167 research outputs found

    Dial M(RF) for myogenesis

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    The transcriptional regulatory network that controls the determination and differentiation of skeletal muscle cells in the embryo has at its core the four myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) Myf5, MyoD, Mrf4 and MyoG. These basic helix–loop–helix transcription factors act by binding, as obligate heterodimers with the ubiquitously expressed E proteins, to the E-box sequence CANNTG. While all skeletal muscle cells have the same underlying function their progenitors arise at many sites in the embryo and it has become apparent that the upstream activators of the cascade differ in these various populations so that it can be switched on by a variety of inductive signals, some of which act by initiating transcription, some by maintaining it. The application of genome-wide approaches has provided important new information as to how the MRFs function to activate the terminal differentiation programme and some of these data provide significant mechanistic insights into questions which have exercised the field for many years. We also consider the emerging roles played by micro-RNAs in the regulation of both upstream activators and terminal differentiation genes.Peer reviewe

    Critical Role of FLRT1 Phosphorylation in the Interdependent Regulation of FLRT1 Function and FGF Receptor Signalling

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    Background Fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane (FLRT) proteins have dual properties as regulators of cell adhesion and potentiators of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) mediated signalling. The mechanism by which the latter is achieved is still unknown and is the subject of this investigation. Principal Findings Here we show that FLRT1 is a target for tyrosine phosphorylation mediated by FGFR1 and implicate a non-receptor Src family kinase (SFK). We identify the target tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of FLRT1 and show that these are not direct substrates for Src kinase suggesting that the SFK may exert effects via potentiation of FGFR1 kinase activity. We show that whilst FLRT1 expression results in a ligand-dependent elevation of MAP kinase activity, a mutant version of FLRT1, defective as an FGFR1 kinase substrate (Y3F-FLRT1), has the property of eliciting ligand-independent chronic activation of the MAP kinase pathway which is suppressed by pharmacological inhibition of either FGFR1 or Src kinase. Functional investigation of FGFR1 and FLRT1 signalling in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells reveals that FLRT1 alone acts to induce a multi-polar phenotype whereas the combination of FLRT1 and FGFR activation, or expression of Y3F-FLRT1, acts to induce neurite outgrowth via MAPK activation. Similar results were obtained in a dendrite outgrowth assay in primary hippocampal neurons. We also show that FGFR1, FLRT1 and activated Src are co-localized and this complex is trafficked toward the soma of the cell. The presence of Y3F-FLRT1 rather than FLRT1 resulted in prolonged localization of this complex within the neuritic arbour. Conclusions This study shows that the phosphorylation state of FLRT1, which is itself FGFR1 dependent, may play a critical role in the potentiation of FGFR1 signalling and may also depend on a SFK-dependent phosphorylation mechanism acting via the FGFR. This is consistent with an ‘in vivo’ role for FLRT1 regulation of FGF signalling via SFKs. Furthermore, the phosphorylation-dependent futile cycle mechanism controlling FGFR1 signalling is concurrently crucial for regulation of FLRT1-mediated neurite outgrowth

    A BAC transgenic analysis of the Mrf4/Myf5 locus reveals interdigitated elements that control activation and maintenance of gene expression during muscle development

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    The muscle-specific transcription factors Myf5 and Mrf4 are two of the four myogenic regulatory factors involved in the transcriptional cascade responsible for skeletal myogenesis in the vertebrate embryo. Myf5 is the first of these four genes to be expressed in the mouse. We have previously described discrete enhancers that drive Myf5 expression in epaxial and hypaxial somites, branchial arches and central nervous system, and argued that additional elements are required for proper expression (Summerbell, D., Ashby, P.R., Coutelle, O., Cox, D., Yee, S.P. and Rigby, P.W.J. (2000) Development 127, 3745-3757). We have now investigated the transcriptional regulation of both Myf5 and Mrf4 using bacterial artificial chromosome transgenesis. We show that a clone containing Myf5 and 140 kb of upstream sequences is sufficient to recapitulate the known expression patterns of both genes. Our results confirm and reinforce the conclusion of our earlier studies, that Myf5 expression is regulated differently in each of a considerable number of populations of muscle progenitors, and they begin to illuminate the evolutionary origins of this complex regulation. We further show that separate elements are involved in the activation and maintenance of expression in the various precursor populations, reflecting the diversity of the signals that control myogenesis. Mrf4 expression requires at least four elements, one of which may be shared with Myf5, providing a possible explanation for the linkage of these genes throughout vertebrate phylogeny. Further complexity is revealed by the demonstration that elements which control Mrf4 and Myf5 are embedded in an unrelated neighbouring gene.J. J. C. was supported by a Research Training Fellowship from the Medical Research Council (UK), which also paid for this work.Peer reviewe

