131 research outputs found

    Alcance de una estrategia extracurricular centrada en educación artística en el fortalecimiento de las relaciones interpersonales docente y grupo familiar

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    135 Páginas.En la escuela de hoy las relaciones interpersonales son consideradas como un tema de salud pública, en programas como “Salud al colegio” en Bogotá D.C. y en otras ciudades del mundo como “Salud en la escuela” en Argentina, es considerado como una de las manifestaciones del sufrimiento psíquico en los docentes; factor que hace parte de los factores invisibles que generan malestar y sufrimiento. La realidad y la experiencia histórica procesada en diversas investigaciones señalan la existencia de fatiga residual, malestar docente con sufrimiento psíquico (depresiones, angustia, ataques de pánico, procesos psicóticos) y diversas formas de padecimientos psicofísicos. El programa de “Salud en la escuela” en la Argentina, determinó en la investigación tres dimensiones observables de factores de riesgo: a) dimensiones subjetivas y afectivas, b) dimensiones histórico-institucionales y c) dimensiones del proceso de trabajo docente. Dentro de la dimensión subjetivas y afectivas está el factor de los vínculos en el trabajo docente. Las relaciones entre sujetos están constituidas y sostenidas en los vínculos afectivos que desarrollan. La relación maestro-alumno (núcleo del proceso de trabajo y de la subjetividad docente) se constituye como vínculo en tanto establece un entramado afectivo, la relación vincular docente y la relación docente-padre de familia

    Mensuração contábil da sustentabilidade organizacional [método de movimento]. A Contabilidade abordagem tridimensional teoria

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    The formal object of study of accounting is the valuation of qualitative and quantitative the existence and movement of the wealth controlled by the Organization in its environmental, social and economic dimensions. The measurement of the resources and wealth in its three dimensions and the integration of the results from the behavior of income and expenditure, is a prerequisite for the analysis of the contribution organizational sustainability and the taking of relevant decisions. Is proposal for measuring accounting officer is based in the pyramid of the comprehensive sustainability that weighs the riches, locating hierarchically the environmental dimension as the most important, followed by the social, being the economic component who must develop on the basis of the objectives socio-environmental higher.El objeto formal de estudio de la contabilidad es la valoración cualitativa y cuantitativa de la existencia y circulación de la riqueza controlada por la organización en sus dimensiones ambiental, social y económica. La medición de los recursos y la riqueza en sus tres dimensiones y la integración de los resultados a partir del comportamiento de los ingresos y egresos, constituye un requisito imprescindible para el análisis del aporte organizacional a la sustentabilidad y la toma de decisiones pertinentes. Esta propuesta de medición contable se fundamenta en la pirámide integral de la sustentabilidad que pondera las riquezas, ubicando jerárquicamente la dimensión ambiental como la de mayor importancia, seguida de la social, siendo el componente económico quien debe desarrollarse en función de los objetivos socio-ambientales superiores. O objeto de estudo formal de contabilidade é a avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa da existência e circulação de riqueza controlada pela organização em suas dimensões ambientais, sociais e econômicos. A medição dos recursos e riqueza nas suas três dimensões ea integração dos resultados do comportamento das receitas e despesas, é um pré-requisito para a análise da contribuição da organização para a sustentabilidade ea exigência de tomada de decisão. Esta medida contábil proposto baseia-se na pirâmide integrante da sustentabilidade, que pondera riqueza, hierarquicamente colocando a dimensão ambiental como mais importante, seguido pela social, sendo a componente económica que deve ser desenvolvida com base nos objectivos sócio-ambientais superior


