1,601 research outputs found

    Does Peer Ability Affect Student Achievement?

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    Empirical analysis of peer effects on student achievement has been open to question because of the difficulties of separating peer effects from other confounding influences. While most econometric attention has been directed at issues of simultaneous determination of peer interactions, we argue that issues of omitted and mismeasured variables are likely to be more important. We control for the most important determinants of achievement that will confound peer estimates by removing student and school-by-grade fixed effects in addition to observable family and school characteristics. The analysis also addresses the reciprocal nature of peer interactions and the interpretation of estimates based upon models using past achievement as the measure of peer group quality. The results indicate that peer achievement has a positive effect on achievement growth. Moreover, students throughout the school test score distribution appear to benefit from higher achieving schoolmates. On the other hand, the variance in achievement appears to have no systematic effect.

    The Market for Teacher Quality

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    Much of education policy focuses on improving teacher quality, but most policies lack strong research support. We use student achievement gains to estimate teacher value-added, our measure of teacher quality. The analysis reveals substantial variation in the quality of instruction, most of which occurs within rather than between schools. Although teacher quality appears to be unrelated to advanced degrees or certification, experience does matter -- but only in the first year of teaching. We also find that good teachers tend to be effective with all student ability levels but that there is a positive value of matching students and teachers by race. In the second part of the analysis, we show that teachers staying in our sample of urban schools tend to be as good as or better than those who exit. Thus, the main cost of large turnover is the introduction of more first year teachers. Finally, there is little or no evidence that districts that offer higher salaries and have better working conditions attract the higher quality teachers among those who depart the central city district. The overall results have a variety of direct policy implications for the design of school accountability and the compensation of teachers.

    Dynamic magnetic response of infinite arrays of ferromagnetic particles

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    Recently developed techniques to find the eigenmodes of a ferromagnetic particle of arbitrary shape, as well as the absorption in the presence of an inhomogeneous radio-frequency field, are extended to treat infinite lattices of such particles. The method is applied to analyze the results of recent FMR experiments, and yields substantially good agreement between theory and experiment

    Continuous Neel to Bloch Transition as Thickness Increases: Statics and Dynamics

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    We analyze the properties of Neel and Bloch domain walls as a function of film thickness h, for systems where, in addition to exchange, the dipole-dipole interaction must be included. The Neel to Bloch phase transition is found to be a second order transition at hc, mediated by a single unstable mode that corresponds to oscillatory motion of the domain wall center. A uniform out-of-plane rf-field couples strongly to this critical mode only in the Neel phase. An analytical Landau theory shows that the critical mode frequency varies as the square root of (hc - h) just below the transition, as found numerically.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Data-aware conformance checking with SMT

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    Conformance checking is a key process mining task to confront the normative behavior imposed by a process model with the actual behavior recorded in a log. While this problem has been extensively studied for pure control-flow processes, data-aware conformance checking has received comparatively little attention. In this paper, we tackle the conformance checking problem for the challenging scenario of processes that combine data and control-flow dimensions. Concretely, we adopt the formalism of data Petri nets (DPNs) and show how solid, well-established automated reasoning techniques from the area of Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) can be effectively harnessed to compute conformance metrics and optimal data-aware alignments. To this end, we introduce the CoCoMoT (Computing Conformance Modulo Theories) framework, with a fourfold contribution. First, we show how SMT allows to leverage SAT-based encodings for the pure control-flow setting to the data-aware case. Second, we introduce a novel preprocessing technique based on a notion of property-preserving clustering, to speed up the computation of conformance checking outputs. Third, we show how our approach extends seamlessly to the more comprehensive conformance checking artifacts of multi- and anti-alignments. Fourth, we describe a proof-of-concept implementation based on state-of-the-art SMT solvers, and report on experiments. Finally, we discuss how CoCoMoT directly lends itself to further process mining tasks like log analysis by clustering and model repair, and the use of SMT facilitates the support of even richer multi-perspective models, where, for example, more expressive DPN guards languages are considered or generic datatypes (other than integers or reals) are employed

    Analytical and micromagnetic study of a Neel domain wall

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    Journals published by the American Physical Society can be found at http://journals.aps.org/For ferromagnets with exchange, dipolar interaction, and uniaxial anisotropy, by both analytic methods and micromagnetic simulations we study Neel domain walls in thin ferromagnetic strips of finite width. Comparison of the numerical results with the analytics yields parameter values that had been unspecified by the analytics, and determines the modifications needed to describe the magnetization both near the strip center and near the boundaries. With no uniaxial anisotropy, the domain wall center can be described by the same hyperbolic secant form as with uniaxial anisotropy, but the effective anisotropy constant must now be thought of as increasing with increasing film thickness and decreasing with increasing film width

    Ultraviolet and visible photometry of asteroid (21) Lutetia using the Hubble Space Telescope

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    The asteroid (21) Lutetia is the target of a planned close encounter by the Rosetta spacecraft in July 2010. To prepare for that flyby, Lutetia has been extensively observed by a variety of astronomical facilities. We used the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to determine the albedo of Lutetia over a wide wavelength range, extending from ~150 nm to ~700 nm. Using data from a variety of HST filters and a ground-based visible light spectrum, we employed synthetic photometry techniques to derive absolute fluxes for Lutetia. New results from ground-based measurements of Lutetia's size and shape were used to convert the absolute fluxes into albedos. We present our best model for the spectral energy distribution of Lutetia over the wavelength range 120-800 nm. There appears to be a steep drop in the albedo (by a factor of ~2) for wavelengths shorter than ~300 nm. Nevertheless, the far ultraviolet albedo of Lutetia (~10%) is considerably larger than that of typical C-chondrite material (~4%). The geometric albedo at 550 nm is 16.5 +/- 1%. Lutetia's reflectivity is not consistent with a metal-dominated surface at infrared or radar wavelengths, and its albedo at all wavelengths (UV-visibile-IR-radar) is larger than observed for typical primitive, chondritic material. We derive a relatively high FUV albedo of ~10%, a result that will be tested by observations with the Alice spectrograph during the Rosetta flyby of Lutetia in July 2010.Comment: 14 pages, 2 tables, 8 figure


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    The article is dedicated to nephrotic syndromes in children. It is not difficult to diagnose; however, numerous variants of the clinical course and different intensity of manifestations in patients pose problems when selecting either a remission-inducing or symptomatic therapy. As practice shows, proper correction of edema syndromes is especially complicated. The article reviews the main literature data on various development mechanisms of nephrotic edemata and approaches to therapeutic measures. It gives careful consideration to the method of performing infusion therapy and diuretic prescription in relation to peculiarities of the edema development mechanism and condition of renal tubulointerstitium.Статья посвящена нефротическому синдрому у детей. Диагностика не представляет сложности, однако, учитывая разные варианты течения болезни, разную выраженность проявлений у разных пациентов, возникают трудности при выборе терапии как инициирующей ремиссию, так и симптоматической. Особую сложность, как показывает практика, вызывает правильная коррекция отечного синдрома. В статье приведены основные данные литературы о различных механизмах возникновения нефротических отеков и подходы к проведению лечебных мероприятий. Подробно обсуждается методика проведения инфузионной терапии и назначения диуретика в зависимости от особенностей механизма возникновения отека и состояния тубулоинтерстиция почки.