4,112 research outputs found

    Politics and Canon of Audience: Tourists and Local Cultural Performances

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    Tourists become important audience of traditional performing arts in Ubud. Crossing through several boundaries created by agents of tourism, from tour leader to local guide, hotel crew to hawker, not only the tourists, the audience but even the performers themselves finally arrive at the venue for the performance. In this process of becoming an audience, a tourist becomes a 'meta-tourist', Urry calls him or her a ā€˜post-touristā€™ (Urry 2002: 91), someone who is conscious of being a tourist in a certain point of time and place in his or her life, and the one who is always on the process of becoming a tourist. Since local performers also know that they are performing it for the tourists, by the same taken it is believed that they also become ā€˜meta-performersā€™ for the tourists, someone who are conscious of doing it for some kinds of audience. And, thus performance in such context itself gets ā€˜meta-localā€™ and ā€˜meta-touristicā€™ quality since it tries its best to remain local

    Daylight adaptive optimal lighting system control strategies for energy savings and visual comfort in commercial buildings

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    Artificial lighting of commercial buildings in Malaysia consumes 21% of the total electrical energy. Therefore, reducing the energy is required to achieve sustainable buildings (i.e., higher energy efficiency and visual comfort), by implementing optimal light sensor placement method and optimisation-based control strategy. However, in recent works related to light sensor placement, energy performance and illuminance uniformity (Uo) are not considered, and the results did not provide the optimal number of sensors to be employed. To optimise power consumption (PC) and visual comfort simultaneously through the optimisation-based control strategy, the previous work developed a visual comfort model to represent Uo. However, the model did not consider daylight and the results of Uo need further improvement. This research proposes: (1) a new optimal light sensor placement method (OLSPM) by using combined particle swarm optimisation (PSO) and fuzzy logic controller (FLC) denoted as OLSPM-PSOFLC, and (2) a new visual comfort metric called illuminance uniformity deviation index (IUDI) and incorporated with multi-objective PSO (MOPSO) for solving energy consumption and visual comfort problem. The OLSPMļæ½PSOFLC is developed to determine the optimal number and position of light sensors by considering PC while satisfying average illuminance level (Eav) and Uo. To ensure both PC and Uo in the room are always at the optimum levels, the IUDI with MOPSO is developed. Before the proposed methods are implemented, retrofitting lighting system is implemented first to determine the best lamp technology to be installed in terms of technical and economic metrics. An actual office room is considered for carrying out the proposed methods. The comparative results showed that the OLSPMļæ½PSOFLC significantly reduced the number of sensors, energy consumption, carbon dioxide emission, payback period, and life cycle cost were 66%, 23%, 23%, and 30%, respectively, compared to the multi-sensor. Meanwhile, based on the comparative study of the IUDI and CVRMSE, the IUDI showed superior performance with 6% and 27% improvement of Uo and energy savings, respectively. Based on their superiority, the newly developed methods can be potentially implemented for all types of rooms and are very useful methodologies towards sustainable commercial buildings

    Collective action : improving smallholder rice farmers' value chain in Yogyakarta, Indonesia : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of AgriCommerce, at Massey University, Manawatu, New Zealand

