111 research outputs found

    Experiencia de marca, boca a boca electrónico y lealtad a la marca en relación a la comunidad virtual de la marca en plataformas de streaming

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    Tras el inicio de la pandemia diversos consumidores en su mayoría la gran parte de la población comenzó a consumir plataformas de streaming. Además, el objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar la influencia de las variables Experiencia de marca, boca a boca electrónico y lealtad a la marca en relación a la comunidad virtual de la marca en plataformas de streaming; con el propósito de conocer dentro la influencia que tienen las plataformas de streaming en los peruanos. Por ello, la metodología utilizada fue de la relación de 400 encuestados a través de un muestreo no probabilístico utilizando la escala de Likert adaptado al modelo de otros autores. Este estudio es de relevancia, ya que busca integrar las futuras variables las cuales son el boca a boca electrónico y la comunidad virtual de la marca en plataformas de streaming.After the start of the pandemic, various consumers, mostly the majority of the population, began to consume streaming platforms. In addition, the objective of this research is to study the influence of the variables Brand experience, electronic word of mouth and brand loyalty in relation to the brand's virtual community on streaming platforms; with the purpose of knowing the influence that streaming platforms have on Peruvians. Therefore, the methodology used was the relationship of 400 respondents through a non-probabilistic sampling using the Likert scale adapted to the model of other authors. This study is relevant, since it seeks to integrate future variables, which are electronic word of mouth and the brand's virtual community on streaming platforms.Trabajo de investigació


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    The objective is the realization of a review article about renal lithiasis, based on recent bibliographies to guide the population which is the correct and most recent approach and treatment of it. In order to carry out the research, a systematic review of scientific articles has been carried out, consulting different databases with date restrictions from 2018 onwards, in the Spanish and English languages. After the disease, understanding pathophysiological issues, as well as its natural course. In terms of prevention and public health, proper diagnosis and treatment is important according to the characteristics and location of the stone.El objetivo es la realización de un artículo de revisión acerca de la litiasis renal, basándonos en bibliografías recientes para orientar a la población cuál es el correcto y más reciente abordaje y tratamiento del mismo. Para poder llevar a cabo la investigación, se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de artículos científicos consultando diferentes bases de datos con restricción de fecha del 2018 en adelante, en los idiomas español e inglés. Tras entender la enfermedad en temas fisiopatológicos, así como su curso natural, en tema de prevención y salud pública es importante el diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuado de acuerdo a las características y ubicación del lit

    Fishing for Prion Protein Function

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    The prion protein is infamous for its role in devastating neurological diseases, but its normal, physiological function has remained mysterious. A new study uses the experimentally tractable zebrafish model to obtain fresh clues to this puzzle

    Tamizaje de cáncer de próstata: artículo de revisión

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    Prostate cancer is a serious health problem worldwide, it is the most frequent malignant neoplasm in men nationally and internationally, 90% is diagnosed in those over 65 years old and in Mexico only 9.5% of those over 60 years old have undergone any screening test. (CENETEC, 2018) In this research the topic will be extensively reviewed in order to demonstrate the importance of screening to reduce the morbidity and mortality of this pathology. A narrative review was elaborated based on literature obtained from various databases, selecting the information collected based on the importance, relevance and degree of evidence of its information. After understanding the pathophysiological aspects of the disease, as well as its natural course, in terms of prevention and public health it is important to diagnose it in early stages, especially in patients with risk factors, using well-established and studied screening methods such as prostate-specific antigen and digital rectal examination, under well-developed screening strategies, which have proven to be a fundamental part in reducing morbidity and mortality significantly around the world.El cáncer de próstata es un problema serio de salud a nivel mundial, es la neoplasia maligna más frecuente en hombres a nivel nacional e internacional, el 90% se diagnostica en mayores de 65 años y en México solo el 9.5% de los mayores de 60 años se han realizado alguna prueba de tamizaje. (CENETEC, 2018) En esta investigación se revisará de forma extensa el tema en busca de evidenciar la importancia del tamizaje para reducción de la morbimortalidad de esta patología. Se elaboró una revisión narrativa basada en literatura obtenida de diversas bases de datos, seleccionando la información recabada en base a la importancia, relevancia y grado de evidencia de su información. Tras entender la enfermedad en temas fisiopatológicos, así como su curso natural, en tema de prevención y salud pública es importante el diagnóstico en etapas temprana sobre todo en pacientes con factores de riesgo, utilizando métodos de tamizaje bien establecidos y estudiados como lo son el antígeno prostático específico y el tacto rectal, bajo estrategias de cribado bien desarrolladas, esto alrededor del mundo ha demostrado ser parte fundamental en la reducción de la morbimortalidad de forma significativa

