138 research outputs found

    Modelo de acciones de socioecogestión para recuperación y conservación del paisaje del humedal de Tecocomulco

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    In this study, an integral and mixed Socio-eco-management Action Model was developed as a contribution to the recovery and conservation methodologies of wetlands and their landscapes, highlighting the participation of the community, experts, authorities, scientific developments, biological controls and regenerative tourism, applied in the Laguna de Tecocomulco. Perception surveys and interviews with experts showed that the factor that most affects the lagoon is contamination by water lily (Eichhornia crassipes). Complex systems model allowed simulating the reproduction trajectory of the Lily, allowing it to be removed in a controlled manner from places with higher concentration. It also allowed links with natural remediation scientific developments through neoquetinos, applied as a pilot way through regenerative tourism. This model can be an interesting contribution in the recovery and conservation of the wetland landscape, applicable to other recovery systems such as traditional knowledge, generating environmental, social, tourist and economic benefits in the community.En este estudio se desarrolló un Modelo de Acciones de Socioecogestión, integral y mixto, como aportación a las metodologías de recuperación y conservación de humedales y sus paisajes, resaltando la participación de la comunidad, expertos, autoridades, desarrollo científico, control biológico y turismo regenerativo, aplicado en la Laguna de Tecocomulco. Las encuestas de percepción y entrevistas a expertos mostraron que el factor que más afecta la laguna es la contaminación por Lirio (Eichhornia crassipes). El modelo de sistemas complejos permitió simular la trayectoria de reproducción del Lirio, permitiendo retirarlo controladamente de lugares con mayor concentración. También permitió la vinculación con desarrollos científicos de remediación natural mediante neoquetinos, aplicado de manera piloto mediante turismo regenerativo. Este modelo, puede ser una aportación interesante en la recuperación y conservación del paisaje de humedales, aplicable a otros sistemas de recuperación como son de saberes tradicionales, generando beneficios ambientales, sociales, turísticos y económicos en la comunidad

    Psychoactive substances consumers among high school students: Detection and Intervention

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    Purpose: Identify and treat psychoactive substances consumers (PSC) among high school students at Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL); México. Description: A two-phase program (detection and intervention) was designed. Phase one included urine drug testing (UDT) either from direct aleatory sampling or referrals from within university departments under informed consent. Phase two for positive PSC, included an interview for psychological needs identification and cognitive behavioral intervention planning. Between 2017 and 2019, 490 UDT were performed. Results showed 235 PSC (47.9%), 86.4% were males (203) and 13.6% females (32). Most detected substance was cannabis: 218 students (92.7%); less frequent substances detected were cocaine, benzodiazepine, amphetamine and methamphetamine. A mean of 8 intervention sessions per student performed equaled more than 1800 sessions. Tight collaboration in between diverse University Departments was a key. An early PSC detection and intervention offers socioemotional tools to improve academic performance and life project

    Measuring the relation between academic performance and emotional intelligence at the university level after the COVID-19 Pandemic using TMMS-24

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    The outbreak of the global pandemic derived from COVID-19 in early 2020 has represented a huge loss of social contact for most young people. The extent of these effects is still unknown, so it is necessary to ask what the effect of this new, unforeseen, and prolonged situation on the management of emotional intelligence in university students is. This study aims to compare the academic performance, test anxiety (before and during the online exams), and emotional intelligence of 91 students in a university Master’s degree program after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The emotional intelligence was measured by the TMMS-24, the academic performance was compiled in common subjects, and test anxiety was measured by self-assessment just after finishing each online exam. The comparisons between the variables were made through means difference contrasts using Mann–Whitney U, Kruskal–Wallis, and One-way ANOVA and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient as a non-parametric test for correlational analysis. The results show that the COVID-19 pandemic has not modified how these three variables are related, so it can be concluded that the prolonged social isolation suffered by young people has not had negative repercussions on their emotional intelligence, anxiety before exams, and academic performanc

    University Service-Learning as a promoter of social commitment in Physical Activity and Sport students

