18 research outputs found

    Cultivating Green Behavior of Eco Literation-Based Elementary School Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study aims to describe how to grow the green behavior of elementary school students based on Eco literation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used is a literature review with a systematic mapping study technique as a library search. Based on the results of the study, Green behavior that is grown in children based on Eco literation includes 4 components of Eco literation, namely implications, ecological knowledge, knowledge of environmental problems and environmentally responsible behavior. Through these 4 literacy components children can have a concern for health, personal hygiene and care for the environment, the ability to communicate and apply ecological concepts, an understanding of various problems and issues related to the environment that are influenced by aspects of politics, education, economy, and government institutions and active participation which is aimed at solving and solving problems through selected lifestyle activities. During the COVID 19 pandemic, cultivating Eco literation-based green behavior can be provided through online learning by utilizing digital technology through modeling, habituation, and repetition in everyday life such as consuming healthy food, exercising diligently, carrying out health protocols (diligently washing hands with soap and running water, wearing masks and keeping your distance), besides teaching people to limit activities that can harm themselves and the environment, which are packaged attractively and conveyed through various digital media such as blogs, websites, podcasts, and other social medi


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    Growth of pure Ba0.55Sr0.45TiO3 (BST) film on p-type silicon (100) substrates with two treatments on the enhancement and depletion (pretreatment of the substrate which is heated up to first at a temperature of 800°C for 15 hours before the spilled  solution BST) with the method Chemical solution Deposition (CSD) and spin coating at 3000 rpm  rotational  speed  for  30  seconds.  Films  (both  on  the  type  of  enha ncement treatment and type of deples treatment) in put on top of the substrate is then heated at a temperature of 800oC, 850oC and 900oC for 15 hours . Of BST film obtained was then carried out the characterization of the value range, sensitivity, resolution BST films, the level of accuracy and hysteresis.  Results showed that 850 oC enhancement BST  film  is  the  best  film  that  can  be  used  as  a  temperature  sensor  to  read  the changes in the environment (temperature only)  ATMega8535 based microcontroller. Output (voltage generated) amplified by differential amplifier circuit and non-inverting amplifier.  Subsequently  processed  into  digital  data  output  on  the  Analog  Digital Converter  (ADC)  internalATMega8535.  Digital  data  is  processed  by  the microcontroller.  Visualization  using  measuring  16x2  Liquid  Crystal  Display  (LCD) display which can change the voltagein units of degrees  celsius ( oC)  when given a BST film temperature stimul

    Science Literacy Ability of Elementary Students Through Nature of Science-based Learning with the Utilization of the Ministry of Education and Culture's "Learning House"

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    Students' scientific literacy skills can be developed and enhanced with appropriate learning models and supported by adequate technology. This study aims to determine the improvement of the science literacy skills of elementary students through the Nature of Science learning model by utilizing the "Learning house" feature of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The research method used was a pre-experiment with one group pretest-posttest design. The instrument used was in the form of a science literacy ability test and an observation sheet of learning implementation with the research subjects of 38 students of Cibatok I Elementary School, Bogor, West Java, VA, and VB classes in 2018/2019 school year. The data obtained were analyzed by the Wilcoxon test using SPSS 22 at α (0.05). The results showed that (1) there was an increase in students' scientific literacy skills through the Nature of Science learning model by utilizing the "Learning house" feature of the Ministry of Education and Culture, this was indicated by sig (0,000) <α (0.05); (2) The average scientific literacy ability of students after being given the Nature of Science learning model by utilizing the "Learning house" feature of the Ministry of Education and Culture (3.75) is higher than the average scientific literacy ability of students before being given the Nature of Science learning model by utilizing the Ministry of Education and Culture's "Learning house" feature (2.57). It can be concluded that the Nature of Science learning model by utilizing the " Learning house" feature of the Ministry of Education and Culture can significantly increase the level of students' scientific literacy abilities

    Implementation of Blended Learning with A STEM Approach to Improve Student Scientific Literacy Skills During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has a positive impact on the blended learning system, especially the synchronous and asynchronous aspects of online learning. This study aims to obtain information about how to apply the blended learning model with the STEM approach to students' scientific literacy skills during the COVID pandemic. The research method used was pre-experiment with one group pretest-posttest design. This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Bojong Gede, Bogor Regency in the academic year 2020/2021. The research sample used two class X which have been selected as purposive sampling. The instrument used in this study was a student science literacy test containing 20 question items. The data processing technique was carried out descriptively by calculating the mean and percentage of each item to obtain a description of the students' scientific literacy skills, then the data were analyzed inferentially with paired sample t-test using SPSS version 22 software, to see differences in scientific literacy before and after blended learning with the STEM approach. The results showed that in general, the average scientific literacy skills of students from the application of the blended learning model with the STEM approach had an average score of 85.50 in the good category. For students to have a better understanding of scientific literacy, students' understanding of science should be continuously trained through the blended learning model with the STEM approach

