900 research outputs found

    Continuous matrix product states for coupled fields: Application to Luttinger Liquids and quantum simulators

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    A way of constructing continuous matrix product states (cMPS) for coupled fields is presented here. The cMPS is a variational \emph{ansatz} for the ground state of quantum field theories in one dimension. Our proposed scheme is based in the physical interpretation in which the cMPS class can be produced by means of a dissipative dynamic of a system interacting with a bath. We study the case of coupled bosonic fields. We test the method with previous DMRG results in coupled Lieb Liniger models. Besides, we discuss a novel application for characterizing the Luttinger liquid theory emerging in the low energy regime of these theories. Finally, we propose a circuit QED architecture as a quantum simulator for coupled fields.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Stationary discrete solitons in circuit QED

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    We demonstrate that stationary localized solutions (discrete solitons) exist in a one dimensional Bose-Hubbard lattices with gain and loss in the semiclassical regime. Stationary solutions, by defi- nition, are robust and do not demand for state preparation. Losses, unavoidable in experiments, are not a drawback, but a necessary ingredient for these modes to exist. The semiclassical calculations are complemented with their classical limit and dynamics based on a Gutzwiller Ansatz. We argue that circuit QED architectures are ideal platforms for realizing the physics developed here. Finally, within the input-output formalism, we explain how to experimentally access the different phases, including the solitons, of the chain.Comment: 10 pages including appendix, 7 figure

    Nonlinear quantum optics in the (ultra)strong light-matter coupling

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    The propagation of NN photons in one dimensional waveguides coupled to MM qubits is discussed, both in the strong and ultrastrong qubit-waveguide coupling. Special emphasis is placed on the characterisation of the nonlinear response and its linear limit for the scattered photons as a function of NN, MM, qubit inter distance and light-matter coupling. The quantum evolution is numerically solved via the Matrix Product States technique. Both the time evolution for the field and qubits is computed. The nonlinear character (as a function of N/MN/M) depends on the computed observable. While perfect reflection is obtained for N/M≅1N/M \cong 1, photon-photon correlations are still resolved for ratios N/M=2/20N/M= 2/20. Inter-qubit distance enhances the nonlinear response. Moving to the ultrastrong coupling regime, we observe that inelastic processes are \emph{robust} against the number of qubits and that the qubit-qubit interaction mediated by the photons is qualitatively modified. The theory developed in this work modelises experiments in circuit QED, photonic crystals and dielectric waveguides.Comment: Comments are wellcom

    Scattering in the ultrastrong regime: nonlinear optics with one photon

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    The scattering of a flying photon by a two-level system ultrastrongly coupled to a one-dimensional photonic waveguide is studied numerically. The photonic medium is modeled as an array of coupled cavities and the whole system is analyzed beyond the rotating wave approximation using Matrix Product States. It is found that the scattering is strongly influenced by the single- and multi-photon dressed bound states present in the system. In the ultrastrong coupling regime a new channel for inelastic scattering appears, where an incident photon deposits energy into the qubit, exciting a photon-bound state, and escaping with a lower frequency. This single-photon nonlinear frequency conversion process can reach up to 50\% efficiency. Other remarkable features in the scattering induced by counter-rotating terms are a blueshift of the reflection resonance and a Fano resonance due to long-lived excited statesComment: 5+4 page

    One- and two-photon scattering from generalized V-type atoms

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    The one- and two-photon scattering matrix S is obtained analytically for a one-dimensional waveguide and a point-like scatterer with N excited levels (generalized V -type atom). We argue that the two-photon scattering matrix contains sufficient information to distinguish between different level structures which are equivalent for single-photon scattering, such as a V -atom with N = 2 excited levels and two two-level systems. In particular, we show that the scattering with the V -type atom exhibits a destructive interference effect leading to two-photon Coupled-Resonator-Induced Transparency, where the nonlinear part of the two-photon scattering matrix vanishes when each incident photon fulfills a single-photon condition for transparency