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    Collective action has been widely accepted as one of the strategies to improve smallholder farmersā€™ capability to gain benefit from the agrifood value chain. This is also part of the working policy of the Government of Indonesia. Nevertheless, there is little empirical evidence for staple food farmers, particularly rice, in organising collective action and many such attempts have not met the policyā€™s implementation objectives. Considering the importance of rice agribusiness in Indonesia, therefore, there is a need to investigate experiences of smallholder rice farmers who work collectively and are able to improve their value chain and gaining benefit from it. The objectives of this study were to identify and describe what benefit captured through collective action and how, and; to identify and describe how these farmers act collectively within a group and why. The research question was answered and objectives addressed by using a qualitative single case study. A farmer group named Gapoktan Sidomulyo was selected, as it was identified by the central and local government as a well-developed collective farmersā€™ group. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with farmers and other actors relevant to the group development. This study found that collective action helped smallholder rice farmers to build a competitive advantage. This action enabled them to improve production capacity and product quality, as well as human capability and bargaining power. This also helped them to reduce the number of intermediaries. Therefore, they can capture the potential value offered by the rice value chain. This study also highligted essential factors for smallholder rice farmersā€™ collective action: Firstly, this action required incentives and support as well as a motivated group of farmers. Even when collective action was supported by government, it was essential to motivate farmers to act collectively and see the benefits for doing so. Secondly, trust and a shared vision between members of the farmer group was important element for collective action. These formed the basis for building horizontal relationships between farmers. This affected the reciprocity between them and their commitment. Thirdly, in a group that was heterogeneous, in terms of religion and reliance on farming as an income source, group cohesion could be achieved through effective group management, which means management that promoting transparency and active communication between farmers and the leadership team, and giving an opportunity for each actor within the group to play their role. These reduced the potential of conflict and maintain the farmersā€™ awareness on the group so that they keep engaged within the group. Fourthly, leadership with strong motivation, good interpersonal skills, social awareness, as well as administration and marketing skills were essential for the groupā€™s development. Unlike to what has been identified in many studies, the leadership could also be provided by a team of people, instead of relying on an individual. Fifthly, maintaining the active members and the leadership teamā€™s participation was essential as they were the key actors within the group. For the active farmers, this was achieved through: facilitating members to raise their voice and be involved in decision making, involving them to enforce rules, and conducting activity that attract them to attend regular meetings. Meanwhile, for the leadership team members, this could be achieved through conducting an appropriate leadership team selection process and acknowledging their effort in fostering the group. Lastly, despite there was a culture to work as a group, it was important for having trusted external agents to facilitate farmers and motivate them to act collectively, particularly when this required money in initiating the action. The support from external agents, such as technology and finance, was also important to build farmers capability in improving the value chain. In addition, this case highlighted that only some farmers were able to gain benefit through this action and they were who can produce consistently volume beyond their household requirements. Keywords: Smallholder farmers, collective action, rice value chain, agriculture, rice, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

    Hubungan Status Gizi Dengan Kadar Hemoglobin PadaAtlet Ektrakurikuler Bola Voli SMAN 1 MAROS.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan status gizi dan kadar hemoglobin pada atlet ekstrakurikuler bola voli. Penelitian ini bersifat observasi langsung dan penentuan responden dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan metode Cross Sectional dengan pengujian sampel secara langsung oleh tenaga medis dengan menggunakan Nesco multicheck.Metode pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi langsung sebanyak 15 orang.Dari hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai R= 0.564 dan Rsquare 0.318 atau 31.8 %. Ho ditolak H1 diterima. Hal tersebut menunjukkan berarti adahubungan status gizi dengan kadar hemoglobin sebesar 31.8 %. Kata Kunci: Status Gizi, Hemoglobin, Bola voli dan SMAN 1 Maros. RIJAL (1233140003).Hubungan Status Gizi Dengan Kadar Hemoglobin PadaAtlet Ektrakurikuler Bola Voli SMAN 1 MAROS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan status gizi dan kadar hemoglobin pada atlet ekstrakurikuler bola voli. Penelitian ini bersifat observasi langsung dan penentuan responden dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan metode Cross Sectional dengan pengujian sampel secara langsung oleh tenaga medis dengan menggunakan Nesco multicheck.Metode pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi langsung sebanyak 15 orang.Dari hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai R= 0.564 dan Rsquare 0.318 atau 31.8 %. Ho ditolak H1 diterima. Hal tersebut menunjukkan berarti adahubungan status gizi dengan kadar hemoglobin sebesar 31.8 %. Kata Kunci: Status Gizi, Hemoglobin, Bola voli dan SMAN 1 Maros

