71 research outputs found

    Sobre la validez de los enfoques sistémicos funcionales como herramienta para la selección de materiales en contexto de AICLE: estudio de caso

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    The aim of this paper is to propose the validity of functional approaches within discourse analysis as a tool for selecting classroom material. By taking into account the linguistic realization of the three main contextual variables, namely field, tenor, and mode, and their impact on the function of language within each particular context of communication, we believe that the task of selecting and devising materials for CLIL setting shall be eased. This hypothesis becomes the point of departure for this article, where we present an analysis of six texts used for teaching Science using L2 English as the means of instruction. Conclusions are obtained about the importance of considering that any type of language used in a text has a function which depends on the context where it is used, an aspect which is frequently forgotten in L2 classrooms.En este artículo se pretende probar la utilidad que tienen los acercamientos funcionales al análisis del discurso para seleccionar material de aula. Al tener en cuenta la realización lingüística de las tres variables contextuales, el campo, el tenor, y el modo, y el impacto que éstas tienen en la función que tiene el lenguaje en determinados contextos de comunicación, se facilita la selección y creación de materiales para la docencia en un entorno CLIL. Esta es la hipótesis que se pretende comprobar en este artículo. Para ello se presenta el análisis de seis textos que se utilizan para enseñar conocimiento del medio en inglés como L2. A partir de ello, se extraen conclusiones sobre la importancia de la función que tiene el tipo de lenguaje que se utilice en cada texto, y cómo este varía en función del contexto en el que se utilice, un aspecto que con frecuencia se olvida en las clases de inglés como lengua extranjera

    A legendagem como ato de criação

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    Dissertação submetida à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Projeto Cinematográfico - especialização em Dramaturgia e Realização.Nas últimas décadas a democratização dos conteúdos através da Internet tem vindo a imprimir um certo dinamismo à atividade da tradução audiovisual (TAV) e, por conseguinte, da legendagem que, devido às alterações da linguagem cinematográfica e à evolução da tecnologia, enfrenta novos desafios. Perante um cenário cada vez mais multicultural e multilinguístico, a qualidade da legendagem vê-se comprometida pelo ritmo acelerado dos workflows, por curtos prazos de entrega e por parâmetros técnicos preestabelecidos por softwares especializados. Por este motivo, torna-se vital a formação profissional do tradutor-legendador, que deverá ter conhecimentos linguísticos, comunicativos, semióticos, informáticos, culturais, cinematográficos… entre outros. Isso dá-lhe uma capacidade de interpretação e adaptação da mensagem que faz com que a tradução, localização e inserção das legendas nos fotogramas das cópias de exibição seja concebida como um ato de criação subordinado à versão original do realizador, salvaguardando assim a integridade da obra artística. Neste contexto, o propósito desta dissertação é refletir sobre o papel da legendagem na experiência cinematográfica e na apreciação da obra pelos espectadores a nível dramatúrgico e estilístico. Este estudo revela que a legenda se comporta como um significante pleno de significado dentro da construção imagética da linguagem cinematográfica, da qual passa a fazer parte. Para este efeito, foram investigados fatores estéticos, técnicos e cognitivos que intervêm no ato de legendagem, incluindo a fotografia (iluminação), a direção artística (cenografia e adereços), os figurinos, a maquilhagem, a direção de atores e a construção de um tempo e espaço na montagem, a banda sonora, e o impacto das próprias legendas na construção dramática. O estudo tem por base uma amostra composta por três curtas metragens de ficção, exibidas e premiadas na 6ª e 8ª edição do festival internacional Olhares do Mediterrâneo-Women’s Film Festival, intituladas Ferrotipos (2019, Nüll García, Espanha), Black Mamba (2017, Amel Guellaty, Tunísia) e Tuk-Tuk (2021, Mohamed Kheidr, Egipto).Abstract - In the last decades, the democratization of content through the Internet has given a certain dynamism to the activity of audiovisual translation (AVT) and, therefore, subtitling, which, due to changes in cinematographic language and the evolution of technology, faces new challenges. The increasingly multicultural and multilingual scenario compromises the quality of subtitling by the fast pace of workflows, short delivery deadlines and technical parameters pre-established by specialized software. For this reason, the translator-subtitler’s professional qualification is vital, who must have linguistic, communicative, semiotic, computer, cultural, cinematographic knowledge… among others. This gives to the translator-subtitler an ability to interpret and adapt the message which makes the translation, localization and insertion of subtitles in the frames of the exhibition copies to be conceived as an act of creation subordinated to the original version of the filmmaker, thus safeguarding the integrity of the artistic work. In this context, the purpose of this dissertation is to encourage for a reflection on the role of subtitling in the cinematographic experience and in the appreciation of the artistic work by spectators at a dramaturgical and stylistic level. This study reveals that the subtitle behaves as a signifier full of meaning within the imagery construction of the cinematographic language, of which it becomes a part. For this purpose, aesthetic, technical and cognitive factors involved in the act of subtitling were investigated, including photography (lighting), art direction (scenography and props), costumes, make-up, direction of actors and the construction of time and space in montage, soundtrack, and the impact of the subtitles themselves in the dramatic construction. The study is based on a sample composed of three fiction short films, exhibited and awarded at the 6th and 8th edition of the international film festival Olhares do Mediterráneo-Women's Film Festival, entitled Ferrotipos (2019, Nüll García, Spain), Black Mamba (2017, Amel Guellaty, Tunisia) and Tuk-Tuk (2021, Mohamed Kheidr, Egypt).N/

