113 research outputs found

    Ofer Bar Yosef

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    Ofer Bar Yosef (cl. Harvard University, Document D. Bar Yosef.) Ofer Bar Yosef nous a quitté le 14 mars 2020 entouré de sa famille chez lui à Kefar Sava (Israël). Nous avons perdu un ami cher de longue date et un collègue exceptionnel que nous avons pu apprécier depuis notre rencontre en 1964. Ofer est né à Jerusalem le 29 Août 1937. Son service militaire accompli, il s’inscrit en 1960 à l’Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem et obtient en 1963 sa licence d’Archéologie et Géographie. En 1964, u..

    La molaire néandertalienne de la grotte Vaufrey (Dordogne, France)

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    La grotte Vaufrey (Dordogne) a été l’objet de fouilles archéologiques à partir de 1968. Ces fouilles ont révélé une stratigraphie complexe allant de l’Acheuléen au Moustérien. La couche I, scellée par le plancher stalagmitique A, contenait une industrie lithique moustérienne de type Quina, dans des sédiments indiquant un climat très froid et très sec, et renfermant des restes de cerf et de renne parmi la faune. Cette couche I, pour laquelle une datation par U/Th de 74 ± 18Ka (stade isotopique 4) a été obtenue, a fourni une dent humaine inventoriée Vaufrey 1. Le fossile est une molaire inférieure gauche, attribuable à un adulte. Ses dimensions et ses indices sont grands, les racines montrent une hypercémentose accusée et la chambre pulpaire est de grandeur moyenne. Son rang a été difficile à déterminer mais, sur la base de l’analyse morphologique détaillée et d’une étude comparative, nous l’avons identifiée comme une M2. L’usure, en particulier l’usure interproximale du côté mésial, est très accentuée. Cette particularité de Vaufrey 1 a été comparée à celle de Krapina J, qui montre une attrition différentielle similaire sur la M2 gauche. Plusieurs méthodes statistiques ont été appliquées pour comparer les diamètres et les indices de Vaufrey 1 avec quelques échantillons de populations modernes ainsi qu’avec une importante série de Néandertaliens. Les analyses démontrent que Vaufrey 1 se distingue de la variabilité actuelle et rentre pleinement dans celle des Néandertaliens anciens avec des dents longues et larges.The site of Vaufrey Cave (Dordogne, France) has been excavated since 1968. This work revealed a complex stratigraphy ranging from the Acheulean to the Mousterian. Level I of this site, which was covered by stalagmitic floor A, contained a Quina type Mousterian lithic industry. Sediments indicate very cold and dry conditions with deer and reindeer remains among the fauna. In this level, which has a U/Th date of 74 ± 18Ka (Isotopic Stage 4), a human tooth, Vaufrey 1, was recovered. The fossil is the lower left second permanent molar of an adult. It is a very large tooth, both in its absolute dimensions and its indexes; the pulp chamber, however, is of medium size. The roots exhibit hypercementosis. Its position in the molar tooth sequence is difficult to determine, but morphological analysis, as well as comparative studies, indicate that it should be considered an M2. Attrition, especially interproximal wear on the mesial surface, is very marked. The Vaufrey 1 molar possesses similar differential wear as that found on the left M2 of the Krapina J mandible. A variety of statistical methods have been employed in comparing this tooth with those from several modern populations as well as with a large series of Neandertal teeth. The results indicate that the Vaufrey 1 tooth is outside the size range of teeth of living humans and that its long mesio-distal length and generally large dimensions place it within the range of variation of earlier Neandertals

    Chapitre 5. Échanger, travailler, petites et grandes « industries » à Marseille

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    Quelques découvertes archéologiques particulières, au sein des quartiers d’habitation, nous renseignent sur des bâtiments liés au commerce et aux industries. C’est le cas en particulier d’un marché particulier, la boucherie, à proximité immédiate de l’axe principal que constitue la Grand-Rue. 1. Les marchés Deux marchés alimentaires importants ont pu être approchés par l’archéologie, plus exactement frôlés par des fouilles. Le premier, le marché du Petit Mazeau, marché à la viande, est au cœu..