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    Para afrontar los profundos cambios económicos, sociales, políticos y culturales que se están produciendo a nivel mundial requiere tomar conciencia y ser crítico ante los efectos sobre la sociedad. Es decir, actuar con responsabilidad desde el compromiso social, hacerlo con autonomía, tomando decisiones y siendo protagonistas de las acciones que se emprenden para lograr cambios prósperos para la sociedad. El presente estudio de investigación tiene como principal objetivo conocer y analizar la incidencia del Aprendizaje-Servicio Universitario sobre el compromiso social del alumnado universitario. El estudio de investigación se ha desarrollado siguiendo una perspectiva interpretativa-crítica mediante un estudio de casos intrínseco. Los participantes y principales protagonistas de esta investigación son 145 estudiantes del Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte y del Grado en Maestro/a en Educación Primaria con mención en Educación Física de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Se emplearon distintas técnicas e instrumentos para la recogida de la información: entrevistas grupales en profundidad, grupos focales, cuestionarios reflexivos y portafolio del alumnado. Se concluye que las experiencias de Aprendizaje-Servicio Universitario en Actividad Física y Deporte tienen impacto sobre el compromiso social del alumnado durante su formación inicial, formar ciudadanos responsables, capaces de generar cambios sociales y favorecer la inclusión de colectivos sociales vulneradosTo face the profound economic, social, political and cultural changes that are taking place worldwide, social responsibility is required. Acting responsibly from social commitment means acting autonomously, making decisions and being protagonists of the actions we undertake to achieve prosperous changes for society. The main objective of this research study is to know and analyze the impact of the University Service-Learning on the social responsibility of Physical Activity and Sports students. The research study has been developed following an interpretive-critical perspective with an intrinsic case study research design. The participants and main protagonists of this research are 145 students of the Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and the Degree in Primary Education Teacher with a mention in Physical Education from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Different techniques and instruments were used to collect the information: group interviews, focus groups, reflective questionnaires and the student portfolio. It is concluded that the experiences of University Service-Learning in Physical Activity and Sports seem to have a vital and coherent meaning with initial training and social progress, being considerably appropriate to train responsible citizens capable of generating social changes and favoring the inclusion of vulnerable social groupsEste estudio se ha realizado dentro del proyecto I + D + i Aprendizaje-Servicio Universitario en Actividad Física y Deporte. Oportunidad de inclusión social. Convocatorias de “Proyectos I + D + i” en el marco de los Programas Estatales de Generación de Aprendizajes y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema I+D+i Orientados a los Retos de la Sociedad, en el Plan Estatal de Investigación e Innovación Científica y Técnica 2017 -2020. Referencia PID2019-105916RB-I00 / AEI / 10.13039 / 501100011033. Duración 3 años (2020-2023

    Specific educational needs detection in Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in superior middle level students students

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    Purpose: Detection ASD and intervention in superior middle level students at Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), Mexico. Description: Upon admission to superior middle level at UANL, modified Gilliam Asperger\u27s disorder scale (GADS) was applied to parents in a Program to identify behavioral characteristics associated to ASD. Parents of students with positive GADS were informed and students were scheduled for standard psychological testing in order to evaluate cognitive process, study habits, social anxiety and self-esteem, prior to an intervention. From 2014 to 2020, 178 013 GADS were applied; there were 332 (0.19%) students with definite or suggestive pattern of ASD. Among them, 247 (74.4%) consented to continue in Program to receive psychologic and pedagogic intervention, according to found needs. During program, an intense collaboration of all superior middle level education Departments at UANL was shown. This Program promotes inclusive education in order to transform the learning process so that educational needs of ADS students are met. This implies a team effort with clear levels of responsibilities and fields of action

