19,207 research outputs found

    The Socioeconomic Status of Hispanic New Yorkers: Current Trends and Future Prospects

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    Presents data showing the major demographic and socioeconomic changes in the Hispanic population of New York during the 1990s. Examines the trends in income, poverty, labor force status, and other economic and demographic indicators

    A1A_1 theory of weights for rough homogeneous singular integrals and commutators

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    Quantitative A1AA_1-A_\infty estimates for rough homogeneous singular integrals TΩT_{\Omega} and commutators of BMOBMO symbols and TΩT_{\Omega} are obtained. In particular the following estimates are proved: % TΩLp(w)cn,pΩL[w]A11p[w]A1+1pfLp(w) \|T_\Omega \|_{L^p(w)}\le c_{n,p}\|\Omega\|_{L^\infty} [w]_{A_1}^{\frac{1}{p}}\,[w]_{A_{\infty}}^{1+\frac{1}{p'}}\|f\|_{L^p(w)} % and % [b,TΩ]fLp(w)cn,pbBMOΩL[w]A11p[w]A2+1pfLp(w), \| [b,T_{\Omega}]f\|_{L^{p}(w)}\leq c_{n,p}\|b\|_{BMO}\|\Omega\|_{L^{\infty}} [w]_{A_1}^{\frac{1}{p}}[w]_{A_{\infty}}^{2+\frac{1}{p'}}\|f\|_{L^{p}\left(w\right)}, % for 1<p<1<p<\infty and 1/p+1/p=11/p+1/p'=1.Comment: 19 page

    Virulence of Spanish Phytophthora nicotianae isolates towards Capsicum annuum germplasm and pathogenicity towards Lycopersicum esculentum

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    The virulence of six northwestern Spanish Phytophthora nicotianae Breda de Haan isolates towards the pepper (Capsicum annuum) cultivars commonly used for the determination of P. capsici Leonian pathotype (SCM 334, PI201234 and Yolo Wonder), was similar to that of the latter oomycete but different to that of the German reference isolate P. nicotianae 411.87. When nine local C. annuum cultivars were inoculated with a P. nicotianae isolate of well known pathogenicity, the virulence recorded was significantly different to that recorded for P. capsici. Though the average level of resistance of the northwestern Spanish Capsicum germplasm to P. nicotianae was incomplete and weaker than that recorded for the SCM 334 and PI201234 cultivars, genotypes Co 12B and Co 3.25 showed high resistance to this oomycete. None of the six northwestern Spanish P. nicotianae isolates tested were pathogenic towards Lycopersicum esculentum cv. S. Pedro, unlike P. capsici, which produced clear collar and root rot in this host

    Intentional Discipleship: Implementing a Theology of Discipleship for Spiritual Growth

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    One of the greatest needs for the church today is to equip believers to become biblically informed, fully developed disciples so that they are prepared to carry out the mission of Christ. Without fully understanding mature discipleship practices, believers cannot fulfill the Great Commission to “go, teach and baptize” to make other disciples. The failure to understand and teach these practices has led to complacency, lack of interest, and the inability to become disciples among long-term church laity. This dissertation implemented biblical discipleship teachings and practices in a local church through a Sunday School curriculum and was evaluated through participant surveys and observations. The intervention comprised teaching three-two part biblically based Sunday school lessons for six weeks, one hour each, that covered biblical, spiritual, and missional foundations for discipleship. Quantitative data was collected from pre–, and post–study focus group interviews. The study showed how teaching a theology of discipleship as a biblical mandate supported by both the Old and New Testaments that emphasizes spiritual growth as a priority for a Christian lead to an increase in knowledge and desire to participate in missional practices. It affirms the need for local churches to develop a similar theology of discipleship to be integrated into their Christian education curriculum based on biblical, spiritual, and missional principles for congregants to be equipped with disciples making disciples

    Economic perspectives for Central America after CAFTA; a GTAP-based analysis

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    Using a GTAP CGE application, we assess the main economic results of CAFTA for Central America (CA). Currently, Central America enjoys preferential access to the US market through the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI). CAFTA will consolidate and augment these concessions. Meanwhile, the agreement requires widespread opening of CA markets to US imports over time. The implementation of the ATC protocol in 2005 implies increased Chinese competition for the region in the textile and apparel sectors. CAFTA will balance for this new source of competition by allowing better access for CA textiles and apparel products, while creating large opportunities for labour market improvements and FDI inflows to Central America. If these opportunities are exploited, the region has much to gain from CAFTA. However, we also find a strong sectoral readjustment from agricultural sectors to maquila-based industries, which could create important adjustment strains.

    Methodology for determining optimized traffic light cycles based on simulation

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    In large urbanized cities, a major problem that affects the economy and health of all citizens is vehicular congestion. This is because the traffic light cycles are not adequate. In the present study, we seek to optimize traffic light cycles based on simulation, in order to improve vehicle flow. For this, the PTV Vissim 9.0 software was used as a simulator and the Synchro 10.0 software to determine the initial optimal traffic light cycle. Through several runs and having as variables the length of queues, delay times and the average speed, the optimal traffic light cycle could be found for the study area. The results obtained reflect a 14% reduction in delay times and 10% in queue lengths. On the other hand, the average vehicle speed increased by 10.56%. All this represents an improvement in the service level of the study intersections

    La Eterna Lola de las Lomas

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    Enter Lola Rodríguez de Tío life is to revive the Antilles nineteenth century. Knowing his life, writings, thoughts, letters, concerns and ideals is rummaging through the Antilles, Caribbean and American struggles of the nineteenth century unmatched.Entrar en la vida de Lola Rodríguez Tío es revivir el siglo XIX antillano. Conocer su vida, poesías, artículos periodísticos, pensamientos, cartas, dedicatorias, escritos, inquietudes e ideales es rebuscar en las luchas antillanas, caribeñas y americanas del inigualable siglo XIX