    Chapitre 2. La ville basse : le quartier du Mazeau et de la Loge

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    Les fouilles autour de la Mairie (et particulièrement au nord, sur l’emprise de la place Villeneuve-Bargemon) ont jeté un éclairage nouveau sur le quartier du port compris la Loge et l’église des Accoules. 1. La ville basse à la lumière des sources écrites Avant d’entrer dans le détail des résultats archéologiques, le cadre topographique et historique du développement et de l’occupation du quartier peut être appréhendé au moyen des textes d’archives, particulièrement nombreux pour cette zone ..

    eHealth Eurocampus Project: preparing innovative ICT professionals

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    The eHealth Eurocampus project, an EU-funded project, aims at preparing innovative professionals able to cope with the challenge of fostering a spirit of innovation in eHealth in Europe as the way forward to ensure better health and better and safer care. The main objectives of the eHealth Eurocampus are improving the relevance and quality of higher education in the field of ICT applications for health, and fostering employability through curricula adaptation to labour market needs and the development of entrepreneurship skills. In the frame of this project we are developing course materials, and implementing new and innovative teaching methods that are tested through joint learning activities (summer schools), which will be used later on in different master courses. The project includes the organization of training seminars to exchange good practices and knowledge among teachers and researchers. The eHealth Eurocampus consortium includes 8 higher education institutions, a regional centre of technological development and entrepreneurship promotion, and a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation. The partnership represents different European health management systems, from 5 European countries.Postprint (author's final draft

    eHealth Eurocampus: An innovative educational framework to train qualified professionals in the emerging ehealth sector

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    The aim of this paper is to present the results of an initiative called the eHealth Eurocampus (http://ehealtheurocampus.eu), whose main goal is to define a framework to prepare professionals for the eHealth work environment. To do so, three main activities have been organized: develop eHealth learning materials, international intensive study programs for both health science and IT students and international training seminars for researches and professors. The eHealth Eurocampus project is an EU-funded Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for higher education (September-2016 / August-2019) which aims at preparing qualified professionals able to cope with the challenge of “fostering a spirit of innovation in eHealth in Europe as the way forward to ensure better health and better and safer care for EU citizens, a more skilled workforce, more efficient and sustainable health and care systems, new business opportunities” (EC eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020). The consortium of the eHealth Eurocampus project along with the participants of the designed activities have created an original eHealth teaching-learning framework where university professors, students, researchers, and clinicians are able to share their experiences and knowledge with the aim of improving the skills of graduates in order to improve their employability. These are the organized activities and the topics that have been covered: - eHealth learning materials. Five courses of 6 ECTS each have been developed in the following topics: innovation and entrepreneurship, IT for a longer independent life, robotics for health care, graphics and medical imaging and eHealth applications and tools. - Intensive study programs. Three international summer schools for both health and IT students have been organized with an interdisciplinary approach. The first one deal with innovation and entrepreneurship in eHealth. The second one is focused on applications and tools for longer independent life. And robotics, graphics and medical imaging are covered in the third one. The summer schools have proven to be the best testbed for the learning materials and for innovative teaching methodologies in interdisciplinary context. - Training seminars. When you face the training of qualified eHealth professionals it is critical to have good educators. Two training seminars have been organized with the goal of share experiences and knowledge among practitioners, university teachers and researches of the health and IT fields. The topics covered in the seminars are eHealth Teaching Challenges and Accessibility, Inclusion, and Rehabilitation using IT, respectively. In this paper, we will introduce in detail the different activities carried out, the results and conclusions of this teaching-learning framework and how the different stakeholders would take advantage of it.Postprint (author's final draft

    Fouilles à Marseille : la ville médiévale et moderne

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    Les fouilles archéologiques conduites dans le centre de Marseille depuis quelques décennies ont transformé notre connaissance de la ville. Longtemps focalisée sur la période grecque, première ville de France oblige, l'attention des archéologues s'est portée également sur des vestiges plus récents à partir du début des années 1990, alors que se multipliaient les opérations d'aménagement soit en limite de la ville antique et médiévale, soit au coeur même de celle-ci. Ainsi, de la place Villeneuve-Bargemon à la bibliothèque de l'Alcazar ou au tunnel de la Major, ce sont autant de lieux de découvertes qui retracent l'histoire de Marseille depuis le début du Moyen Age jusqu'à la Révolution française. Après dix ans de réflexion, alimentée par de nombreux articles, une exposition et des échanges croisés sur Marseille médiévale et moderne, les auteurs de ce volume ont souhaité restituer l'histoire de ce port majeur de la Méditerranée qu'est Marseille à un public aussi bien spécialisé que simplement désireux de mieux connaître cette ville. Le lecteur pourra ainsi comprendre comment des vestiges archéologiques, soigneusement sortis de leur gangue de terre par des archéologues professionnels, attestent des heurs et malheurs d'une cité qui croît au rythme du développement de l'activité portuaire. A côté des archéologues, la contribution des historiens et des archivistes à cette redécouverte de Marseille est importante. Elle témoigne de la nécessité de multiplier les regards sur des périodes que l'on croit connaître parce que plus proches de nous. L'ancrage que donne la matérialité des vestiges permet de mieux comprendre les références topographiques des textes d'archives écrits à une époque où l'évidence des lieux pour leurs contemporains fait ressortir notre propre ignorance. Abondamment illustré, ce volume met en valeur également le développement d'une archéologie des Temps modernes à côté de celle, déjà acceptée, du Moyen Age. C'est le développement de l'archéologie dite "de sauvetage" puis "préventive" qui a incité à traiter de façon égale tous les vestiges, quelle que soit leur période. Et là encore la confrontation avec les textes, en particulier dans le domaine de la construction, montre tout l'intérêt de cette approche pour la connaissance de nos racines

