993 research outputs found


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    This study aims to examine the legislative function of Members of the Central Bengkulu regency DPRD. this research uses qualitative research methods that Focus on finding information about the implementation of legislative functions by collecting methods through interviews and documentation. the results of the research obtained are that in the preparation of regional regulations, there are three stages passed, namely the initiative stage, the discussion stage and the ratification stage. The initiative stage is to collect the information needed in drafting regional regulations. In general, the aspirations of the community become one of the sources of information in the preparation of draft regional regulations. in the discussion stage, four discussions were carried out, discussions one and two Focused on submitting proposals and responses to drafts regional regulations from the DPRD and regional heads. the third discussions was carried out only by members of the commissions and its equipment. Later, the results of the third discussion will be presented in the fourth discussion which will determine whether the regulation is approved or rejected. The Regent has a maximum of thirty days to ratify the approved drafts regional regulation. Obstacles in the implementation of the legislative function are juridical barriers, and technical obstacles infrastructure obstacles. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the implementation of the legislative function is in according with applicable regulations, it's just that the optimization of the function still needs to be improved, especially in improving the results of regional regulations issued. In addition, in order to improve the function of legislation, it is better to improve the quality of human resources, as well as infrastructure supporting the performance of board members.   Keywords : legislative Functions, Commission meetings, DPRD This study aims to examine the legislative function of Members of the Central Bengkulu regency DPRD. this research uses qualitative research methods that Focus on finding information about the implementation of legislative functions by collecting methods through interviews and documentation. the results of the research obtained are that in the preparation of regional regulations, there are three stages passed, namely the initiative stage, the discussion stage and the ratification stage. The initiative stage is to collect the information needed in drafting regional regulations. In general, the aspirations of the community become one of the sources of information in the preparation of draft regional regulations. in the discussion stage, four discussions were carried out, discussions one and two Focused on submitting proposals and responses to drafts regional regulations from the DPRD and regional heads. the third discussions was carried out only by members of the commissions and its equipment. Later, the results of the third discussion will be presented in the fourth discussion which will determine whether the regulation is approved or rejected. The Regent has a maximum of thirty days to ratify the approved drafts regional regulation. Obstacles in the implementation of the legislative function are juridical barriers, and technical obstacles infrastructure obstacles. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the implementation of the legislative function is in according with applicable regulations, it's just that the optimization of the function still needs to be improved, especially in improving the results of regional regulations issued. In addition, in order to improve the function of legislation, it is better to improve the quality of human resources, as well as infrastructure supporting the performance of board members.   Keywords : legislative Functions, Commission meetings, DPR


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    Childhood is a time to learn skills to fulfill the desire to be independent. Because of that, it needs optimal caregiver. The busy parents are commending their children in daycare. The role of parents is replaced by the caregiver role in providing care to children. but sometimes caregiver can not fullfil the needs of children. This study was purpose to analyze the relationship between caregiver’s parenting with developmental of self-autonomy for children in daycare. This research was a cross sectional correlation study. The population in this study was 4-6 years old children and caregivers in daycare who met inclusion criteria and use purposive sampling. Sample of this study were 35 children in daycare and 10 caregivers. Data were collected by using questionnaire and observation sheet. The data was tested by using Spearmen Rank Correlation with α = 0.05. The results showed that most of caregiver applied democratic parenting. There was strong relationship between caregiver’s parenting and developmental of self-autonomy for children with p = 0.000. It can be concluded that caregiver’s parenting related to developmental of self-autonomy for children in daycare. It suggested to improve caregiver’s knowledge related to children development and parenting methods that correspond to stages of children development to pass optimally. Keywords: caregiver, self-autonomy, daycar