    Técnicas de reuso dentro de la Ingeniería del Dominio

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    La mayoría de los métodos de desarrollo, incluyendo los métodos orientados a objetos, no incluyen actividades y técnicas de reuso bien definidas. A menos que las actividades del reuso sean parte integral y natural del proceso de desarrollo es probable que el reuso no se practique en los proyectos de software. El reuso debe ser planificado con el comienzo del planning en los estados muy tempranos del proceso de desarrollo. Dejar el reuso como una actividad del final del proceso es un error común. Una clave para maximizar los beneficios del reuso es pensar en ‘grande’ Pensar ´grande´, en términos de ‘grandes’ componentes, es decir no simplemente reusar una función sino reusar subsistemas completos y arquitecturas enteras, así como también significa pensar en términos del reuso en altos niveles de abstracciones de software, por ejemplo reuso de diseño en vez de reuso de código. Generalmente, reusar código es lo primero en que se piensa y lo que se practica.Eje: Análisis de RequerimientosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Técnicas de reuso dentro de la Ingeniería del Dominio

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    La mayoría de los métodos de desarrollo, incluyendo los métodos orientados a objetos, no incluyen actividades y técnicas de reuso bien definidas. A menos que las actividades del reuso sean parte integral y natural del proceso de desarrollo es probable que el reuso no se practique en los proyectos de software. El reuso debe ser planificado con el comienzo del planning en los estados muy tempranos del proceso de desarrollo. Dejar el reuso como una actividad del final del proceso es un error común. Una clave para maximizar los beneficios del reuso es pensar en ‘grande’ Pensar ´grande´, en términos de ‘grandes’ componentes, es decir no simplemente reusar una función sino reusar subsistemas completos y arquitecturas enteras, así como también significa pensar en términos del reuso en altos niveles de abstracciones de software, por ejemplo reuso de diseño en vez de reuso de código. Generalmente, reusar código es lo primero en que se piensa y lo que se practica.Eje: Análisis de RequerimientosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Artificial intelligence in the sorting of municipal waste as an enabler of the circular economy

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    The recently finalized research project "ZRR for municipal waste" aimed at testing and evaluating the automation of municipal waste sorting plants by supplementing or replacing manual sorting, with sorting by a robot with artificial intelligence (ZRR). The objectives were to increase the current recycling rates and the purity of the recovered materials; to collect additional materials from the current rejected flows; and to improve the working conditions of the workers, who could then concentrate on, among other things, the maintenance of the robots. Based on the empirical results of the project, this paper presents the main results of the training and operation of the robotic sorting system based on artificial intelligence, which, to our knowledge, is the first attempt at an application for the separation of bulky municipal solid waste (MSW) and an installation in a full-scale waste treatment plant. The key questions for the research project included (a) the design of test protocols to assess the quality of the sorting process and (b) the evaluation of the performance quality in the first six months of the training of the underlying artificial intelligence and its database