    Modified Spin Coating Method for Coating and Fabricating Ferroelectric Thin Films as Sensors and Solar Cells

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    Spin coating process with a modified spin coater is performed well, especially the second generation of modified spin coater, which has a maximum value of 18,000 rpm, is able for manufacturing/coating photonic crystal‐based ferroelectric thin films that require a high angular velocity (rpm). Ferroelectric thin films that use both 3000 and 6000 rpm have given good results in energy gap, electrical conductivity, etc. In addition, the modified spin coater has also produced several applications such as sensors in the device of blood sugar level noninvasively, sensors in the automatic drying system, sensors in the robotic system, and photovoltaic cells in the system of solar cells/panels which are being developed at present. These applications used ferroelectric material such as barium strontium titanate (BST), lithium niobate (LiNbO3), cuprous oxide (CuO), and lithium tantalate (LiTaO3)

    Control and Automation: Insmoaf (Integrated Smart Modern Agriculture and Fisheries) on The Greenhouse Model

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    A greenhouse is an agricultural management system that has shown the efficiency of food production. This system is an effective alternative to ensure maximum production results. Agriculture with greenhouse technology can create the desired environmental/climatic conditions. The rapid development of technology and science has led to the birth of communication between devices using IoT and AI. This technology can be applied to greenhouses in agriculture and fisheries. Research on greenhouse and microcontroller-based automation systems has been carried out, and it is interesting to be developed. Researchers make a more efficient system and can increase the quality and quantity of production. The measurement data of both modes are monitored using the web. The greenhouse prototype is supported by DHT22, DS18B20, a fan to control the greenhouse cooler, RFID as the key access to the greenhouse. DHT22 & DS18B20 sensor readings in the prototype greenhouse use an AI system with the fuzzy method. IoT and AI have been successfully implemented in models of rice fields, hydroponic farming, and fisheries using automatic modes of RTC devices and sensors. The fuzzy approach method is used to find the optimum temperature and humidity values. The fuzzy approach was successfully carried out until the temperature and humidity conditions were "ideal," "high," and "very high." This condition provides information to the microcontroller to activate which fan should turn on. In manual mode, the smartphone application controls the system properly.   Keywords: artificial intelegent, control and automation, fuzzy logic, greenhouse, Io

    Effect of stocking density on growth performance of African catfish Clarias gariepinus and water spinach Ipomoea aquatica in aquaponics systems with the addition of AB mix nutrient

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    Aquaponics is the cultivation of fish and plants in a series of systems, either in one container or in separate containers, by paying attention to the balance between fish, plants, and aquatic microorganisms. One of the obstacles in aquaponic activities is that vegetable growth is not optimal due to a lack of dissolved nutrients, so further research is needed to make better plant growth. This study aimed to evaluate catfish and water spinach growth performance in an aquaponic system by adding AB mix nutrients at different fish stocking densities. This study used a completely randomized design with three differences in stocking densities of catfish (150 fish/m3, 200 fish/m3, and 250 fish/m3) as test animals with four replications where AB mix was added to each treatment. The growth performance of catfish is better in control with a stocking density of 250 fish/m3 and without adding nutrients. The growth performance of catfish decreased with the addition of AB mix nutrients, while the growth of water spinach was better. The growth rate of catfish without adding AB mix nutrients was higher than in other treatments. In contrast, all treatments with the addition of AB mix increased the growth performance of water spinach, with the stocking density of catfish not affecting the growth of water spinach plants. Keywords: aquaponics, water spinach, catfish, growth   ABSTRAK Akuaponik merupakan budidaya ikan dan tanaman dalam satu rangkaian sistem, baik dalam satu wadah maupun dalam wadah terpisah dengan memperhatikan keseimbangan antara ikan, tanaman dan mikroorganisme perairan. Salah satu kendala sistem akuaponik adalah pertumbuhan sayuran yang tidak optimal karena kurangnya nutrisi terlarut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi performa pertumbuhan lele dan kangkung dalam sistem akuaponik dengan penambahan nutrisi AB mix dan pada padat tebar ikan yang berbeda. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan tiga perbedaan padat tebar ikan lele (150 ekor/m3, 200 ekor/m3, dan 250 ekor/m3) sebagai hewan uji sebanyak empat ulangan di mana nutrien AB mix ditambahkan disetiap perlakuan. Kinerja pertumbuhan ikan lele lebih baik pada perlakuan kontrol dengan padat tebar 250 ekor/m3 dan tanpa penambahan nutrisi AB mix. Performa pertumbuhan ikan lele menurun dengan adanya penambahan nutrisi AB mix, sedangkan pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung lebih baik. Laju pertumbuhan ikan lele dengan tanpa penambahan nutrisi AB mix lebih tinggi dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya, sedangkan semua perlakuan dengan penambahan AB mix meningkatkan performa pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung dengan jumlah padat tebar ikan lele tidak berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung. Kata kunci: akuaponik, kangkung, lele, pertumbuha

