126 research outputs found

    Utopías y sentidos de habitar la ciudad dispersa: estrategias residenciales en el årea metropolitana de Pamplona/Iruñea

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    Analizamos aquí la forma ideológico-cultural que domina la experiencia de la ciudad dispersa. Si la aglomeración urbana fue animada por el imaginario de la utopía moderna, la dispersión residencial actual es una metåfora del abandono de aquel proyecto colectivo y la generalización de una nueva utopía suburbana que condensa los valores posmodernos. Las investigaciones realizadas en el årea metropolitana de Pamplona-Iruña contrastan los sentidos latentes en las estrategias residenciales de ambos contextos históricos.Txosten honetan hiri sakabanatuen azpian errotzen den ideologia eta kultura dugu aztergai. Hiri-aglomerazioa utopia modernoaren irudiak bultzatu bazuen, egungo bizileku sakabanatuaren ametsa bestelakoa da. Bizileku sakabanatuak lehengo gizarte-egitasmoarekin haustura irudikatzen du, eta, gainera esan daiteke balore posmodernoen ereduan oinarrituriko hiri utopia berria zabaldu dela. Iruñerrian egin diren ikerketek argi erakusten dute bi testu inguru historikoetan nagusitu diren bizileku estrategiaren izpirituak eta bertan leku dena eta ez denaren ildoak oso ezberdinak direla.Ici nous analysons l'idéologie dominant dans l'expéricence de la ville disperse. Si l'agglomération urbaine était par l'imaginaire de l'utopie moderne, la dispersion résidentielle actualle est une métaphore de l'abandont de ce project là collectif et de la généralisation d'une nouvelle utopie suburbaine qui condense les valeurs posmodernes. Les recherches accomplies à l'aire métropolitaine de Pamplona-Iruña oppose les sens latentes dans les stratégies residentielles de tous les deux contextes historiques.We analyse here the cultural-ideological configuration that dominates the experience of sprawling city. If the urban agglomeration was stimulated by the imaginary of modern utopia, nowadays the residential contraurbanization could beseen as a metaphore of the abandonment of that colective project and the wide-spreading of a new suburban utopia that condenses the postmodern values. There searches carried out in the Pamplona-Iruña metropolitan area explore the senses latent in the residential strategies of both historical contexts

    Modeling electricity prices: international evidence

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    This paper analyses the evolution of electricity prices in deregulated markets. We present a general model that simultaneously takes into account the possibility of several factors: seasonality, mean reversion, GARCH behaviour and time-dependent jumps. The model is applied to equilibrium spot prices of electricity markets from Argentina, Australia (Victoria), New Zealand (Hayward), NordPool (Scandinavia), Spain and U.S. (PJM) using daily data. Six different nested models were estimated to compare the relative importance of each factor and their interactions. We obtained that electricity prices are mean-reverting with strong volatility (GARCH) and jumps of time-dependent intensity even after adjusting for seasonality. We also provide a detailed unit root analysis of electricity prices against mean reversion, in the presence of jumps and GARCH errors, and propose a new powerful procedure based on bootstrap techniques

    The narratives of new rural residents in the configuration of the peri-urban area: From circumstancial constraints to openness

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    European peri-urban areas keep growing in terms of land, population and socio-spatial complexity. This article looks at the role of new residents in the ongoing reconfiguration of peri-urban space, by focusing on how their narratives make sense of their residential choices and experiences. The analysis is based on the case of the peri-urban area of Pamplona, an intermediate city in northern Spain surrounded by a peri-urban space characterised by a disperse habitat of single and collective rural-like settlements in a clear process of population growth. The discussion is grounded in a series of semi-structured interviews conducted with key informants and new residents. The results reinforce the relevance of the residential lure of these territories as well as of the housing policies adopted. They also show three key elements to understand better the complexity and internal heterogeneity of this process: the different motivations supporting the residential choice; the links established with the place and its population and the experiences within the territory. Finally, the article concludes by suggesting that the different profiles of the new residents and their different orientations regarding the way of residing and experiencing the residence generate different territorialities through which they form new and coexisting ruralities, as well as a hybrid identity construction with the place.Open Access funding provided by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

