538 research outputs found
Optimalisasi Faktor Lingkungan Terhadap Jumlah Spora Terlepas Pada Gelidium SP.
This research was conducted to determine the influence of combined environmental factors on theoptimum number of spores released from Gelidium sp. The research was done at the laboratory ofMarine Science Development in Jepara.The design of the experiment used was split plot design basedon Completely Randomized Design with three factors : light intensity, photoperiod and salinity. Eachtreatment has three replications. As main plot was combination between light intensity and photoperiodwith three levels respectively ( 100 lux ; 500 lux ; 1000 lux ) and photoperiod 14 hours light 10 hoursdark ( 14 : 10 hours ; 16 : 8 hours ; 18 : 6 hours ) sub plot was salinity ( 25 %o ; 30 %o ; 35 %o ). Thecollected data were statistically analyzed with ANOVA, followed by DMRT.The result revealed thatthe treatment gave the significant effect on the spores released. The optimum average number of sporereleased of Gelidium sp. Were the combination of light intensity 500 lux, photoperiod 16 : 8 hours andsalinity 30 %o. There was a positive interaction between these three factors in affecting the sporereleased
Rancang Bangun Pembelajaran Online Sistem Operasi Windows 7 dengan HTML 5
Website yang ada saat ini umumnya dibangun menggunakan tag – tag dalam HTML 4.1, dimana HTML 4.1 belum mendukung tampilan audio dan video, tetapi audio dan video dapat dilihat dan didengar dengan adanya aplikasi tambahan sesuai dengan keperluan. HTML 5 dikembangkan W3C yang telah mendukung audio dan video pada website tanpa harus tergantung pada aplikasi tambahan. Pada penulisan ini, penulis mengimplementasikan pembelajaran sistem operasi windows 7 di dalam website yang akan dibangun, dan penulis menggunakan metodologi waterfall, yang dimulai dengan tahap pendefinisian kebutuhan, analisis kebutuhan, perancangan sistem, pengkodean website, dan pengujian. Pada pengkodean website, penulis menggunakan actionscript untuk merancang konten dari website yang akan dibangun. Dari hasil rancang bangun website pembelajaran ini, diharapkan dapat membantu masyarakat untuk mengenal dan mengoperasikan sistem operasi windows 7 secara mendasar dengan mudah
Small ensemble of kriging models for optimization
The Efficient Global Optimization (EGO) algorithm uses a conditional Gaus-sian Process (GP) to approximate an objective function known at a finite number of observation points and sequentially adds new points which maximize the Expected Improvement criterion according to the GP. The important factor that controls the efficiency of EGO is the GP covariance function (or kernel) which should be chosen according to the objective function. Traditionally, a pa-rameterized family of covariance functions is considered whose parameters are learned through statistical procedures such as maximum likelihood or cross-validation. However, it may be questioned whether statistical procedures for learning covariance functions are the most efficient for optimization as they target a global agreement between the GP and the observations which is not the ultimate goal of optimization. Furthermore, statistical learning procedures are computationally expensive. The main alternative to the statistical learning of the GP is self-adaptation, where the algorithm tunes the kernel parameters based on their contribution to objective function improvement. After questioning the possibility of self-adaptation for kriging based optimizers, this paper proposes a novel approach for tuning the length-scale of the GP in EGO: At each iteration, a small ensemble of kriging models structured by their length-scales is created. All of the models contribute to an iterate in an EGO-like fashion. Then, the set of models is densified around the model whose length-scale yielded the best iterate and further points are produced. Numerical experiments are provided which motivate the use of many length-scales. The tested implementation does not perform better than the classical EGO algorithm in a sequential context but show the potential of the approach for parallel implementations
Perancangan Sistem Monitoring Pengambilan Keputusan Pemakaian Bahan Bakar Pada Kapal Berbasis Logika Fuzzy
Banyaknya kecurangan-kecurangan yang dilakukan oleh pihak manajemen kapal dengan melakukan pencurian dan penjualan bahan bakar pada saat kapal melakukan pelayaran membuat pihak manajemen kapal banyak mengalami kerugian tidak hanya itu belum adanya sistem monitoring pemakaian bahan bakar pada kapal secara langsung yang bisa diakses oleh pihak manajemen kapal. Sistem pengambilan keputusan yang dirancang menggunakan logika fuzzy dengan tipe mamdani dengan 5 variabel masukan yaitu Engine (Rpm), Load (Ton), laju aliran rata-rata (kg/h), SFOC (Specific Fuel Oil Consumption) (gram/kWh) dan jarak pelayaran (miles) dan variabel keluaran yaitu Fuel Oil Consumption. Keakuratan hasil sistem pengambilan keputusan dibandingkan dengan data aktual mencapai 96.38% dan sistem logika fuzzy yang dikembangkan dapat diaplikasikan dalam sistem monitoring konsumsi bahan bakar di kapal.Dari sistem monitoring yang dikembangkan bukan hanya berada pada pihak ABK (Anak Buah Kapal) tetapi juga berada di pihak manajemen pusat yang dapat memonitor pemakaian bahan bakar dan bisa mengambil langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pemakaian bahan bakar
