38 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia Dan Kemampuan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Terhadap Kinerja Aparatur Desa Di Kantor Desa Jojjolo

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    Based on the review of the main problem, the research objectives to be achieved are as follows: (1) To determine and analyze the influence of Human Resource Competence on the Performance of Village Apparatuses at the Village Office in Jojjolo (2) To determine and analyze the influence of Technology Utilization Capability on Village Apparatus Performance At the Village Office In Jojjolo To find out, (3) To analyze the influence of Human Resource Competence and Ability to Utilize Technology on the Performance of Village Apparatus at the Village Office in Jojjolo. The research location is Jo'jolo Village, Bulukumpa District, Bulukumba Regency. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods, with data sources, namely questionnaires and documentation. The sample of this research is village apparatus. The data analysis used is data quality test, classical/prerequisite test, and hypothesis testing. The potential of HR affects the performance of village officials. This means that the better the competence of human resources, the performance of the village apparatus will also increase. The use of technology has a significant influence on the performance of the village apparatus. This means that the better the use of technology, the performance of the village apparatus will increase.   Keywords: Human Resources, Village Apparatus, Technolog

    Karakteritik Beton Aspal Lapis Pengikat (Ac-bc) Yang Menggunakan Bahan Pengisi Pengisi (Filler) Abu Sekam Padi

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    Asphalt Concrete Binder Course (AC-BC) Pavement is a type of asphalt pavement located between base layer and wearing course. The study was conducted describing the the effect of the use of rice husk ash onthe characteristics of asphalt concrete AC-BC mixtures. The purpose of this study was to determine thecharacteristics of the asphalt concrete binder course mixtures (AC-BC) which uses rice husk ash as filler,determine the optimum percentage of rice husk filler in AC-BC pavement mixtures. Research materials include coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and rice husk ash. Coarse and fine aggregateobtained from Stone Cruiser of Taipa and Palu River, while rice husk ash obtained fromBiromaru area in Sigi Regency. Asphalt used in this study is Asphalt pen. 60/70 produced by Pertamina.Investigation and testing of these materials has been carried out in the Laboratory of Transportation andHighways, Department of Civil Tadulako University of Palu.Research has been carried out by using rice husk ash filler variation of 0%, 25% and 50%. The datacollected includes characteristics of volumetric and Marshall test characteristics of AC-BC pavementmixture on each rice husk ash content. The data include density, VIM, VMA, VFB, Stability, flow, MarshallQuotient value and residual stability of the mixture. The data is processed and displayed in graphical form, then do a comparative analysis between the characteristics of the AC-BC mixture that uses rice husk ash andwithout rice husk ash.The results of the study found that increasing the percentage of rice husk ash content in the mix AC-BC tendsto increase the use of bitumen content. It can be seen from the increasing value of Optimum Bitumen Content(OBC) on rice husk ash variation of 0% - 50%. The results also gain an increase in the durability of the ACBCmixtureofricehuskashonthevariationof0%- 5%asindicatedbytheincreasedtheresidualstabilityvalueofthe AC-BC pavementmixtures.Maximum stabilityoccursinrice huskashcontentof25%

    Morfometri Ovarium setelah Pemberian Ekstrak Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera LAM)

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    Ovarium merupakan organ reproduksi utama dalam sistem reproduksi betina yang berperan dalam menghasilkan sel ovum. Kualitas folikel yang dihasilkan ovarium dipengaruhi oleh nutrisi yang dikonsumsi suatu individu. Kelor (Moringa oleifera LAM) telah lama dikenal sebagai tanaman dengan kandungan nutrisi yang cukup tinggi. Nutrisi yang terdapat di dalam kelor adalah vitamin, mineral, antioksidan, asam amino esensial dan senyawa fitosterol. Kandungan nutrisi pada kelor paling banyak ditemukan di daun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas ovarium setelah pemberian ekstrak daun kelor (Moringa oleifera LAM). Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimental. Hewan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 60 ekor mencit betina (Mus musculus) umur 14-15 minggu dengan rerata bobot badan 30-35 g. Ekstrak daun kelor yang diberikan dengan dosis 0 mg kg-1 BB, 300 mg kg-1 BB, 400 mg kg-1 BB, 500 mg kg-1 BB. Pengamatan dilakukan setelah pemberian 5, 10, 15, 24, dan 34 hari. Parameter penelitian meliputi siklus estrus dan morfometri ovarium. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat konsentrasi dan lamanya pemberian ekstrak daun kelor memberi pengaruh terhadap panjang, lebar, dan bobot ovarium mencit. Konfirmasi siklus estrus bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa siklus reproduksi dalam ovarium mencit berlangsung normal. Siklus estrus pada mencit penelitian rata-rata berlangsung normal, yakni terjadi selama 4-5 hari

