904 research outputs found

    A global view on the riparian forests with Salix neotricha and Populus alba in the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain)

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    Forests dominated by Salix neotricha, and Populus alba found along the mesoeutrophic rivers in the Iberian Peninsula, were studied. We discuss the floristic circumscription, chorology, and community segregation based on the available releve´s of all Iberian riparian communities included in Populenion albae. Eleven formerly described communities were analyzed and due to original floristic combination, habitat features, and biogeographic scope, a new willow and poplar forest type is proposed within a well-defined biogeographical unit (Sadensean-Dividing Portuguese Subprovince): Clematido campaniflorae- Salicetum neotrichae. This syntaxon is found under a semi-hyperoceanic thermomediterranean to lower mesomediterranean, subhumid to humid bioclimate. Cluster analysis including all Iberian communities of Populenion albae shows a clear floristic segregation within the suballiance and confirms the originality of the new association. Furthermore, chemical characteristics of the water along some of the Portuguese watercourses with Populenion albae were studied and compared to the oligotrophic rivers occupied by Osmundo-Alnion communities. This study suggests that floristic separation between the communities of Populenion and Osmundo-Alnion is accompanied by a differentiation of the water trophic level

    Sobre la vegetación nitrófila del Chenopodion muralis

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    A revision of the therophytic weeds growing on strogly nitrified biotipes belonging to the mediterranean alliance Chenopodion muralis (Chenopodietalia muralis, Stellarietea mediae) has been made. Seven associations are krown in the Iberian Peninsule from which two of them, Sisymbrio- Malvetum parviflorae and Atriplici- Salsoletum ruthenicae are described as new ones.Se hace una revisión de los herbazales de los biótipos fuertemente nitrófilos, pertenecientes a la alianza mediterránea Chenopodion muralis (Chenopodietalia muralis, Stellarietea mediae). En la Península Ibérica se reconocen siete asociaciones, de las que dos Sisymbrio- Malvetum parviflorae y Atriplici-Salsoletum ruthenicae se describen por primera vez

    Datos ecológicos de los helechos (Pteridophyta) del Centro de la Península Ibérica

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    Ecological, altitudinal and biogeographycal caracterization of ferns (Pteridophyta) from the Centre of the Iberian Peninsula.Se enumeran datos ecológicos, altitudinales y biogeográficos de helechos (Pteridophyta) del centro de la Península Ibérica

    De plantis hispaniae notulae systematicae, chorologicae et ecologicae, II

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    Some systematic, chorologic and ecological data of Spanish Flora are included in this papel. Also we proposed the following new combinations: Phlomis purpurea L. subsp. almeriensis (Pau) Losa& RivasGoday; Phlomis purpurea L.subsp. caballeroi (Pau) Rivas-Martínez; Phlomis italica L. subsp. antiatlantica (Peltier) Rivas-Martínez; Hormathophylla lapeyrousiana (Jordan) Küpfer subsp. angustifolia (Willk.) Rivas-Martínez; Avenula sulcata (Gay ex Delastre) Dumort. subsp. albinervis (Boiss.) Rivas-Martínez.Se publican algunos datos sistemáticos, corológicos y ecológicos sobre la Flora Española. Además se proponen las siguientes nuevas combinaciones: Phlomis purpurea L. subsp. almeriensis (Pau) Losa & Rivas Goday; Phlomis purpurea L. subsp. cabalteroi (Pau) Rivas-Martínez; Phlomis italica L. subsp. antiatlantica (Peltier) Rivas-Martínez; Hormathoprylla lapeyrozisiana (Jordan) Küpfer subsp. angustifolia (Willk.) Rivas-Martínez; Avenula sulcata (Gay ex Delastre) Dumort. subsp. albinervis (Boiss.) Rivas-Martínez

    Vegetación de Doñana (Huelva, España)

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    Monografía fitosociológica de la vegetación de la Reserva Biológica y del Parque Nacional de Doñana (Huelva, España). En base a la publicación de 461 inventarios y 25 sin inventarios se describen 70 asociaciones pertenecientes a 28 clases de vegetación, así como se dan a conocer cinco sinasociaciones. De cada asociación se aportan datos florísticos, ecológicos, estructurales, corológicos y taxonómicos, y en muchos casos sus relaciones con las asociaciones geovicarias. Además de numerosos esquemas catenales y dinámicos de la vegetación, se incluye una lista de los sintáxones y un catálogo alfabético de las plantas vasculares de Doñana y de las comentadas en el texto.Phytosociological monograph on the Doñana vegetation (Biological Reserve and National Park). Based on 461 releves and 25 synreleves, 70 associations, belonging to 28 phytosociological classes, are described. From each association floristical, ecological, structural, chorological, taxonomical data are given. The relationships with other geovicariant associations are also pointed out. Additionally, a great number of catenas and dinamical schemes of the vegetation have been drawn. Finally a checklist of the sintaxa and of the vascular plants is [email protected]

    Early childhood development and education: theoretical convergences and divergences

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    This article introduces a theoretical study about convergent and divergent aspects between the concepts of education and early childhood development. This, set up from a social and educational approach, based on a in-depth theoretical review. The beliefs of children’s parents and caregivers are highlighted as a significant aspect on children’s development; all, considering the practices used for educating them, promoting a holistic child development, or the contrary. These insights make it possible to understand the rationality and applicability of child development and education theories. Hence, we advocate in this manuscript for an interdisciplinary and holistic perspective to approach child development taking into consideration factors and conditions, as well as fusing conceptual frameworks from various disciplines such as psychology, sociology, and philosophy