    Pro-rural migration to remote areas in a time of crisis

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    Remote rural areas experiencing a process of population decrease are very vulnerable and sensitive to population movement: out-migration of local people as well as the arrival of new residents. This article explores the impact of the 2008 crisis on pro-rural migration patterns towards this type of rural areas. In order to do that, the case of Las Batuecas-Sierra de Francia, in Salamanca, has been analised. Fieldwork was qualitative in nature, and it consisted of a series of semi-structured interviews conducted to key informants and new residents. The analysis of the interviews allows us to observe the impact of the crisis in a double way. On the one hand, a pro-rural migration forced by the crisis as the last strategy to overcome the crisis. On the other, a pro-rural migration resembling a kind of amenity migration. In this case, new residents found in the crisis the incentive to set in motion a dormant dream.   Las ĂĄreas rurales remotas en proceso de decrecimiento poblacional son altamente vulnerables y sensibles a los movimientos poblacionales, tanto a la salida como a la llegada de nueva poblaciĂłn que engrose las cifras de la poblaciĂłn local. El artĂ­culo explora el impacto que tuvo la crisis del 2008 en las migraciones prorrurales que se dirigĂ­an hacia este tipo de ĂĄreas rurales. Para ello se analiza el caso de la comarca de Las Batuecas-Sierra de Francia, en Salamanca. El trabajo de campo, de naturaleza cualitativa, consiste en una serie de entrevistas semiestructuradas a informantes clave y nuevos residentes. El anĂĄlisis permite observar el impacto de la crisis en un doble sentido: una migraciĂłn forzada por la crisis como Ășltimo recurso de supervivencia y una migraciĂłn vinculada a aspiraciones de tipo medioambiental que encuentra en la crisis el impulso para poner en marcha un deseo que permanecĂ­a en estado latente

    Ir supported over carbon materials for the selective hydrogenation of chloronitrobenzenes

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    In the present work we have studied the effect of carbon supports with different graphitic character (carbon nanotubes, mesoporous graphite and activated carbon) on the catalytic performance of iridium nanoparticles on the liquid phase chemoselective hydrogenation of para-chloronitrobenzene at room temperature. The effect of the oxygen groups was also evaluated by oxidizing a portion of the carbon nanotubes. The Raman and XRD spectra showed that the mesoporous graphite displayed the strongest graphitic character. The characterization of the catalysts by HR-TEM, XPS and TPR-H2, showed that the catalysts had similar particle size and that the catalysts prepared over the previously oxidized support, Ir/CNTox, was not fully reduced. The activity and selectivity achieved with the catalyst Ir/CNT was the best among the samples and the presence of irdium oxide on Ir/CNTox diminished the yield to p-chloroaniline, being the worse catalyst. The reactivity of different isomers was also studied over Ir/CNT and it followed the order m > o > p.Authors thank to CONICYT (Chile, FONDECYT 3130483) and Generalitar Valenciana (Spain, PROMETEOII/2014/004–FEDER) for financial support

    Latitudinal diversity of planktonic copepods in the Eastern Pacific: overcoming sampling biases and predicting patterns

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    Gradients of latitudinal diversity are one of the biogeographic features calling the most attention in ecology and macroecology. However, in pelagic communities of the marine environment, geographic trends and patterns are poorly known. We evaluated the latitudinal variation in species richness of marine planktonic copepods in the Eastern Pacific using spatial statistical models and approaches that mitigate and account for biases in occurrence data. A Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) and regression-Kriging based models allowed us to estimate and predict alpha diversity in poorly sampled regions, whereas beta diversity patterns were assessed using generalized dissimilarity analysis (GDM). Species richness showed a bimodal pattern, with a maximum of 291 species in the Northern Hemisphere and Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean. Particulate Organic Carbon, salinity (max), spatial autocovariate, range of salinity and temperature, and Mixed Layer Depth, explained 85.2% of the latitudinal variability of copepods. Beta diversity was structured into four macrozones associated with the main water masses of the North and South Pacific.Our analytical approaches can overcome the limitations of data gaps, predicting greater diversity in subtropical and coastal areas, while providing insights into key drivers modulating spatial diversity patterns