    Genetic Resistance to Rhabdovirus Infection in Teleost Fish Is Paralleled to the Derived Cell Resistance Status

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    Genetic factors of resistance and predisposition to viral diseases explain a significant part of the clinical variability observed within host populations. Predisposition to viral diseases has been associated to MHC haplotypes and T cell immunity, but a growing repertoire of innate/intrinsic factors are implicated in the genetic determinism of the host susceptibility to viruses. In a long-term study of the genetics of host resistance to fish rhabdoviruses, we produced a collection of double-haploid rainbow trout clones showing a wide range of susceptibility to Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus (VHSV) waterborne infection. The susceptibility of fibroblastic cell lines derived from these clonal fish was fully consistent with the susceptibility of the parental fish clones. The mechanisms determining the host resistance therefore did not associate with specific host immunity, but rather with innate or intrinsic factors. One cell line was resistant to rhabdovirus infection due to the combination of an early interferon IFN induction - that was not observed in the susceptible cells - and of yet unknown factors that hamper the first steps of the viral cycle. The implication of IFN was well consistent with the wide range of resistance of this genetic background to VSHV and IHNV, to the birnavirus IPNV and the orthomyxovirus ISAV. Another cell line was even more refractory to the VHSV infection through different antiviral mechanisms. This collection of clonal fish and isogenic cell lines provides an interesting model to analyze the relative contribution of antiviral pathways to the resistance to different viruses

    Anastrozole versus tamoxifen for the prevention of locoregional and contralateral breast cancer in postmenopausal women with locally excised ductal carcinoma in situ (IBIS-II DCIS): a double-blind, randomised controlled trial

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    Background Third-generation aromatase inhibitors are more effective than tamoxifen for preventing recurrence in postmenopausal women with hormone-receptor-positive invasive breast cancer. However, it is not known whether anastrozole is more effective than tamoxifen for women with hormone-receptor-positive ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Here, we compare the efficacy of anastrozole with that of tamoxifen in postmenopausal women with hormone-receptor-positive DCIS. Methods In a double-blind, multicentre, randomised placebo-controlled trial, we recruited women who had been diagnosed with locally excised, hormone-receptor-positive DCIS. Eligible women were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio by central computer allocation to receive 1 mg oral anastrozole or 20 mg oral tamoxifen every day for 5 years. Randomisation was stratified by major centre or hub and was done in blocks (six, eight, or ten). All trial personnel, participants, and clinicians were masked to treatment allocation and only the trial statistician had access to treatment allocation. The primary endpoint was all recurrence, including recurrent DCIS and new contralateral tumours. All analyses were done on a modified intention-to-treat basis (in all women who were randomised and did not revoke consent for their data to be included) and proportional hazard models were used to compute hazard ratios and corresponding confidence intervals. This trial is registered at the ISRCTN registry, number ISRCTN37546358. Results Between March 3, 2003, and Feb 8, 2012, we enrolled 2980 postmenopausal women from 236 centres in 14 countries and randomly assigned them to receive anastrozole (1449 analysed) or tamoxifen (1489 analysed). Median follow-up was 7·2 years (IQR 5·6–8·9), and 144 breast cancer recurrences were recorded. We noted no statistically significant difference in overall recurrence (67 recurrences for anastrozole vs 77 for tamoxifen; HR 0·89 [95% CI 0·64–1·23]). The non-inferiority of anastrozole was established (upper 95% CI <1·25), but its superiority to tamoxifen was not (p=0·49). A total of 69 deaths were recorded (33 for anastrozole vs 36 for tamoxifen; HR 0·93 [95% CI 0·58–1·50], p=0·78), and no specific cause was more common in one group than the other. The number of women reporting any adverse event was similar between anastrozole (1323 women, 91%) and tamoxifen (1379 women, 93%); the side-effect profiles of the two drugs differed, with more fractures, musculoskeletal events, hypercholesterolaemia, and strokes with anastrozole and more muscle spasm, gynaecological cancers and symptoms, vasomotor symptoms, and deep vein thromboses with tamoxifen. Conclusions No clear efficacy differences were seen between the two treatments. Anastrozole offers another treatment option for postmenopausal women with hormone-receptor-positive DCIS, which may be be more appropriate for some women with contraindications for tamoxifen. Longer follow-up will be necessary to fully evaluate treatment differences