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    Internacionalmente se ha hecho visible la importancia de la educación artística en los niños y jóvenes, en Colombia a partir de la Constitución Política el estado se compromete a promover y fomentar el acceso a la cultura consolidándolo por medio de la política pública, la cual se categoriza como herramienta que brinda cumplimiento de los fines del estado, es por ello que en la presente investigación se hablara de la Política Pública de infancia y adolescencia creada en el año 2018 el cual consolida los responsables de la promoción de la misma, entre los cuales se deriva de manera indirecta la gestión pública entre entidades nacionales y locales dentro de las se encuentra la Alcaldía de Bogotá, Secretaria de cultura recreación y deportes y sus instituciones, en este caso específico Institutito Distrital de las Artes, por último el Programa Crea; dichos actores son los que en de manera específica tendremos en cuenta para analizar la incidencia de la política en el fomento de la formación artística. Se aborda el tema desde la conceptualización de la política pública y su gestión de nivel nacional a nivel distrital, luego se contextualiza la formación artística a nivel distrital y por último el diagnóstico de resultados obtenidos en relación al impacto de la política pública de infancia y adolescencia en el programa distrital que organiza la formación artística actualmente en Bogotá distrito capital. Palabras clave: Política Pública, formación artística, infancia y adolescencia.Internationally, the importance of artistic education in children and young people has become visible, in Colombia, based on the Political Constitution, the state is committed to promoting and fostering access to culture, consolidating it through public policy, which is categorized As a tool that provides compliance with the purposes of the state, that is why in this research we will talk about the Public Policy for childhood and adolescence created in 2018 which consolidates those responsible for promoting it, among which are indirectly derives public management between national and local entities within which is the Mayor's Office of Bogotá, Secretary of Culture, Recreation and Sports and its institutions, in this specific case District Institute of Arts, lastly the Crea Program; These actors are the ones that we will specifically take into account when analyzing the impact of politics in promoting artistic training. The issue is approached from the conceptualization of public policy and its management at the national level at the district level, then the artistic training at the district level is contextualized and finally the diagnosis of results obtained in relation to the impact of public policy on childhood and adolescence in the district program that currently organizes artistic training in Bogotá, the capital district. Keywords: Public Policy, artistic training, childhood and adolescence

    La educación sexual como tema transversal de las instituciones públicas educativas de la básica primaria en Armenia, Colombia

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    As part of the research entitled: “Sex education as a transversal issue of the public institutions of elementary school education in Armenia, Colombia, a bibliographic exploration was conducted from the normative literature related to sex education: Policies of the Ministry of Education (Project national Sex Education), Act 115 of 1994,Global Fund Project in Colombia 2007 and the theoretical-conceptual epistemological positions that have covered the topic, authors like Susan Weiss and Leonardo Romero, among others. When sex education addressed mainstreaming in education in Colombia, it was necessary to conduct a review of the theoretical positions of authors such as Abraham Magendzo and NelsonLopez, about the concept of gender mainstreaming ineducation.The result was the operationalization of the theoretical dimensions from the policies adopted on the issue of sex education.Como parte de la investigación denominada: “La educación sexual como tema transversal de las instituciones públicas educativas de la básica primaria en Armenia, Colombia, se realizó una exploración bibliográfica desde las normativas relacionadas con la educación sexual: Políticas del Ministerio de Educación Nacional (Proyecto Nacional de Educación Sexual), Ley 115 de 1994, Proyecto Fondo Mundial en Colombia 2007, y las posiciones epistemológicas teóricas-conceptuales que han trabajado el tema, de autores como Susan de Weiss y Leonardo Romero, entre otros.Al ser la educación sexual abordada como eje transversal en la educación en Colombia, fue necesario realizar una revisión de las posturas teóricas de autores como Abraham Magendzo y Nelson López, acerca del concepto de transversalidad en educación.Se obtuvo como resultado la operacionalización de las dimensiones teóricas a partir de las políticas emanadas en el tema de la educación sexual

    Three-dimensional reduced graphene oxide decorated with iron oxide nanoparticles as efficient active material for high performance capacitive deionization electrodes

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    A three-dimensional reduced graphene oxide decorated with iron oxide nanoparticles (3D rGO-Fe2O3) material with a suitable porous structure was synthesised using a one-step hydrothermal process in order to fabricate novel electrodes for capacitive deionization (CDI) water desalination. The morphological and structural properties of the as-synthesised compounds were characterised by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), Raman spectroscopy (RS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). The CDI electrodes were electrochemically analysed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). A maximum value of specific capacitance of 345 F g−1 was achieved at 5 mV s−1 scan rate using a NaCl 0.1 mol L−1 solution. The ion removal performance of the CDI electrodes was evaluated with NaCl solutions of different concentrations, showing electrosorption capacities as high as 945 mg g−1 for 11,700 mg L−1 (200 mmol L−1) NaCl solutions, which substantially surpasses results of other carbon-based CDI electrodes.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme Graphene Flagship under grant agreement No 881603


