3,702 research outputs found

    Increased heat transfer to elliptical leading edges due to spanwise variations in the freestream momentum: Numerical and experimental results

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    A study of the effect of spanwise variation in momentum on leading edge heat transfer is discussed. Numerical and experimental results are presented for both a circular leading edge and a 3:1 elliptical leading edge. Reynolds numbers in the range of 10,000 to 240,000 based on leading edge diameter are investigated. The surface of the body is held at a constant uniform temperature. Numerical and experimental results with and without spanwise variations are presented. Direct comparison of the two-dimensional results, that is, with no spanwise variations, to the analytical results of Frossling is very good. The numerical calculation, which uses the PARC3D code, solves the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations, assuming steady laminar flow on the leading edge region. Experimentally, increases in the spanwise-averaged heat transfer coefficient as high as 50 percent above the two-dimensional value were observed. Numerically, the heat transfer coefficient was seen to increase by as much as 25 percent. In general, under the same flow conditions, the circular leading edge produced a higher heat transfer rate than the elliptical leading edge. As a percentage of the respective two-dimensional values, the circular and elliptical leading edges showed similar sensitivity to span wise variations in momentum. By equating the root mean square of the amplitude of the spanwise variation in momentum to the turbulence intensity, a qualitative comparison between the present work and turbulent results was possible. It is shown that increases in leading edge heat transfer due to spanwise variations in freestream momentum are comparable to those due to freestream turbulence

    Increased heat transfer to a cylindrical leading edge due to spanwise variations in the freestream velocity

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    The present study numerically demonstrates how small spanwise variations in velocity upstream of a body can cause relatively large increases in the spanwise-averaged heat transfer to the leading edge. Vorticity introduced by spanwise variations, first decays as it drifts downstream, then amplifies in the stagnation region as a result of vortex stretching. This amplification can cause a periodic array of 3 D structures, similar to horseshoe vortices, to form. The numerical results indicate that, for the given wavelength, there is an amplitude threshold below which a structure does not form. A one-dimensional analysis, to predict the decay of vorticity in the absence of the body, in conjunction with the full numerical results indicated that the threshold is more accurately stated as minimum level of vorticity required in the leading edge region for a structure to form. It is possible, using the one-dimensional analysis, to compute an optimum wavelength in terms of the maximum vorticity reaching the leading edge region for given amplitude. A discussion is presented which relates experimentally observed trends to the trends of the present phenomena

    Reaching older people with PA delivered in football clubs: the reach, adoption and implementation characteristics of the Extra Time Programme.

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    Background Older adults (OA) represent a core priority group for physical activity and Public Health policy. As a result, significant interest is placed on how to optimise adherence to interventions promoting these approaches. Extra Time (ET) is an example of a national programme of physical activity interventions delivered in professional football clubs for OA aged 55+ years. This paper aims to examine the outcomes from ET, and unpick the processes by which these outcomes were achieved. Methods This paper represents a secondary analysis of data collected during the evaluation of ET. From the 985 OA reached by ET, n=486 adopted the programme and completed post-intervention surveys (typically 12 weeks). We also draw on interview data with 18 ET participants, and 7 staff who delivered the programme. Data were subject to thematic analysis to generate overarching and sub themes. Results Of the 486 participants, the majority 95%, (n= 462) were White British and 59.7% (n=290) were female. Most adopters (65.4%/n=318) had not participated in previous interventions in the host clubs. Social interaction was the most frequently reported benefit of participation (77.2%, n=375). While the reach of the club badge was important in letting people know about the programme, further work enhanced adoption and satisfaction. These factors included (i) listening to participants, (ii) delivering a flexible age-appropriate programme of diverse physical and social activities, (iii) offering activities which satisfy energy drives and needs for learning and (iv) extensive opportunities for social engagement. Conclusions Findings emerging from this study indicate that physical activity and health interventions delivered through professional football clubs can be effective for engaging OA

    New assays for carbamyl phosphate synthetase applicable in the presence of exogenous carbamyl phosphate.

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    New assays for carbamyl phosphate synthetase applicable in the presence of exogenous carbamyl phosphate

    Experimental Study of an Inclined Jet-In-Cross-Flow Interacting with a Vortex Generator

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    An experiment is conducted on the effectiveness of a vortex generator (VG) in preventing lift-off of a jet-in-cross-flow (JICF), with film-cooling application in mind. The jet issues into the boundary layer at an angle of 20 to the free-stream. The effect of a triangular ramp-shaped VG is studied while varying its geometry and location. Detailed flow-field properties are documented for a specific case in which the height of the VG and the diameter of the orifice are comparable to the approach boundary layer thickness. This combination of VG and JICF produce a streamwise vortex pair with vorticity magnitude three times larger (and of opposite sense) than that found in the JICF alone. Such a VG appears to be most effective in keeping the jet attached to the wall. While most of the data are taken at a jet-to-freestream momentum flux ratio (J) of 2, limited surveys are done for varying J. The VG is found to have a significant effect even at the highest J (=11) covered in the experiment. Effect of parametric variation is studied mostly from surveys ten diameters downstream from the orifice. When the VG height is halved there is a lift-off of the jet. On the other hand, when the height is doubled, the jet core is dissipated due to larger turbulence intensities. Varying the location of the VG, over a distance of three diameters from the orifice, is found to have little impact. Rounding off the edges of the VG with increasing radius of curvature progressively diminishes the effect. However, a small radius of curvature may be quite tolerable in practice

