36 research outputs found

    A case of bilateral acute angle closure attack with some unusual features

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    A 45 year old male presented with sudden severe pain, redness and marked diminution of vision in both eyes along with corneal oedema, pigmented KPs and raised IOP. After treatment with hyper osmotic agents, IOP came down and cornea became clear. Anterior chamber was shallow bilaterally with ring synechia. Gonioscopy revealed peripheral anterior synechiae in left eye and occludable angle in the right eye. Fundus examination was within normal limit. The patient was treated with antiglaucoma medications and steroid. Trabeculectomy was done in left eye with laser PI in the fellow eye. IOP came down within normal limits on subsequent visits with residual iris sphincter damage

    Matturister og Stavanger som en kulinarisk by

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    Lokal mat er noe man hĂžrer stadig om, det er noe som blir oppsĂžkt og ettertraktet i flere steder i verden. Det bidrar til arbeidsplasser og er et mer bĂŠrekraftig alternativ som man kan velge isteden for mat som blir stor produsert. I tillegg til dette sĂ„ bidrar lokal mat med turisme og kan gjĂžre en turistdestinasjon mer attraktiv, det bidrar ogsĂ„ med kunnskap og historie om destinasjonen. Det er en mangel pĂ„ forskning innenfor temaet om forholdet mellom lokal mat og turisme, noe som er en av grunnene til oppgavens tema. Oppgaven besvarer problemstillingen: ”Hvilke turister interesserer seg for lokal mat og hvordan kan Stavanger bli en mer attraktiv matdestinasjon?”. Dette spĂžrsmĂ„let ble besvart ved hjelp av en spĂžrreundersĂžkelse for Ă„ undersĂžke holdningene turister har mot lokal mat og Stavanger. De viktigste resultatene av denne oppgaven var at det er tydelig at Stavanger trenger et stĂžrre utvalg av lokal mat for Ă„ bli mer attraktiv, gjerne da restauranter i ulike prisklasser. I tillegg til dette sĂ„ er det i all hovedsak menn som interesserer seg for lokal mat og det er den gruppen Stavanger burde markedsfĂžre seg mot. Resultatene var ekstra interessante da de skiller seg fra tidligere forskning. NĂžkkelord: lokal mat, foodies, matdestinasjon og matturism

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    Skriftlig del av masterprosjekt. Avdeling Kunst og hÄndverk, 202

    BrottmĂ„lsprocesser rörande patentintrĂ„ng – En studie av utsikterna för en effektivare tillĂ€mpning av patentlagens straffsanktion

