408 research outputs found


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    The aim of this dissertation is to explore how established firms innovate their business models, including the organizational and managerial underpinnings of such innovations. The dissertation focuses on the following research questions: l) "How do BMI processes unfold in established firms?" and 2) "How do managers and organizational design best support BMI processes?". I approach these questions by applying an understanding of business models as cognitive schemas and activity-based systems. The research design is based on an in-depth, embedded case study of a multinational corporation experiencing major business model transformation which includes BMI at different levels (both corporate and business unit). I investigate the process of developing different types ofBMI, including both modular, customer-oriented BMI, BMI in the form ofreplication to new markets and corporate-wide BMI. The findings are presented in three subsequent articles written together with co-authors. In Article I, we investigate the process of developing a modular BMI within the context of an established firm. The BMI in focus is a sustainable business model innovation (SBMI), and the specific research questions for this article addresses how managers, organizational processes and structure can support the development of SBMI processes. A framework consisting of microfoundations to support the SBMI process at the individual, interactional and structural level is developed. Further on, key phases of modular SBMI processes for established firms and their related microfoundations are discussed, as well as specific aspects of developing SBMI for established firms. Article 2 examines the continued relevance of business model replication as a strategy in a digital context. Characteristics of digital business models are discussed, and findings from an embedded case study on replication of digital business models is presented. The article suggests that digital business models require distinct replication strategies supported by a dynamic and l 2 flexible approach. It argues that replication in dynamic environments is a specific form of BMI, and that dynamic capabilities are key aspects of the replication approach in the case of digital business models. In Article 3, we explore the role of the top management team (TMT) in transforming business models at the corporate level. This study offers a process perspective that illustrates how digitalization can trigger a cognitive change with regards to the way the TMT identifies business model problems, searches for solutions, and introduces change. It argues that TMTs can accelerate business model transformation processes through building capabilities within business model problem-identification, -formulation, - recombination and -search. This dissertation contributes to the business model and the BMI literature by offering an enhanced understanding of how BMI processes unfold in established firms. It illustrates key activities and events both in the case of modular BMI processes and corporate level BMI processes, as well as how managers and organizational characteristics support BMI throughout the process

    On the genus Crossaster (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) and its distribution

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    Skulptur, installasjon og scenografi smelter sammen. Arbeidet har rþtter i en personlig animisme hvor jeg ‘tenker’ med stedet og hendene, med mytologier, og materialer

    Acute low back pain – a cross sectional study: Fear-avoidance beliefs and associated characteristics

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    Abstract Background/Aim: Fear-avoidance beliefs (FAB) is exsessive fear of movements that may lead to movement avoidance and contribute to maintenance of LBP. The aim of the study was (i) to identify the percentage of fear-avoidance beliefs (FAB) in patients with acute low back pain (ALBP) and (ii) find any association that may exist between demographic variables, pain and FAB in the sample. Design: The study is a cross sectional survey with a strategic sample. Material: 115 patients between 20 and 70 years of age with acute (less than 12 weeks) low back pain recruited from physiotherapists in outpatient clinics in Norway in the period November 2006 to February 2007. Method: A questionnaire including questions on fear-avoidance beliefs (FABQ) was used. The questionnaire has two parts with five questions about Physical Activities (FABQ-PA) and 11 questions about work related issues. The scores go from 0-6 where 6 is worst. No cutoff values are indicates in the questionnaire, the cut values in the article are quoted from other authors. The patients were also asked for demographic variables and pain. Result: 115 patients participated in the survey: 85 percent answered the FABQ-W part and 20.4 per cent of these had high scores at a cutoff >29. In total 95 per cent answered the FABQ-PA part and 32.1 per cent of these had high scores at a cutoff >14. Mean scores of FABQ-W were 18.3 (10.9) and FABQ-PA 12.3 (5.8). Patients with lowest level of education were significantly associated with high scores on FABQ-W. Conclusion: Increased pain at present (current pain) was significantly associated with high score on the FABQ-PA. Further, being on sick leave and having attained the lowest level of education were independently associated with having high FABQ-W to a significant degree. Keywords: Acute low back pain, fear-avoidance beliefs, cutoff score, formal education