    Sustentabilidad productiva de la instalación de sistemas silvopastoriles: una revisión sistemática basada en la realidad de Perú y Colombia

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    Most of the world's livestock is developed in open field or monoculture systems, which generates economic and environmental losses, such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity of flora and fauna, low meat and milk production, and less monetary income. Faced with this situation, there are sustainable alternatives for livestock production, which are friendly to the environment, being silvopastoral systems. That is why, in this review, it is proposed to analyze the productive sustainability of the installation of silvopastoral systems, placing greater emphasis on the floristic composition of plots with silvopastoral systems in Peru and Colombia, as a case study. The information review was based on the PRISMA statement considering inclusion and exclusion criteria. Comparisons were made of pasture production and quality, productivity of dairy and fattening cattle, social and environmental opportunities, and the floristic composition of such silvopastoral systems. The installation of silvopastoral systems increases the productive yields of pastures (dry matter, digestibility and protein), of animals such as greater milk and meat production, and greater biodiversity of forage species. In both countries it is observed that the implementation of these systems has improved opportunities for producers dedicated to livestock due to the beneficial economic, environmental and social impacts that they provide. In this sense, it is a challenge for scientists, governments and entities involved in sustainable systems to continue looking for new viable alternatives and validate them for livestock production.La mayor parte de la ganadería a nivel mundial se viene desarrollando en sistemas a campo abierto (sca) o monocultivos, la cual genera pérdidas económicas y ambientales, así como erosión de suelos, pérdida de biodiversidad de flora y fauna, baja producción de carne y leche, y menos ingresos monetarios. Frente a esta situación, existen alternativas sostenibles y sustentables de producción pecuaria que son amigables con el medioambiente, como los sistemas silvopastoriles (ssp). Por lo que, en esta revisión, se plantea analizar la sustentabilidad productiva de la instalación de ssp, al hacer un mayor énfasis en la composición florística de parcelas con ssp en Perú y Colombia, como estudio de caso. La revisión de información fue basada en la declaración Prisma, considerando criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se realizaron comparaciones de producción y calidad del pasto, productividad del ganado lechero y de engorde, oportunidades sociales y ambientales y la composición florística de tales ssp. La instalación de ssp incrementa los rendimientos productivos de los pastos (materia seca, digestibilidad y proteína) y de los animales, como mayor producción de leche y carne, y mayor biodiversidad de especies forrajeras. Además, en ambos países se observa que la implementación de estos sistemas ha mejorado las oportunidades para los productores dedicados a la ganadería, por los beneficiosos impactos económicos, ambientales y sociales que estos brindan. En ese sentido, es un reto para los científicos, gobiernos y entidades involucradas en sistemas sostenibles para seguir buscando nuevas alternativas viables y validarlas para la producción ganadera

