535 research outputs found

    Female Cross-Dressing in Young Adult Fiction: Protagonists' Changing Perceptions of Women and Femininity

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    In this study, latent content analysis was used to identify evidence of female characters' changing perceptions of women and femininity before, during, and after their experiences cross-dressing in sixteen young adult historical fiction and fantasy novels. Results vary considerably, but most characters grow increasingly dissatisfied with their sex role over the course of these three stages. However, most characters ultimately come to better understand the disempowerment of women in their societies as a result of their experiences, and are, by the ends of their stories, better able to relate to and sympathize with other women. Further, in many of these stories, when the characters return to their female roles, they are able to change their lives so that, while more restricted than the male roles they are leaving behind, they are still freer than the female roles they originally escaped. Characters' perceptions of self remained quite confident throughout all of the books examined

    Determinants of Fatigue in the Biceps Brachii During Blood Flow Restriction Training

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    poster abstractTraining loads of 60% - 80% of maximum are traditionally recommended for increasing muscular strength. Lifting lighter loads (~20% of 1RM) with concomitant blood flow restriction (BFR) can also increase muscle strength. It is unknown if adaptation with BFR is limited to the muscle or also due to changes in the nervous system. We examined changes in the output of the motor cortex and the muscle with stimulation, when subjects perform 1.) Training with light loads, 2.) Training with light loads with BFR, and 3.) Training with moderate loads. 5 subjects completed three training sessions with the elbow flexor muscles. Maximal strength was measured before and after each training session. Voluntary activation was tested with cortical stimulation (TMS) and with electrical stimulation of the biceps during additional MVCs. Subjects trained with a block of 4 isometric contractions at 20% MVC (120s, 60s, 60s, 60s durations) or at 60% MVC (40s, 20s, 20s, 20s durations). Fatigue (% decrease in MVC after training) was similar between 20% with BFR and 60% conditions (18.6% and 16%) and less in the 20% without BFR condition (9.7%). Cortical voluntary activation decreased similarly between the 20% BFR and 60% conditions (-3.6% and -3.3%) and showed less change with 20% without BFR (-1.8%). Alternatively, with electrical stimulation of the muscle, both 20% training conditions showed a decline in voluntary activation (-3.1% and -5.15), while voluntary activation increased by 8% after the 60% condition. Similar levels of fatigue occur at different contraction intensities when BFR is applied during the lighter contraction. Both 20% with BFR and 60% loading causes deficits in cortical activation, though the limiting factor in the 20% BFR condition is a decrease in activation of the muscle directly, while in the 60% contraction it is due to an inability to drive the motorneuron pool sufficiently

    IFN-γ-producing CD4+ T cells promote experimental cerebral malaria by modulating CD8+ T cell accumulation within the brain.

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    It is well established that IFN-γ is required for the development of experimental cerebral malaria (ECM) during Plasmodium berghei ANKA infection of C57BL/6 mice. However, the temporal and tissue-specific cellular sources of IFN-γ during P. berghei ANKA infection have not been investigated, and it is not known whether IFN-γ production by a single cell type in isolation can induce cerebral pathology. In this study, using IFN-γ reporter mice, we show that NK cells dominate the IFN-γ response during the early stages of infection in the brain, but not in the spleen, before being replaced by CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. Importantly, we demonstrate that IFN-γ-producing CD4(+) T cells, but not innate or CD8(+) T cells, can promote the development of ECM in normally resistant IFN-γ(-/-) mice infected with P. berghei ANKA. Adoptively transferred wild-type CD4(+) T cells accumulate within the spleen, lung, and brain of IFN-γ(-/-) mice and induce ECM through active IFN-γ secretion, which increases the accumulation of endogenous IFN-γ(-/-) CD8(+) T cells within the brain. Depletion of endogenous IFN-γ(-/-) CD8(+) T cells abrogates the ability of wild-type CD4(+) T cells to promote ECM. Finally, we show that IFN-γ production, specifically by CD4(+) T cells, is sufficient to induce expression of CXCL9 and CXCL10 within the brain, providing a mechanistic basis for the enhanced CD8(+) T cell accumulation. To our knowledge, these observations demonstrate, for the first time, the importance of and pathways by which IFN-γ-producing CD4(+) T cells promote the development of ECM during P. berghei ANKA infection