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    Ett patent Ă€r en immateriell rĂ€ttighet som medför en ensamrĂ€tt för patenthavaren att dra affĂ€rsmĂ€ssig nytta av en viss uppfinning under en begrĂ€nsad tidsperiod. Den som krĂ€nker patenthavarens ensamrĂ€tt gör sig skyldig till patentintrĂ„ng. Vid patentintrĂ„ng tillhandahĂ„ller den svenska patentlagen (1967:837) ett antal olika sanktionsmöjligheter. De primĂ€ra civilrĂ€ttsliga sanktionsformerna utgörs av patenthavarens möjlighet att vĂ€cka en skadestĂ„ndstalan mot intrĂ„ngsgöraren samt möjligheten att yrka pĂ„ förbud för intrĂ„ngsgöraren att vid vite fortsĂ€tta intrĂ„nget (vitesförbud). Som alternativ till dessa sanktionsformer kan patentintrĂ„ng enligt 57 § patentlagen Ă€ven bekĂ€mpas pĂ„ straffrĂ€ttslig vĂ€g. Patenthavarens talan om intrĂ„ng förs dĂ„ av allmĂ€n Ă„klagare inom ramen för en brottmĂ„lsprocess, vilken bekostas av staten. PĂ„ senare Ă„r har det blivit allt vanligare att enskilda patenthavare utsĂ€tts för grova och systematiska intrĂ„ng. MĂ„nga gĂ„nger saknar de drabbade patenthavarna emellertid ekonomiska resurser för att tillvarata sin rĂ€tt pĂ„ civilrĂ€ttslig vĂ€g, eftersom patentprocesser ofta Ă€r mycket kostsamma att handlĂ€gga i domstol. Samtidigt har allmĂ€nt Ă„tal aldrig vĂ€ckts för patent-intrĂ„ng sedan patentlagens tillkomst Ă„r 1967. Detta fĂ„r följden att mĂ„nga intrĂ„ngsdrabbade patenthavare i praktiken saknar rĂ€ttsligt skydd. I denna uppsats har möjligheten att Ă„stadkomma en ökad bekĂ€mpning av patentintrĂ„ng med stöd av patentlagens straffbestĂ€mmelse undersökts. Undersökningens syfte Ă€r att utvĂ€rdera huruvida patentlagens straffbestĂ€mmelse har potential att fungera som ett kvalificerat komplement till patenthavares civilrĂ€ttsliga möjlighet att erhĂ„lla skadestĂ„nd frĂ„n intrĂ„ngsgörare. Inom ramen för syftet har straffbestĂ€mmelsens tilltĂ€nkta Ă€ndamĂ„l samt dess inneboende potential att kunna utgöra ett effektivt sanktionsmedel mot patentintrĂ„ng undersökts nĂ€rmare. Undersökningen innefattar dĂ€rutöver ocksĂ„ en granskning av i vilken utstrĂ€ckning patentlagens straffsanktion kan anses vara förenlig med sĂ„dana allmĂ€nna kriminaliseringsprinciper som bör styra anvĂ€ndningen av straffrĂ€tt som samhĂ€llelig kontrollmetod. Undersökningens resultat visar att patentlagens straffsanktion av flera skĂ€l saknar utsikter att kunna tillĂ€mpas effektivt. Den mest framtrĂ€dande anledningen till detta synes vara att den konventionsfĂ€sta tolkningsmetod som ska anvĂ€ndas för att faststĂ€lla ett patents skyddsomfĂ„ng hamnar i konflikt med straffrĂ€ttens legalitetsprincip. Vidare förefaller de höga beviskrav som gĂ€ller för brottmĂ„l jĂ€mfört med civilmĂ„l fĂ„ en starkt begrĂ€nsande inverkan pĂ„ utsikterna för en fĂ€llande dom i straffrĂ€ttsliga patentmĂ„l. Detta förhĂ„llande uppstĂ„r huvudsakligen som en följd av patentmĂ„lens komplexa natur. PatentmĂ„lens komplexitet förefaller ocksĂ„ leda till att flera av rĂ€ttegĂ„ngsbalkens undantagsbestĂ€mmelser betrĂ€ffande Ă„klagarens skyldighet att föra patenthavarens talan i ersĂ€ttningsfrĂ„gan blir tillĂ€mpliga. BetrĂ€ffande straffbestĂ€mmelsens förenlighet med allmĂ€nna principer för kriminalisering visar resultatet av undersökningen att straffbudet uppfyller de kriterier som avser skyddsintresse och skada. DĂ€remot lever bestĂ€mmelsen inte upp till de kriterier som stĂ€lls pĂ„ en kriminaliserings Ă€ndamĂ„l, effektivitet och legalitet. Sammanfattningsvis leder undersökningen dĂ€rmed till den övergripande slutsatsen att patentlagens straff-bestĂ€mmelse saknar potential att kunna utgöra ett kvalificerat komplement till patenthavares civilrĂ€ttsliga möjlighet att erhĂ„lla skadestĂ„nd frĂ„n intrĂ„ngsgörare.A patent is a kind of intellectual property right that grants the patent holder an exclusive right to profit from a certain invention for a limited time period. Anyone who violates the patent holder's exclusive right is guilty of patent infringement. In cases of patent infringement the Swedish Patent Act (patentlag 1967: 837) provides a number of different sanction options. The primary civil sanctions comprise the patent holder's right to claim compensation for damages along with the possibility to demand that the court prohibits the infringer to continue his actions under the penalty of a fine. As an alternative to these sanctions, section 57 of the Swedish Patent Act also provides the option to take measures against infringers through public prosecutions. In such situations the infringements are handled as criminal cases. In recent years, the number of patent holders who become subjected to serious infringements has increased substantially. In many of these cases, however, the patent holders lack financial means to commence an action for damages due to high litigation costs. Meanwhile, no public prosecutions have been commenced regarding patent infringement since the Swedish Patent Act was established in 1967. These circumstances altogether create a situation where patent holders practically lack legal protection. In this study, the penal provision in section 57 of the Swedish Patent Act has been analysed in order to identify problems concerning its’ applicability in practice. The main purpose of the study is to evaluate whether the penal provision has the potential to serve as a qualified complement to the civil sanction regarding patent holders’ opportunities to receive compensation from infringers. In the context of the purpose, the initial motives for introducing the provision has been examined more closely as well as the provision’s inherent potential to constitute an effective sanction against infringers. The study also include a review of to which extent the penal provision can be considered to comply with such general principles of criminalization that govern the use of criminal law as a method for social control. The outcome of the study suggests that the penal provision, for a number of reasons, lack prospects of efficient application. The most prominent reason for this seems be that the interpretation method used for determining the scope of protection of a patent conflicts with the application of the principle of legality of criminal justice. Furthermore, the high standards of proof applicable to criminal cases compared to civil cases have a strong limiting effect on the prospects of a guilty verdict in criminal cases concerning patent infringement. This state of affairs appears mainly as a result of the complex nature of the patent cases. The complicated nature of the patent cases also seems to bring up to date the exemption regulations of the Code of Judicial Procedure (rĂ€ttegĂ„ngsbalk 1942:740) concerning the prosecutor’s duty to appear for the patent holder regarding the action for damages. Regarding the penal provision’s compliance with the general principles of criminalization, the study outcome suggests that the provision meet the criteria concerning the principles regarding interests worthy of protection and harm. On the other hand, the penal provision does not meet the criteria concerning the principles regarding underlying purpose, efficiency and legality. Based on the results mentioned above, I’ve come to the conclusion that the penal provision in section 57 of the Swedish Patent Act lacks adequate potential to serve as a qualified complement to the civil sanction regarding patent holders’ opportunities to receive compensation from infringers