    Aml § 18-10 og uskyldspresumsjonen. EMK artikkel 6 nr. 2 og krav til virksomheters ansvar og bevisregler ved overtredelsesgebyr

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    Oppgaven tar for seg anvendelsen av overtredelsesgebyr etter arbeidsmiljÞloven § 18-10 innenfor rammene av uskyldspresumsjonen i EMK artikkel 6 nr. 2. Oppgaven konkluderer med at juridiske personer kan pÄberope seg det prosessuelle vernet i bestemmelsen. Bestemmelsen utlÞses ved at overtredelsesgebyr mÄ anses som en "criminal charge" etter konvensjonen, selv om det etter norsk rett er en administrativ sanksjon. Vernet i artikkel 6 nr. 2 innebÊrer at det mÄ stilles opp visse rettssikkerhetsgarantier ved anvendelsen av objektivt ansvar. Aml § 18-10 oppfyller dette vernet. Artikkel 6 nr. 2 stiller opp et krav til bevisets styrke, som av HÞyesterett er oppfattet Ä vÊre minst klar sannsynlighetsovervekt for administrative sanksjoner. Dette beviskravet mÄ ogsÄ gjelde for aml § 18-10

    Hvordan kan sykepleiere bidra til Ă„ sikre forsvarlig oksygenbehandling til voksne pasienter?

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    Bakgrunn: Tilgang pÄ medisinsk oksygen er en helt nÞdvendig del av den medisinske behandlingen av pasienter. Sykepleiere har et stort ansvar ved administrering av oksygenbehandling hvor det stilles krav til et hÞyt faglig nivÄ. I lÞpet av studiet og sykehuspraksisene har jeg fÄtt inntrykk av at tilnÊrmingen til oksygenbehandling varierer noe blant sykepleiere og ulike avdelinger. Ønsker derfor Ä belyse dette temaet og se nÊrmere pÄ sykepleieres tilnÊrming til oksygenbehandling og den grunnleggende kompetansen sykepleiere bÞr ha for Ä sikre pasientens behandling, samt undersÞke om det er grunnlag for forbedringer. Hensikt: Hensikten med oppgaven er Ä undersÞke sykepleieres holdninger og tilnÊrming til administrering av oksygen, samt hvordan sykepleiere kan bidra til Ä sikre forsvarlig oksygenbehandling til voksne pasienter. Metode: Dette er en integrativ litteraturstudie basert pÄ fire analyserte forskningsartikler. Grunnlaget for oppgaven baseres pÄ artiklenes resultater, relevant fagstoff og litteratur, samt egne refleksjoner. Resultater: Sykepleiere tar stadig viktige kliniske avgjÞrelser og har et stort ansvar i Ä sÞrge for at pasientens oksygenbehandling utfÞres forsvarlig. Faktorer som holdninger og oppfatninger, pasientcompliance og kunnskapsnivÄ hos den enkelte sykepleier pÄvirker hvordan administreringen gjennomfÞres. Resultatene viser at sykepleiere mÄ ta hÞyde for pasientens individuelle behov ved administrering av oksygenbehandling, og at mÄling av oksygenmetning og analysering av blodgass er de to viktigste parameterne sykepleiere vurderer for Ä anslÄ oksygenbehandlingens effekt og utstyrets virkning. Det eksisterer trolig et sprik i sykepleieres tilnÊrming til oksygenbehandling som blant annet pÄvirkes av ulike vurderinger ved valg av utstyr, holdninger til hÄndtering av legemidler og prioriteringer ved den kliniske vurderingen. NÞkkelord: Sykepleie, oksygenbehandling, faglig forsvarlighet, hypoksemi, compliance, brukermedvirkning, holdninger, medisine

