361 research outputs found


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    The article presents the research results of the project ‘Development of Senior Pupils’ Musical Creativity Using Musical Computer Technologies (MCT)’ (No. MIP-13081), which was carried out by groups of scientists and financed by Science Council of Lithuania. In the introductory part of the article the concept of creativity is presented, the factors influencing it are discussed together with the possibilities of MCT in development of musical creativity. The main part of the article introduces the methodology and the results of the research on the development of senior pupils’ musical creativity using MCT in a music lesson. During the research 20 music lessons conducted by 10 music teachers were observed. The research revealed that the greatest influence on senior pupils’ musical creativity had the experience in application of MCT. Pupils who accumulated some experience were given freedom of creation. Meanwhile education of the ones who did not have it, was planned consequently presenting creative tasks from the simple ones ( f.e. create rhythmic accompaniment) to quite complex tasks (to create a musical composition consisting of several parts). Evaluation criteria in most cases were not named, though in the process of creation pupils were provided with suggestions on how to improve their musical compositions. Most often the Magix Music Maker programme was used for creation. KEY WORDS: musical creativity, musical computer technologies (MCT), music lesson. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/atee.v2i0.94

    Explaining Differences in Scientific Expertise Use: The Politics of Pesticides

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    Despite the growing importance of EU regulatory agencies in European decision-making, academic literature is missing a systematic explanation of how regulatory agencies actually contend with their core tasks of providing scientific advice to EU institutions. The article contributes to the theoretical explanation of when and under what conditions different uses of scientific expertise prevail. In particular, it focuses on theoretical explanations leading to strategic substantiating use of expertise followed by an empirical analysis of single case research. Substantiating expertise use refers to those practices in which an organisation seeks to promote and justify its predetermined preferences, which are based on cer-tain values, political or economic interests. Empirical findings are discussed in the light of the theoretical expectations derived by streamlining and combining the main arguments of classical organisational and institutional theories and re-cent academic research. Process-tracing techniques are applied to investigate the process by which an EU regulation restricting the use of neonicotinoid pesticides (European Commission, 2013) was developed. The empirical analysis combines a variety of data sources including official documents, press releases, scientific outputs, and semi-structured interviews with the academic and industry experts involved in the process. The study finds that the interaction between high external pressure and high internal capacity leads to the strategic substantiating use of expertise, in which scien-tific evidence is used to promote the inclinations of actors upon which the agency depends most

    Civilinė ir baudžiamoji atsakomybė už savivaldžių automobilių sukeltą žalą

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    The article aims to analyse and assess whether the existing legal regulation in Lithuania is sufficient for application of civil and criminal liability for damage caused by fully self–driving cars. This hypothesis is confirmed by analysing the technical specifics of fully self–driving cars, the legal regulation of civil and criminal liability in Lithuania and the main theories of these types of liability.Straipsnyje siekiama išanalizuoti ir įverti, ar egzistuojantis teisinis reguliavimas Lietuvoje yra pakankamas taikant civilinę ir baudžiamąją atsakomybę už visiškos automatizacijos savivaldžiais automobiliais sukeltą žalą. Ši hipotezė yra patvirtinama analizuojant savivaldžio automobilio techninę specifiką, civilinės ir baudžiamosios atsakomybės teisinį reguliavimą Lietuvoje bei pagrindines šių atsakomybės rūšių teorijas

    Kodėl svarbios neasmenuojamosios formos: Mokomojo lietuvių kalbos vartosenos leksikono veiksmažodžių tyrimas

