93 research outputs found

    Sistemas de carga y transporte del tomate para industria

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    En el cultivo de las hortalizas para industria, la fase de post-cosecha, entendiendo como tal las operaciones que hay que realizar desde que el producto es recolectado hasta que entra en las líneas de fabricación, reviste una importancia capital puesto que influye directamente sobre la calidad de la materia prima con la que se elaborarán las conservas. En el caso del tomate para industria la importancia de la post-cosecha se deriva de la fragilidad del fruto que ha de ser manipulado y del gran volumen de frutos que ha de ser transportado (en algunas industrias hasta 2.000 t/día), lo que obliga a organizar una infraestructura de transporte complicada y cara

    Aprendizaje activo en línea utilizando cuadernos virtuales para la asignatura de sistemas multiagente

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    Las metodologías activas están centradas en el estudiante y permiten a éstos desempeñar un papel fundamental en su proceso de aprendizaje mediante la participación activa. Para la aplicación de estas metodologías es necesario entornos de aprendizaje apropiados. En el caso concreto de la enseñanza en línea, el uso de herramientas tecnológicas se convierte en un elemento fundamental. En este artículo, presentamos una metodología de aprendizaje activo en línea para la asignatura de Sistemas Multiagente con la ayuda cuadernos virtuales que están disponibles a través de la plataforma Moodle. Esta metodología consta de dos etapas. En una primera etapa se presentan a los estudiantes dos problemas reales en los contextos de la salud e Internet de las cosas en los que los Sistemas Multiagente pueden aplicarse como solución. Los estudiantes se agrupan en “células de aprendizaje” donde discuten las posibles soluciones y llegan a un acuerdo sobre un posible diseño. Al mismo tiempo, el profesor proporciona información sobre problemas similares y sus soluciones a través de cuadernos virtuales. Utilizando estos cuadernos, los alumnos pueden ver de forma práctica cómo se han resuelto problemas similares y adquirir los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos necesarios para resolver el problema propuesto. En una segunda etapa cada “célula de aprendizaje” revisa el diseño de su solución inicial y puede implementarla y probarla a través de otro cuaderno. Para trabajar con estos cuadernos virtuales y la plataforma virtual, los estudiantes necesitarán una conexión a Internet y un navegador web. Con esta metodología de aprendizaje activo en línea se espera promover la utilidad de los sistemas multiagente en problemas reales y mejorar la motivación y la calidad del aprendizaje en las asignaturas en línea.Active methodologies are student-centered and allow students to play a key role in their learning process through active participation. These methodologies have been shown to reduce failure rates and increase student performance. Active learning methodologies need appropriate learning environments for their development. Moreover, if we add the factor of online teaching, the use of technological tools becomes a fundamental element. In this article, we present an online active learning methodology for the subject of Multiagent Systems with the help of virtual notebooks that are available through the Moodle platform. In the first stage, students are presented with two real problems in the contexts of health and the Internet of Things (IoT) in which Multiagent Systems can be applied as a solution. Students are grouped in "learning cells"where they discuss possible solutions and reach an agreement on a possible design. At the same time, the teacher provides information about similar problems and their solutions through a virtual notebook. Using these notebooks, students can see in a practical way how similar problems have been solved and acquire the theoretical knowledge needed to solve the proposed problem. Once this knowledge is acquired, in a second stage, each “learning cell” reviews the design of its initial solution and can test it through another notebook. To work with these virtual notebooks and the virtual platform, students will need an Internet connection and a web browser. With this active online learning methodology, it is expected to promote the usefulness of multi-agent systems in real problems and to improve the motivation and quality of learning in online subjects

    Advancing circular economy performance indicators and their application in Spanish companies.