    The AI generative text-to-image creative learning process: An art and design educational perspective

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    In today’s constantly changing world technological developments in artificial intelligence (AI) can induce educational visions of both utopia and dystopia. New technologies and communication platforms can provide new forms and possibilities of learning. Creating an image has historically mostly been a human process of using knowledge and application of technique that demanded training. This image-making process changed with the invention, development and spread of the photographic camera, when creating a detailed visual representation of reality became a possibility without a complex process of craftsmanship and artistry. The nature of visual art changed but the visualisation of ideas and prefigurative thoughts could not necessarily be captured by a camera. With the development and spread of AI text-to-image generation, can this change the need for competency to visualise ideas in the way the camera changed the need for drawings and paintings as visual representations?  This study explores how AI text-to-image generators can contribute to and change art and design education. We conducted exploratory experiments where we tested a variety of AI text-to-image generators and explored the outcome of using different generators, prompts and settings. Reflections were written down throughout the process. This was combined with an online ethnography on a text-to-image community. Different potentials of learning were identified, as well as issues of interaction and possible contexts of use. The results are discussed in a future learning context

    First in situ observations of the free-floating gelatinous matrix of blackbelly rosefish Helicolenus dactylopterus (Delaroche, 1809)

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    Reproductive mode in blackbelly rosefish, Helicolenus dactylopterus, has been debated since around 1900, and to our knowledge, there is no previous report on free-floating egg masses of H. dactylopterus. Some authors claim a viviparous strategy, others oviparous, or that the species displays a zygoparous or embryoparous form of oviparity. The most recent publications (ovarian studies) consider H. dactylopterus as zygoparous due to release of developing zygotes in the early phases of development. We report on the first free-floating, gelatinous egg mass matrices of H. dactylopterus, observed in situ. The first egg matrix was observed from Haganes, Bergen, Norway on 10 April 2020, at 20 cm depth. Live eggs were mostly of the same size (∌1 mm), and at late blastula stage. Ethanol-preserved eggs were obtained for DNA barcoding, employing sequences from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI). COI showed 100% similarity with sequences of adult H. dactylopterus. The second egg matrix was observed from Drengevika, Sveio on 12 April 2021, while diving at 15 m depth. Helicolenus dactylopterus is previously known for internal fertilization, and the in situ observations of these free-floating matrices, including embryos at late blastula stage, confirms theories of a zygoparous strategy.</p

    In situ recordings of large gelatinous spheres from NE Atlantic, and the first genetic confirmation of egg mass of Illex coindetii (VĂ©rany, 1839) (Cephalopoda, Mollusca)

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    In total, 90 gelatinous spheres, averaging one meter in diameter, have been recorded from ~ 1985 to 2019 from the NE Atlantic Ocean, including the Mediterranean Sea, using citizen science. More than 50% had a dark streak through center. They were recorded from the surface to ~ 60–70 m depth, mainly neutrally buoyant, in temperatures between 8 and 24°C. Lack of tissue samples has until now, prohibited confirmation of species. However, in 2019 scuba divers secured four tissue samples from the Norwegian coast. In the present study, DNA analysis using COI confirms species identity as the ommastrephid broadtail shortfin squid Illex coindetii (VĂ©rany, 1839); these are the first confirmed records from the wild. Squid embryos at different stages were found in different egg masses: (1) recently fertilized eggs (stage ~ 3), (2) organogenesis (stages ~ 17–19 and ~ 23), and (3) developed embryo (stage ~ 30). Without tissue samples from each and every record for DNA corroboration we cannot be certain that all spherical egg masses are conspecific, or that the remaining 86 observed spheres belong to Illex coindetii. However, due to similar morphology and size of these spheres, relative to the four spheres with DNA analysis, we suspect that many of them were made by I. coindetii.publishedVersio