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    Penelitian pola konstruksi View of Nature of Science and Technology (VNOST) siswa SMA pada implementasi desain didaktis kaca konduktif dilakukan untuk menghasilkan pola konstruksi VNOST siswa SMA. Pola konstruksi menggambarkan proses siswa dalam mengembangkan pengetahuannya pada saat pembelajaran. Desain penelitan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Didactical Design Research (DDR) yang dikembangkan oleh Suryadi (2013b) yang terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu i) Analisis prospektif; ii) Analisis metapedadidaktik; dan iii) Analisis retrosfektif. Hasil penelitian pada analisis prospektif adalah desain didaktis kaca konduktif dalam bentuk Lesson Design yang diadaptasi dari desain didaktis kaca konduktif untuk mahasiswa calon guru kimia oleh Annisa (2020) serta di analisis dengan analisis lembar persamaan perspektif. Analisis metapedadidaktik dilakukan untuk melihat respon siswa yang muncul melalui lembar observasi. Hasil analisis metapedadidaktik selanjutnya dianalisis dalam analisis retrosfektif. Hasil analisis retrosfektif berupa profil pola konstruksi VNOST dan potensi desain didaktis. Profil pola konstruksi VNOST yang diperoleh pada implementasi desain didaktis kaca konduktif dibagi ke dalam 7 segmen berdasarkan sub aspek VNOST menurut Tairab (2001). Pola konstruksi yang muncul dalam setiap segmen berdasarkan pola konstruksi Chang (2018) yaitu i) pola soisalisasi yang muncul pada segmen-1, segmen-2, dan segmen-5; ii) pola sirkulasi pada segmen-1, segmen-3, dan segmen-6; iii) pola simulasi pada segmen-4; serta iv) pola kontekstualisasi pada segmen-7. Tipe respon siswa yang muncul dalam pola konstruksi berpengaruh terhadap potensi desain didaktis. Potensi desain didaktis yang diperoleh berdasarkan analisis perubahan hasil kuesioner VNOST sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran adalah dapat mengkonstruksi VNOST ke arah yang lebih akurat. Research of view of nature of science and technology (VNOST) construction patterns of high school students on the implementation of conductive glass didactic design was conducted to produce VNOST construction patterns of high school students. The research design used in the study is Didactical Design Research (DDR) developed by Suryadi (2013b) consisting of three stages i. i) Prospective analysis; ii) Metapedadidactic analysis; and iii) Retrospective analysis. The result of research on prospective analysis is the conductive glass didactic design in the form of Lesson Design adapted from conductive glass didactic design for prospective chemistry teacher students by Annisa (2020) as well as in analysis with perspective equation sheet analysis. The results of the Metapedadidactic analysis are further analyzed in retrospective analysis. Retrospective analysis results in the form of VNOST construction pattern profile and didactic design potential. VNOST construction pattern profiles obtained in the implementation of conductive glass didactic design are divided into 7 segments based on VNOST sub-aspects according to Tairab (2001). The construction pattern that appears based on Chang's construction pattern (2018) i.e. i) the socialization pattern that appears in segment-1, segment-2, and segment-5; ii) circulation patterns in segment-1, segment-3, and segment-6; iii) simulation pattern in segment-4; and iv) contextualization patterns in segment-7. The type of student response that appears in the construction pattern affects the potential of didactic design. The potential design of didactic obtained based on the analysis of changes in VNOST questionnaire results before and after learning can construct VNOST in a more accurate direction


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    Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Atas (ISPA) merupakan penyakit yang paling sering menyebabkan kematian pada anak di Indonesia. Di wilayah kerja klinik Saoedah Klampis Semalang Surabaya terjadi peningkatan angka kejadian ISPA pada anak, bulan Februari 2011 sebesar 39%. Dampak perilaku yang tidak bersih dan sehat akan mengakibatkan anak mudah terkena penyakit ISPA. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pelaksanaan PHBS dengan kejadian ISPA pada anak usia 6-12 tahun. Desain penelitian ini adalah analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi adalah orang tua dari anak usia 6-12 tahun dengan ISPA sebesar 30 orang. Besar sampel 28 responden diambil secara simple random sampling. Variabel independen pelaksanaan PHBS dan variabel dependen kejadian ISPA. Data diambil pada bulan 19 April-06 Mei 2011 melalui pemberian lembar kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square dengan tingkat kemaknaan α (0,05) menggunakan SPSS 16.0. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa hampir seluruhnya responden tidak melaksanakan PHBS sebesar 86% dan sebagian besar responden memiliki anak sering terkena ISPA sebesar 71%. Hasil uji statistik nilai ρ (0,001) < α (0,05) berarti ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pelaksanaan PHBS dengan kejadian ISPA pada anak usia 6-12 tahun. Pelaksanaan PHBS yang dilakukan dengan baik, dapat menurunkan angka kejadian ISPA pada anak. Diharapkan petugas kesehatan mampu memberikan penyuluhan dan contoh penerapan PHBS pada masyarakat, sehingga dapat menurunkan angka kejadian ISPA


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    Bangunan tradisional di Kecamatan Hulu Kuantan dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan kajian bagi beberapa disiplin ilmu, sepertian tropologi, sejarah, arkeologi, arsitektur,dan tata ruang wilayah.Tulisan ringkas ini berisikan tentang gambaran pendekatan arsitektural yang dapat digunakan dalam melakukan kajian arkeologis terhadap perwujudan permukiman tradisional tersebut. Penelitian ini berupaya mengidentifikasi elemen rumah tradisional di Kecamatan Hulu Kuantan, untuk mengidentifikasi aspek yang berpengaruh terhadap bentukan elemen rumah tradisional, dan mengkaji aspek sosial budaya pada elemen rumah tradisional.Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dan deskrifif. Berdasarkan identifikasi yang dilakukan terhadap elemen rumah tradisional disimpulkan bahwa aspek yang berpengaruh terhadap elemen rumah tradisional secara tidak langsung membentuk sebuah identitas yang khas terhadap bangunan di kawasan tersebut. Elemen rumah tradisional dibentuk dan dipengaruhi oleh simbolisasi budaya setempat yang sampai sekarang masih ada. Kejelasan Identifikasi Bangunan Tradisional suatu kawasan akan membuka pengertian dan pemahaman lebih jauh terhadapat karakter kehidupan masyarakat yang berada dan berkembang serta beradaptasi terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya. Sikap dan nilai budaya merupakan faktor yang turut serta dalam membentuk dan mewarisi nilai-nilai rancang bangun yang akan terus berkembang