    Global MHD Simulations of the Time-Dependent Corona

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    We describe, test, and apply a technique to incorporate full-sun, surface flux evolution into an MHD model of the global solar corona. Requiring only maps of the evolving surface flux, our method is similar to that of Lionello et al. (2013), but we introduce two ways to correct the electric field at the lower boundary to mitigate spurious currents. We verify the accuracy of our procedures by comparing to a reference simulation, driven with known flows and electric fields. We then present a thermodynamic MHD calculation lasting one solar rotation driven by maps from the magnetic flux evolution model of Schrijver & DeRosa (2003). The dynamic, time-dependent nature of the model corona is illustrated by examining the evolution of the open flux boundaries and forward modeled EUV emission, which evolve in response to surface flows and the emergence and cancellation flux. Although our main goal is to present the method, we briefly investigate the relevance of this evolution to properties of the slow solar wind, examining the mapping of dipped field lines to the topological signatures of the "S-Web" and comparing charge state ratios computed in the time-dependently driven run to a steady state equivalent. Interestingly, we find that driving on its own does not significantly improve the charge states ratios, at least in this modest resolution run that injects minimal helicity. Still, many aspects of the time-dependently driven model cannot be captured with traditional steady-state methods, and such a technique may be particularly relevant for the next generation of solar wind and CME models

    Studies of opioid and sigma receptors in peripheral organs of mice [abstract]

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    Abstract only availableThroughout the body, various receptors mediate aspects of physiology and behavior by primary or modulatory roles, with broad consequences. Of particular interest are opioid receptors of three types (mu, delta and kappa) as well as sigma receptors having two types (sigma1 and sigma2). These receptors are distributed throughout the central nervous system and are implicated in various pathologies including brain disorders and certain cancers. One example of the clinical applications of these receptors is morphine, a famous mu receptor agonist which has long been used for pain relief. In our lab radioligands are being developed and used for studies of these five receptors in vivo. The properties of these receptors and the pharmacology of their ligands have been studied extensively by in vitro radioligand binding techniques in brain membranes. However there have been relatively few in vitro radioligand binding studies on the peripheral organs. Consequently, we are preparing membranes from various peripheral organs of mice and screening the samples for mu, delta, kappa, sigma1, and sigma2 receptors using well-characterized radioligands. Comparisons of the data to that obtained using mouse brain membranes will give a better understanding of the prevalence and location of these receptors in laboratory mice. The ultimate result would be a framework for extended studies of the roles played by the peripheral receptors in human health and disease.National Institutes of Health Molecular Imaging Progra

    Developing a Novel Platform for Characterizing Thermoelectric Materials for Uncooled Detectors for Land Imaging Applications

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    Thermal land imaging (imaging at ~8-14 micron optical wavelength) is an essential tool for understanding and managing terrestrial freshwater resources. Current thermal imaging instruments employ low temperature detectors, which require cryocoolers. Consequently, cost-saving reductions in size, weight, and power can be achieved by employing uncooled detectors. One uncooled detector concept, which NASA is pursuing, is a thermopile detector with sub-micron thick doped-Si thermoelectric materials. In order to characterize the thermoelectric properties of the doped silicon, we designed and optimized a novel apparatus. This simple apparatus measures the Seebeck coefficient with thermally isolated stages and LABVIEW automation. We optimized thermal stability using PID tuning and optimized the thermal contact between the thin film samples and stages using electrically conductive springs. Utilizing our apparatus, we measured the Seebeck coefficient of 0.45 micron thick phosphorus-doped single crystal Si samples bonded to alumina substrates. Using these Seebeck coefficient measurements and four-wire electrical resistivity measurements, we determined the relationship between the thermoelectric figure of merit and dopant concentration. These characterization results for doped-Si will guide our thermopile detector design to provide an optimal and competitive detector alternative for future thermal imaging instruments

    IL-27 receptor signaling regulates CD4+ T cell chemotactic responses during infection.

