73 research outputs found

    Analisis Saluran Pemasaran Kelapa (Cocos Nucifera L)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui saluran pemasaran kelapa mulai dari produsen sampai ke konsumen, besarnya marjin pemasaran pada masing-masing lembaga pemasaran kelapa dari produsen ke konsumen, dan persentase harga yang diterima petani (Farmer\u27s Share) dalam proses pendistribusian kelapa di Desa Ciakar Kecamatan Cijulang Kabupaten Pangandaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei adalah metode penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengadakan pemeriksaan dan pengukuran-pengukuran terhadap gejala empiris yang berlangsung di lapangan atau lokasi penelitian, umumnya dilakukan terhadap unit sampel yang dihadapi sebagairesponden dan buka seluruh populasi sasaran. Sampel yang diambil sebagai responden sebanyak 30 orang petani, sedangkan jumlah pedagang pengumpul 3 orang, pedagang pengecer 2 orang, dan pedagang besar 2 orang. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis secara deskriptif sedangkan untuk mengetahui marjin pemasaran, keuntungan pemasaran yang diperoleh setiap lembaga pemasaran dan persentase harga yang diterima petani (Farmer\u27s Share) menggunakan rumus Sudiyono (2004). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa :1. Terdapat dua saluran pemasaran kelapa dari Desa Ciakar ke Pasar Cirebon yaitu :Saluran 1:Petani → Pedagang Pengumpul → Pedagang Besar Pasar Cirebon → Pedagang Pengecer PasarCirebon → KonsumenSaluran II:Petani → Pedagang Pengumpul → Pedagang Pengecer Pasar Cirebon → Konsumen2. Marjin pemasaran pada masing-masing lembaga pemasaran pada saluran 1 di pedagangpengumpul Rp. 500,- per butir, di pedagang besar Rp. 200,- per butir dan di pedagang pengecer200,- per butir. Sedangkan pada saluran II besarnya marjin pemasaran di pedagang pengumpulRp. 500,- per butir, dan di pedagang pengecer Rp. 400,- per butir.3. Bagian harga yang diterima petani atau Farmer\u27s Share pada saluran 1 dan saluran II adalah sama sebesar 43,75 % karena di tingkat petani pada saluran I dan saluran II serta harga yang diterima pedagang pengecer pada saluran I dan saluran II adalah sama yaitu masing-masing sebesar Rp. 700,- per butir dan Rp. 1.600,- per butir

    Temperature-Dependent Diffusion in Block Copolymer Organogels

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    Organogels are often considered for transport-based applications such as transdermal drug delivery vehicles and gel actuators due to their unique properties. Recent consideration of styrenic block copolymer based organogels’ application in transdermal drug delivery requires an extensive investigation of drug diffusion behavior through these gels to assess their applicability. Temperature is a major influencing parameter on diffusion. The goal of this research is to better understand the impact of temperature on diffusion in styrenic triblock copolymer organogels. To accomplish this goal, we focused on three specific objectives: (i) accurately measure the diffusivities of a solute – AOT reverse micelles – through organogels made with one of the three mineral oil solvents – Squalane, Hydrobrite 200 and Hydrobrite 380 – at different temperatures, (ii) establish a meaningful understanding of these data by interpreting them with preexisting models, and (iii) explore the possibility of composition-diffusion superposition in these materials. Gels for each oil solvent were formulated with five different copolymer concentrations, and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used to track the diffusion of AOT reverse micelle through the gels. Diffusivity values are interpreted using two theoretical models – a general Arrhenius model and the detailed model developed by Petit et al. Ultimately, both of the models represent our data well and provide diffusion activation energy of the solute through gels. The diffusion activation energy is shown to increase with an increase in gel solvent viscosity. Lastly, we observe that diffusivity through gels composed of different solvents can be superimposed into a single master series at a specified reference composition using viscosity data. The master data set can be used to extend the temperature range over which diffusivity can be assessed in gels

