909 research outputs found

    Fehlende prÀnumerische Voraussetzungen

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    tragfĂ€higen Zahlbegriffs. Da mehr als die HĂ€lfte rechenschwacher Erst- und ZweitklĂ€ssler signifikante Defizite im Bereich prĂ€numerischer Einsichten aufweist, darf es als gesichert gelten, dass dieses Lernhindernis eine Hauptursache von RechenschwĂ€che darstellt. Der Entstehung einer RechenschwĂ€che kann und muss daher bereits frĂŒhzeitig entgegengewirkt werden. Bedingung hierfĂŒr ist, dass bei SchulanfĂ€ngern systematisch ĂŒberprĂŒft wird, ob die unmittelbaren kognitiven Voraussetzungen des ZahlverstĂ€ndnisses vorhanden sind, so dass diese gegebenenfalls im schulischen Rahmen vermittelt werden können. Der folgende Text beinhaltet die zentralen Gedanken des Vortrags sowie Überlegungen, die sich aus Diskussionen im Anschluss daran ergeben haben

    Musical worlds in Yogyakarta

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    Musical worlds in Yogyakarta is an ethnographic account of a vibrant Indonesian city during the turbulent early post-Soeharto years. The book examines musical performance in public contexts ranging from the street and neighbourhood through to commercial venues and state environments such as Yogyakarta’s regional parliament, its military institutions, universities and the Sultan’s palace. It focuses on the musical tastes and practices of street workers, artists, students and others. From street-corner jam sessions to large-scale concerts, a range of genres emerge that cohere around notions of campursari (‘mixed essences’) and jalanan (‘of the street’). Musical worlds addresses themes of social identity and power, counterpoising Pierre Bourdieu’s theories on class, gender and nation with the author’s alternative perspectives of inter-group social capital, physicality and grounded cosmopolitanism. The author argues that Yogyakarta is exemplary of how everyday people make use of music to negotiate issues of power and at the same time promote peace and intergroup appreciation in culturallydiverse inner-city settings. Max M. Richter is director of the Monash Asia Institute and lecturer in Anthropology at Monash University, Australia. He has published in international journals and edited book collections, and has given presentations on Indonesian music and society in several countries and forums. His current research focuses on local-level music performance, intellectual/power-broker gatherings and centre/region identities in urban Indonesia

    MEMS 411: Mini Test Frame

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    A lightweight, cheap, and portable compression test frame designed for testing students\u27 structural designs for the Machine Elements class. Measures load and displacement applied on the specimen to determine the specimen with the highest strength

    Contracultura TV: segmento “Bonus Track”

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    The following professional work seeks to produce a documentary segment belonging to the digital channel “ContraCultura TV” called “Bonus Track” that deals with topics related to music, art and entertainment of the local scene, in order to disseminate musical and informative content unconventional of new Peruvian musical talents and generate a space for interaction between followers and them. After conceptualizing the format, pre-producing, producing and post-producing it, its function is sought at the level of general interest and it is subjected to validation by the target audience, interviews with specialists in the audiovisual and journalistic field and finally, after making adjustments in the content at the level of length and dynamism, to evaluative tests with a final version. As a result, lessons were obtained that served to improve the following episodes of the segment and its effectivenessEl siguiente trabajo profesional busca producir un segmento audiovisual de corte documental perteneciente al canal digital “ContraCultura TV” llamado “Bonus Track” que trata temas relacionados a la mĂșsica, arte y entretenimiento de la escena local, con la finalidad de difundir contenido musical e informativo no convencional de nuevos talentos musicales peruanos y generar un espacio de interacciĂłn entre seguidores y estos. Luego de conceptualizar el formato, preproducirlo, producirlo y postproducirlo, se busca su funcionalidad a nivel de interĂ©s general y se lo somete a validaciones por parte del pĂșblico objetivo, entrevistas con especialistas del campo audiovisual y periodĂ­stico y finalmente, luego de realizar ajustes en el contenido a nivel de longitud y dinamismo, a pruebas evaluativas con una versiĂłn final. Se obtuvo como respuesta aciertos y desaciertos que sirvieron como lecciones para mejorar los siguientes episodios del segmento y su eficacia

    Establishing a dialogue with the audience : the situational reference of the sermon in the epoch of Johann Michael Sailer in comparison to the present