    O Hospital Municipal de Trujillo ea cessação de amantes Irmãs de Jesus

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    Los objetivos del estudio fueron realizar una descripción del hospital municipal y de las obras acometidas, exponer las condiciones del convenio entre el Ayuntamiento y las religiosas y describir los cambios que se producen durante 1894. Se ha realizado un estudio histórico-documental durante los años 2014-2015 de los legajos depositados en el Archivo Municipal de Trujillo. El Hospital de la ciudad de Trujillo estaba destinado a la atención de ciudadanos, militares y transeúntes enfermos. La atención a los enfermos fue realizada por las Hermanas Amantes de Jesús y María Inmaculada desde el año 1890. En la labor asistencial, las religiosas fueron ayudadas por una enfermera y un enfermero contratados por el Ayuntamiento. Durante 1894 se produjeron una serie de cambios, promovidos por la Corporación Local de la ciudad, que provocaron que las religiosas cesaran su labor asistencial. Estos cambios se vieron motivados por las quejas recibidas por los enfermos ingresados y por lo costoso que la atención resultaba para el Ayuntamiento. El cese de las hermanas llevaría a que el Ayuntamiento tuviera la necesidad de estudiar una nueva organización a nivel de régimen y administración.The objectives were to make a description of the hospital and the works undertaken, exposing the conditions of the agreement between the city and religious and describe changes that occur during 1894. There has been a historical documentary study during the years 2014-2015 of the files deposited in the Municipal Archives of Trujillo. The Municipal Hospital in the city of Trujillo, was destined to service citizens, sick soldiers and bystanders. The Sisters Lovers of Jesus and Mary Immaculate performed treatment of patients since the year 1890. To assist the sisters would be hired a nurse and a nurse, paid by the city. During 1894 the City Council performed changes that produced the cessation of the assistance service of religious. The changes originated by the complaints of some patients and the high costs that the City Council had to pay for hospital maintenance. With the cessation, the religious began to study a new organization of the regime and the management of the institution.O alvo de este estudo foi a descrição do hospital e das obras de remodelação do mesmo, assim como expor as condições do contrato entre as religiosas e a Câmara. Descrevem-se também as alterações producidas durante 1894. Em 2014 e 2015 realizou-se un trabalho de investigação dos documentos depositados no Arquivo Municipal da cidade de Trujillo. O Hospital Municipal da cidade de Trujillo, estava destinado ao atendimento de cidadãos, militares e transeuntes doentes. O tratamento dos doentes foi realizado pelas Irmãs Amantes de Jesus e Maria Imaculada desde o ano 1890. Para dar assistência às irmãs seriam contratados uma enfermeira e um enfermeiro, pagos pela Câmara Municipal. Durante 1894 a Câmara Municipal efetuou uma série de alterações que produziram a cessação da tarefa assistencial das raligiosas. Esatas alterações foram originadas pelas queixas de alguns dos doentes e pelas elevadas despesas que a Câmara Municipal tinha que pagar pela manutenção do hospital. Com a cessação da atividadde das irmãs a Câmara começou a estudar uma nova organização do regime e da administração da instituição

    Comportamiento agronómico de poblaciones de maíz (Zea mays L.) que segregan al mutante poliembrionía

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    The maize polyembryony (PEm) is phenotypically expressed when the seed germinates in two or more seedlings simultaneously, which in turn develops the capacity to overcome the close competition among sisters and neighboring plants. Because of that, it is thought that the inclusion of PEm in some new maize varieties can be useful looking for high yields and corn grain quality as a response to the global food demand. This research is about the PEm inheritance, the inclusion, recovery of polyembryony in segregating populations, and exploring their performance capacity. The foundation populations were the progenies from crosses among polyembryonic sources and inbred lines, producing several F1 groups, and from each the proper F2, and G3 and G4 generations. The latter two were developed through successive positive assortative matings (AM+). G3 populations were used to generate diallel crossings, Griffing’s method 4, and part of them were evaluated in a performance assay, using a complete block design with a split-split plot arrangement. Results supported a validation of the inheritance model proposed for this sort of polyembryony, which states that the trait is controlled by two independent loci, under epistatic interaction of the type "duplicate gene action". Moreover, the arbitrarily handling of sexual reproduction in F2 plants and in G3 and G4 generations through positive assortative matings (AM+) increased the PEm frequency on an average up to 40 % in G4, departing from the 4.9 % in F2. Also, the performance assay shown a yield potential of the trait. The PEm mutant might be useful in maize production.La poliembrionía de maíz (PEm) se expresa fenotípicamente cuando la semilla germina en dos o más plántulas simultáneamente, lo que a su vez desarrolla la capacidad de superar la competencia cercana entre hermanas y plantas vecinas. Por eso, se cree que la inclusión de PEm en algunas variedades de maíz nuevas puede ser útil en busca de altos rendimientos y calidad de grano de maíz como respuesta a la demanda global de alimentos. Esta investigación trata sobre la herencia de PEm, la inclusión, la recuperación de la poliembrionía en poblaciones segregantes y la exploración de su capacidad de rendimiento. Las poblaciones de base fueron las progenies de cruzamientos entre fuentes poliembriónicas y líneas puras, produciendo varios grupos F1, F2, G3 y G4 apropiados. Los dos últimos se desarrollaron a través de apareamiento preferencial positivo (AM +). Las poblaciones G3 se utilizaron para generar cruzas dialélicas, método 4 de Griffing, y parte de ellas fueron evaluadas en un ensayo de rendimiento, utilizando un diseño de bloques completos al azar con arreglo en parcelas subdivididas. Los resultados respaldaron una validación del modelo de herencia propuesto para este tipo de poliembrionía, en el cual se establece que el rasgo está controlado por dos loci independientes, bajo una interacción epistática del tipo "acción genética duplicada". Además, el manejo arbitrario de la reproducción sexual en plantas F2 y en generaciones G3 y G4 mediante apareamiento preferencial positivo (AM +) aumentó la frecuencia de PEm en un promedio de hasta 40% en G4, partiendo del 4,9% en F2. Además, el ensayo de rendimiento mostró potencial en los rasgos relacionados con el rendimiento. El mutante PEm podría ser útil en la producción de maíz.Fil: Alcalá-Rico, Juan Samuel Guadalupe Jesús. Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro (México)Fil: Espinoza-Velázquez, José. Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro (México)Fil: López-Benítez, Alfonso. Colegio de Postgraduados. Campus Puebla (México)Fil: Borrego-Escalante, Fernando. Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro (México)Fil: Rodriguez-Herrera, Raul. Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila (México)Fil: Hernández-Martínez, Rosendo. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (México