    Implementasi Pemberian Bantuan Hukum Secara Cuma-Cuma oleh Pos Bantuan Hukum di Pengadilan Negeri Bulukumba Kelas IB

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa:(1)ketentuan dan jaminan yang diatur dalam Undang Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2011 tentang bantuan hukum yakni,bertujuan untuk memberikan jaminan dan kepastian hukum bagi masyarakat yang memerlukan bantuan serta informasi terkait tentang suatu permasalahan menyangkut hukum yang sedang dihadapinya baik itu secara litigasi maupun secara nonlitigasi. Sebagaimana hal ini dilaksanakan agar persamaan hak dan keadilan bagi seluruh warga Negara Indonesia dihadapan hukum dapat terwujud agar tidak ada lagi terjadi diskriminasi terhadap kaum miskin dalam mengakses keadilan (2)implementasi pemberian bantuan hukum oleh Posbakum di Pengadilan Negeri Kelas I B Bulukumba, telah dibuka sejak tahun 2016 hingga saat ini dan telah menanganibeberapa kasus perkara baik secara Litigasi maupun Nonlitigasi,dimana pada tahun 2016 sebanyak 60perkara yang terbagi atas jalurLitigasi (Pidana54 dan perdata 2)dan jalur Nonlitigasi sebanyak 4 kali penyuluhan,dan pada tahun 2017 sebanyak 17 perkara yang terbagi atas jalur Litigasi (Pidana 13 dan Perdata 2) dan jalur nonlitigasi sebanyak 2 kali penyuluhan.(3) persamaan hak di muka hukum yangmerupakan salah satu ajaran pokok dalam hukum Islam. Baik yang menyangkut soalibadah dalam arti yang terbatas, yakni hubungan antara makhluk dan khaliknyamaupun dalam arti yang luas, yakni hubunganmu’amalat antar manusia., Hukum Islam mengakui dan menegakkan prinsip adanya persamaan hak di muka hukum untuk semua umat manusia. pelaksanaan pemberian bantuan hukum oleh Posbakumdi Pengadilan Negeri Kelas I B Bulukumba, sebagai wujud persamaan hak dihadapan hukum kepada para pencari keadilan, telah sesuai dengan menyatakan bahwa perlakuan dan pemberian hak yang sama kepada sesama manusia, sebagaimana dalam Islam diwajibkan untuk saling tolong menolong dalam hal kebaika

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Alat Peraga Papan Berpasangan pada Materi Operasi Bilangan Bulat Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas V SDN 103 Kalimporo Kec. Kajang Kab. Bulukumba

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    Berdasarkan hasil analisis data deskriptif diperoleh rata-rata skor nilai hasil belajar siswa sebelum menggunakan alat peraga papan berpasangan (pretest) yaitu 35,47 dengan persentasi tingkat penguasaan materi yaitu 56,25% dari seluruh siswa yang mengikuti pretest sedangkan rata-rata skor nilai hasil belajar siswa setelah menggunakan alat peraga papan berpasangan (posttest) yaitu 61,5 dengan persentasi tingkat penguasaan materi yaitu 97% dari seluruh siswa yang mengikuti posttest. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik inferensial dengan menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana dan uji-t diperoleh persamaan regresi Y = 30,99 + 0,86X. Dengan nilai uji-t diperoleh nilai t0 > t tabel yaitu 4,42 > 2,04, dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan alat peraga papan berpasangan pada materi operasi bilangan bulat terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas V SDN 103 Kalimporo Kec. Kajang Kab. Bulukumba

    Realisasi Kinerja Pelayanan Publik di Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Perizinan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPM-PTSP) Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    The concept of public services is an integral part in understanding the performance of the government in providing services to the community, so that if the performance of the services provided by the government is good and good, of course public trust in the government will be high. This study aims to analyze the realization of the performance of the Investment and Integrated Services Agency. One Stop (DPM-PTSP) NTB Province in providing public services for licensing and non-licensing for foreign investors and domestic investors. The method used is a qualitative descriptive approach, using interview instruments, documentation and observation. The results showed that the performance of public services at the Office of Investment and One Stop Service (DPM-PTSP) of Nusa Tenggara Province was good and the score was quite high based on the results of a survey of community satisfaction with services at DPM-PTSP NTB with a score of 84.71%. . Thus, it shows that the service performance provided by DPM-PTSP to its customers is quite goo

