2,614 research outputs found

    Pointing calibration of the MKIVA DSN antennas Voyager 2 Uranus encounter operations support

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    The MKIVA DSN introduced significant changes to the pointing systems of the 34-meter and 64-meter diameter antennas. To support the Voyager 2 Uranus Encounter, the systems had to be accurately calibrated. Reliable techniques for use of the calibrations during intense mission support activity had to be provided. This article describes the techniques used to make the antenna pointing calibrations and to demonstrate their operational use. The results of the calibrations are summarized

    The Ethno- and Research History of the Lake Louise Field Station, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA

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    The history of the Lake Louise Field Station, from its 1951 purchase by George Leiby to its acquisition in 2009 by Valdosta State University, provides an interesting and varied look into the stewardship critical to teaching and research and the role played by the station in the development of the fields of paleoecology, paleotempestology and ethnohistory. During this 58-year period several individuals played critical roles in the development of this 76.9 hectare field station as a natural area for teaching and research. Notable among them were George and Louise Leiby who, working with Leo Lorenzo and Clyde Connell, set aside the station as a natural area for teaching and research. From the 1960s to the present, WA Watts, H Grissino-Mayer, J Tepper, D Hyatt, and J Pascarella and others have conducted research that has provided critical insight into the history and ecology of the area extending to 47,000 BP

    The Overlooked Potential of Generalized Linear Models in Astronomy-III: Bayesian Negative Binomial Regression and Globular Cluster Populations

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    In this paper, the third in a series illustrating the power of generalized linear models (GLMs) for the astronomical community, we elucidate the potential of the class of GLMs which handles count data. The size of a galaxy's globular cluster population NGCN_{\rm GC} is a prolonged puzzle in the astronomical literature. It falls in the category of count data analysis, yet it is usually modelled as if it were a continuous response variable. We have developed a Bayesian negative binomial regression model to study the connection between NGCN_{\rm GC} and the following galaxy properties: central black hole mass, dynamical bulge mass, bulge velocity dispersion, and absolute visual magnitude. The methodology introduced herein naturally accounts for heteroscedasticity, intrinsic scatter, errors in measurements in both axes (either discrete or continuous), and allows modelling the population of globular clusters on their natural scale as a non-negative integer variable. Prediction intervals of 99% around the trend for expected NGCN_{\rm GC}comfortably envelope the data, notably including the Milky Way, which has hitherto been considered a problematic outlier. Finally, we demonstrate how random intercept models can incorporate information of each particular galaxy morphological type. Bayesian variable selection methodology allows for automatically identifying galaxy types with different productions of GCs, suggesting that on average S0 galaxies have a GC population 35% smaller than other types with similar brightness.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Short small-polaron lifetime in the mixed-valence perovskite Cs2_2Au2_2I6_6 from high-pressure pump-probe experiments

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    We study the ultrafast phonon response of mixed-valence perovskite Cs2_2Au2_2I6_6 using pump-probe spectroscopy under high-pressure in a diamond anvil cell. We observed a remarkable softening and broadening of the Au - I stretching phonon mode with both applied pressure and photoexcitation. Using a double-pump scheme we measured a lifetime of the charge transfer excitation into single valence Au2+^{2+} of less than 4 ps, which is an indication of the local character of the Au2+^{2+} excitation. Furthermore, the strong similarity between the pressure and fluence dependence of the phonon softening shows that the inter-valence charge transfer plays an important role in the structural transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Age-Dependence of Femoral Strength in White Women and Men

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    Although age-related variations in areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and the prevalence of osteoporosis have been well characterized, there is a paucity of data on femoral strength in the population. Addressing this issue, we used finite-element analysis of quantitative computed tomographic scans to assess femoral strength in an age-stratified cohort of 362 women and 317 men, aged 21 to 89 years, randomly sampled from the population of Rochester, MN, and compared femoral strength with femoral neck aBMD. Percent reductions over adulthood were much greater for femoral strength (55% in women, 39% in men) than for femoral neck aBMD (26% in women, 21% in men), an effect that was accentuated in women. Notable declines in strength started in the mid-40s for women and one decade later for men. At advanced age, most of the strength deficit for women compared with men was a result of this decade-earlier onset of strength loss for women, this factor being more important than sex-related differences in peak bone strength and annual rates of bone loss. For both sexes, the prevalence of “low femoral strength” (<3000 N) was much higher than the prevalence of osteoporosis (femoral neck aBMD T-score of −2.5 or less). We conclude that age-related declines in femoral strength are much greater than suggested by age-related declines in femoral neck aBMD. Further, far more of the elderly may be at high risk of hip fracture because of low femoral strength than previously assumed based on the traditional classification of osteoporosis. © 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

    Magnetic field driven 2D-3D crossover in the S=12 frustrated chain magnet LiCuVO4

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    We report on a heat-capacity study of high-quality single-crystal samples of LiCuVO4 — a frustrated spin S = 1/2 chain system—in a magnetic field amounting to 3/4 of the saturation field. A detailed examination of magnetic phase transitions observed in this field range shows that although the low-field helical state clearly has three-dimensional properties, the field-induced spin-modulated phase turns out to be quasi-two-dimensional. The model proposed in this paper allows one to qualitatively understand this crossover, thus eliminating the presently existing contradictions in the interpretations of NMR and neutron-scattering measurements

    Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamics of the Cabo de Gata volcanic zone, Southeastern Spain

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    © 2014 Societa Geologica Italiana, Roma. New 40Ar/39Ar ages and major and trace element geochemistry of the middle-late Miocene Cabo de Gata volcanic complex, southeast Spain, indicate that the volcanic activity of the Cabo de Gata volcanic zone developed over a short period through several pulses of geochemically and isotopically different parental magmas. The oldest volcanic rocks exposed in the Cabo de Gata volcanic zone are the shoshonite and high-K calc-Alkaline rocks of Bujo group, which cry - stallised from a parental magma transitional from calc-Alkaline to alkaline potassic generated through large degrees of partial melting, and then affected by a minor contribution from metasomatised veins and a larger one from the surrounding mantle wedge, in comparison to ultrapotassic melts. Subsequent partial melting of the mantle source produced typical calc-Alkaline parental magmas belonging to the Rodalquilar and Agua Amarga groups. Sr-Nd-Pb isotope and incompatible trace element distributions of Cabo de Gata rocks are in agreement with a mantle-wedge source affected by a two-fold metasomatism. The data suggested that mild potassic to sub-Alkaline subduction-related parental magmas (i.e., high-K calc-Alkaline and calc-Alkaline) were generated in the Cabo de Gata sector within a mantle wedge metasomatised by a fluid-dominated agent. In contrast, the enrichment in K2O of shoshonitic to ultrapotassic magmas was achieved through recycling of subducted sediments through melts that enriched the mantle wedge in K and related elements. Such a scenario can be easily reconciled with a geodynamic setting at the edge of a destructive plate margin with the subducted slab responsible for the recycling of sediments within the mantle wedge.Geochemical, petrographic and analytical work were supported by the Italian MIUR through Cofin_2004 (grants #2004040502_001 and 2004040502_002), Cofin_2008 (grants #2008HMHYFP_002 and 2008HMHYFP_004) and Cofin_2010-2011 (grants #2010TT22SC_001, 2010TT22SC_005 and 2010TT22SC_006; 2010TT22SC_003) projects, to Sandro Conticelli and Massimo Mattei, respectively. Further financial support for geochronological analyses was provided by Spanish projects CGL2009-06968-E, CGL2005-03511/BTE and HI2006-0073 to Carles C. Soriano.Peer Reviewe