    MRF4 negatively regulates adult skeletal muscle growth by repressing MEF2 activity

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    The myogenic regulatory factor MRF4 is highly expressed in adult skeletal muscle but its function is unknown. Here we show that Mrf4 knockdown in adult muscle induces hypertrophy and prevents denervation-induced atrophy. This effect is accompanied by increased protein synthesis and widespread activation of muscle-specific genes, many of which are targets of MEF2 transcription factors. MEF2-dependent genes represent the top-ranking gene set enriched after Mrf4 RNAi and a MEF2 reporter is inhibited by co-transfected MRF4 and activated by Mrf4 RNAi. The Mrf4 RNAi-dependent increase in fibre size is prevented by dominant negative MEF2, while constitutively active MEF2 is able to induce myofibre hypertrophy. The nuclear localization of the MEF2 corepressor HDAC4 is impaired by Mrf4 knockdown, suggesting that MRF4 acts by stabilizing a repressor complex that controls MEF2 activity. These findings open new perspectives in the search for therapeutic targets to prevent muscle wasting, in particular sarcopenia and cachexia

    Analysis of a key regulatory region upstream of the Myf5 gene reveals multiple phases of myogenesis, orchestrated at each site by a combination of elements dispersed throughout the locus

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    Myf5 is the first myogenic regulatory factor to be expressed in the mouse embryo and it determines the entry of cells into the skeletal muscle programme. A region situated between -58 kb and -48 kb from the gene directs Myf5 transcription at sites where muscles will form. We now show that this region consists of a number of distinct regulatory elements that specifically target sites of myogenesis in the somite, limbs and hypoglossal cord, and also sites of Myf5 transcription in the central nervous system. Deletion of these sequences in the context of the locus shows that elements within the region are essential, and also reveals the combinatorial complexity of the transcriptional regulation of Myf5. Both within the -58 kb to -48 kb region and elsewhere in the locus, multiple sequences are present that direct transcription in subdomains of a single site during development, thus revealing distinct phases of myogenesis when subpopulations of progenitor cells enter the programme of skeletal muscle differentiation.This work in M.B.'s laboratory was supported by the Pasteur Institute and the CNRS and by grants from the ACI Integrative Biology Programme of the MJER, the AFM and the European Community (QLK3-CT-99/02). J.H. benefited from fellowships from ARC and the AFM, L.B. from funding from the MJER, and T.C. from fellowships from NIH and the AFM. The work in P.R.'s laboratory was supported by a grant from The Institute of Cancer Research.Peer reviewe

    Comparative epigenomics in distantly related teleost species identifies conserved cis-regulatory nodes active during the vertebrate phylotypic period

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    This article is distributed exclusively by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press for the first six months. After six months, it is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International).The complex relationship between ontogeny and phylogeny has been the subject of attention and controversy since von Baer's formulations in the 19th century. The classic concept that embryogenesis progresses from clade general features to species-specific characters has often been revisited. It has become accepted that embryos from a clade show maximum morphological similarity at the so-called phylotypic period (i.e., during mid-embryogenesis). According to the hourglass model, body plan conservation would depend on constrained molecular mechanisms operating at this period. More recently, comparative transcriptomic analyses have provided conclusive evidence that such molecular constraints exist. Examining cis-regulatory architecture during the phylotypic period is essential to understand the evolutionary source of body plan stability. Here we compare transcriptomes and key epigenetic marks (H3K4me3 and H3K27ac) from medaka (Oryzias latipes) and zebrafish (Danio rerio), two distantly related teleosts separated by an evolutionary distance of 115-200 Myr. We show that comparison of transcriptome profiles correlates with anatomical similarities and heterochronies observed at the phylotypic stage. Through comparative epigenomics, we uncover a pool of conserved regulatory regions (≈700), which are active during the vertebrate phylotypic period in both species. Moreover, we show that their neighboring genes encode mainly transcription factors with fundamental roles in tissue specification. We postulate that these regulatory regions, active in both teleost genomes, represent key constrained nodes of the gene networks that sustain the vertebrate body plan.The Andalusian government (JA) supported A.F-.M. as scientific manager of the Aquatic Vertebrates Platform at CABD. J.W.C. was supported by a studentship from The Institute of Cancer Research. Spanish and Andalusian government grants BFU2010-14839, CSD2007-00008, and P08-CVI-3488 to J.L.G-.S.; and BFU2011-22916 and P11-CVI-7256 to J.R.M-.M. supported this work.Peer Reviewe