    Improving measurements of SF6 for the study of atmospheric transport and emissions

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    Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is a potent greenhouse gas and useful atmospheric tracer. Measurements of SF6 on global and regional scales are necessary to estimate emissions and to verify or examine the performance of atmospheric transport models. Typical precision for common gas chromatographic methods with electron capture detection (GC-ECD) is 1–2%. We have modified a common GC-ECD method to achieve measurement precision of 0.5% or better. Global mean SF6 measurements were used to examine changes in the growth rate of SF6 and corresponding SF6 emissions. Global emissions and mixing ratios from 2000–2008 are consistent with recently published work. More recent observations show a 10% decline in SF6 emissions in 2008–2009, which seems to coincide with a decrease in world economic output. This decline was short-lived, as the global SF6 growth rate has recently increased to near its 2007–2008 maximum value of 0.30±0.03 pmol mol−1 (ppt) yr−1 (95% C.L.)

    The Mass Distribution of the Strong Lensing Cluster SDSS J1531+3414

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    We present the mass distribution at the core of SDSS J1531+3414, a strong-lensing cluster at z=0.335. We find that the mass distribution is well described by two cluster-scale halos with a contribution from cluster-member galaxies. New HST observations of SDSS J1531+3414 reveal a signature of ongoing star formation associated with the two central galaxies at the core of the cluster, in the form of a chain of star forming regions at the center of the cluster. Using the lens model presented here, we place upper limits on the contribution of a possible lensed image to the flux at the center region, and rule out that this emission is coming from a background source.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; Submitted to Ap

    Inclined Jet in Crossflow Interacting with a Vortex Generator

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    An experiment is conducted on the effectiveness of a vortex generator in preventing liftoff of a jet in crossflow, with possible relevance to film-cooling applications. The jet issues into the boundary layer at an angle of 20 degreees to the freestream. The effect of a triangular ramp-shaped vortex generator is studied while varying its geometry and location. Detailed flowfield properties are obtained for a case in which the height of the vortex generator and the diameter of the orifice are comparable with the approach boundary-layer thickness. The vortex generator produces a streamwise vortex pair with a vorticity magnitude 3 times larger (and of opposite sense) than that found in the jet in crossflow alone. Such a vortex generator appears to be most effective in keeping the jet attached to the wall. The effect of parametric variation is studied mostly from surveys 10 diameters downstream from the orifice. Results over a range of jet-to-freestream momentum flux ratio (1 < J < 11) show that the vortex generator has a significant effect even at the highest J covered in the experiment. When the vortex generator height is halved, there is a liftoff of the jet. On the other hand, when the height is doubled, the jet core is dissipated due to larger turbulence intensity. Varying the location of the vortex generator, over a distance of three diameters from the orifice, is found to have little impact. Rounding off the edges of the vortex generator with the increasing radius of curvature progressively diminishes its effect. However, allowing for a small radius of curvature may be quite tolerable in practice

    A clumpy and anisotropic galaxy halo at z=1 from gravitational-arc tomography

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    Every star-forming galaxy has a halo of metal-enriched gas extending out to at least 100 kpc, as revealed by the absorption lines this gas imprints on the spectra of background quasars. However, quasars are sparse and typically probe only one narrow pencil beam through the intervening galaxy. Close quasar pairs and gravitationally lensed quasars have been used to circumvent this inherently one-dimensional technique, but these objects are rare and the structure of the circum-galactic medium remains poorly constrained. As a result, our understanding of the physical processes that drive the re-cycling of baryons across the lifetime of a galaxy is limited. Here we report integral-field (tomographic) spectroscopy of an extended background source -a bright giant gravitational arc. We can thus coherently map the spatial and kinematic distribution of Mg II absorption -a standard tracer of enriched gas- in an intervening galaxy system at redshift 0.98 (i.e., ~8 Gyr ago). Our gravitational-arc tomography unveils a clumpy medium in which the absorption-strength decreases with increasing impact parameter, in good agreement with the statistics towards quasars; furthermore, we find strong evidence that the gas is not distributed isotropically. Interestingly, we detect little kinematic variation over a projected area of ~600 kpc squared, with all line-of-sight velocities confined to within a few tens of km/s of each other. These results suggest that the detected absorption originates from entrained recycled material, rather than in a galactic outflow.Comment: Published online in Nature on 31 January 201