    Aphasia and the presence of language in dreams

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    A study was done to ascertain the presence of dreams and the quality of language in dreams in patients with aphasia. 24 aphasic subjects were interviewed using Kagan's (1998) Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA) technique of communication. The main hypothesis investigated was that aphasic patients would experience a better quality of language while dreaming than while awake. Severity being kept constant, aphasia in its acute stage displays greater discrepancy between pre- morbid and morbid language abilities than in its recovering, chronic stage. Therefore, a secondary hypothesis was formulated whereby the difference between language in waking life and language in dreams would be more significant in acute aphasics than in chronic aphasics. Thirdly, it was hypothesized that fluent aphasics would experience less dreaming, if any, since posterior lesions have been found to correlate with cessation or reduction in dreaming. Language in dreams was found to be significantly better than language in waking life amongst the 63% of subjects who reported dreaming. Differences in trends between the categories i) acute and chronic and ii) fluent and non- fluent aphasics, that is the second and third hypotheses, did not achieve statistical significance


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui saluran pemasaran kelapa mulai dari produsen sampai ke konsumen, besarnya marjin pemasaran pada masing-masing lembaga pemasaran kelapa dari produsen ke konsumen, dan persentase harga yang diterima petani (Farmer’s Share) dalam proses pendistribusian kelapa di Desa Ciakar Kecamatan Cijulang Kabupaten Pangandaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei adalah metode penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengadakan pemeriksaan dan pengukuran-pengukuran terhadap gejala empiris yang berlangsung di lapangan atau lokasi penelitian, umumnya dilakukan terhadap unit sampel yang dihadapi sebagairesponden dan buka seluruh populasi sasaran. Sampel yang diambil sebagai responden sebanyak 30 orang petani, sedangkan jumlah pedagang pengumpul 3 orang, pedagang pengecer 2 orang, dan pedagang besar 2 orang. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis secara deskriptif sedangkan untuk mengetahui marjin pemasaran, keuntungan pemasaran yang diperoleh setiap lembaga pemasaran dan persentase harga yang diterima petani (Farmer’s Share) menggunakan rumus Sudiyono (2004). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa :1. Terdapat dua saluran pemasaran kelapa dari Desa Ciakar ke Pasar Cirebon yaitu :Saluran 1:Petani → Pedagang Pengumpul → Pedagang Besar Pasar Cirebon → Pedagang Pengecer PasarCirebon → KonsumenSaluran II:Petani → Pedagang Pengumpul → Pedagang Pengecer Pasar Cirebon → Konsumen2. Marjin pemasaran pada masing-masing lembaga pemasaran pada saluran 1 di pedagangpengumpul Rp. 500,- per butir, di pedagang besar Rp. 200,- per butir dan di pedagang pengecer200,- per butir. Sedangkan pada saluran II besarnya marjin pemasaran di pedagang pengumpulRp. 500,- per butir, dan di pedagang pengecer Rp. 400,- per butir.3. Bagian harga yang diterima petani atau Farmer’s Share pada saluran 1 dan saluran II adalah sama sebesar 43,75 % karena di tingkat petani pada saluran I dan saluran II serta harga yang diterima pedagang pengecer pada saluran I dan saluran II adalah sama yaitu masing-masing sebesar Rp. 700,- per butir dan Rp. 1.600,- per butir.Kata kunci : kelapa, analisis pemasara

    Pemetaan Tingkat Keparahan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Menggunakan Algoritma Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) Pada Citra Landsat 8 di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    Provinsi Jambi merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang memiliki area hutan terluas di Indonesia. Luasnya area hutan di Provinsi Jambi tidak diiringi dengan pengelolaan yang baik, hampir setiap tahunnya selalu terjadi kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Provinsi Jambi. Kabupaten Muaro Jambi menjadi kabupaten dengan tingkat keparahan kebakaran hutan dan lahan tertinggi di Provinsi Jambi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat keparahan akibat kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi berdasarkan nilai Difference Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) pada citra Landsat 8 dengan analisis multiwaktu citra sebelum terjadinya kebakaran dan sesudah terjadinya kebakaran. Nilai NBR yang sudah didapat dilakukan pengambilan sampel untuk mendapatkan nilai rerata dan standar deviasi. Berdasarkan  penelitian ini menunjukkan sepanjang tahun 2021 tingkat keparahan didominasi oleh kelas keparahan rendah dengan persentase 53,84% dengan total luasan 6.700,5 Ha. Selanjutnya diikuti oleh kelas keparahan sedang dengan persentase 30,48% dengan total luasan 3.793,4 Ha. Penelitian ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pemerintah Kabupaten Muaro Jambi dalam upaya pemulihan kembali area bekas terbakar di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi


