209 research outputs found

    Description of graphics translation software between Intergraph and Tektronix systems

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    The requirement for Marshall Space Flight Center's Photo Analysis to use existing 3-D Intergraph graphic files on an existing Tektronix 4129 3-D graphics workstation and the unavailability of an off-the-shelf Intergraph to Tektronix translator required the development of such a translater. Using the output of Intergraph's standard interchange format converter, the 3-D graphic information of Intergraph's files are reformatted and compressed. The 3-D image is reconstructed using Tektronix's software terminal interface graphic library (STI)

    The Development of Faith Leadership in Novice Principals

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    This article describes the Catholic School Principal Support Program (CSPSP), a mentoring program for first and second-year Catholic school principals in a large urban diocese, and identifies key challenges, impacts and influences on decision-making. Ten school leaders describe their work and provide the lens by which they reflect on their role as faith leaders. The challenges these principals face along with the various roles they play are discussed. Based on the perceptions and insights of their roles as faith leaders and how that role is situated within other leadership roles, this study seeks to better understand how the faith leadership and its development impacts decisions in novice Catholic school leaders. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed with emergent themes identified. These themes include type of leadership training, personal beliefs, descriptions of their own faith life and development, perceptions of faith empowering other roles, the moral imperative of leadership, and understanding the faith development of their teachers. Differences in participant perceptions demonstrated how these leaders made decisions and were empowered in other areas of leadership

    Support for School Leadership: Who is Feeding the Principal?

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    Neila Connors’ well-known book, If You Don’t Feed the Teachers, They Eat The Students (2000), serves as a favorite read for new and aspiring principals. It contains much sage advice for mentoring teachers and supporting their transition in the profession while offering wisdom to protect them from the ills and evils of the outside world. While the entertaining style gets the point across, the message underscores the fact that supporting teachers is a key role of a school administrator. Since the book was published, tremendous strides have been made to provide teachers, both new and veteran, resources to mentor and foster their continued development as professionals. While this process is not a finished effort, the work of supporting teachers will continue and has been forever included in the role of the school leader. Establishing professional learning communities, developing teacher leaders, and other methods for sustaining teachers are well-established in schools today. As this role along with numerous others continues to expand the work of the principal, however, it does beg the question, “Who is feeding the principal?” If Connors’ logic continues, we are led to believe principals might eat the teachers if they don’t get the proper care and attention. Clearly, accountability efforts at all schools have reached heightened levels with more and more expectations placed upon school leaders. In the current school climate, principals serve as the front line and CEO who keeps all aspects of the school running smoothly. Efforts to meet school improvement goals, improve student learning outcomes, and turn schools around at a rapid pace fall on the principal. Only recently (Wahlstrom & Seashore-Louis, 2010) has the research shifted from indirect impacts of the principal to more direct impacts on student achievement. Clearly, the principal is poised to make all of this happen; however, it is a lot to expect of one individual

    An Assessment of Current Practices in Reading Comprehension Instruction

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    Geschichte der Chronologie der SpÀten Eisenzeit in Mitteleuropa und das Paradigma der KontinuitÀt

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    Die deutschsprachige Forschung hat in den letzten 25 Jahren einiges zur Diskussion ĂŒber die Chronologie der SpĂ€ten Eisenzeit beigetragen. In diesem Artikel möchte ich aber nicht nur einfach eine Tabelle zum aktuellen Stand zeigen, sondern die Geschichte dieser Forschung kritisch beleuchten, um deren Entwicklung verstĂ€ndlich zu machen.Over the last 25 years german archaeology has substantially contributed to the discussion of the chronology of the late Iron Age. This article not only provides a chart summaris-ing the status quo, but rather a critical assessment of the history of this discussion in order to explain the course it has taken

    Building Teacher Empathy and Culturally Responsive Practice Through Professional Development and Self-Reflection

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    Today’s teachers face growing demands and mandates to support every aspect of a student’s academic success, with additional expectations to support students’ social and emotional needs both inside and outside of the classroom. In the face of increasing student cultural, racial and linguistic diversity, the teaching pool remains relatively homogeneous, consisting largely of white, European-American educators. This disconnect between the lived experiences of teachers and their students makes it difficult for teachers to value and connect to a diverse student body. This qualitative study explores how a collaborative multi-tiered critical professional development model between a non-for-profit organization and a University, shaped educators’ thinking about teaching, their students, and their role as change agents. The model provides sustained pre- and in-service training in social justice, empathy-building, and culturally responsive pedagogy to help teachers support diverse student groups. We present findings regarding the impact of this program on teacher practice and the ways in which teachers repositioned themselves as reflective, empathic, culturally responsive and socially just educators

    Teaching in the 21st Century: Perspectives from a Catholic University Partnership

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    The 21st Century Learning Collaborative Initiative was a project designed to understand the role of blended learning in conjunction with the development of a community of practice to support the goals of Catholic elementary and secondary schools in providing engaging teaching and learning. This initiative was part of a foundation grant provided to a large Midwestern urban university in collaboration with area Catholic schools. One purpose of this two-year grant was to continue the university and its College of Education’s commitment to Catholic schools by encouraging and supporting a pedagogical shift through the use of blended learning to engage and influence students while also meeting their various academic needs. Another purpose was to provide instruction with these K-12 teachers to enhance technology use in their classrooms

    Die Cholerawaise : Gedicht

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