270 research outputs found

    Murskauksen tutkiminen ja työajanseuranta

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    Tässä insinöörityössä tarkastellaan Lemminkäinen Infra Oy Kiviainestoiminnan murskausta toteutuneiden työmaiden osalta vuosilta 2007 – 2011 Kivipiha-järjestelmän tietojen perusteella. Tarkasteluun valittiin hyvän vertailun aikaansaamiseksi kymmenen murskauslaitosta, joista viisi oli track-tyyppisiä ja viisi pyöräalustaisia. Työn toisessa osiossa tutkittiin työmaapäälliköiden työajan käyttöä kyselylomakkeiden avulla. Työmaapäälliköt valittiin työajanseurantaan samoilta murskauslaitoksilta, joista Kivipiha-tutkimus tehtiin. Tavoitteina oli löytää tuotannosta ongelmakohtia, jotka aiheuttavat merkittäviä katkoksia tuotantoon. Työajan seurannan tavoitteena oli tarkastella työmaapäälliköiden työpäivien pituuksia ja eri työtehtäviin kuluvaa aikaa ja verrata niitä keskenään eri laitostyyppien kesken. Työ aloitettiin tutkimalla ja jäsentelemällä Kivipihan tietoja. Lähtötietona oli 1880 sivua PDF-muotoista tilastoa murskaustyömaiden toteutumisista ja työn kulusta. Tiedot saatiin jäsenneltyä Excel-taulukkolaskennan avulla helposti luettaviksi kaavioiksi, joiden perusteella tehtiin johtopäätöksiä ja mietittiin työtapojen parannusehdotuksia. Merkittäviä tuloksia olivat ylisuurien, kiven loppumisen ja lajitteen vaihtoon kulutetut työajat. Näitä toimia kehittämällä saadaan aikaan satojen tuhansien eurojen lisätuotto vuosittain koko kiviainestoiminnalle. Työajanseurantatutkimus aloitettiin luomalla kyselyyn sopiva helposti täytettävä lomake. Seuranta-ajaksi valittiin kaksi viikkoa palkkakausien aiheuttaman jaksottuneisuuden vuoksi. Tiedot kerättiin yhteen Excel-taulukkoon, jonka avulla laskettiin eri työtehtäviin kulunut aika. Tietojen perusteella voitiin todeta, että track-tyyppisellä murskauslaitoksella työmaapäällikön keskimääräinen työpäivä on yli kaksi tuntia pidempi kuin pyöräalustaisilla laitoksilla. Suurimmalta osin ero selittyy työmaapäälliköiden osallistumisella laitoksen huoltotoimenpiteisiin.This thesis is going to examine Lemminkäinen Infra Oy Company’s mineral aggregate from work sites completed in 2007-2011 using information gathered from Kivipiha-system. There were ten different crushing plants picked for this research – five track-mounted crushing plants and five wheeled mobile crushing plants – five each to get good and efficient comparison. In the second part of the thesis crushing site supervisors’ use of working hours was examined. The examination was made by using question forms. Supervisors were picked from same the crushing plants where the Kivipiha research was made. The objective was to point out problem issues which cause notable interruptions on production. The goal of monitoring working hours was to survey workday lengths of the crushing site supervisors and the time they used on different working tasks and also to compare these matters within different plant types. The research started by investigating and analyzing information gathered from Kivipiha-system. The source material was 1880 pages of PDF-format statistics about work done on crushing plants. The material was summarized with Excel worksheet to a more readable format to analyze in order to make conclusions and find out ways to develop working habits. Notable results were the time wasted on over-sized rocks, on running out of rocks and changing of fractions. By developing these issues a company could make annual savings of hundreds of thousand of euros for the whole mineral aggregate section. The research on monitoring working hours started by creating an appropriate and easily fillable question form. The monitoring period was two weeks. The period was selected in because of deferred salary periods. The material was gathered to one Excel file so it was possible to count how much time was used for different working tasks. Based on this information it could be noticed that the daily working hours of supervisors were more than two hours longer at track-mounted crushing plants than wheeled mobile crushing plants. Most of the difference can be explained by the supervisors’ involvement in the maintenance work at the plant