    Regulation of Embryonic Cell Adhesion by the Prion Protein

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    Prion proteins (PrPs) are key players in fatal neurodegenerative disorders, yet their physiological functions remain unclear, as PrP knockout mice develop rather normally. We report a strong PrP loss-of-function phenotype in zebrafish embryos, characterized by the loss of embryonic cell adhesion and arrested gastrulation. Zebrafish and mouse PrP mRNAs can partially rescue this knockdown phenotype, indicating conserved PrP functions. Using zebrafish, mouse, and Drosophila cells, we show that PrP: (1) mediates Ca+2-independent homophilic cell adhesion and signaling; and (2) modulates Ca+2-dependent cell adhesion by regulating the delivery of E-cadherin to the plasma membrane. In vivo time-lapse analyses reveal that the arrested gastrulation in PrP knockdown embryos is due to deficient morphogenetic cell movements, which rely on E-cadherin–based adhesion. Cell-transplantation experiments indicate that the regulation of embryonic cell adhesion by PrP is cell-autonomous. Moreover, we find that the local accumulation of PrP at cell contact sites is concomitant with the activation of Src-related kinases, the recruitment of reggie/flotillin microdomains, and the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, consistent with a role of PrP in the modulation of cell adhesion via signaling. Altogether, our data uncover evolutionarily conserved roles of PrP in cell communication, which ultimately impinge on the stability of adherens cell junctions during embryonic development

    Consumo de botellas y vasos de plástico en desayunos carretilleros nuevas pautas de comportamiento Lima 2019-2020

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    The greatest risk is not in the consumption of plastic but is the management of single-use plastic waste, there is a socially accepted behavior of not valuing recycling or reuse, The objective was to analyze the relationship between behavior patterns in consumption of food with the single-use plastic bottles and cups in the cart breakfast trade. Surveys were applied to students from different universities, vendors of wheelbarrow breakfasts. Breakfast is still accessible and affordable for the popular economy. The pandemic accelerated changes in the economy and social life of sellers and consumers that modified safety and hygiene measures. The plastic bottle trade is in a process of expansion and its replacement is not perceived in the short term. There is an important sector of the population that has the perception that the use of plastic is safe, the belief that plastic is a non-substitutable product is cheaper to use and dispose of than to refuse, recycle. There are no explicit or tacit rules on the management of the final disposal of single-use plastic articles. It is recommended, Awareness of society including companies and explicit regulations to promote recycling behaviors and reuse of single-use plastic bottles.El mayor riesgo no está en el consumo del plástico, sino en el manejo de residuos plásticos de un solo uso, existe un comportamiento socialmente aceptado de no valorar el reciclaje o el reúso. El objetivo fue analizar la relación entre las pautas de comportamiento en el consumo de alimentos con las botellas y vasos de plástico de un solo uso en el comercio de desayunos carretilleros. Se aplicó encuestas a estudiantes de diferentes universidades y a vendedores de desayunos en carretilla. El desayuno sigue siendo accesible y alcanzable para la economía popular. La pandemia aceleró los cambios en la economía y la vida social de los vendedores y consumidores, que modificaron las medidas de seguridad e higiene. El comercio de las botellas de plástico se encuentra en un proceso de expansión y no se percibe su reemplazo en el corto plazo. Existe un sector importante de la población que tiene la percepción que el uso del plástico es inocuo, la creencia que el plástico es un producto no sustituible, es más barato usar y tirar que rehusar, reciclar. No existen normas explícitas ni tácitas sobre gestión de la disposición final de los artículos plásticos de un solo uso. Se recomienda sensibilización de la sociedad, incluyendo empresas y normas explícitas para promover conductas de reciclaje y reúso de las botellas de plásticos de un solo uso

    Evolutionary Descent of Prion Genes from the ZIP Family of Metal Ion Transporters

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    In the more than twenty years since its discovery, both the phylogenetic origin and cellular function of the prion protein (PrP) have remained enigmatic. Insights into a possible function of PrP may be obtained through the characterization of its molecular neighborhood in cells. Quantitative interactome data demonstrated the spatial proximity of two metal ion transporters of the ZIP family, ZIP6 and ZIP10, to mammalian prion proteins in vivo. A subsequent bioinformatic analysis revealed the unexpected presence of a PrP-like amino acid sequence within the N-terminal, extracellular domain of a distinct sub-branch of the ZIP protein family that includes ZIP5, ZIP6 and ZIP10. Additional structural threading and orthologous sequence alignment analyses argued that the prion gene family is phylogenetically derived from a ZIP-like ancestral molecule. The level of sequence homology and the presence of prion protein genes in most chordate species place the split from the ZIP-like ancestor gene at the base of the chordate lineage. This relationship explains structural and functional features found within mammalian prion proteins as elements of an ancient involvement in the transmembrane transport of divalent cations. The phylogenetic and spatial connection to ZIP proteins is expected to open new avenues of research to elucidate the biology of the prion protein in health and disease