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    Current research on the circular economy (CE) reveals that, while the concept and its application have been extensively explored as shown in several case studies, the definition of tools and criteria measuring "circularity" of products, companies or regions are not well-defined. Therefore, indicators for measuring the different levels of a CE (micro, meso, and macro) should be a high priority for stakeholders (governments, companies, NGOs, civil society, etc.) in order to track progress on CE initiatives. However, the increasing interest on CE has caused a still open debate on the conceptualization of CE which hampers the creation of indicators based on a common conceptual framework. As a result, the absence of standard indicators to track progress on circularity is leading to contradiction and misunderstanding, which represents a challenge to the implementation of CE strategies. Thus, this study tries to address this gap by advancing a set of indicators adapted from existing indicators that guarantees simplicity and effectiveness, closely based on indicators proposed by government bodies. This research carried out an exploratory study to formulate the indicators requirements based on literature, refined through experts' opinion and then they were tested in Spanish companies located in the Basque Country region through an empirical work to assess this theory. A mix of research methods (e.g. semi-structured interviews and surveys) were used to seek applicability of CE indicators for organisations. The study showed that the proposed indicators currently used for assessing the CE at the macro level were applicable at the micro level based on companies' responses. This fact demonstrated that the indicators serve the purpose of being applicable to companies regardless of the type of economic activity they were in. Also, it shows that indicators used to monitor progress on CE at the macro level can be translated to the micro level. Consequently, it is recommended that the set of CE indicators focused on the methodology proposed in this study should be used across different industrial sectors in order to observe performance in companies to facilitate the transition to a CE model. (c) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Co2 methanation in a ni-fe based catalyst fixed bed reactor enhanced by selective water adsorption with lta zeolites (sorption enhanced sabatier reaction – sesar)

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    A Fixed-Bed reactor improved by selective water adsorption LTA zeolites is proposed as an alternative to the conventional methanation reactors. This reactor produces methane from renewable H2 (i.e. surplus electricity) and high CO2 concentration sources, as could be municipal wastes derived biogas (30%v CO2 + 70%v CH4). As catalyst, a supported (-Al2O3) Ni-Fe (7.5:2.5 wt/wt) was chosen

    Shortcomings of Transforming a Local Circular Economy System through Industrial Symbiosis: A Case Study in Spanish SMEs.

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    Defining the circular economy (CE) as a material and energy model coincides with the definition given by multiple authors in which Industrial Symbiosis (IS) has been deemed as a foundational strategy to support the implementation of the CE. The consumption of secondary materials is essential to achieve a successful transformation from a linear economy to a CE focused on IS practices. In this scenario, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a major role as stakeholders in developing CE systems as it is not possible to create this model with each company working in isolation. However, there is a lack of empirical studies on the role played by relevant local stakeholders such as individual firms interacting in the development of a local CE system. This study aimed to study the challenges that SMEs face in developing a CE system. A case study is selected as a research strategy using a mixed-method approach: a sequential quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (semi-structured interviews) data collection techniques were employed for this research. It was observed that an absence of inter-organisational collaboration and a misunderstanding of the roles played by SMEs may impede the implementation of a local CE system level

    Convergence to equilibrium for the discrete coagulation-fragmentation equations with detailed balance

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    Under the condition of detailed balance and some additional restrictions on the size of the coefficients, we identify the equilibrium distribution to which solutions of the discrete coagulation-fragmentation system of equations converge for large times, thus showing that there is a critical mass which marks a change in the behavior of the solutions. This was previously known only for particular cases as the generalized Becker-D\"oring equations. Our proof is based on an inequality between the entropy and the entropy production which also gives some information on the rate of convergence to equilibrium for solutions under the critical mass.Comment: 28 page

    Accelerated and Scalable C(sp<sup>3</sup>)-H Amination via Decatungstate Photocatalysis Using a Flow Photoreactor Equipped with High-Intensity LEDs

