98 research outputs found


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    The research theme is the concept of a bank in accordance with Islamic economics. The purpose of the study was to analyze murabaha financing in Islamic banking. Research is a literature study. The object of research is the banking industry in Indonesia. To ensure that the implementation of murabahah financing is in accordance with this concept, it requires strict supervision of the Sharia Supervisory Board or the National Islamic Council, so that murabahah as sharia banking financing can be maintained and does not tarnish the image and prestige of Islamic banking so that there is no impression that Islamic banks are the same as conventional banks


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    Rice wastewater and banana peel extract contain nutrients needed by orchid plants such as carbohydrates, nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, iron, and vitamin B1. The use of these two materials as a source of fertilizer can reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers and be more environmentally friendly. This experiment aims to obtain the best frequency of watering rice wastewater and banana peel extract for Dendrobium orchid plants' vegetative and generative growth. Giving rice wastewater every 4 days has the best vegetative (plant height) and generative growth (flowering initiation) when compared with intervals every 2 and 6 days. The application of banana peel extract shows that treatment every 10 days has the best vegetative (plant height) and generative growth when compared to the treatment every 5 days and 10 days. There is no real interaction between rice wastewater and banana peel extract. Too frequent application of both rice wastewater and banana peel extract causes orchid plants to experience growth inhibition due to high moisture on media and plant surface


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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang musik Rondo yang terkait dalam penggarapan komposisi orchestra. Dengan menggagas lagu daerah Nelayan yang berasal dari Kuala Tungkal, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat, Provinsi Jambi yang digarap kedalam komposisi musik Rondo. Proses penciptaan komposisi ini menggunakan ilmu musik meliputi teknik pengembangan melodi dan beberapa penerapan teknik harmoni. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut diatas maka perlu digarap lagu nelayan ini dalam bentuk komposisi musik Rondo Ala Tungkal dengan menerapkan repetisi, sequen, canon, chord by third, polymeter, modulasi, dan beberapa pergantian tanda sukat, Dengan demikian dapat melahirkan komposisi Rondo dalam bentuk baru sebagai hasil eskplorasi dari gagasan musik nelayan sebagai salah satu pengembangan budaya masyarakat Kuala Tungkal Tanjung Jabung Barat Propinsi Jambi.


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    ABSTRACT The application of the agribusiness system in the management of seaweed business is a factor that determines the success of seaweed business. The purposes of this research: identifying the level of application of agribusiness systems in seaweed farming; analyzing the effect of the application of agribusiness systems on the income of seaweed farmers. This research was conducted in Pahunga Lodu Subdistrict, East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The methods used in this study are qualitative (descriptive) and quantitative. Qualitative Descriptive Analysis is used to identify the level of the application of agribusiness systems in seaweed farming. Quantitative analysis with path analysis is used to analyze the effect of the application of agribusiness systems, namely the upstream sub-system, on farm sub-system, harvest and post-harvest sub-system, and marketing sub-system on the amount of production and its impact on the seaweed farmers’ income. The results showed that the application of the agribusiness system in the upstream agribusiness sub-system, the on farm agribusiness sub-system and the harvesting and post-harvest agribusiness sub-systems were carried out very well, while the marketing agribusiness sub-system had not been done well. Upstream agribusiness sub-system, harvest and post-harvest agribusiness have a significant effect on the amount of production, while the on farm agribusiness sub-system does not significantly affect the amount of production. The marketing agribusiness subsystem and the amount of production have a significant effect on the income of seaweed farmers. KEY WORDS Agribusiness system, seaweed farming, production, farmers’ income

    Pengaruh Personality dan Gender Terhadap Wawasan Lingkungan

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    Personality is the human nature that dynamic to respond and react and interact relatively stable with other people or the environment in accordance with the underlying dimensions of personality that is conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, extraversion in order to achieve personal goals. Gender is equity in the opportunity to actively participate in social programs based on gender differences factor. This means that the gender variable divide students according to gender. The purpose of this research is to know students perspective to the environmental insights related to personality and gender. This research use method ex post facto research with ANAVA 2x2 models. The instrument used in this study is a test. A view of students to the environment that are constructed in the human mind then reflected became the basis for interacting with the environment and action to the environment.. Male and female student have diversity of looking at the surrounding environment so that environmental insight of students who have a high personality better than the environment insight students have low personality Personaliti adalah sifat-sifat seseorang yg dinamis dalam merespon dan bereaksi serta berinteraksi yang relatif stabil dengan orang lain atau lingkungannya sesuai dengan dimensi yang mendasari kepribadian yaitu conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, extraversion dalam rangka mencapai tujuan pribadi. Gender adalah kesetaraan dalam memperoleh kesempatan untuk berperan aktif dalam program sosial berdasarkan faktor perbedaan jenis kelamin. Hal ini berarti bahwa variabel gender membagi siswa menurut jenis kelamin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tetang cara pandang terhadap wawasan lingkungan yang berkaitan dengan personality dan gender. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian ex post facto dengan model ANAVA 2x2. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes . Siswa pria maupun wanita memiliki keragaman dalam memandang lingkungan sekitarnya sehingga wawasan lingkungan siswa yang berpersonality tinggi lebih baik dari pada wawasan lingkungan berpersonality rendah dan wasawasan lingkungan pria lebih baik dari pada wanita

    Uji Efikasi Ekstrak Daun Mengkudu, Kemangi dan Jambu Biji dalam Menghambat Pertumbuhan Cendawan Colletotrichum gloeosporioides pada Buah Pepaya