    Den danske kongemagt ved vikingetidens begyndelse

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    Comparison of oxidative stress levels among patients with primary open angle glaucoma(POAG) and primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) closure glaucoma (PACG)

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    Introduction: Oxidative stress has been postulated to cause retinal ganglion cells death, trabecular meshwork degeneration leading resistance of aqueous outflow. Subsequently, it may lead to IOP elevation and glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Thus, it is worthwhile to look for the oxidative stress level in glaucoma patients. Detection of oxidative stress level in ocular tissue may perhaps provide insight into a role of oxidative stress in pathogenesis of glaucoma. Objective: Our objective was to compare the oxidative stress level in tears between glaucoma and agematched controls. The comparison of SOD, catalase and MDA level between POAG and PACG patients were also conducted. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted between May 2014 and November 2015 involving patients with confirmed diagnosis of POAG and PACG attending eye clinic of two tertiary hospitals in Malaysia; Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia and Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun. Age-match non glaucoma patients were recruited as controls. The detail medical history, ocular history and drug history such as antioxidant supplement were obtained through direct questioning from patients and medical record. Complete ophthalmic evaluations were conducted including Humphrey visual field analysis. Tear samples collected by using schirmer paper. Laboratory analysis was performed to test on SOD, catalase and MDA level of tears using commercially available immunological kits. Statistical analysis was done using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS Inc Version 20). Independent ttest was used to compare the SOD, catalase and MDA level in tears between glaucoma and controls. Results: A total of 62 POAG patients, 57 PACG patients and 72 controls were recruited. Patients with glaucoma were older. Mean SOD and catalase level were slightly higher in glaucoma patients as compared to controls. Meanwhile mean MDA level was slightly lower in glaucoma patients compared with controls. However, there was no significant difference of SOD level (p=0.191), catalase level (p=0.259) and MDA level (p=0.309) between glaucoma and controls using multivariate analysis. There was no significant difference of SOD, catalase and MDA level between POAG and PACG patients. However, mean SOD activity was statistically significant higher in patients with POAG compared to controls after adjusting confounding factors (351.67 U/ml vs 315.12 U/ml), p=0.006) . Conclusions Quantification of oxidative stress level in tears is non invasive and easy. Catalase and MDA may not a play role in oxidative stress in glaucoma. SOD is a potential oxidative stress marker for POAG