    Pasarela peatonal sobre el río Ulla, provincia de Lugo (Galicia)

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    Se trata de un proyecto de pasarela peatonal colgante sobre el río Ulla, de aproximadamente 36 metros de luz. La especial belleza del área natural en que se situará llevó a la opción de un diseño claro y sencillo para lograr su integración en el lugar. Se busca que la pasarela pase lo más desapercibida posible y deje el protagonismo para el entorno, el río y la naturaleza misma. La difícil accesibilidad de la zona condicionó el diseño y los procedimientos constructivos a adoptar. Se optó por una tipología de pasarela colgante de cables de acero, tablero de madera de castaño y soportes de madera laminada cilíndrica, sobre unos estribos de hormigón armado parcialmente ocultos gracias a su integración en la topografía del lugar. El diseño modular del tablero, construido a base de piezas prefabricadas de madera de castaño que se ensamblan entre sí, permite el montaje en seco mediante avance del tablero sin necesidad de cimbra. Su diseño con dos capas cruzadas de entablado solidarizadas proporciona al conjunto un comportamiento estructural similar al de una placa maciza de madera. This is the project of a suspension footbridge over the Ulla River. It has a span of about 36 meters. The beauty of the natural surroundings where it is located guided the design to the option of a clear and simple proposal with the aim of achieving an integrated project for the area. The footbridge tries to be as invisible as possible with the purpose of maintaining the natural quality of the river and its surroundings. The difficult access to the area conditioned the design and the construction procedures chosen. A suspension footbridge with stainless steel cables, chestnut timber deck and cylindrical glulam piles was designed in the end. The reinforced concrete abutments are partially concealed thanks to their integration in the topography of the area. The deck is built of prefabricated chestnut timber modules that can be joined together at the construction site and can be assembled without the necessity of scaffolding over the river. The design of the deck, with two crossed layers of chestnut boards screwed down together, permits a structural behaviour similar to a solid wooden slab

    Cualidades propulsivas de buques catamaranes

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    During the last decade the civil and military applications of catamaran vessels have developed rapidly. Their particular area of proliferation is the short sea shipping where their power, economy, habitability and behavior have provided them a market niche. The rapid market growth ha caused catamarans to experience design modifications regarding size, speed, cargo diversity (passengers, vehicles, containers). The purpose of this article is to show the work developed by the El Pardo Hydrodynamic Experiences Channel (CEHIPAR) regarding the propulsive qualities of catamaran vessels. This work is the result of the need expressed by the Ministry of Defense for provision of technical assistance and scientific research for an I+D program that established more adequate program parameters for a catamaran-type vessel from the propulsive point of view, in relation to its size and shape, so that it has the adequate information and trustworthiness when suggesting a vessel of this type as an alternative to other platforms, always within the scope of application of patrol-type or quick-attack-type vessels. Durante la última década el empleo de buques catamarán, en aplicaciones civiles y militares, se ha desarrollado rápidamente. Su particular área de actuación ha sido el denominado “short sea shipping” donde sus características de potencia, economía, habitabilidad y comportamiento en la mar le han conferido un nicho de mercado. El rápido crecimiento del mercado, ha hecho que los catamaranes hayan experimentado modificaciones de diseño en cuanto a tamaño, velocidad, diversidad de carga (pasajeros, vehículos, contenedores). El objeto del presente artículo es dar a conocer el trabajo desarrollado por el Canal de Experiencias Hidrodinámicas de El Pardo (CEHIPAR) en materia de cualidades propulsivas de buques catamaranes. Este trabajo surge de la necesidad manifiesta del Ministerio de Defensa para la prestación de asistencia técnica, e investigación científica, para realizar un programa de I+D que establezca los parámetros de proyecto más adecuados para un buque tipo catamarán desde el punto de vista propulsivo, en función de su tamaño y formas, de modo que se disponga de información propia y con la adecuada fiabilidad, a la hora de plantear un buque de este tipo, como alternativa a otras plataformas, siempre dentro del ámbito de aplicación a buques tipo patrulleras o buques de ataque rápidos.