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    Die kirchliche VerkĂŒndigung steht heute vor mannigfachen Herausforderungen. Das dynamische Beziehungsgeflecht von Prediger und Hörer, Text und Situation lĂ€sst sich nur schwer im Gleichgewicht halten. PrĂŒft man die homiletischen Publikationen der Gegenwart und der jĂŒngeren Vergangenheit, so wird deutlich, dass die Predigt sehr grĂŒndlich im Kontext der Hörersituation reflektiert wird. In diesem Zusammenhang ist auf einen möglichen Konflikt aufmerksam zu machen: die auf die Hörersituation bedachte Predigt kann versucht sein, den Anspruch des biblischen Textes zu vernachlĂ€ssigen. Meine Dissertation will zur Frage der Hörerorientierung der Predigt einen klĂ€renden Beitrag leisten, und zwar mithilfe eines homiletischen Vergleichs, der Epoche Johann Michaels Sailers mit der Gegenwart und jĂŒngeren Vergangenheit. Bei aller kritischen Distanz zur geistesgeschichtlichen Bewegung der AufklĂ€rung dĂŒrfen wir nicht ĂŒbersehen, dass fruchtbare Impulse von ihr ausgegangen sind und zum Beispiel viele Anliegen der „katholischen AufklĂ€rung“ im Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil (1962-1965) wieder aufgegriffen wurden. Die weithin von anthropologischen Interessen geleiteten homiletischen BemĂŒhungen wĂ€hrend der AufklĂ€rungsphase im 18. Jahrhundert stehen in einer erkennbaren Analogie zur gegenwĂ€rtigen Situation. In besonderer Weise wird die homiletische Konzeption des Pastoraltheologen und spĂ€teren Bischofs von Regensburg Johann Michael Sailer (1751-1832) dargestellt. Sein Entwurf einer christlichen Lebenslehre auf biblischem Fundament ist von bleibender AktualitĂ€t. Zum Vergleich, insbesondere im Blick auf die Hörererwartungen SituationsklĂ€rung, SolidaritĂ€t und Zukunft, werden exemplarisch die homiletischen EntwĂŒrfe von Ernst Lange, Rudolf Bohren, Wilfried Engemann und Rolf Zerfaß herangezogen.Preaching in the church today faces manifold challenges. The dynamic web of relationships between preacher and audience, text and situation is difficult to keep in balance. When analysing the homiletic publications of the present and recent past, it becomes apparent that the sermon is very thoroughly reflected with the context of the situation of the audience. In this connection, one has to draw attention to a possible conflict: a sermon designed with regard to the situation of the audience may be tempted to neglect the biblical text and its demands. Therefore, this thesis aims to make a clarifying contribution to the question of the audience orientation of sermons, namely by means of a homiletic comparison of the epoch of Johann Michael Sailer with the present and recent past. In spite of all critical distance to the history of thought of the Enlightenment Movement, we should not overlook the fact that fruitful impulses emanated from this time, and that, for example, many concerns of the “Catholic Enlightenment” were addressed again at the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). The homiletic efforts of the Enlightenment period in the 18th century, which were widely led by anthropological interests, can be recognized as analogous to the current situation. The homiletic conception of the pastoral theologian and later Bishop of Regensburg, Johann Michael Sailer (1751-1832), will be described in particular. His conception of Christian ethical teaching on a biblical foundation is of timeless relevance. As comparison, the homiletic drafts of Ernst Lange, Rudolf Bohren, Wilfried Engemann and Rolf Zerfaß will be exemplarily analysed, particularly with regard to the expectation of the audience.Philosophy, Practical and Systematic TheologyD. Th. (Practical Theology

    Class-Level School Performance and Life Satisfaction: Differential Sensitivity for Low- and High-Performing School-Aged Children

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    Rathmann K, Herke M, Bilz L, RimpelÀ A, Hurrelmann K. Class-Level School Performance and Life Satisfaction: Differential Sensitivity for Low- and High-Performing School-Aged Children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2018;15(12): 2750

    Enhanced Apoptosis and Loss of Cell Viability in Melanoma Cells by Combined Inhibition of ERK and Mcl-1 Is Related to Loss of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential, Caspase Activation and Upregulation of Proapoptotic Bcl-2 Proteins

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    Targeting of MAP kinase pathways by BRAF inhibitors has evolved as a key therapy for BRAF-mutated melanoma. However, it cannot be applied for BRAF-WT melanoma, and also, in BRAF-mutated melanoma, tumor relapse often follows after an initial phase of tumor regression. Inhibition of MAP kinase pathways downstream at ERK1/2, or inhibitors of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins, such as Mcl-1, may serve as alternative strategies. As shown here, the BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib and the ERK inhibitor SCH772984 showed only limited efficacy in melanoma cell lines, when applied alone. However, in combination with the Mcl-1 inhibitor S63845, the effects of vemurafenib were strongly enhanced in BRAF-mutated cell lines, and the effects of SCH772984 were enhanced in both BRAF-mutated and BRAF-WT cells. This resulted in up to 90% loss of cell viability and cell proliferation, as well as in induction of apoptosis in up to 60% of cells. The combination of SCH772984/S63845 resulted in caspase activation, processing of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), phosphorylation of histone H2AX, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, and cytochrome c release. Proving the critical role of caspases, a pan-caspase inhibitor suppressed apoptosis induction, as well as loss of cell viability. As concerning Bcl-2 family proteins, SCH772984 enhanced expression of the proapoptotic Bim and Puma, as well as decreased phosphorylation of Bad. The combination finally resulted in downregulation of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 and enhanced expression of the proapoptotic Noxa. In conclusion, combined inhibition of ERK and Mcl-1 revealed an impressive efficacy both in BRAF-mutated and WT melanoma cells, and may thus represent a new strategy for overcoming drug resistance

    Perceived class climate and school-aged children’s life satisfaction: The role of the learning environment in classrooms

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    The aim of this study is to examine the impact of class-level class climate on school-aged children’s life satisfaction. Data was derived from the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) using sixth grade school-aged children (n = 4,764, 483 classes). Class climate includes indicators of teachers' care and monitoring, demands, interaction, autonomy, as well as school-aged children's attitudes towards schoolwork at the class- and individual-level. Results showed that individual perceived class climate in terms of teachers' care and monitoring and autonomy was positively related to life satisfaction, whereas school-related demands were related to lower life satisfaction. Besides teachers' care and monitoring at class-level, indicators of class climate were not associated with school-aged children’s life satisfaction, while the individual perceived class climate is more important for life satisfaction