    Malino :Tempat Konferensi dan Tempat Wisata (19462002)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan Malino sebagai tempat konferensi dan tempat wisata di Kabupaten Gowa di tahun 1946 hingga tahun 2002. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian sejarah dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, sehingga dalam proses penelitiannya menggunakan metode penelitian yang sesuai dengan kaidah keilmuan sejarah yang terdiri atas beberapa tahapan. Tahapan tersebut adalah heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Malino sebagai tempat konferensi dan tempat wisata, ditahun 1946 adalah awal mula Malino dijadikan sebagai tempat berlangsungnya konferensi pembentukan NIT oleh kolonial Belanda, kemudian di zaman reformasi antara tahun 2001 sampai 2002 setidaknya ada dua kegiatan penting yakni perundingan damai konflik Poso dan konflik Maluku yang juga diadakan di Malino yang dimana perundingan tersebut mencapai kesepakatan damai diantara pihak yang bertikai. Selain Malino sebagai tempat perdamaian juga sebagai daerah wisata dimana sejak tahun 1975 Malino dijadikan sebagai daerah tujuan wisata di Sulawesi Selatan, dimana Malino sebagai daerah tujuan wisata alam dan wisata budaya dan sejarah


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    The many problems of education in Indonesia, need fast and right efforts from the government, especially policyholders in the education sector. The dynamic world of education requires the presence of effective and efficient education policies. One of the problems of education in Indonesia is the implementation of education in ā€œ 3 T ā€œ Areas (Frontier, Remote, And Underdeveloped ), where there is a shortage of teachers. To solve that problem, the ministry of education and culture create ā€œ Maju Bersama Mencerdaskan Indonesia Program ā€œ (MBMI) where one of the program contents is empowerment the bachelorā€™s degree to teach in 3 T areas. Certainly, this is a short-term solution, because they become teachers only one year in that area.  Not only that, but the government also empowers the army as the teacher in 3 T areas. Empowerment of the army as the teacher leaves a problem about the function of the army in army and police laws. Furthermore, the professionalism of the army as the teacher is doubtful. How much effectiveness and efficiency this policy will try to analyze with SWOT analysis

    Institutional Network Model in the Coordination of Street Vendor Empowerment in Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    The management of street vendors that interferes with city governance has not been effective because it is sporadically done by the displacement or seizure of trading facilities. The pattern is thus ineffective in its construction because it does not reduce the amount, nor the behavior of the street vendors. This research aims to determine the pattern of coaching and explore the model of handling the use of street vendors through a synergic approach between agencies in coordination.Ā  This study uses descriptive type with a qualitative approach. The research site is the location of the street vendors trade in the city of Makassar, the research informant consists of the street vendors, government officials, and public citizens. Data is collected through direct interviews with an informant, field observations, and document analysis. Data analysis is done at the same time when collecting data using the interactive models of Huberman and Miles is data collection, data reduction, display data, and conclusion drawing and verifying. Data, source, and time triangulating data. The results showed the construction of the street vendors still oriented to the regulatory offenders and carried out partially by the agency according to its interests so that the handling has not synergized between government agencies and other related parties. Construction of street vendors is institutionally implemented by sub-district offices and assisted by Makassar public order police, while for the utilization of street vendors needed a model coordinated centrally by the mayor to be structured, programmatic, and integrated so that the street vendors can be empowered and contribute to the development of the city

    Implementing Toyota Production System (TPS) concept in a small automotive parts manufacturer

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    This study investigates the consequences of implementing Toyota Production System (TPS) in the local automotive parts manufacturer production line. The production line consisted of three different processes and two inter-process buffers. A verified base model was created using WITNESSTM computer simulation software. Reducing WIP is the primary objective of the study focusing on varying the sizes of inter-process buffers. Results generated from the simulation indicate that reducing inter-process buffers simultaneously would produce significant effect in reducing WIP compared to reducing each buffer independently
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