    Application of [Ba. sub. 0.5][Sr. sub. 0.5] Ti [O. sub. 3](Bst) Film Doped with 0%, 2%, 4% and 6% Concentrations of Ru [O. sub. 2] as an Arduino Nano-Based Bad Breath Sensor

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    Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) film doped with variations in RuO2 concentration (0%, 2%, 4%, and 6%) has been successfully grown on a type-p silicon substrate (100) using the chemical solution deposition (CSD) method and spin-coating at a speed of 3000 rpm for 30 s. The film on the substrate was then heated at 850 °C for 15 h. The sensitivity of BST film + RuO2 variations as a gas sensor were characterized. The sensitivity characterization was assisted by various electronic circuitry with the purpose of producing a sensor that is very sensitive to gas. The responses from the BST film + RuO2 variation were varied, depending on the concentration of the RuO2 dope. BST film doped with 6% RuO2 had a very good response to halitosis gases; therefore, this film was applied as the Arduino-Nano-based bad-breath detecting sensor. Before it was integrated with the microcontroller, the voltage output of the BST film was amplified using an op-amp circuit to make the voltage output from the BST film readable to the microcontroller. The changes in the voltage response were then shown on the prototype display. If the voltage output was ≤12.9 mV, the display would read “bad breath”. If the voltage output >42.1 mV, the display would read “fragrant”. If 12.9 mV < voltage output ≤ 42.1 mV, the display would read “normal”


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    Proses penetasan telur dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara, yaitu secara alamiah dan otomatis dengan menggunakan teknologi bantuan. Inkubator merupakan teknologi buatan membantu proses penetasan telur. Konseptual dari inkubator adalah dengan membuat lingkungan yang memiliki suhu ideal untuk penetasan yaitu 38oc-40oc dan dengan tingkat kelembapan ideal 46-60 %. Proses penciptaan suhu yang ideal dengan menggunakan lampu pijar sebagai pengatur suhu dan kipas sebagai pengatur kelembapan untuk mencapai hal tersebut dibutuhkan sensor yang dapat membaca nilai suhu dan kelembapan yang presisi. Konseptual tersebut sangat sulit didapatkan dengan metode penghitungan konvensional. Fuzzy logic dapat membantu menetapkan besaran nilai dari proses input dan output dari inkubator sehingga dapat tercipta alat inkubator dengan suhu dan kelembapan yang sangat ideal untuk penetasan telur.&nbsp

    Analysis of water and sediment quality in Pacific white leg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei culture with different sediment redox potential

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    ABSTRAK &nbsp; Pengamatan parameter kualitas air, tanah, kesehatan dan pertumbuhan merupakan hal yang penting untuk dilakukan dalam budidaya udang vaname. Keterkaitan antar parameter tersebut perlu untuk diketahui dan dianalisis lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat keterkaitan antara berbagai parameter kualitas air, kualitas tanah, koefisien teknis budidaya dan parameter kesehatan udang dalam kegiatan budidaya udang dengan nilai sedimen redok potensial yang berbeda. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan perbedaan nilai sedimen redok potensial yaitu 69,33 ± 14,5 mV, 151,00 ± 8,89 mV, dan 210,00 ± 17,32 mV dengan empat ulangan. Udang sebanyak 25 ekor dengan bobot rata rata 1,37 ± 0,04 g dan padat tebar 144 ekor/m2 digunakan dalam penelitian selama 30 hari. Selama penelitian parameter yang diamati meliputi parameter kualitas air, kesehatan dan pertumbuhan. Parameter kualitas air tidak menunjukkan perbedaaan nyata antar perlakuan kecuali nilai pH dan oksigen terlarut. Pada nilai redok potensial yang rendah nilai pH air cenderung lebih tinggi sedangkan pada nilai redok potensial yang lebih tinggi nilai oksigen terlarut lebih tinggi. Parameter kualtias air yang menunjukkan keterkaitan berdasarkan analisis komponen utama (PCA) dan klaster adalah konduktivitas dan TDS sedangkan parameter kualitas tanah yang saling berkaitan adalah total P, total Fe, total Mn dan total S. Adapun parameter pertumbuhan dan kesehatan udang tidak memenuhi syarat untuk diuji lanjut dengan PCA. &nbsp; Kata kunci: kualitas air, PCA, redok potensial, sedimen, udang putih