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    Este epígrafe de Dolto puede aplicarse perfectamente a la obra de Mijail Bajtin,pues lo que revelan sus biógrafos es que nunca tuvo la intención de figurar comoun escritor sino como un ser humano preocupado por comprender a suscongéneres y desentrañar, con pasión, facetas no indagadas de la condiciónhumana.Al cumplirse en el mes de noviembre del presente año el centenario de sunacimiento, nada más justo y meritorio que rendir un homenaje a su figura,proponiendo a los lectores de esta publicación un punto de vista sobre la obra dequien con su contribución ha proporcionado nuevos horizontes de estudio a lacomprensión del ser, de las ciencias humanas y de la literatura

    Alterations in Bacterial Metabolism Contribute to the Lifespan Extension Exerted by Guarana in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a widely consumed nutraceutical with various health benefits supported by scientific evidence. However, its indirect health impacts through the gut microbiota have not been studied. Caenorhabditis elegans is a useful model to study both the direct and indirect effects of nutraceuticals, as the intimate association of the worm with the metabolites produced by Escherichia coli is a prototypic simplified model of our gut microbiota. We prepared an ethanoic extract of guarana seeds and assessed its antioxidant capacity in vitro, with a 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, and in vivo, utilizing C. elegans. Additionally, we studied the impact of this extract on C. elegans lifespan, utilizing both viable and non-viable E. coli, and assessed the impact of guarana on E. coli folate production. The extract showed high antioxidant capacity, and it extended worm lifespan. However, the antioxidant and life-extending effects did not correlate in terms of the extract concentration. The extract-induced life extension was also less significant when utilizing dead E. coli, which may indicate that the effects of guarana on the worms work partly through modifications on E. coli metabolism. Following this observation, guarana was found to decrease E. coli folate production, revealing one possible route for its beneficial effects

    Alterations in Bacterial Metabolism Contribute to the Lifespan Extension Exerted by Guarana in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a widely consumed nutraceutical with various health benefits supported by scientific evidence. However, its indirect health impacts through the gut microbiota have not been studied. Caenorhabditis elegans is a useful model to study both the direct and indirect effects of nutraceuticals, as the intimate association of the worm with the metabolites produced by Escherichia coli is a prototypic simplified model of our gut microbiota. We prepared an ethanoic extract of guarana seeds and assessed its antioxidant capacity in vitro, with a 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, and in vivo, utilizing C. elegans. Additionally, we studied the impact of this extract on C. elegans lifespan, utilizing both viable and non-viable E. coli, and assessed the impact of guarana on E. coli folate production. The extract showed high antioxidant capacity, and it extended worm lifespan. However, the antioxidant and life-extending effects did not correlate in terms of the extract concentration. The extract-induced life extension was also less significant when utilizing dead E. coli, which may indicate that the effects of guarana on the worms work partly through modifications on E. coli metabolism. Following this observation, guarana was found to decrease E. coli folate production, revealing one possible route for its beneficial effects

    Efficient production of acetoin by fermentation using the newly isolated mutant strain Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis CML B4

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    With the aim of applying biotechnology to produce acetoin, a chemical that can be used as an aroma and as a building block for other compounds, several putative mutants with reduced lactic acid synthesis were obtained from a wild-type homolactic strain of L. lactis subjected to chemical mutagenesis. Among these mutants, a strain was isolated, CML B4, that showed reduced lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and increased NADH oxidase (NOX) activities. Shaken flask cultures of this mutant strain mainly produced acetoin, increasing the levels produced compared to the wild-type strain by 15-fold. A point mutation detected in the ldh gene encoding LDH was probably the genetic defect responsible for this phenotype. In pH-controlled aerobic batch fermentation, the CML B4 strain produced more than 40 gL−1 acetoin, which was increased by up to 59 gL−1 in fed-batch fermentations, with yields close to 88 and 74%, respectively, and productivities exceeding 2 gL−1 h−1. These results indicate that this strain could be used industrially as a cell factory for the production of acetoin from bioresources.This work was supported by the Department of Industry, Trade and Tourism of the Basque Government [grant number S-PE05LE03]