    Single photons by quenching the vacuum

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    Heisenberg's uncertainty principle implies that the quantum vacuum is not empty but fluctuates. These fluctuations can be converted into radiation through nonadiabatic changes in the Hamiltonian. Here, we discuss how to control this vacuum radiation, engineering a single-photon emitter out of a two-level system (2LS) ultrastrongly coupled to a finite-band waveguide in a vacuum state. More precisely, we show the 2LS nonlinearity shapes the vacuum radiation into a nonGaussian superposition of even and odd cat states. When the 2LS bare frequency lays within the band gaps, this emission can be well approximated by individual photons. This picture is confirmed by a characterization of the ground and bound states, and a study of the dynamics with matrix product states and polaron Hamiltonian methods.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Emergent Causality and the N-photon Scattering Matrix in Waveguide QED

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    In this work we discuss the emergence of approximate causality in a general setup from waveguide QED -i.e. a one-dimensional propagating field interacting with a scatterer. We prove that this emergent causality translates into a structure for the N-photon scattering matrix. Our work builds on the derivation of a Lieb-Robinson-type bound for continuous models and for all coupling strengths, as well as on several intermediate results, of which we highlight (i) the asymptotic independence of space-like separated wave packets, (ii) the proper definition of input and output scattering states, and (iii) the characterization of the ground state and correlations in the model. We illustrate our formal results by analyzing the two-photon scattering from a quantum impurity in the ultrastrong coupling regime, verifying the cluster decomposition and ground-state nature. Besides, we generalize the cluster decomposition if inelastic or Raman scattering occurs, finding the structure of the S-matrix in momentum space for linear dispersion relations. In this case, we compute the decay of the fluorescence (photon-photon correlations) caused by this S-matrix

    Plans de carrière : Charles Boissonnas et Antoine Feltmann, architectes (Genève, 2e moitié du XIXe siècle)

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    Considéré d’un point de vue historique, le métier d’architecte n’est pas réductible aux carrières brillantes. Partant de ce constat, la recherche suivante met en regard deux protagonistes, Charles Boissonnas et Antoine Feltmann, aux trajectoires professionnelles divergentes. Profitant tous deux d’une conjoncture favorable, consécutive à la démolition des fortifications, l’un s’impose comme l’un des plus importants constructeurs de son époque, tandis que l’autre connaît une série de déboires qui le mèneront à une déroute retentissante. Formation, expérience, réseau social, sens des affaires, prise de risque : c’est à ces variables que se mesure, de toute évidence, le succès ou l’échec d’une carrière d’architecte

    Canvis d'univers en categories localment presentables

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2017, Director: Carles Casacuberta[en] After looking over the difficulties to give an adequate ground to the Theory of Categories, we give a presentation of the basic concepts of this theory from a proposal of definitions that will be useful for dealing with the changes of universe rigorously. In this way, once fixed the set-theoretic framework where we will be moving, we will define a κ-category, a bundle, a definable bundle of categories and a change of universe or enlargement. We will reformulate all the concepts that will be necessary for us to finally speak about the locally presentable change of universe and the logical enlargement of the kk-locally presentable kk-categories and we will see how the locally presentable enlargements, which in general they do not have to coincide with the logical enlargement, preserve kk-colimits

    Dynamics of superconducting qubits in open transmission lines

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado al "APS March Meeting" celebrado en Denver, Colorado (US) del 3 al 7 de marzo de 2014.The time and space resolved dynamics of a superconducting qubit with an Ohmic coupling to propagating 1D photons is studied, from weak coupling to the ultrastrong coupling regime (USC). A nonperturbative study based on Matrix Product States (MPS) shows the following results: (i) The ground state of the combined systems contains excitations of both the qubit and the surrounding bosonic field. (ii) An initially excited qubit equilibrates through spontaneous emission to a state, which under certain conditions, is locally close to that ground state, both in the qubit and the field. (iii) The resonances of the combined qubit-photon system match those of the spontaneous emission process and also the predictions of the adiabatic renormalisation. These results set the foundations for future studies and engineering of the interactions between superconducting qubits and propagating photons, as well as the design of photon-photon interactions based on artificial materials built from these qubits.Peer Reviewe
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