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    Anthracnose disease is a crucial problem in the cultivation of papaya. It is caused by C.gloesporioides. one way to overcome this problem was by using natural fungicides. Some of the natural substances that have natural fungicides as their property are noni, basil, and guava. The research was conducted at the Microbiology laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Biology of Universitas Bangka Belitung January to April 2016. The research utilizes Randomized Analysis Complete Design with Factorial structure. The first factor are the extracts (E), consists of noni leaves (E1), basil leaves (E2), and guava leaves (E3). The second factor are the concentrations of the extract, consists of 0% (K0), 10% (k1), 20% (K2), 30% (K3), 40% (K4), 50%(K5), and 60% (K6). The data was analysed using analysis of variance at α 5%, with the used of SAS Program (Statistical Analytic System), if the effect was found significant, the data was further analysed using DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test). The research result showed that the extract of guava leaves at 30% concentration provided the best result in inhibiting the growth of C.gloesporioides in papaya.Penyakit antraknosa merupakan salah satu masalah penting dalam budidaya pepaya, yang disebabkan oleh C.gloesporioides. Salah satu cara penanggulangannya menggunakan fungisida nabati. Bahan alami yang mempunyai khasiat sebagai fungisida nabati adalah mengkudu, kemangi dan jambu biji. Penelitian dilakukan dilaboratorium Mikrobiologi Fakultas Pertanian, Perikanan, dan Biologi Universitas Bangka Belitung pada bulan Januari sampai April 2016. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RALF), faktor pertama ekstrak (E) yaitu ekstrak daun mengkudu (E1), kemangi (E2) dan jambu biji (E3), faktor kedua yaitu konsentrasi yaitu 0% (K0), 10% (K1), 20% (K2), 30% (K3), 40% (K4), 50% (K5) dan 60% (K6). Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis varian pada α 5% dengan menggunakan program SAS (Statistical Analitic System), jika berpengaruh nyata dilakukan uji lanjut DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak daun jambu biji konsentrasi 30% paling baik menghambat pertumbuhan C.gloesporioides pada buah pepaya

    Uji Analisis Tingkat Kematangan dan Metode Perendaman terhadap Aspek Fisik dan Kimia Lada Putih (Muntok White Pepper)

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    One of the problems an industrial pepper in Indonesia is the lower quality of production by the farmers. To overcome these problems we must have to do research to get a good technique in pepper processing and the good quality of pepper in accordance Indonesian National Standard. This research using a factorial randomized block design with three replications of two treatment factors. The first factor is physiologic mature (M) and the second factor is the soaking method (P). The research phase includes the preparation of tools and materials. Soaking pepper, cleaning the skin and stems, drying and analysis of pepper quality test. Changes observed in this research is the content of water, the level of colored pepper, and the levels of mold contamination. The result of this research shown the mature physiologically significant effect on the levels of pepper blackish in color and content of seeds lightly. Pepper levels blackish color shown on the highest passing phase that is optimum ripe 0.12% and the lower passing phase optimum ripe is 0.01%. The highest levels of seed lightly on shown at the mature phase towards optimum ripe 1.66% and the lower it show through the mature phase that is 0.71%. White pepper research results both in treatment and in the treatment of physiologically mature immersion method meet the Indonesian National Standard.Salah satu masalah perindustrian lada di Indonesia adalah rendahnya kualitas yang diproduksi oleh petani. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mendapatkan teknik yang baik dalam memproses lada dan menghasilkan kualitas lada sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak faktorial dengan tiga kali ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah matang fisiologis (M) dan faktor kedua adalah metode perendaman (P). Tahap penelitian meliputi persiapan alat dan bahan, Perendaman lada, membersihkan kulit dan batang, pengeringan dan analisis uji mutu lada. Peubaha yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah kadar air, kadar warna lada, dan tingkat kontaminasi jamur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan efek matang fisiologis memberikan pengaruh yang nyata pada kadar lada kehitam-hitaman dan biji enteng. Kadar lada kehitam-hitaman menunjukan tertinggi pada fase lewat matang optimum 0,12% dan terendah saat menjelang matang optimum 0,01%. Kadar biji enteng menunjukan tertinggi pada saat menjelang matang optimum 1,66% dan terendah pada saat lewat matang optimum 0.79%. Hasil penelitian lada putih baik dalam perlakuan metode perendaman dan perlakuan matang fisiologis untuk memenuhi Standar Nasional Indonesia

    The Amelioration of Post Tin Mining Sand Tailing Medium with Chicken Manure for Pepper Cultivation

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    Inonu I, Kusmiadi R, Yuliana A, Nurtjahya E. 2020. The amelioration of post tin mining sand tailing medium with chicken manure for pepper cultivation. Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal: Journal of Suboptimal Lands 9(1): 31-40. Pepper cultivation in tin mining sand tailings requires the amelioration of organic matter to improve soil characteristics. The paper investigates the effect of chicken manure dosage on the growth of three pepper cultivars in sand tailing medium. This study was conducted on April-August 2016 at Experiment Station of Universitas Bangka Belitung, Balunijuk Village, Bangka Island. This study was arranged in a completely randomized design with two factors and three replications. The first factor was the dosage of chicken manure (5 kg; 6 kg; 7 kg/plant). The second factor was pepper cultivars (Lampung Daun Lebar; Lampung Daun Kecil; Merapin). The. result of the analysis of variance showed that the treatment of chicken manure dosage significantly affected only on total leaf area. The treatment of pepper cultivars significantly affected the total of chlorophyll, root dry weight, and shoot dry weight. There was no interaction between chicken manure dosage and pepper cultivar. Pepper cv. Lampung Daun Lebar tends to grow better than the other cultivars in the sand tailing medium
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