    Implementasi Pemahaman Ayat Al-Quran tentang Rezeki di Kalangan Pemulung Kota Padang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap dan menganalisis pemahaman pemulung di TPA Kota Padang terhadap ayat-ayat Al-Quran tentang mencari rezeki dan implementasinya dalam aktifitas kerja mereka. Jenis penelitian ini adalah riset kualitatif berbentuk studi kasus, dengan informan penelitian ialah pemulung yang berada di TPA Air Dingin, Padang, yang diambil secara random sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemulung di TPA Air Dingin Kota Padang memahami ayat-ayat tentang mencari rezeki dengan cukup baik. Hal ini terbukti dari jawaban atas masalah berikut. Pertama, pemulung memahami ayat-ayat tentang mencari rezeki seperti yang terdapat dalam surat Al-Baqarah ayat 60. Kedua, langkah yang ditempuh pemulung untuk mencari rezeki yaitu dengan berusaha, bekerja keras, jujur, optimis, dan berdoa kepada Allah, sesuai dengan anjuran Allah dalam surat Al-Jumu’ah ayat 10. Ketiga, pendapat dan sikap pemulung yang dapat menerima posisinya sebagai pemulung, bukan pengemis


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    Asphalt Concrete Binder Course (AC-BC) Pavement is a type of asphalt pavement located between base layer and wearing course.  The study was conducted describing the the effect of the use of rice husk ash onthe characteristics of asphalt concrete AC-BC mixtures. The purpose of this study was to determine thecharacteristics of the asphalt concrete binder course mixtures (AC-BC) which uses rice husk ash as filler,determine the optimum percentage of rice husk filler in AC-BC pavement mixtures. Research materials include coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and rice husk ash. Coarse and fine aggregateobtained from Stone Cruiser of Taipa and Palu River, while rice husk ash obtained fromBiromaru area in Sigi Regency. Asphalt used in this study is Asphalt pen. 60/70 produced by Pertamina.Investigation and testing of these materials has been carried out in the Laboratory of Transportation andHighways, Department of Civil Tadulako University of Palu.Research has been carried out by using rice husk ash filler variation of 0%, 25% and 50%. The datacollected includes characteristics of volumetric and Marshall test characteristics of AC-BC pavementmixture on each rice husk ash content. The data include density, VIM, VMA, VFB, Stability, flow, MarshallQuotient value and residual stability of the mixture. The data is processed and displayed in graphical form,  then do a comparative analysis between the characteristics of the AC-BC mixture that uses rice husk ash andwithout rice husk ash.The results of the study found that increasing the percentage of rice husk ash content in the mix AC-BC tendsto increase the use of bitumen content. It can be seen from the increasing value of Optimum Bitumen Content(OBC) on rice husk ash variation of 0% - 50%. The results also gain an increase in the durability of the ACBCmixtureofricehuskashonthevariationof0%- 5%asindicatedbytheincreasedtheresidualstabilityvalueofthe AC-BC pavementmixtures.Maximum stabilityoccursinrice huskashcontentof25%.Keywords: Asphalt Concrete Binder Course (AC-BC), rice husk as

    Aplikasi Portal Berita Berbasis Website (Studi Kasus: Lintasberita1.Com)

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    Since its establishment on September 25, 2018, lintasberita1.com has been active in reporting for the Palangka Raya city area of Central Kalimantan Province. Currently, lintasberita1.com still uses WordPress as a blog engine for news content. The use of WordPress has limitations in that the customization that can be done is limited to what is provided by the application developer itself. Another problem occurs in the news reporting process for field journalists who still use the WhatsApp application. This process is time-consuming for editors to take news and edit it on the WordPress administrator's site for publishing. Ad management constraints also often occur because they have to manually input data. Based on these problems, the purpose of this study is to design and build a website-based news portal lintasberita1 that can accommodate user needs. The waterfall software development method was used in this study. This method has several stages, namely requirement definition, system and software design, implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing, and operation and maintenance.. This research produces a website application that can provide information on the latest news in Central Kalimantan Province, and improve the news processing process to be systematic and integrated