627 research outputs found

    Brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) social interactions and their implications for bovine tuberculosis epidemiology

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    The brushtail possum is the main reservoir of bovine tuberculosis in New Zealand. Disease prevalence is generally higher in males than in females. This has conventionally been assumed due to greater infection rates of males, but recent work has raised the hypothesis that it may instead be driven by survival differences. With bovine tuberculosis transmission among possums most likely occurring between individuals in close proximity, here we analyse social networks built on data from wild possums collared with contact loggers inhabiting a native New Zealand forest, to investigate whether there is mechanistic support for higher male infection rates. Our results revealed that adult female possums were generally just as connected with adult male possums as other adult males are, with male-female connection patterns not being significantly different. This result suggest that the new 'survivorship' hypothesis for the sex bias is more likely than the conventional 'infection rate' hypothesis. © 2018 Copyright 2018 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands

    (47171) 1999 TC36, A Transneptunian Triple

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    We present new analysis of HST images of (47171) 1999 TC36 that confirm it as a triple system. Fits to the point-spread function consistently show that the apparent primary is itself composed of two similar-sized components. The two central components, A1 and A2, can be consistently identified in each of nine epochs spread over seven years of time. In each instance the component separation, ranging from 0.023+/-0.002 to 0.031+/-0.003 arcsec, is roughly one half of the Hubble Space Telescope's diffraction limit at 606 nm. The orbit of the central pair has a semi-major axis of a~867 km with a period of P~1.9 days. These orbital parameters yield a system mass that is consistent with Msys = 12.75+/-0.06 10^18 kg derived from the orbit of the more distant secondary, component B. The diameters of the three components are dA1= 286(+45,-38) km, dA2= 265(+41,-35 km and dB= 139(+22,-18) km. The relative sizes of these components are more similar than in any other known multiple in the solar system. Taken together, the diameters and system mass yield a bulk density of p=542(+317,-211) kg m^-3. HST Photometry shows that component B is variable with an amplitude of >=0.17+/-0.05 magnitudes. Components A1 and A2 do not show variability larger than 0.08+/-0.03 magnitudes approximately consistent with the orientation of the mutual orbit plane and tidally-distorted equilibrium shapes. The system has high specific angular momentum of J/J'=0.93, comparable to most of the known Transneptunian binaries.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables. Accepted to Icaru

    Experimental demonstration of intermodal dispersion in a two-core optical fiber

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    The recent prediction that intermodal dispersion can play a significant role in pulse evolution in a two-core optical fiber was confirmed experimentally. A picosecond pulse at 1.548µm launched into one core of a meters-long two-core fiber was found to come out of either core of the fiber as two temporally separate pulses. By measuring the time delay between these two pulses, the intermodal dispersion in the fiber was estimated to be 1.13ps/m, in good agreement with theory

    Optical Bumps in Cosmological GRBs as Supernovae

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    From both photometric and broadband spectral monitoring of gamma-ray burst (GRB) lightcurve ``bumps,'' particularly in GRB 011121, a strong case grew for a supernova (SN) origin. The GRB-SN connection was finally solidified beyond a reasonable doubt with the discovery that the bump in GRB 030329 was spectroscopically similar to a bright Type Ic SN. In light of this result, I redress the previous SN bump claims and conclude that 1) the distribution of GRB-SN bump peak magnitudes is consistent with the local Type Ibc SNe peak distribution and suggest that 2) the late-time bumps in all long-duration GRBs are likely supernovae.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. To be published in Proc. IAU Colloquium #192 ``Supernovae (10 years of SN1993J),'' held 22-26 April 2003, Valencia, Spain. Editors: J.M. Marcaide and K.W. Weiler. Uses svmult.cl