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    This paper analyses in the study of the factors that most affect multihull vessels, and thus determine the feasibility of a new class of ships. It focuses on the impact of service requirements (vessels are typically designed and built under national standards that take into account different factors such as strength, stability, buoyancy, etc.) in a way they are able to withstand extreme environmental conditions with minimal damage, essential for correct and responsible operation. In this paper it is compared, in terms of seakeeping prediction, the results of a monohull with a multihull. In recent years there has been a major breakthrough in this area and it should be noted that although a priori, it may seem that such structures have very good seakeeping characteristics and they provide superior operation compared to traditional monohull with equivalent displacement. They also have some disadvantages such as a higher drag because the wetted surface is higher than its equivalent monohull, and a large weight variation due to their low flotation area. Seakeeping optimization and improving on board comfort aspects are both aspects related to the development of reliable numerical tools as well as knowing a good statistical climatological description. It is crucial to conduct preliminary tests using scale models in a canal with the latest technology for wave generation, test instruments and devices for measuring the movements of the ship and the application of operational criteria. This ensures smaller amplitude movements, high coefficient of floating, sterns mirror, less draft, more beam and metacentric height provide the appropriate natural period

    Reducción de los movimientos del buque de guerra basándose en wavelets

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    In seakeeping terminology, the Quiescent Period is known as the period of calm in rough waters to allow the ship to perform operations such as landing aircrafts and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), aswell as the entry of landing crafts in the basin. Quiescence refers to the interval of time where all ship motions are within acceptable limits to perform a desired activity. Among the key issues for Quiescent Period Prediction is to be able to measure waves from a suitable distance and predict ship motions in response to waves encountered; both aspects are crucial and must be taken into account. Many of the opearations performed at sea are carried under severe weather conditions, as a result of this situation there is a need to determine this called “window of opportunity” that allows carrying them out. The paper aims to explain from the point of view of Quiescent Period Prediction, the most promising wave measurement systems, which are currently based on radar, but the main question is that if we want predictions a few seconds ahead, it will be appropriate to measure waves at a distance of some hundreds of meters, describing the new mathematical model based on wavelets in determining the spread of the waves from their initial measurement until they reach the vessel.Dentro del ámbito del comportamiento en la mar, se denomina Periodo Quiescente a aquellos periodos de calma que se producen en un estado de mala mar que permiten al buque llevar a cabo operaciones como pueden ser el aterrizaje de plataformas aéreas, vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAVs) o la entrada de lanchas en el dique. El término quiescente hace referencia al intervalo de tiempo durante el cual los movimientos del buque se encuentran dentro de los límites aceptables para llevar a cabo una actividad determinada. Las claves para llegar a predecir los Periodos Quiescentes están en ser capaz de llegar a medir las olas desde una distancia adecuada, y ser capaz de llegar a predecir los movimientos que dichas olas inducirán en el buque una vez le alcance; ambos aspectos son cruciales y deberán ser tenidos en cuenta. Muchas de las operaciones que se realizan en la mar se llevan a cabo bajo condiciones climatológicas adversas, y es en estos casos donde surge la necesidad de determinar una “ventana de oportunidad” que nos permita llevarlas a cabo. El artículo trata de explicar desde el punto de vista de la predicción de periodos quiescentes los sistemas de medida de oleaje más prometedores, actualmente basados en radar, pero la inquietud principal es que si queremos una predicción de varios segundos en adelanto es necesario medir las olas a una distancia de cientos de metros, para ello se describirá el nuevo desarrollo matemático basado en “wavelets” que se ha empleado para determinar la deformación que sufren las olas desde su medida inicial hasta que alcanzan la plataforma

    Pruebas de estabilidad en buques de guerra averiados con base en ANEP-77: Estudio de caso para F-110