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    From the corpus data, we observe that in the real language usage, the particular verb does not appear in all theoretically possible finite and infinite verb forms in the morphologically rich Lithuanian but is used in those forms which are relevant for the verb patterning. On the one hand, by teaching vocabulary, is it important to represent lexis in these relevant forms – frequently used forms, and, on the other hand, in grammar teaching, there is a need to provide learners with appropriate vocabulary, e.g., by teaching infinite forms, to use verbs, in the usage of which, these forms are relevant and frequent.In this paper, we provide language teaching practitioners with the data about the frequently used Lithuanian verbs and show which of them and how often appear in infinite forms (participles in passive and active voice, adverbial participles, half participles). As a research data we use 200 verbs from the Lexical Database of Lithuanian Language Usage which was developed on the basis of the written subcorpus of the Pedagogic corpus of Lithuanian. The investigated verbs belong to the frequent vocabulary: in the corpus of approx. 700,000 tokens, these verbs are used 100 times (and above). First, we analysed, which verbs appear in infinite forms, second, we checked whether frequent and typical infinite forms are included into corpus pattern(s) of these particular verbs, and if there is a link between the infinite form and a particular meaning of the verb.All verbs (except of three verbs with no infinite forms) were included into one of three groups: 1) 11 verbs which occur in the infinite forms frequently (more than 50% of all forms – finite and infinite) and, accordingly, typical; 2) 117 verbs with the infinite forms making up from 10 to 50%; 3) 69 verbs, with the infinite forms making up less than 10% of all verb forms. Interestingly, the verbs of the first group, usually have only one infinite form, e.g., participle in passive voice which makes up more than 50% of all forms of verb. These cases are also frequently observed in the second verb group. Thus, if the verb tends to be used in infinite forms, it is important to know which infinite form is relevant to that particular verb.In the Lexical Database of Lithuanian Language Usage, lexical and grammatical patterning of the word is represented in the form of corpus patterns. In this study, we showed the interrelation between the frequently used infinite forms of the verb and its corpus patterns (also, corpus patterns related to particular meaning of the polysemous verb). We can expect various applications of the provided data in the Lithuanian as a foreign language teaching: the provided data about the verbs typical and frequent in infinite forms and the corpus patterns including these infinite forms can be used for building vocabulary training as well as for developing grammar exercises.Tekstynų duomenys rodo, kad visų galimų veiksmažodžio asmenuojamųjų ir neasmenuojamųjų formų įvairovė nėra svarbi. Todėl, mokant lietuvių kalbos kaip svetimosios leksikos, svarbu mokyti konkretaus veiksmažodžio vartosenai svarbių formų – dažnų formų, o mokant gramatinių formų, svarbu jas susieti su reikalinga leksika. Šiame straipsnyje aprašytame tyrime sukaupta medžiaga apie dažnus lietuvių kalbos veiksmažodžius, kurių vartosenoje svarbią dalį užima neasmenuojamosios formos: veikiamosios arba neveikiamosios rūšies dalyviai, padalyviai, pusdalyviai. Tyrimo šaltinis yra Mokomasis lietuvių kalbos vartosenos leksikonas, sudarytas Mokomojo lietuvių kalbos tekstyno pagrindu. Tiriamoji medžiaga yra 200 veiksmažodžių, kurie minėtame tekstyne pavartoti 100 ar daugiau kartų. Nustatyta, kuriems veiksmažodžiams ir kokios neasmenuojamosios formos yra būdingos; parodyta, kad jeigu tam tikra neasmenuojamoji forma yra svarbi veiksmažodžio vartosenai, tai ji bus ne tik dažna (palyginti su visomis to veiksmažodžio formomis), bet ir įeis į to veiksmažodžio vartosenos modelius (jie rodo žodžiui būdingą leksinę ir gramatinę aplinką), kai kuriais atvejais bus susijusi tik su viena kuria reikšme

    Modeling the Enantioselective Enzymatic Reaction with Modified Genetic Docking Algorithm

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    The handling algorithms for molecular interaction and docking is of increasing involvement in biological processes modeling. Genetic algorithm, in particular, improves the computation models and leads to more effective and robust calculations. An example of genetic algorithm application for the treatment of enantioselective enzymatic (peroxidase catalyzed) reaction is rendered. The performed modeling revealed the substrate structure influence to the docking in the enzyme active center and provided an explanation to the mechanism of peroxidase-catalyzed asymmetric oxidation reaction. The comparison of modeling results with published experimental data revealed the effectiveness of used algorithm, its suitability for solving problems for enantioselective enzymatic reactions modeling and its relevance to provide the rational design of fine prechiral compounds based targets

    European Union agencies: explaining EU agency behaviour, processes, and outputs

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    The institutional development of European Union (EU) agencies is striking. Over the past decades, forty-six EU agencies have been established to support the European Commission and member states in their regulatory and executive tasks. Today, EU agencies are a vital part of the EU’s administrative capacity. EU agencies have received considerable scholarly attention that used a myriad of theoretical approaches—ranging from institutional, organizational, and bureaucratic reputation to interest group theories—to explain why EU agencies have been created; how they develop over time; whether they are wielders of supranational or intergovernmental power; how they legitimize themselves and cultivate a positive bureaucratic reputation; and how they form alliances or insulate themselves from specific stakeholders. This chapter reviews the rise of EU agencies and introduces a selection of theoretical perspectives that have been used by EU agency scholars to study EU-level agencification and EU agency behaviour, regulatory processes, and outputs.NWOVI.Veni.191R.078The politics and administration of institutional chang

    Chapter 32: Expertise and regulatory agencies

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    Expertise is the raison d'etre of regulatory agencies. Regulatory agencies are created to generate regulatory policy solutions that are based on technical data and scientific knowledge. However, regulatory agencies' technical activities - i.e., the ways in which scientific knowledge and technical data are used in regulatory policy-making - can vary considerably. While the extant literature has provided relevant insights into how and why regulatory agencies arrive at conflicting technical conclusions, its potential could be unlocked by (1) integrating the novel theoretical insights from bureaucratic reputation theory to explain agency technical conduct and their effort to legitimize their activities; (2) considering a multi-disciplinary research agenda that suggests focusing on the influence of expert knowledge in regulatory policy-making; (3) addressing the challenges that regulatory agencies face to provide neutral bureaucratic competencies and expertise amidst the rise of populism and democratic backsliding.NWOVI.Veni.191R.078The politics and administration of institutional chang

