249 research outputs found

    ProgrÚs et harmonie : La Grande Période de Jean Delormel

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    Dans La Grande PĂ©riode, publiĂ©e en 1790, 1796 et 1805, Jean Delormel dĂ©fend l’idĂ©e que l’inclinaison de l’axe de rotation de la Terre diminue lentement et que par consĂ©quent l’humanitĂ© avance trĂšs lentement vers un nouvel Ăąge d’or. Sa thĂ©orie prĂ©sente trois paradoxes : d’une part, le temps est Ă  la fois progressif et cyclique ; d’autre part, le progrĂšs est Ă  la fois trĂšs lent et trĂšs rapide ; enfin, le progrĂšs est fait d’évĂ©nements heureux et malheureux et, par consĂ©quent, la RĂ©volution française peut ĂȘtre l’un ou l’autre, selon le contexte de publication. Delormel dĂ©fend l’utilitĂ© sociale d’une thĂ©orie de l’harmonie qui doit susciter l’espoir et qui peut avoir des applications concrĂštes. Bien qu’elle soit fondĂ©e sur l’astronomie et qu’elle s’appuie sur des Ă©lĂ©ments de la tradition biblique, sa science est une science pratique qui procĂšde par deux opĂ©rations principales : simplifier et concilier. Le thĂ©oricien de l’harmonie se prĂ©sente ainsi comme celui qui dĂ©passe les querelles et qui fournit les moyens de les Ă©teindre. Écrivant pour la concorde et pour le progrĂšs, il peut offrir ses services aux institutions nouvelles, ce qu’il fait auprĂšs du ComitĂ© d’instruction publique, puis du Premier Consul. Si La Grande PĂ©riode est l’ouvrage singulier d’un auteur qui n’a jouĂ© aucun rĂŽle majeur dans l’histoire des sciences, elle tĂ©moigne de la permanence de la demande sociale Ă  laquelle Delormel s’est efforcĂ© de rĂ©pondre. Le dĂ©sir d’unitĂ© qu’il exprime et auquel il entend contribuer est l’une des principales lignes de force politique et littĂ©raire de la pĂ©riode rĂ©volutionnaire.In La Grande PĂ©riode, published in 1790, 1796 and 1805, Jean Delormel defends the idea that the inclination of the Earth’s axis of rotation is slowly decreasing and that, consequently, humanity is advancing very slowly towards a new golden age. His theory presents three paradoxes: while time is both progressive and cyclical, progress is also both very slow and very fast as well as made up of happy and unhappy events and, consequently, the French Revolution can be one or the other, depending on the context of publication. Delormel defends the social usefulness of a theory of harmony that should give rise to hope and that can have concrete applications. Although it is based on astronomy and relies on elements of the biblical tradition, his science is a practical science that operates in two ways: by simplifying and by reconciling. The theorist of harmony is thus presented as the one who overcomes quarrels and provides the means to extinguish them. Writing for concord and progress, he can offer his services to the new institutions, which he does with the Committee of Public Instruction, then with the First Consul. If La Grande PĂ©riode is the singular work of an author who played no major role in the history of science, it testifies to the permanence of the social demand to which Delormel tried to respond. The desire for unity that he expresses and to which he intends to contribute is one of the main political and literary key elements of the revolutionary period

    Une Ă©ducation Ă  la campagne : politique des MaĂźtres sonneurs

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    National audienceDans son roman Les Maßtres sonneurs, George Sand explore plusieurs scénarios éducatifs, en lien avec les débats de son temps sur la petite enfance

    Finir la RĂ©volution par l’éloge

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    Dans les mois qui suivent le coup d’État du 18 brumaire an VIII (9 novembre 1799), NapolĂ©on Bonaparte installe son pouvoir. L’enjeu pour lui est que ce coup d’État, qui s’ajoute Ă  beaucoup d’autres coups d’État, soit le dernier, c’est-Ă -dire que la RĂ©volution soit terminĂ©e. Cela passe par l’efficacitĂ© de la police, par des succĂšs militaires – ceux du printemps 1800 sont dĂ©terminants – mais aussi par des discours : par ce qui se dit et s’écrit Ă  son sujet. Le nouveau pouvoir mĂšne une politique..

    Un 14 juillet de combat

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    Les livres d’Éric Vuillard racontent de grands effondrements comme la chute de l’Empire inca (Conquistadors, 2009), les millions de vies broyĂ©es par la Grande Guerre (La Bataille d’Occident, 2012) ou encore les derniers temps de la conquĂȘte de l’Ouest et le devenir des Indiens rescapĂ©s des massacres (Tristesse de la terre, 2014). La conclusion de L’Ordre du jour (2017) donne la formule de cette entreprise littĂ©raire : « On ne tombe jamais deux fois dans le mĂȘme abĂźme. Mais on tombe toujours d..