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    Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah untuk menyadarkan kembali masyarakat dalam mengapresiasi karya sastra yang mempunyai nilai-nilai hususnya nilai pendidikan karakter. Oleh karena itu, ada usaha yang bisa merubah hal tersebut dengan cara memanfaatkan sastra anak, selaku bahan pembelajaran untuk anak yang memiliku umur kurang dari 12 tahun. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mendéskripsikan struktur cerita dan nilai pendidikan karakter yang ada dalam kumpulan cerpen anak Ulin di Monumén karya Tetti Hodijah. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analisis. Langkah-langkah dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah mengumpulkan data dengan cara menelaah dari analisis studi pustaka, serta mendéskripsikan struktur dan nilai pendidikan karakter. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah kumpulan cerita anak Ulin di Monumén karya Tetti Hodijah. Hasil dari penelitaian ini terdapat dua hal (1) struktur cerita yang terdiri dari téma, fakta cerita (alur, karakter, latar), dan sarana sastra (judul, sudut pandang, gaya bahasa); (2) nilai pendidikan karakter yang muncul dalam kumpulan cerita anak Ulin di Monumen di antaranya: 1) religius; 2) jujur; 3) toleransi; 4) disiplin; 5) kerja keras; 6) kreatif; 7) mandiri; 8) demokratis; 9) rasa ingin tahu; 10) semangat kabangsaan; 11) mencintai tanah air; 12) menghargai prestasi; 13) bersahabat/komunikatif; 14) cinta damai; 15) peduli lingkungan; 16) peduli sosial; dan 17) tanggung jawab. Kata kunci: cerpen, struktur cerita, dan nilai pendidikan karakter The background of this research is to re-awaken the public in appreciating literary works that have values, especially the value of character education. Therefore, there are efforts that can change this by utilizing children's literature, as learning material for children who are less than 12 years old. This study aims to describe the structure of the story and the value of character education in the collection of short stories for the children of Ulin di Monumén by Tetti Hodijah. The method used is descriptive analysis method. The steps in conducting this research are collecting data by reviewing from the analysis of literature studies, as well as describing the structure and value of character education. The data source in this study is a collection of stories from Ulin's children at the Monument by Tetti Hodijah. The results of this research are two things (1) the structure of the story which consists of the theme, story facts (plot, characters, setting), and literary means (title, point of view, language style); (2) the values of character education that appear in the collection of Ulin children's stories at the Monument include: 1) religious; 2) honest; 3) tolerance; 4) discipline; 5) hard work; 6) creative; 7) independent; 8) democratic; 9) curiosity; 10) national spirit; 11) love the homeland; 12) appreciate achievements; 13) friendly/communicative; 14) peace-loving; 15) care for the environment; 16) social care; and 17) responsibility. Keywords: short story, story structure, and character education valu


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan persebaran wilayah lahan kritis secara spasial, dan mengkaji parameter fisik yang mempengaruhi lahan kritis dengan memanfaatkan Penginderaan Jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode Forest Canopy Density. Data penginderaan jauh yang digunakan, yaitu citra sentinel-2A. Pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dengan cara pembobotan (scoring) dan overlay sehingga menghasilkan sebaran wilayah lahan kritis. Parameter yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi parameter tutupan lahan (kerapatan tajuk), erosi, kemiringan lereng, dan manajemen lahan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang diperoleh wilayah Kecamatan Belinyu didominasi klasifikasi lahan agak kritis dengan luas sebesar 26808.931 Ha. Adapun klasifikasi lahan kritis yang terdapat di Kecamatan Belinyu terdiri dari lahan yang terkategori tidak kritis seluas 3325.71 Ha, potensial kritis seluas 21945.27 Ha, agak kritis seluas 26808.931 Ha, klasifikasi lahan kritis seluas 1617.08 Ha, dan klasifikasi lahan sangat kritis seluas 30.22 Ha di Kecamatan Belinyu. Wilayah dengan tingkat lahan kritis dan sangat kritis paling tinggi berlokasi di Desa Riding Panjang dengan luas lahan kritis dan sangat kritis sebesar 561.78 Ha dan 20.29 Ha. Hasil analisis peta lahan kritis di Kecamatan Belinyu diharapkan dapat memberikan rekomendasi kepada berbagai pihak sebagai arah prioritas rehabilitasi lahan kritis.  Abstract: This study aims to map the spatial distribution of critical land areas and examine the physical parameters that affect critical land by utilizing Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems. The method used in this research is method Forest Canopy Density. The remote sensing data used is sentinel-2A imagery. Processing and analysis of data using Geographic Information System (GIS) by way of weighting(scoring) andoverlay thus producing a distribution of critical land areas. The parameters used in this study include land cover parameters (canopy density), erosion, slope, and land management. Based on the analysis results obtained, the Belinyu District area is dominated by the classification of rather critical land with an area of 26,808,931 Ha. The classification of critical land in Belinyu District consists of 3325.71 Ha of non-critical land, 21945.27 Ha of potential critical, 26808.931 Ha of moderately critical, 1617.08 Ha of critical land classification, and 30.22 Ha of very critical land classification in Belinyu District. Areas with the highest levels of critical and very critical land are located in Riding Panjang Village with critical and very critical land areas of 561.78 Ha and 20.29 Ha. The results of the analysis of critical land maps in Belinyu District are expected to provide recommendations to various parties as a priority direction for rehabilitation of critical lands.