    Experiments on Lithuanian Term Extraction

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    Proceedings of the 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA 2011. Editors: Bolette Sandford Pedersen, Gunta Nešpore and Inguna Skadiņa. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 11 (2011), 82-89. © 2011 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/16955

    Netitnaginių uolienų apdirbimo technologijos ir dirbinių gamyba finaliniame paleolite–mezolite Lietuvoje

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    Uolienų apdirbimas yra ankstyviausia ir ilgiausiai kada nors taikyta technologija, kurios raidą jau daug metų bando analizuoti visų šalių archeologai, taip pat ir Lietuvos akmens amžiaus tyrėjai. Deja, mūsų šalies finalinio paleolito–mezolito laikotarpiai rekonstruojami remiantis vien titnago uolienos apdirbimo technologijų nagrinėjimu. Kitos uolienos tampa tyrimų objektu tik analizuojant neolitą ar vėlesnius laikus. ... NON-FLINT RAW MATERIAL MANUFACTURE TECHNOLOGIES AND TOOL MAKING TECHNOLOGIES IN FINAL PALAEOLITHIC–MESOLITHIC LITHUANIA Gabrielė Rimkutė Summary The investigation of non-flint raw material artefacts of Final Palaeolithic–Mesolithic period was a topic that Lithuanian archaeologists did not pay a lot of attention to. For many years this group of finds was ignored or hardly recognised during the excavations. The lack of information published and an obscure number of raw material artefacts in the museum collections of Lithuania has led to collect all the probable raw material artefacts altogether and to obtain as much information as these finds could actually provide. All types of artefacts were analyzed, meaning raw material knapping assemblage and the definite implements. After a careful research of the collections of finds in the museums and newest data of recent excavations, more than 1 500 artefacts were chosen up, added to the database, and were examined on different aspects. The types of raw material used were determined with a help of geologists from Vilnius University. Each artefact was described according to its general size measurements and a possible shaping work done on it. ..

    Meno autonomija ir demokratija Lietuvos kultūros politikoje

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    [full article and abstract in Lithuanian; abstract in English] Autonomy of art understood as the independence of the art creation, dissemination and funding organizations from political institutions is one of the most important principles of cultural politics in democratic countries. The idea of artistic autonomy is the basis of the ‘arm’s length’ cultural policy model that works in the United Kingdom and Scandinavian states and which had been ecommended by European Council experts to Lithuania and other Eastern European countries while reforming their cultural policy after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Lithuania finished the transition to the model in 2012-2013 when the Lithuanian Film Centre and the Council for Culture had been established. However, the reaction of Lithuanian political authorities to some of the recent cultural events in Lithuania show that the autonomy of art as an idea and norm of cultural policy has not been working in Lithuania. The aim of this article is to  describe the idea of the autonomy of art in cultural policy and to analyse several actual issues of Lithuanian cultural politics in the aspect of the relationship between the autonomy of art and democracy. The article is based on the analysis of scientific literature, press articles, and political documents.  [straipsnis ir santrauka anglų kalba, santrauka lietuvių kalba] Meno autonomija, suprantama kaip meno kūrimo, sklaidos ir finansavimo organizacijų nepriklausomybė nuo politinių institucijų, yra vienas svarbiausių kultūros politikos principų demokratinėse šalyse. Meno autonomijos idėja yra pagrįstas Jungtinės Karalystės ir Skandinavijos šalių kultūros politikoje veikiantis „pagarbaus atstumo“ modelis, kurį kaip siektiną rezultatą Europos tarybos ekspertai rekomendavo ir Lietuvai bei kitoms Rytų Europos šalims, po Sovietų Sąjungos žlugimo reformavusioms savo kultūros politikos sistemas. Lietuva prie šio modelio perėjo 2012–2013 m., įsteigusi Lietuvos kino centrą ir Kultūros tarybą. Tačiau, stebint Lietuvos politinės valdžios reakciją į kai kuriuos pastarųjų metų Lietuvos kultūros įvykius, galima teigti, kad meno autonomija kaip idėja ir kultūros politikos norma Lietuvoje nėra įsitvirtinusi. Šio straipsnio tikslas – apibūdinti meno autonomija pagrįstos kultūros politikos ypatybes bei jos demokratiškumo formas ir išanalizuoti pastarųjų metų Lietuvos kultūros politikos aktualijas meno autonomijos ir demokratijos santykio aspektu. Straipsnyje remiamasi mokslinės literatūros ir spaudos straipsnių bei politinių dokumentų kokybine turinio analize