333 research outputs found

    The formation of organizational reputation

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    In this article, we review four decades of research on the formation of organizational reputation. Our review reveals six perspectives that have informed past studies: a game theoretic, a strategic, a macro-cognitive, a micro-cognitive, a cultural-sociological, and communicative one. We compare and contrast the different assumptions about what reputation is and how it forms that characterize these perspectives, and we discuss the implications of these differences for our theoretical understanding of stability and change, control and contestation, and the micro-macro relationship in the complex process of reputation formation

    Reputation and identity conflict in management consulting

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this record.Based on a case study of a large consulting firm, this paper makes two contributions to the literature on reputation and identity by examining how an organization responds when its identity is substantially misaligned with the experience and perceptions of external stakeholders that form the basis of reputational judgments. First, rather than triggering some form of identity adaptation, it outlines how other forms of identity can come into play to remediate this gap, buffering the organization’s identity from change. This shift to other individual identities is facilitated by a low organizational identity context even when the identity of the firm is coherent and strong. The second contribution concerns the conceptualization of consulting and other professional service firms. We explain how reputation and identity interact in the context of the distinctive organizational features of these firms. Notably, their loosely coupled structure and the central importance of expert knowledge claims enable individual consultants both to reinforce and supplement corporate reputation via individual identity work

    Corporate images and customer behavioral intentions in an environmentally certified context: Promoting environmental sustainability in the hospitality industry

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    Growing environmental awareness has made customers change their attitudes andincreasingly demand that the hospitality industry provides products and services thatare environmentally friendly. This sector faces increasing pressure to operate in amore ecofriendly manner given its negative influence on the natural environment.Extant research demonstrates that sustainable tourism can be promoted throughenvironmental certifications. However, little attention has been paid to the relevanceof customer perceptions about these schemes and their influence on customerbehavioral intentions. So that, this study attempts to explore the conditions underwhich perceived green image leads to favorable customer behavioral intentionstowards environmentally certified hotels by considering the mediating effects offunctional and emotional images. A structured questionnaire was used to collect datafrom hotel customers in Spain. The results indicate that green image serves as apredictor of functional image, which in turn is linked to customer behavioralintentions. This shows that the evaluation of environmental issues influences theassessment of cognitive aspects, although not the direct evaluation of affectiveaspects. Consequently, green image associations directly influence the cognitiveresponses of consumers but not their emotions. Therefore, consumers will evaluatea hotel's functional image not only by considering traditional attributes but also bytaking into account environmental issues. These findings suggest that hotelcompanies should work to develop a green positioning strategy developing productsand services possessing both greenness and high?value attributes

    The social effects of entrepreneurship on society and some potential remedies: four provocations

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    A rapidly growing research stream examines the social effects of entrepreneurship on society. This research assesses the rise of entrepreneurship as a dominant theme in society and studies how entrepreneurship contributes to the production and acceptance of socio-economic inequality regimes, social problems, class and power struggles, and systemic inequities. In this article, scholars present new perspectives on an organizational sociology-inspired research agenda of entrepreneurial capitalism and detail the potential remedies to bound the unfettered expansion of a narrow conception of entrepreneurship. Taken together, the essays put forward four central provocations: 1) reform the study and pedagogy of entrepreneurship by bringing in the humanities; 2) examine entrepreneurship as a cultural phenomenon shaping society; 3) go beyond the dominant biases in entrepreneurship research and pedagogy; and 4) explore alternative models to entrepreneurial capitalism. More scholarly work scrutinizing the entrepreneurship–society nexus is urgently needed, and these essays provide generative arguments toward further developing this research agenda

    The 'real art school': the cultural roots of authenticity in art schools in UK and China

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    This paper investigates the identity of independent art schools, and art schools in multidisciplinary universities, in the UK and China. Its cross-national research approach uses the concept of collective identity from organizational management theory as a theoretical framework. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with Chinese and British academics, the article addresses the 'image' of art schools – which has both positive and negative aspects. Governments and public opinion takes them to be both the setting for creativity and innovation, and at the same time as being less effective than the other subject disciplines at contributing to economic growth. The article explores this not through an economic argument, but a cultural one. It shows that both independent art colleges and art schools in universities preserve a 'bohemianism' in their organizational identity. It is not novel to note that in the West, this is based in Romanticism, however, it is possible to identify an equivalent, and more ancient, strand in Chinese culture that underlies the identity of 'real art schools' there

    Stories from the field:Women's networking as gender capital in entrepreneurial ecosystems

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    Women are underrepresented in successful entrepreneurial ecosystems and the creation of women-only entrepreneurial networks has been a widespread policy response. We examine the entrepreneurial ecosystem construct and suggest that it, and the role networks play in entrepreneurial ecosystems, can be analysed in terms of Bourdieu's socio-analysis as field, habitus and capital. Specifically, we develop the notion of gender capital as the skill set associated with femininity or from simply being recognized as feminine. We apply this to the development of women's entrepreneurial networks as a gender capital enhancing initiative. Using data from qualitative interviews with network coordinators and women entrepreneurs we reflect on the extent to which formally established women-only networks generate gender capital for their members and improve their ability to participate in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The paper concludes by drawing out the implications of our analysis for theory, entrepreneurial practice and economic development policy

    Digital girl:Cyberfeminism and the emancipation potential of digital entrepreneurship in emerging economies

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    Digital entrepreneurship has been described as a “great leveler” in terms of equalizing the entrepreneurial playing field for women. However, little is known of the emancipatory possibilities offered by digital entrepreneurship for women constrained by social and cultural practices such as male guardianship of female relatives and legally enforced gender segregation. In order to address this research gap, this paper examines women’s engagement in digital entrepreneurship in emerging economies with restrictive social and cultural practices. In so doing, we draw upon the analytical frameworks provided by entrepreneurship as emancipation and cyberfeminism. Using empirical data from an exploratory investigation of entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia, we examine how women use digital technologies in the pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities. Our findings reveal that women in Saudi Arabia use digital entrepreneurship to transform their embodied selves and lived realities rather than to escape gender embodiment as offered by the online environment

    Behavior in behavioral strategy : capturing, measuring, analyzing

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    Measuring behavior requires research methods that can capture observed outcomes and expose underlying processes and mechanisms. In this chapter, we present a toolbox of instruments and techniques we designed experimental tasks to simulate decision environments and capture behavior. We deployed protocol analysis and text analysis to examine the underlying cognitive processes. In combination, these can simultaneously grasp antecedents, outcomes, processes, and mechanisms. We applied them to collect rich behavioral data on two key topics in strategic management: the exploration–exploitation trade-off and strategic risk-taking. This mix of methods is particularly useful in describing actual behavior as it is, not as it should be, replacing assumptions with data and offering a finer-grained perspective of strategic decision-making