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    Stability tests are a core part of a hydrodynamics warship design. The acquired knowledge from the hydrodynamics model basin will affect her lifespan. Particularly, a safety assessment of damaged ships, which considers environmental conditions such as waves and wind, is critical in future operations. Over the last decade, a significant amount of experience has been gained associated with predicting the capsize behavior of intact and damaged naval vessels, and the main objective of this paper is to provide insights into different relevant physical aspects to prevent the capsizing of damaged ships in waves following the Naval Ship Code (NSC) or ANEP-77 rules. Currently, the Royal Navy of Spain is developing the future F-110 frigate class and carried out model tests at Canal de Experiencias Hidrodinámicas de El Pardo (CEHIPAR) for optimizing the forms of body hulls. Among these dynamic experiences, the most critical are the damage stability tests. Although a safety criteria of damaged ships that considers environmental conditions such as waves and wind has not yet been developed, NATO and the European maritime classification societies have developed guidelines for safety assessments such as the ANEP-77. This code contains damage scenarios and environmental conditions. Las pruebas de estabilidad son una parte fundamental de un diseño de busques de guerra hidrodinámicos. El conocimiento adquirido de la cuenca del modelo hidrodinámico afectará su vida útil. En particular, una valoración de la seguridad de las naves averiadas que considera las condiciones ambientales como el oleaje y el viento, es crítico para operaciones futuras. Durante la última década, una experiencia significativa ha sido adquirida respecto de la predicción del comportamiento de la zozobra de buques militares averiados e intactos y el principal objetivo de este ensayo es dar perspectivas sobre los diferentes aspectos físicos relevantes para prevenir la zozobra de naves averiadas en olas mediante el seguimiento del Código de Buques Navales (NSC) o normas ANEP-77. Actualmente, la Armada Real de España esta desarrollando la futura clase de fragata F-110 y realizó pruebas modelo en el Canal de Experiencias Hidrodinámicas de El Pardo (CEHIPAR) para optimizar las formas de cascos de cuerpo. Entre estas experiencias dinámicas, las más críticas son las pruebas de estabilidad de averías. Aunque el criterio de seguridad de las naves averiadas que considera las condiciones ambientales tales como oleaje y viento no ha sido aún desarrollado, la OTAN y la sociedades de clasificación marítimas europeas han desarrollado guías para la evaluación de seguridad tales como la ANEP-77. Este código contiene escenarios de averías y condiciones ambientales.


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    Rrjedhja e natyrës, mos ndalimi i saj, gjithmonë do të na lejon që të hapim vetëm, të qetësohemi dhe të ndjejmë atë çka kemi përreth. Tema e shtjelluar ka për qëllim një hapësirë ku do ti shërben njeriut të ik nga ajo që kërkon çdo ditë, nga dinamika, monotonia dhe rutina e jetës. Stresi të lirohet, kreativiteti të zhvillohet dhe argëtimi të vije në pah. Objekti është projektuar me destinim të hotelit malor. Ky objekt do të jetë në kontakt me natyrën dhe njeriu do të jetë në kontakt me objektin. Mundësia që ofron objekti është që njeriu të përqafoj hapur natyrën edhe kur është në hapësirë të brendshme. Pra natyra do të rrjedh në objekt lirshëm dhe do ta pagëzoj objektin në stilin organik. Objekti do të balancohet, shkrihet me natyrën dhe rrethinën e saj, duke i shërbyer asaj dhe materialeve që përbëhen në të. Përparësi tjetër janë dhe vizurat. Duhet të ceki që përballë hotelit dhe si vizurë kryesore gjindet Guri i Diellit i shtrëmbëruar më vonë nga greko-sllavët në “Dellos” prej fshatit Dellos. Ky gur ka qenë burimi kryesor i inspirimit tim të zgjedhjes së lokacionin për hotelin malor, pasiqë ka një histori mjaftë të rëndësishme dhe të lashtë që ka të bëjë me gjenealogjinë etinike të vërtetë të kombit pellazgo-iliro-shqiptar, ku thuhet që Guri i Diellit nuk është natyror por është i ndërtuar nga ilirët dhe ka mbetur ashtu prej shekuj. Thuhet që atje lart në 1637 m lartësi ka qenë një qytet ilir shumë i zhvilluar në epokën e kaluar dhe ky gur shërbeu si orë diellore për ta. Kjo lirshem mund të vrehet pasiqë në çdo kohë ky gur bënë hije të plotë që nga lindja e deri në perendim të diellit. Pra nga hoteli jo vetëm që do të ketë pamje frymëzuese po gjithashtu njeriu do përjetoj dhe historinë. Gjithashtu nga ai lokacion vërehen shumë pika malore ku ndër to janë mali i Lubotenit dhe ai i Pashallorës ku do të kenë një rol shumë të madh të atraksionit në lokacion