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    [Image: see text] Carbon–nitrogen bonds are ubiquitous in biologically active compounds, prompting synthetic chemists to design various methodologies for their preparation. Arguably, the ideal synthetic approach is to be able to directly convert omnipresent C–H bonds in organic molecules, enabling even late-stage functionalization of complex organic scaffolds. While this approach has been thoroughly investigated for C(sp(2))–H bonds, only few examples have been reported for the direct amination of aliphatic C(sp(3))–H bonds. Herein, we report the use of a newly developed flow photoreactor equipped with high intensity chip-on-board LED technology (144 W optical power) to trigger the regioselective and scalable C(sp(3))–H amination via decatungstate photocatalysis. This high-intensity reactor platform enables simultaneously fast results gathering and scalability in a single device, thus bridging the gap between academic discovery (mmol scale) and industrial production (>2 kg/day productivity). The photocatalytic transformation is amenable to the conversion of both activated and nonactivated hydrocarbons, leading to protected hydrazine products by reaction with azodicarboxylates. We further validated the robustness of our manifold by designing telescoped flow approaches for the synthesis of pyrazoles, phthalazinones and free amines

    Real-World Multicenter Experience of Immunosuppression Minimization Among 661 Liver Transplant Recipients.

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    BACKGROUND Long-term morbidity and mortality in liver transplant recipients is frequently secondary to immunosuppression toxicity. However, data are scarce regarding immunosuppression minimization in clinical practice. MATERIAL AND METHODS In this cross-sectional, multicenter study, we reviewed the indications of immunosuppression minimization (defined as tacrolimus levels below 5 ng/mL or cyclosporine levels below 50 ng/mL) among 661 liver transplant recipients, as well as associated factors and the effect on renal function. RESULTS Fifty-three percent of the patients received minimized immunosuppression. The median time from transplantation to minimization was 32 months. The most frequent indications were renal insufficiency (49%), cardiovascular risk (19%), de novo malignancy (8%), and cardiovascular disease (7%). The factors associated with minimization were older age at transplantation, longer post-transplant follow-up, pre-transplant diabetes mellitus and renal dysfunction, and the hospital where the patients were being followed. The patients who were minimized because of renal insufficiency had a significant improvement in renal function (decrease of the median serum creatinine level, from 1.50 to 1.34 mg/dL; P=0.004). Renal function significantly improved in patients minimized for other indications, too. In the long term, glomerular filtration rate significantly decreased in non-minimized patients and remained stable in minimized patients. CONCLUSIONS Immunosuppression minimization is frequently undertaken in long-term liver transplant recipients, mainly for renal insufficiency. Substantial variability exists regarding the use of IS minimization among centers

    Cross-country migration linked to people who inject drugs challenges the long-term impact of national HCV elimination programmes

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    To the Editor: As of 2018, the majority of Western European countries – including Spain – have lifted restrictions to therapy based on disease severity in the context of HCV infections.1 Long overdue, most national elimination programmes now also include access to care for people who inject drugs (PWID), 2 who are at the core of ongoing HCV transmission.3 Macías et al.4 have recently shown in this Journal that high viral cure rates can be achieved in this group, hereby providing evidence that targeting PWID in treatment programmes is worthwhile. However, the extent to which such national efforts can reduce the HCV burden not only depends on the uptake into care and treatment success rates, it is also determined by the relative importance of within-country transmission and virus importation from elsewhere. As the chronic nature of most HCV infections hampers reliably reconstructing contact networks from patient interviews, virus genetic data can be a valuable alternative source of information for elucidating the geographic history of virus lineages (e.g. [5], [6]). Using such data, we have recently shown that for the most prevalent subtype among PWID in Spain (40%, 7), HCV1a, infections often link to infections abroad – in recent years >50% link to Western European countries, mostly European Union (EU) member states – as opposed to other infections ..

    Effectiveness of rosuvastatin plus colchicine, emtricitabine/tenofovir and combinations thereof in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 : a pragmatic, open-label randomized trial

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    Q1Q1The use of rosuvastatin plus colchicine and emtricitabine/tenofovir in hospitalized patients with SARS- CoV-2 disease (COVID-19) has not been assessed. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness and safety of rosuvastatin plus colchicine, emtricitabine/tenofovir, and their combined use in these patients.Revista Internacional - Indexad