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    IL-27 exerts pleiotropic suppressive effects on naive and effector T cell populations during infection and inflammation. Surprisingly, however, the role of IL-27 in restricting or shaping effector CD4(+) T cell chemotactic responses, as a mechanism to reduce T cell-dependent tissue inflammation, is unknown. In this study, using Plasmodium berghei NK65 as a model of a systemic, proinflammatory infection, we demonstrate that IL-27R signaling represses chemotaxis of infection-derived splenic CD4(+) T cells in response to the CCR5 ligands, CCL4 and CCL5. Consistent with these observations, CCR5 was expressed on significantly higher frequencies of splenic CD4(+) T cells from malaria-infected, IL-27R-deficient (WSX-1(-/-)) mice than from infected wild-type mice. We find that IL-27 signaling suppresses splenic CD4(+) T cell CCR5-dependent chemotactic responses during infection by restricting CCR5 expression on CD4(+) T cell subtypes, including Th1 cells, and also by controlling the overall composition of the CD4(+) T cell compartment. Diminution of the Th1 response in infected WSX-1(-/-) mice in vivo by neutralization of IL-12p40 attenuated CCR5 expression by infection-derived CD4(+) T cells and also reduced splenic CD4(+) T cell chemotaxis toward CCL4 and CCL5. These data reveal a previously unappreciated role for IL-27 in modulating CD4(+) T cell chemotactic pathways during infection, which is related to its capacity to repress Th1 effector cell development. Thus, IL-27 appears to be a key cytokine that limits the CCR5-CCL4/CCL5 axis during inflammatory settings

    Salve Regina Arboretum Ten Year Plan to Reach Level III Accreditation

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    The Salve Regina University Arboretum, located in Newport, Rhode Island is currently registered as a Level II arboretum and is intertwined with the city of Newport Arboretum. The university now has intentions to reach Level III status, as part of a ten-year plan. This plan was developed by the students of the Spring 2018 BIO 255: Conservation Biology course, instructed by Dr. Jameson Chace, Associate Professor of biology at Salve Regina University. As part of a curriculum geared towards civic engagement, the class focused on creating and optimizing strategies that can be applied to the ten-year plan. These strategies were applied to the plan categorically: a team to inventory the current tree collection; a team to develop formal educational programming; a team for informal educational programming; a team to establish goals for conservation initiative related to the arboretum; a team dedicated to research related to arboreta; and a team to develop a list of species of special interest to add to the arboretum in the coming years. In the following document, each team’s strategies for the ten-year plan are outlined. Each of the components of this plan incorporate means to fulfill the conditions to meet Level III arboretum status so that the arboretum can apply for official registration. The aforementioned teams were tasked with designing a foundation on which to work up from. This includes formal educational programming to be applied to classroom settings and informal educational programming which can be applied to community outreach-based settings. The teams that worked to strengthen the arboretum’s mission of conservation focused on researching trees that can fit into the current landscape while providing some sort of benefit to the surrounding flora/fauna. Further, many of the species of interest, such as the chestnut, hold historical value to the greater Rhode Island region. In all, the Salve Regina Arboretum must achieve a total of 500 unique species of trees and woody plants as part of its efforts to apply for Level III status. In addition to the programming and research performed so far by the student teams, the arboretum must also hire a curator to manage the programming and to oversee the arboretum as a whole. Additionally, the arboretum must continue to actively collaborate with other arboreta and should encourage scientific research. It is important to recognize that the Salve Regina University Arboretum has already been utilized in the field of microbiology and has gained some attention at the university as a resource for further research and investigation. This ten year plan, along with resources within in it, is designed to provide a list of potential guidelines and ideas that can be applied for the arboretum’s benefit and growth. The Salve Regina University arboretum is a continually growing and developing part of the greater Newport, Rhode Island community, and will continue to strengthen its mission and that of the university which oversees its success.https://digitalcommons.salve.edu/bio255_arboretum/1000/thumbnail.jp
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