    Personas con discapacidad intelectual como protagonistas del proceso inclusivo

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    Las polĂ­ticas inclusivas en torno a las personas con discapacidad se erigen en torno a ciertas consideraciones para la construcciĂłn de las sociedades, que permean a travĂ©s de la legislaciĂłn y las polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas. Estas consideraciones se establecen en base a valores tales como la igualdad, la tolerancia y la solidaridad, que han variado a lo largo de la Historia. Sin embargo, normalmente el papel de las personas con discapacidad es considerado como pasivo dentro del proceso inclusivo. En este trabajo se plantearĂĄ que, una vez llevado a tĂ©rmino dicho proceso inclusivo, la convivencia con las personas con discapacidad tambiĂ©n genera valores que redundan en la sociedad que les incluye, adquiriendo estas personas un papel protagonista

    Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Garlic and Oregano Essential Oil on Biomarkers of Oxidative Status, Stress and Inflammation in Postweaning Piglets

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).The effects of two different concentrations of micro capsuled oregano essential oil (OEO) and purple garlic powder on biomarkers of oxidative status, stress, and inflammation, as well as on average daily gain (ADG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR), were evaluated in piglets during the postweaning period. The trial was carried out with 300 crossbred pigs of 21 days of age fed with different concentrations of OEO and purple garlic powder and ZnO. Saliva and serum samples were taken to evaluate a panel of biomarkers of oxidative status, stress, and inflammation. OEO and garlic powder at 0.4% did not produce significant changes in C-reactive protein (CRP) and cortisol and yielded higher levels of the antioxidant biomarker CUPRAC in serum than higher doses (p < 0.01); they yielded a better ADG than the control and ZnO diets. OEO and garlic powder at higher concentrations than 0.4% showed higher concentrations of CRP (p < 0.05). Overall, doses of OEO and garlic powder at 0.4% did not lead to inflammation, stress, or negative changes in oxidative biomarkers in piglets during the postweaning period and gave better productive performance than the control and ZnO diets. High doses of OEO and garlic powder were ineffective and could negatively affect the animals. Therefore, our results highlight the importance of the dose used when OEO or garlic are supplemented to piglets

    Definitions, Criteria and Global Classification of Mast Cell Disorders with Special Reference to Mast Cell Activation Syndromes: A Consensus Proposal

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    Activation of tissue mast cells (MCs) and their abnormal growth and accumulation in various organs are typically found in primary MC disorders also referred to as mastocytosis. However, increasing numbers of patients are now being informed that their clinical findings are due to MC activation (MCA) that is neither associated with mastocytosis nor with a defined allergic or inflammatory reaction. In other patients with MCA, MCs appear to be clonal cells, but criteria for diagnosing mastocytosis are not met. A working conference was organized in 2010 with the aim to define criteria for diagnosing MCA and related disorders, and to propose a global unifying classification of all MC disorders and pathologic MC reactions. This classification includes three types of `MCA syndromes' (MCASs), namely primary MCAS, secondary MCAS and idiopathic MCAS. MCA is now defined by robust and generally applicable criteria, including (1) typical clinical symptoms, (2) a substantial transient increase in serum total tryptase level or an increase in other MC-derived mediators, such as histamine or prostaglandin D 2, or their urinary metabolites, and (3) a response of clinical symptoms to agents that attenuate the production or activities of MC mediators. These criteria should assist in the identification and diagnosis of patients with MCAS, and in avoiding misdiagnoses or overinterpretation of clinical symptoms in daily practice. Moreover, the MCAS concept should stimulate research in order to identify and exploit new molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base