A Multi-Drive Beam Scheme for Two-Beam Acceleration in a TeV Linear Collider
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) study of an e+/e- linear collider in the TeV energy range is based on Two-Beam Acceleration (TBA) in which the overall RF power needed to accelerate the beam is extracted from high intensity relativistic electron beams, the so-called drive beams. Due to the high beam power, acceleration and transport of the drive beams in an efficient and reliable way is specially challenging. An overview of a potentially effective scheme is presented. It is based on the generation of trains of short bunches, accelerated in low frequency c.w. superconducting cavities, stored in an isochronous ring and combined at high energy by funneling before injection by sectors into the drive linac. The various systems of the complex are discussed as well as the beam dynamics all along the process. An original method has been specially developed to stabilize such an intense beam during deceleration and RF power production in the drive lina
The Impact of Shape on the Perception of Euler Diagrams
Euler diagrams are often used for visualizing data collected into sets. However, there is a significant lack of guidance regarding graphical choices for Euler diagram layout. To address this deficiency, this paper asks the question `does the shape of a closed curve affect a user's comprehension of an Euler diagram?' By empirical study, we establish that curve shape does indeed impact on understandability. Our analysis of performance data indicates that circles perform best, followed by squares, with ellipses and rectangles jointly performing worst. We conclude that, where possible, circles should be used to draw effective Euler diagrams. Further, the ability to discriminate curves from zones and the symmetry of the curve shapes is argued to be important. We utilize perceptual theory to explain these results. As a consequence of this research, improved diagram layout decisions can be made for Euler diagrams whether they are manually or automatically drawn
Caracterização do meio fĂsico da margem direito do rio Carinhanha no municipio de Januaria, MG.
Caracteriza o meio fisico da margem direita do rio Carinhanha, abordando a localizacao, a hidrologia, o clima, a geologia, a identificacao do solo (aluviais, quartzosas, hidromorficos e cambissolo), o relevo e a geomorfologia, como tambem o seu aproveitamento.bitstream/item/179527/1/FL-05051.pd
Potential impact of multiple interventions on HIV incidence in a hyperendemic region in Western Kenya : a modelling study
Background: Multiple prevention interventions, including early antiretroviral therapy initiation, may reduce HIV incidence in hyperendemic settings. Our aim was to predict the short-term impact of various single and combined interventions on HIV spreading in the adult population of Ndhiwa subcounty (Nyanza Province, Kenya). Methods: A mathematical model was used with data on adults (15-59 years) from the Ndhiwa HIV Impact in Population Survey to compare the impacts on HIV prevalence, HIV incidence rate, and population viral load suppression of various interventions. These interventions included: improving the cascade of care (use of three guidelines), increasing voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC), and implementing pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use among HIV-uninfected women. Results: After four years, improving separately the cascade of care under the WHO 2013 guidelines and under the treat-all strategy would reduce the overall HIV incidence rate by 46 and 58 %, respectively, vs. the baseline rate, and by 35 and 49 %, respectively, vs. the implementation of the current Kenyan guidelines. With conservative and optimistic scenarios, VMMC and PrEP would reduce the HIV incidence rate by 15-25 % and 22-28 % vs. the baseline, respectively. Combining the WHO 2013 guidelines with VMMC would reduce the HIV incidence rate by 35-56 % and combining the treat-all strategy with VMMC would reduce it by 49-65 %. Combining the WHO 2013 guidelines, VMMC, and PrEP would reduce the HIV incidence rate by 46-67 %. Conclusions: The impacts of the WHO 2013 guidelines and the treat-all strategy were relatively close; their implementation is desirable to reduce HIV spread. Combining several strategies is promising in adult populations of hyperendemic areas but requires regular, reliable, and costly monitoring
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