89 research outputs found

    Katechismus-Andachten (1656)

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    The Catechism Devotions are comprised of 50 spiritual songs that impart all of the material in Luther`s Small Catechism in vocal form. They are regarded as an important milestone in early modern theologia catechetica that aimed at an elemental presentation of the liturgy

    Double scattering of intense laser light by two atoms

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    This paper analyzes coherent backscattering of intense laser light by two randomly placed distant atoms. Starting from the general two-atom master equation, we analytically derive the elastic and inelastic background and interference components of the double scattering spectrum. By expressing the final results in terms of single-atom observables, the two-atom problem is shown to be equivalent to a description in terms of single atoms under bichromatic driving.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    An algorithm for the labeling and interactive visualization of the cerebrovascular system of ischemic strokes

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    AbstractDuring the diagnosis of ischemic strokes, the Circle of Willis and its surrounding vessels are the arteries of interest. Their visualization in case of an acute stroke is often enabled by Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA). Still, the identification and analysis of the cerebral arteries remain time consuming in such scans due to a large number of peripheral vessels which may disturb the visual impression. We propose VirtualDSA++, an algorithm designed to segment and label the cerebrovascular tree on CTA scans. Especially with stroke patients, labeling is a delicate procedure, as in the worst case whole hemispheres may not be present due to impeded perfusion. Hence, we extended the labeling mechanism for the cerebral arteries to identify occluded vessels. In the work at hand, we place the algorithm in a clinical context by evaluating the labeling and occlusion detection on stroke patients, where we have achieved labeling sensitivities comparable to other works between 92% and 95%. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first work to address labeling and occlusion detection at once, whereby a sensitivity of 67% and a specificity of 81% were obtained for the latter. VirtualDSA++ also automatically segments and models the intracranial system leading to further processing possibilities. We present the generic concept of iterative systematic search for pathways on all nodes of said model, which enables new interactive features. Exemplary, we derive in detail, firstly, the interactive planning of vascular interventions like the mechanical thrombectomy and secondly, the interactive suppression of vessel structures that are not of interest in diagnosing strokes (like veins). We discuss both features as well as further possibilities emerging from the proposed concept

    Observation of enhanced chiral asymmetries in the inner-shell photoionization of uniaxially oriented methyloxirane enantiomers

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    Most large molecules are chiral in their structure: they exist as two enantiomers, which are mirror images of each other. Whereas the rovibronic sublevels of two enantiomers are almost identical, it turns out that the photoelectric effect is sensitive to the absolute configuration of the ionized enantiomer - an effect termed Photoelectron Circular Dichroism (PECD). Our comprehensive study demonstrates that the origin of PECD can be found in the molecular frame electron emission pattern connecting PECD to other fundamental photophysical effects as the circular dichroism in angular distributions (CDAD). Accordingly, orienting a chiral molecule in space enhances the PECD by a factor of about 10

    Observation of Photoion Backward Emission in Photoionization of He and N2

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    We experimentally investigate the effects of the linear photon momentum on the momentum distributions of photoions and photoelectrons generated in one-photon ionization in an energy range of 300 eV  Eγ \leq~E_\gamma~\leq 40 keV. Our results show that for each ionization event the photon momentum is imparted onto the photoion, which is essentially the system's center of mass. Nevertheless, the mean value of the ion momentum distribution along the light propagation direction is backward-directed by 3/5-3/5 times the photon momentum. These results experimentally confirm a 90 year old prediction.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Remodeler les institutions pour la gestion des ressources naturelles

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    This InfoResources Focus tries to clarify challenges people face when shaping institutions for sustainable NRM and discusses key elements for implementing processes of institutional change. Emphasis is put on local institutions embedded in national, regional and global institutional schemes

    Revealing the two-electron cusp in the ground states of He and H2 via quasifree double photoionization

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    We report on kinematically complete measurements and ab initio nonperturbative calculations of double ionization of He and H 2 by a single 800 eV circularly polarized photon. We confirm the quasifree mechanism of photoionization for H 2 and show how it originates from the two-electron cusp in the ground state of a two-electron target. Our approach establishes a method for mapping electrons relative to each other and provides valuable insight into photoionization beyond the electric-dipole approximation.We acknowledge support by DFG and BMBF

    Efficient Methanol Production on the Dark Side of a Prestellar Core

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    We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array maps of the starless molecular cloud core Ophiuchus/H-MM1 in the lines of deuterated ammonia (ortho-NH2D), methanol (CH3OH), and sulfur monoxide (SO). The dense core is seen in NH2D emission, whereas the CH3OH and SO distributions form a halo surrounding the core. Because methanol is formed on grain surfaces, its emission highlights regions where desorption from grains is particularly efficient. Methanol and sulfur monoxide are most abundant in a narrow zone that follows the eastern side of the core. This side is sheltered from the stronger external radiation field coming from the west. We show that photodissociation on the illuminated side can give rise to an asymmetric methanol distribution but that the stark contrast observed in H-MM1 is hard to explain without assuming enhanced desorption on the shaded side. The region of the brightest emission has a wavy structure that rolls up at one end. This is the signature of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability occurring in sheared flows. We suggest that in this zone, methanol and sulfur are released as a result of grain-grain collisions induced by shear vorticity.Peer reviewe