    Rôle des anticorps neutralisants autologues dans la guérison spontanée lors d'une infection par le virus de l'hépatite C

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    Environ 30% des patients infectés par le virus de l hépatite C guérissent spontanément. Le but de ce travailétait (i) d examiner l évolution des protéines d enveloppe en cas de guérison spontanée (ii) de comparerl infectivité des variants présents aux stades précoces (iii) d explorer la capacité neutralisante des anticorps(Ac) vis-à-vis des variants majoritaires et minoritaires. Nous avons sélectionné 2 patients avec une hépatiteaigue C suivie d une guérison très rapide. Pour explorer la capacité d entrée de ces variants et leur aptitude àêtre neutralisés, nous avons produit des pseudo-particules rétrovirales portant les enveloppes de différentsvariants. Pour le 1er patient, une réponse neutralisante autologue était détectable précocement, avec unmaximum entre le 2ème et le 3èmemois suivant la cytolyse. Elle était encore détectable au 30ème mois. Pourle 2ème patient, des Ac vis-à-vis du variant majoritaire étaient détectés dans le sérum prélevé 4 jours après lacytolyse et dans les sérums plus tardifs. Le titre des Ac était maximum au 5ème mois. La réponse neutralisanteest d apparition précoce et persiste même après l élimination virale. Ces observations nous questionnent parrapport au rôle éventuel joué par ces Ac dans les cas de recontamination.Only 30% of Hepatitis C virus infected individuals recover spontaneously. We investigated the mechanismsleading to early HCV clearance. The purpose of this work was: (i) to explore the diversity and the early geneticevolution of the HCV envelope glycoproteins, and the infectivity spectrum of isolated variants and (ii) toanalyze the ability of the autologous neutralizing response to control these variants. We selected two patientswho developed an acute HCV infection. To explore the impact of mutations on infectivity and neutralization,retroviral pseudoparticules were produced with representative E1 and E2 sequences. For the first case, themaximum neutralizing activity was observed in the serum collected between 2 and 3 months post ALT peak,the activity was still detectable after 30 months. For the second case, autologous neutralizing activity wasdetected in every serum collected between 4 days and 13 months after. A gradual increase of neutralizationactivity was observed over time with a maximum 5 to 6 months. We have shown that the neutralizing responsewas detectable at early stages of primoinfection and was sustained beyond the time at which the virus wascleared. These observations raise interesting questions about the role of such antibodies in case of re-exposure.TOURS-Bibl.électronique (372610011) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Indicadores de progreso para el derecho a la alimentación adecuada en ocho países de América Latina

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    El capítulo analiza el grado de cumplimiento de las obligaciones contenidas en el derecho a la alimentación adecuada en América Latina y el Caribe, partiendo de la metodología establecida para el monitoreo del Protocolo de San Salvador y de la información oficial presentada por ocho Estados en los informes elevados al Grupo de Trabajo del Protocolo de San Salvador (GTPSS). El abordaje se realiza desde el enfoque basado en derechos humanos (EBDH) y se analizaron los informes presentados por Bolivia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, México, Paraguay, Perú y Uruguay, identificándose los avances y los núcleos críticos respecto al cumplimiento del derecho a la alimentación adecuada. El análisis se concentra en tres tipos de indicadores (estructurales, de proceso y de resultados) y se examina la información provista por cada Estado respecto a las categorías centrales en derechos humanos, como la recepción del derecho, el contexto financiero y los compromisos presupuestarios, capacidades estatales y principios rectores, como la obligación de implementar toda acción respetando el principio de igualdad y no discriminación, acceso a la justicia y a la información. En las conclusiones y recomendaciones destacan la relevancia de la producción de información periódica y actualizada, como también el valor del monitoreo internacional.Fil: Pérez Gómez, Laura Elisa. No especifíca;Fil: Pérez Molina, Ivet Miriam. No especifíca;Fil: Pautassi, Laura Cecilia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Loreti, Candela. No especifíca;Fil: Riesco, Rocío. No especifíca