    Data assimilation in glaciology

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    International audienceIn this short paper, we will give one example of an inverse problem in glaciology. This problem is fairly simple to state: how to infer a climatic scenario (i.e. how to reconstruct past polar temperature) from ice volume records? The idea of this work is to explore the ability of the adjoint method to solve the inverse problem of reconstructing past temperature given all available observations. We start here with a simplified ice-sheet model and perform twin experiments

    Performance and applicability of a 2.5-D ice-flow model in the vicinity of a dome

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    This project is supported by the UniversitĂ© Grenoble Alpes in the framework of the proposal called Grenoble Innovation Recherche AGIR.Three-dimensional ice flow modelling requires a large number of computing resources and observation data, such that 2-D simulations are often preferable. However, when there is significant lateral divergence, this must be accounted for (2.5-D models), and a flow tube is considered (volume between two horizontal flowlines). In the absence of velocity observations, this flow tube can be derived assuming that the flowlines follow the steepest slope of the surface, under a few flow assumptions. This method typically consists of scanning a digital elevation model (DEM) with a moving window and computing the curvature at the centre of this window. The ability of the 2.5-D models to account properly for a 3-D state of strain and stress has not clearly been established, nor their sensitivity to the size of the scanning window and to the geometry of the ice surface, for example in the cases of sharp ridges. Here, we study the applicability of a 2.5-D ice flow model around a dome, typical of the East Antarctic plateau conditions. A twin experiment is carried out, comparing 3-D and 2.5-D computed velocities, on three dome geometries, for several scanning windows and thermal conditions. The chosen scanning window used to evaluate the ice surface curvature should be comparable to the typical radius of this curvature. For isothermal ice, the error made by the 2.5-D model is in the range 0-10ĝ % for weakly diverging flows, but is 2 or 3 times higher for highly diverging flows and could lead to a non-physical ice surface at the dome. For non-isothermal ice, assuming a linear temperature profile, the presence of a sharp ridge makes the 2.5-D velocity field unrealistic. In such cases, the basal ice is warmer and more easily laterally strained than the upper one, the walls of the flow tube are not vertical, and the assumptions of the 2.5-D model are no longer valid.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Geothermal flux and basal melt rate in the Dome C region inferred from radar reflectivity and heat modelling

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    Abstract. Basal melt rate is the most important physical quantity to be evaluated when looking for an old-ice drilling site, and it depends to a great extent on the geothermal flux (GF), which is poorly known under the East Antarctic ice sheet. Given that wet bedrock has higher reflectivity than dry bedrock, the wetness of the ice–bed interface can be assessed using radar echoes from the bedrock. But, since basal conditions depend on heat transfer forced by climate but lagged by the thick ice, the basal ice may currently be frozen whereas in the past it was generally melting. For that reason, the risk of bias between present and past conditions has to be evaluated. The objective of this study is to assess which locations in the Dome C area could have been protected from basal melting at any time in the past, which requires evaluating GF. We used an inverse approach to retrieve GF from radar-inferred distribution of wet and dry beds. A 1-D heat model is run over the last 800 ka to constrain the value of GF by assessing a critical ice thickness, i.e. the minimum ice thickness that would allow the present local distribution of basal melting. A regional map of the GF was then inferred over a 80 km  ×  130 km area, with a N–S gradient and with values ranging from 48 to 60 mW m−2. The forward model was then emulated by a polynomial function to compute a time-averaged value of the spatially variable basal melt rate over the region. Three main subregions appear to be free of basal melting, two because of a thin overlying ice and one, north of Dome C, because of a low GF

    Ça ira de A à Z

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    International audienceAbĂ©cĂ©daire Ă  propos de la piĂšce de JoĂ«l Pommerat, Ça ira (1) Fin de Louis. Les entrĂ©es traitĂ©es sont les suivantes :A. Ah bon.B. Billard.C. Citations.D. Direct (effet de).E. Écrits.F. Fin.G. Genre/femme(s).H. Hors-scĂšne (effets de).M. Micro.N. Noms.P. Perruques.Q. Quatorze Juillet.U. Urgence.V. Vote.Z. Zizanie

    La Femme grenadier: Édition critique

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    International audienceÉdition critique de La Femme Grenadier, roman de Marie Armande Jeanne Gacon-Dufour, dont l'Ă©dition originale a Ă©tĂ© publiĂ©e en 1801
