English poetry writing simulation are the four findings that will be discussed in detail in the discussion

    Michael Riffaterre’s Semiotics on William Shakespeare’s A Madrigal (A Semiotic Analysis on Poetry)

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    AbstractThis study is entitled “Michael Riffater's Semiotics on William Shakespeare's A Madrigal (A Structural and Semiotics Criticism on Poetry)”. The purpose of this study is to find out what aspects of Michael Riffaterre's semiotics are composed in William Shakespeare's A Madrigal poem. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to describe the semiotic aspects, and library research to collect data. In order to achieve the objectivity of this study, the literary study approach used is  structural and semiotic approach. The structural approach directs the description of aspects of the physical appearance and the semiotic approach limits the description of the semiotic aspects in William Shakespeare's A Madrigal. The results of the study show that there are four aspects and their sub-aspects found in William Shakespeare's A Madrigal. The first aspect is the result of Heuristic and Hermeneutic readings and there are three sub-aspects found, namely Syntax Extraction, Morphological Change, and Normative and Semantic Forms. The second aspect is Indirect Expression including three sub-aspects that are found, namely Shifting Meaning, Distorting Meaning, and Creating Meanings. The third aspect is Matrix, Variants and Models. The fourth aspect is Potential and Actual Hypogram.Keywords: Semiotics; Michael Riffatere; Mandriga

    The Pragmatics of AIN’T within Academic and Social Context

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    This paper has explored the form, the meaning, and the function of the contraction AIN’T, with the corpus data retrieved from English-affiliated URLs or Websites (web-data), through interpretive techniques and a coding analysis. The utterance AIN’T belongs to non-standard or informal English, which represents or is derived from the forms AM NOT, IS NOT, ARE NOT, HAS NOT, HAVE NOT, DO NOT, DOES NOT, DID NOT, and the others. The meaning of AIN’T implies different aspects, i.e. informality, topic area, low social class, emphasis, and content. The utterance AIN’T is part of close language, or is used for close people for friendship or camaraderie. AIN’T belongs to informal utterances, as it is incomplete, shorter, cut-down (or contracted) from other forms. The utterance AIN’T should be taught academically in classrooms or other teaching and learning encounters as informal language with its various derived constructions, and students or learners should be made aware that AIN’T is part of close language which is used to close people for friendship or camaraderie within interpersonal or social context. Use of AIN’T to not close people or superiors or others in a formal situation may lead to a rude situation, and a probable disharmony entails.        Keywords: pragmatics; politeness; camaraderie; informal English; AIN’T

    Model Pendidikan Keluarga Bagi Wanita Lokal Istri Ekspatriat dalam Menanamkan Nilai Budaya Lokal dan Nilai Positif Budaya Asing pada Anak

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    Makalah yang membahas model pendidikan keluarga bagi wanita lokal istri ekspatriat dalam menanamkan nilai budaya lokal dan nilai budaya asing pada anak ini merupakan hasil penelitian kualitatif ethnografis. Paradigma kualitatif ethnografis digunakan untuk mendapatkan gambaran fenomena pendidikan keluarga wanita lokal Indonesia yang bersuamikan ekspatriat secara alamiah dan sesuai dengan latar tempat dan budayanya dan digunakan untuk mendapatkan deskripsi menyeluruh tentang cara wanita lokal istri ekspatriat memberikan pendidikan keluarga kepada anak serta melihat cara pandang dan bertindak masyarakat sesuai dengan kondisi tempat mereka, melalui pengamatan dan wawancara yang mendetil. Hasil penelitian adalah rancangan model pendidikan keluarga bagi wanita lokal istri ekspatriat untuk menanamkan nilai budaya lokal dan nilai positif budaya asing pada anak adalah model konseptual dan model prosedural. Model konseptual merupakan deskripsi verbal sebuah pandangan atas realitas. Model ini bersifat deskriptif yang mendeskripsikan peristiwa relevan berdasarkan proses deduktif dari logika atau analisis dan juga kesimpulan dari observasi. Model prosedural berbentuk preskriptif yang didefinisikan dengan aturan yang jelas tentang kegiatan-kegiatan,tindakan, tugas, dan hasil kerja yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan softskill berkualitas tinggi