    Detection of antibodies to denatured human leucocyte antigen molecules by single antigen Luminex

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    The anti-HLA antibody detection has been improved in sensitivity and specificity with solid-phase antigen bead (SAB) assays based on Luminex. However, false positive results due to denatured HLA (dHLA) may arise after single antigen test. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of the two Luminex technology-based anti-HLA detection kits available in the market in showing undesired anti-HLA antibody results. A prospective cohort was assessed for anti-HLA antibodies with single antigen A manufacturer (AM) kit and a comparison cohort with single antigen B manufacturer (BM) kit. A total of 11 out of 90 patients in a prospective cohort presented monospecific HLA-I antibodies with AM, and 5 out of 11 confirmed monospecific reaction with BM. Despite the confirmation of monospecific reaction with both manufacturers, 80% were assigned as dHLA reaction by specific crossmatch. Further comparative cohorts detected four out of six monospecific reactions with BM that were confirmed as possible dHLA reactions. A positive SAB test should rule out a reaction against a dHLA molecule, thus avoidance of prolonged waitlist periods or misattribution of anti-HLA reactions after transplantation

    Regulatory T-cell Number in Peripheral Blood at 1 Year Posttransplant as Predictor of Long-term Kidney Graft Survival

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    Background: Regulatory T (Treg) cells play a role in limiting kidney transplant rejection and can potentially promote long-term transplant tolerance. There are no large prospective studies demonstrating the utility of peripheral blood Treg cells as biomarkers for long-term graft outcome in kidney transplantation. The aim of our study was to analyze the influence of the absolute number of peripheral blood Treg cells after transplantation on long-term death-censored graft survival. Methods: We monitored the absolute numbers of Treg cells by flow cytometry in nonfrozen samples of peripheral blood in 133 kidney transplant recipients, who were prospectively followed up to 2 years after transplantation. Death-censored graft survival was determined retrospectively in January 2017. Results: The mean time of clinical follow-up was 7.4 ± 2.9 years and 24.1% patients suffered death-censored graft loss (DCGL). Patients with high Treg cells 1 year after transplantation and above the median value (14.57 cells/mm3), showed better death-censored graft survival (5-year survival, 92.5% vs 81.4%, Log-rank P = .030). One-year Treg cells showed a receiver operating characteristic - area under curve of 63.1% (95% confidence interval, 52.9-73.2%, P = 0.026) for predicting DCGL. After multivariate Cox regression analysis, an increased number of peripheral blood Treg cells was a protective factor for DCGL (hazard ratio, 0.961, 95% confidence interval, 0.924-0.998, P = 0.041), irrespectively of 1-year proteinuria and renal function. Conclusions: Peripheral blood absolute numbers of Treg cells 1 year after kidney transplantation predict a better long-term graft outcome and may be used as prognostic biomarkers

    Expression and Functionality Study of 9 Toll-Like Receptors in 33 Drug-Naïve Non-Affective First Episode Psychosis Individuals: A 3-Month Study

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are a pivotal component of the innate immune system that seem to have a role in the pathogenesis of psychosis. The purpose of this work was to compare the expression and functionality of 9 TLRs in three peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) (monocytes, B cells, and T cells) between 33 drug-naïve first-episode psychosis (FEP) individuals and 26 healthy volunteers, at baseline and after 3-month of antipsychotic treatment. The expression of TLRs 1?9 were assessed by flow cytometry. For the assessment of the TLR functionality, cells collected in sodium heparin tubes were polyclonally stimulated for 18 h, with different agonists for human TLR1?9. The results of our study highlight the role that TLR5 and TLR8 might play in the pathophysiology of psychosis. We found a lower expression of these receptors in FEP individuals, regarding healthy volunteers at baseline and after 3-month of treatment on the three PBMCs subsets. Most TLRs showed a lower functionality (especially reduced intracellular levels of TNF-?) in patients than in healthy volunteers. These results, together with previous evidence, suggest that individuals with psychosis might show a pattern of TLR expression that differs from that of healthy volunteers, which could vary according to the intensity of immune/inflammatory respons