    Efficacy of rifabutin-based triple therapy as second-line treatment to eradicate helicobacter pylori infection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Rifabutin has been found to be effective in multi-resistant patients after various treatment cycles for Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection, but it has not been analysed as a second-line treatment. Therefore, we seek to compare the effectiveness of a treatment regimen including rifabutin versus conventional quadruple therapy (QT).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Open clinical trial, randomised and multi-centre, of two treatment protocols: A) Conventional regime -QT- (omeprazole 20 mg bid, bismuth citrate 120 mg qid, tetracycline 500 mg qid and metronidazole 500 mg tid); B) Experimental one -OAR- (omeprazole 20 mg bid, amoxicillin 1 gr bid, and rifabutin 150 mg bid), both taken orally for 7 days, in patients with HP infection for whom first-line treatment had failed. Eradication was determined by Urea Breath Test (UBT). Safety was determined by the adverse events.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>99 patients were randomised, QT, n = 54; OAR, n = 45. The two groups were homogeneous. In 8 cases, treatment was suspended (6 in QT and 2 in OAR). The eradication achieved, analysed by ITT, was for QT, 38 cases (70.4%), and for OAR, 20 cases (44.4%); p = 0.009, OR = 1.58. Of the cases analysed PP, QT were 77.1%; OAR, 46.5%; p = 0.002. Adverse effects were described in 64% of the QT patients and in 44% of the OAR patients (p = 0.04).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A 7-day rifabutin-based triple therapy associated to amoxicillin and omeprazole at standard dose was not found to be effective as a second-line rescue therapy. The problem with quadruple therapy lies in the adverse side effects it provokes. We believe the search should continue for alternatives that are more comfortably administered and that are at least as effective, but with fewer adverse side effects.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN81058036</p

    Comparative genome analysis of PHB gene family reveals deep evolutionary origins and diverse gene function

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>PHB (Prohibitin) gene family is involved in a variety of functions important for different biological processes. PHB genes are ubiquitously present in divergent species from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. Human PHB genes have been found to be associated with various diseases. Recent studies by our group and others have shown diverse function of PHB genes in plants for development, senescence, defence, and others. Despite the importance of the PHB gene family, no comprehensive gene family analysis has been carried to evaluate the relatedness of PHB genes across different species. In order to better guide the gene function analysis and understand the evolution of the PHB gene family, we therefore carried out the comparative genome analysis of the PHB genes across different kingdoms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The relatedness, motif distribution, and intron/exon distribution all indicated that PHB genes is a relatively conserved gene family. The PHB genes can be classified into 5 classes and each class have a very deep evolutionary origin. The PHB genes within the class maintained the same motif patterns during the evolution. With<it> Arabidopsis</it> as the model species, we found that PHB gene intron/exon structure and domains are also conserved during the evolution. Despite being a conserved gene family, various gene duplication events led to the expansion of the PHB genes. Both segmental and tandem gene duplication were involved in Arabidopsis PHB gene family expansion. However, segmental duplication is predominant in Arabidopsis. Moreover, most of the duplicated genes experienced neofunctionalization. The results highlighted that PHB genes might be involved in important functions so that the duplicated genes are under the evolutionary pressure to derive new function.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>PHB gene family is a conserved gene family and accounts for diverse but important biological functions based on the similar molecular mechanisms. The highly diverse biological function indicated that more research needs to be carried out to dissect the PHB gene function. The conserved gene evolution indicated that the study in the model species can be translated to human and mammalian studies.</p