    Diseño y validación de una escala para evaluar el aprendizaje-servicio universitario en actividad física y deporte

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    The interest that Service-Learning is having in the framework of HigherEducation encourages verification of its effects on university education. Forthis purpose, we need rigorous and reliable tools that help us measure theimpact of these training proposals from a comprehensive approach. Thisarticle describes the process for the design and validation of an instrumentthat allows us to assess the evaluation of the perception of universitystudents regarding Service-Learning in Physical Activity and Sport and howthey contribute to their learning. For the construction of the instrument, abibliographic review was carried out related to the proposed objective. Forvalidation, 200 students from five Spanish universities who had participatedduring the 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 courses in some experience of Service-Learning in Physical Activity with groups at a disadvantage were included.Content validation was developed by six experts. A confirmatory factoranalysis was carried out to assess the theoretical dimension structureproposed for the scale and the internal consistency of the global scale andeach of its dimensions was checked. The results confirm the adequacy ofthe chosen structural model (RMSEA = .08) and the reliability of the scale(α = .95) and of each of its dimensions (α between .68 and .86). It is concludedthat the scale is valid for measuring students’ perception of participation inUniversity Service-Learning experiences and their contribution to learningand personal and social development. In addition, it will allow us to objectifyand validate the specific effects that this pedagogical approach has in itseducational, professional, personal and community aspect.El interés que está teniendo el Aprendizaje-Servicio en el marco de la Educación Superior incita a comprobar sus efectos en la formación universitaria. Para ello se precisa de herramientas rigurosas y fiables que ayuden a medir el impacto de estas propuestas formativas desde un enfoque integral. Eneste artículo se describe el proceso de diseño y validación de un instrumento que permita evaluar la percepción de los estudiantes universitarios sobre el Aprendizaje-Servicio en Actividad Física y Deporte y cómo contribuyen a su aprendizaje. Para la construcción del instrumento se realizó una revisión bibliográfica relacionada con el objetivo propuesto. Para su validación se contó con 200 estudiantes de cinco universidades españolas, que participaron  durante los cursos 2017/2018 y 2018/2019 en alguna experiencia de Aprendizaje-Servicio en Actividad Física con colectivos en situación de desventaja. La validación de contenido fue llevada a cabo por seis expertos. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio para valorar la estructura de dimensiones teóricas propuesta para la escala y se comprobó la consistencia interna de la escala global y de cada una de sus dimensiones. Los resultados confirman la adecuación del modelo estructural elegido (RMSEA= .08) y la fiabilidad de la escala (α = .95) y de cada una de sus dimensiones (α entre .68 y .86).  Se concluye que laescala es válida para medir la percepción del alumnado sobre la participación en experiencias de Aprendizaje-Servicio Universitario y su contribución al aprendizaje y desarrollo personal y social. Además, nos permitirá objetivar y validar los efectos concretos que tiene este enfoque pedagógico en su dimensión formativa, profesional, personal y comunitaria