    Development of a new real-time PCR for the detection of pilchard orthomyxovirus (POMV) in apparently healthy fish

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    Pilchard orthomyxovirus (POMV) is a virus of concern to the Atlantic salmon aquaculture industry in Tasmania. First isolated from wild pilchards in southern Australia in 1998, the virus is now a recognised pathogen of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Tasmania. While the current real-time PCR for POMV targets segment 5 of the viral genome, recent viral gene expression data suggests that other segments of the POMV genome presented higher transcription levels and thus may be better candidates for the early detection of the virus. This study aimed to design and begin validating a more sensitive reverse transcriptase real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) assay to detect POMV. Primers and probes were developed targeting two independent viral genes derived from segments 7 and 8, which presented higher transcription levels than segment 5 in both cell culture and infected fish. These were compared with the current POMV RT-qPCR. The POMV segment 8 assay had a higher analytical sensitivity than segment 7, detecting at least 1 plasmid copy μl−1, and was 10-fold more sensitive than both POMV segment 7 and 5 assays when analysing nucleic acid from a positive field sample. Both new assays also had high analytical specificity, detecting the 11 POMV isolates tested (inclusivity testing) and not amplifying nucleic acids from other viruses, including ISAV, a related orthomyxovirus. In the latent class model analysis, the diagnostic sensitivity of the segment 8 and 7 assays were higher than segment 5 in 93% and 92% of simulations, respectively. Seven samples (18.4%), all from subclinical fish infected with POMV, returned a positive result only with the segment 8 assay. Both new assays showed reproducible results when applied to aliquots of the same samples tested in three different laboratories. The new POMV segment 8 assay shows promising results as a surveillance tool for detecting POMV in fish without any symptoms.publishedVersio

    Sorting of chromosomes by magnetic separation

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    Chromosomes were isolated from Chinese hamster x human hybrid cell lines containing four and nine human chromosomes. Human genomic DNA was biotinylated by nick translation and used to label the human chromosomes by in situ hybridization in suspension. Streptavidin was covalently coupled to the surface of magnetic beads and these were incubated with the hybridized chromosomes. The human chromosomes were bound to the magnetic beads through the strong biotin-streptavidin complex and then rapidly separated from nonlabeled Chinese hamster chromosomes by a simple permanent magnet. The hybridization was visualized by additional binding of avidin-FITC (fluorescein) to the unoccupied biotinylated human DNA bound to the human chromosomes. After magnetic separation, up to 98% of the individual chromosomes attached to magnetic beads were classified as human chromosomes by fluorescence microscopy

    Availability, scope and quality of monkeypox clinical management guidelines globally : a systematic review

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    This work was supported by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Wellcome (215091/Z/18/Z) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1209135). The GloPID-R Secretariat is a project that receives funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 874667. SL is an MRC Clinical Research Training fellow (MR/T001151/1).Background Monkeypox (MPX) is an important human Orthopoxvirus infection. There has been an increase in MPX cases and outbreaks in endemic and non-endemic regions in recent decades. We appraised the availability, scope, quality and inclusivity of clinical management guidelines for MPX globally. Methods For this systematic review, we searched six databases from inception until 14 October 2021, augmented by a grey literature search until 17 May 2022. MPX guidelines providing treatment and supportive care recommendations were included, with no exclusions for language. Two reviewers assessed the guidelines. Quality was assessed using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II tool. Results Of 2026 records screened, 14 guidelines were included. Overall, most guidelines were of low-quality with a median score of 2 out of 7 (range: 1–7), lacked detail and covered a narrow range of topics. Most guidelines focused on adults, five (36%) provided some advice for children, three (21%) for pregnant women and three (21%) for people living with HIV. Treatment guidance was mostly limited to advice on antivirals; seven guidelines advised cidofovir (four specified for severe MPX only); 29% (4/14) tecovirimat, and 7% (1/14) brincidofovir. Only one guideline provided recommendations on supportive care and treatment of complications. All guidelines recommended vaccination as post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Three guidelines advised on vaccinia immune globulin as PEP for severe cases in people with immunosuppression. Conclusion Our results highlight a lack of evidence-based clinical management guidelines for MPX globally. There is a clear and urgent need for research into treatment and prophylaxis including for different risk populations. The current outbreak provides an opportunity to accelerate this research through coordinated high-quality studies. New evidence should be incorporated into globally accessible guidelines, to benefit patient and epidemic outcomes. A ‘living guideline’ framework is recommended. PROSPERO registration number CRD42020167361.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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