    Prostate cancer exosomes differentiate BM-MSCs into pro-angiogenic and pro-Invasive myofibroblasts

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    The reactive stroma in prostate cancer is predominantly composed of myofibroblasts, which are thought to be required for tumour progression. Bone-marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) are known to migrate into the tumour and are one of the many potential precursors of myofibroblasts. The factors secreted by cancer cells which may drive myofibroblastic differentiation of MSC, however are poorly understood. The aim of this thesis was to explore for the first time, the impact of TGF-β1 expressing exosomes (nano-sized vesicles) secreted by prostate cancer cells in directing the differentiation of BM-MSCs and subsequently the functions of exosome differentiated BM-MSCs. Exosomes isolated from prostate cancer cells skewed BM-MSCs away from differentiating into adipocytes, and instead towards alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) positive myofibroblasts. BM-MSCs treated with exosomes exhibited enhanced secretion of VEGF-A, HGF and had an altered transcript profile with heightened matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-1, -3 and -13). Impairing the secretion of exosomes by Rab27a knockdown or depleting exosomes from prostate cancer cells culture media by high speed ultracentrifugation, attenuated myofibroblastic differentiation of BM-MSCs, demonstrating exosomes as the key driving factor for this. Furthermore, differentiation of BM-MSCs into myofibroblasts was dependent on exosomally tethered TGF-β1, however BM-MSCs treated with soluble TGF-β1 at the same dose, failed to obtain the same myofibroblastic phenotype. The exosome-differentiated MSCs enhanced endothelial and cancer cell proliferation and migration, supported endothelial vessel formation and promoted tumour cell invasion into peri-tumoural matrix in vitro. In conclusion, this study reports prostate cancer exosomes expressing TGF-β1, to dominantly modulate the fate of BM-MSCs, generating cells with tumour promoting myofibroblastic traits

    Hukum Perbankan Syariah dan Implementasinya di Indonesia

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     The rapid development of sharia business is occurring in the banking, insurance, nodal market and other sharia financial services sectors. However, in supporting its work, the role of the Syanah Supervisory Board (DPS) is needed. The Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS) is an important part of the Sharia Financial Institutions (LKS) in Indonesia. Its position and function are simply regulated in one of the charts in the decree issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) regarding the composition of the MUI DSN assignments. Sharia banking law Sharia banking law is a legal framework that regulates banking practices in accordance with Sharia principles, namely Islamic law. These principles include the prohibition of usury (interest), the prohibition of gambling (maisir), the prohibition of investment in businesses considered haram (for example, alcohol and pork), and ensuring fairness and sustainability in financial transactions. In the Sharia banking system, banks follow Islamic economic principles and try to create financial services that are in line with Islamic religious values. This includes the development of financial products such as mudharabah (profit sharing) contracts, musharakah (cooperation) contracts, and murabahah contracts (sale and purchase with disclosed profits). In Sharia banking law, there is a religious authority or board that is responsible for ensuring that all banking transactions and products comply with Sharia principles. Sharia banking law attempts to provide fair and sustainable financial solutions, which are in line with Islamic teachings. For this reason, there are several problems that may hinder the implementation of the Sharia Banking Law and its implementation is not good. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of making us know about Sharia Banking Law and its Implementation in Indonesia
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