386 research outputs found

    The Augsburg Confession in Context (Part 1)

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    Lutherans cannot truly look forward into the 1980s without first looking back to the 1520s and 1530s — to the “confessional rocks” from which they were hewn

    The Augsburg Confession today (Part 2): necessary presuppositions

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    The Perpetual Aim of the Gospel

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    The Unadopted Witness of P46 in the Nestle Text of Galatians, Colossians, and I Thessalonians and its Treatment in the RSV

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    Ever since textual critics could examine the latest discovery of New Testament manuscripts reported in 1930, the Chester-Beatty papyri intrigued them like a child with a new toy. The high quality of the text of the Pauline codex, called P46, was immediately apparent, and critics began to wonder how much of the “established” Greek text would need revision in the light of this wonderful discovery. This thesis is an evaluation of a limited number of the variant readings in that important manuscript

    The Cyborg Astrobiologist: Testing a Novelty-Detection Algorithm on Two Mobile Exploration Systems at Rivas Vaciamadrid in Spain and at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah

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    (ABRIDGED) In previous work, two platforms have been developed for testing computer-vision algorithms for robotic planetary exploration (McGuire et al. 2004b,2005; Bartolo et al. 2007). The wearable-computer platform has been tested at geological and astrobiological field sites in Spain (Rivas Vaciamadrid and Riba de Santiuste), and the phone-camera has been tested at a geological field site in Malta. In this work, we (i) apply a Hopfield neural-network algorithm for novelty detection based upon color, (ii) integrate a field-capable digital microscope on the wearable computer platform, (iii) test this novelty detection with the digital microscope at Rivas Vaciamadrid, (iv) develop a Bluetooth communication mode for the phone-camera platform, in order to allow access to a mobile processing computer at the field sites, and (v) test the novelty detection on the Bluetooth-enabled phone-camera connected to a netbook computer at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah. This systems engineering and field testing have together allowed us to develop a real-time computer-vision system that is capable, for example, of identifying lichens as novel within a series of images acquired in semi-arid desert environments. We acquired sequences of images of geologic outcrops in Utah and Spain consisting of various rock types and colors to test this algorithm. The algorithm robustly recognized previously-observed units by their color, while requiring only a single image or a few images to learn colors as familiar, demonstrating its fast learning capability.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in the International Journal of Astrobiolog

    El índice Ka: un nuevo algoritmo para analizar los componentes de la superficie terrestre en imágenes de satélite

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    El cambio del paisaje de la superficie terrestre, su composición y estructura, ocurrido por causas di- versas, ha estado en la mira de toda la humanidad. Se han desarrollado diversas formas para entender- los y la sensoría remota es lo más reciente y nove- doso para tener un conocimiento rápido de gran- des extensiones. En este estudio se ha desarrollado un nuevo algoritmo para medir estos cambios, así como para identificar valores espectrales de espe- cies de coníferas, utilizando imágenes del satélite Landsat7 ETM+. Los resultados muestran un gran potencial del índice Ka para detectar los diferentes componentes superficiales y su variabilidad debi- do a efectos naturales o antropológicos, etc. The change in the landscape of the terrestrial surface, its composition, and its structure, caused by many factors, has been in the aim of all humanity. Diverse forms have been developed in order to understand them, the sensory remote being the most recent and novel thing in acquiring fast knowledge of large extensions. In this study a new algorithm has been developed to measure these changes, as well as to identify ghastly values of coniferous species using images of the satellite Landsat7 ETM+. The results show a great potential of the Ka index in detecting the different superfi- cial components and its variability due to natural effects or due to man

    Discovery of X-ray absorption features from the dipping low-mass X-ray binary XB 1916-053 with XMM-Newton

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    We report the discovery of narrow Fe XXV and Fe XXVI K alpha X-ray absorption lines at 6.65 and 6.95 keV in the persistent emission of the dipping low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) XB 1916-053 during an XMM-Newton observation performed in September 2002. In addition, there is marginal evidence for absorption features at 1.48 keV, 2.67 kev, 7.82 keV and 8.29 keV consistent with Mg XII, S XVI, Ni XXVII K alpha and Fe XXVI K beta transitions, respectively. Such absorption lines from highly ionized ions are now observed in a number of high inclination (ie. close to edge-on) LMXBs, such as XB 1916-053, where the inclination is estimated to be between 60-80 degrees. This, together with the lack of any orbital phase dependence of the features (except during dips), suggests that the highly ionized plasma responsible for the absorption lines is located in a cylindrical geometry around the compact object. Using the ratio of Fe XXV and Fe XXVI column densities, we estimate the photo-ionization parameter of the absorbing material to be 10^{3.92} erg cm s^{-1}. Only the Fe XXV line is observed during dipping intervals and the upper-limits to the Fe XXVI column density are consistent with a decrease in the amount of ionization during dipping intervals. This implies the presence of cooler material in the line of sight during dipping. We also report the discovery of a 0.98 keV absorption edge in the persistent emission spectrum. The edge energy decreases to 0.87 keV during deep dipping intervals. The detected feature may result from edges of moderately ionized Ne and/or Fe with the average ionization level decreasing from persistent emission to deep dipping. This is again consistent with the presence of cooler material in the line of sight during dipping.Comment: 13 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    New enzymes with potential for PET surface modification

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    This work describes newly isolated organisms and their potential to modify the surface of polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Out of the different screening processes, four bacterial and five fungal strains were isolated. A PET model substrate was synthesized (bis (benzoyloxyethyl) terephthalate) and used in the screening process, mimicking the polymer in its crucial properties and having the advantage of defined hydrolysis products. On this model substrate, extracellular enzyme preparations from the isolated microorganisms showed a maximum activity of 8.54 nkat/L. All enzyme preparations showed esterase activity on p-nitrophenyl-acetate while no activity was found on p-nitrophenyl decanoate or p-nitrophenyl palmitate. Increased hydrophilicity of PET fabrics after enzyme treatment was found based on rising height and water dissipation measurements

    Characterization of Genipin-Modified Dentin Collagen

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    Application of biomodification techniques to dentin can improve its biochemical and biomechanical properties. Several collagen cross-linking agents have been reported to strengthen the mechanical properties of dentin. However, the characteristics of collagen that has undergone agent-induced biomodification are not well understood. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of a natural cross-linking agent, genipin (GE), on dentin discoloration, collagen stability, and changes in amino acid composition and lysyl oxidase mediated natural collagen cross-links. Dentin collagen obtained from extracted bovine teeth was treated with three different concentrations of GE (0.01%, 0.1%, and 0.5%) for several treatment times (0–24 h). Changes in biochemical properties of NaB3H4-reduced collagen were characterized by amino acid and cross-link analyses. The treatment of dentin collagen with GE resulted in a concentration- and time-dependent pigmentation and stability against bacterial collagenase. The lysyl oxidase-mediated trivalent mature cross-link, pyridinoline, showed no difference among all groups while the major divalent immature cross-link, dehydro-dihydroxylysinonorleucine/its ketoamine in collagen treated with 0.5% GE for 24 h, significantly decreased compared to control (P< 0.05). The newly formed GE-induced cross-links most likely involve lysine and hydroxylysine residues of collagen in a concentration-dependent manner. Some of these cross-links appear to be reducible and stabilized with NaB3H4
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