    Underuse of indicated medications in elderly

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    Introduction: Treatment omissions are very important to value the quality of pharmacological therapy. In fact, suboptimal prescribing has been defined as overuse (polypharmacy), inappropriate prescribing (drug whose risks are greater than the benefits in older adults) and underuse of indicated medications. This omission of drug therapy may be linked to certain health outcomes in older patients, such as, for instance, the greater risk of cardiovascular events and mortality Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was performed. The study population comprised 407 community-dwelling residents over the age of 65 on Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain), where there are 15 primary healthcare centres. Data recorded included socio-demographic characteristics, clinical status, functional and cognitive assessment, and complete information about drugs intake. Potential prescribing omissions (PPO) were evaluated according to Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment (START). Results: A total of 1844 medications were prescribed to the patients included in our study (median number per patient: 4.5 drugs; range: 0-14: polypharmacy prevalence: 45%). Omeprazole was the most frequently used drug followed by aspirin, furosemide and enalapril. START identified PPO in 170 (41.8%) subjects. Sixteen of the 22 START criteria (72.7%) were used to identify these PPO. The endocrine system accounted for over half the omissions (51.8%), followed by the cardiovascular system (26.7%), where the main omission was anticoagulants in the presence of chronic atrial fibrillation. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that the risk of PPO increased by 60% for every additional point in the Charlson Comorbidity Index (OR 1.60, 95% CI 1.35-1.91). Increasing numbers of medications also independently predicted the odds of at least one PPO according to START criteria (OR 2.19, 95% CI 1.36-3.55). Conclusions: Our findings show high rates of polypharmacy and PPO, as well as a clear relationship between these two concepts.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Tratamiento y reutilización de las aguas residuales del proceso de producción de lejías

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    La necesidad de gestionar las aguas residuales generadas durante la producción de lejía en la planta, que actualmente se reutilizaban parcialmente en la producción de un único producto, cuya demanda había decrecido en los últimos meses, plantea la posibilidad de buscar métodos de tratamiento para mejorar la calidad de estas aguas y así poder reutilizarlas si no en la totalidad de los productos producidos por la fabrica, al menos en el mayor número posible de ellos. La composición del efluente problema es básicamente lejía y agua mezclada con trazas de lejía, el principal objetivo era eliminar los tensioactivos, la espuma, el color y el perfume presente en estas aguas residuales, así como disminuir su dureza para que el agua tratada cumpliera con las especificaciones de calidad impuestas por la empresa y no comprometiera la calidad del producto acabado. La elevada alcalinidad y el alto contenido de cloro activo han obligado a realizar una desalcalnización y una decloración previas al sistema de osmosis inversa planteado. La simulación realizada con el programa ROSA ofrece unos resultados muy prometedores, se reduce el contenido en sales, la dureza, el color y el perfume del agua, pudiéndose reutilizar íntegramente el volumen de aguas residuales, ya tratadas, en 14 de los 15 productos producidos en la empresa. El tratamiento de osmosis inversa además reduce la emisión de residuos y reporta unos beneficios anuales de 5100 €, siendo un proceso rentable económica y medioambientalmente hablando