    Local field factors in a polarized two-dimensional electron gas

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    We derive approximate expressions for the static local field factors of a spin polarized two-dimensional electron gas which smoothly interpolate between their small- and large-wavevector asymptotic limits. For the unpolarized electron gas, the proposed analytical expressions reproduce recent diffusion Monte Carlo data. We find that the degree of spin polarization produces important modifications to the local factors of the minority spins, while the local field functions of the majority spins are less affected.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Prevention of tracheal cartilage injury with modified Griggs technique during percutaneous tracheostomy - Randomized controlled cadaver study

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    Introduction: Tracheal stenosis is the most common severe late complication of percutaneous tracheostomy causing significant decrease in quality of life. Applying modified Griggs technique reduced the number of late tracheal stenoses observed in our clinical study. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism of this relationship. Materials and methods: Forty-six cadavers were randomized into two groups according to the mode of intervention during 2006-2008. Traditional versus modified Griggs technique was applied in the two groups consequently. Wider incision, surgical preparation, and bidirectional forceps dilation of tracheal wall were applied in modified technique. Injured cartilages were inspected by sight and touch consequently. Age, gender, level of intervention, and number of injured tracheal cartilages were registered. Results: Significantly less frequent tracheal cartilage injury was observed after modified (9%) than original (91%) Griggs technique (p<0.001). A moderate association between cartilage injury and increasing age was observed, whereas the level of intervention (p=0.445) and to gender (p=0.35) was not related to injury. Risk of cartilage injury decreased significantly (OR: 0.0264, 95%, CI: 0.005-0.153) with modified Griggs technique as determined in adjusted logistic regression model. Discussion: Modified Griggs technique decreased the risk of tracheal cartilage injury significantly in our cadaver study. This observation may explain the decreased number of late tracheal stenosis after application of the modified Griggs method. © 2012 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapes

    The Correlated Colors of Transneptunian Binaries

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    We report resolved photometry of the primary and secondary components of 23 transneptunian binaries obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. V-I colors of the components range from 0.7 to 1.5 with a median uncertainty of 0.06 magnitudes. The colors of the primaries and secondaries are correlated with a Spearman rank correlation probability of 99.99991%, 5 sigma for a normal distribution. Fits to the primary vs. secondary colors are identical to within measurement uncertainties. The color range of binaries as a group is indistinguishable from that of the larger population of apparently single transneptunian objects. Whatever mechanism produced the colors of apparently single TNOs acted equally on binary systems. The most likely explanation is that the colors of transneptunian objects and binaries alike are primordial and indicative of their origin in a locally homogeneous, globally heterogeneous protoplanetary disk.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure, 4 tables. accepted to Icaru

    Correlation energy of a two-dimensional electron gas from static and dynamic exchange-correlation kernels

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    We calculate the correlation energy of a two-dimensional homogeneous electron gas using several available approximations for the exchange-correlation kernel fxc(q,ω)f_{\rm xc}(q,\omega) entering the linear dielectric response of the system. As in the previous work of Lein {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 67}, 13431 (2000)] on the three-dimensional electron gas, we give attention to the relative roles of the wave number and frequency dependence of the kernel and analyze the correlation energy in terms of contributions from the (q,iω)(q, i\omega) plane. We find that consistency of the kernel with the electron-pair distribution function is important and in this case the nonlocality of the kernel in time is of minor importance, as far as the correlation energy is concerned. We also show that, and explain why, the popular Adiabatic Local Density Approximation performs much better in the two-dimensional case than in the three-dimensional one.Comment: 9 Pages, 4 Figure

    An Evaluation of Ballute Entry Systems for Lunar Return Missions

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    AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference August 2006, Keystone, CO.This study investigates the advantages and feasibility of using ballutes for Earth entry at lunar return velocities. Using analysis methods suitable for conceptual design and assuming a CEV type entry vehicle, multiple entry strategies were investigated. Entries that jettison the ballute after achieving low Earth orbit conditions were shown to reduce heating rates to within reusable thermal protection system limits. Deceleration was mitigated to approximately four g's when a moderate amount of lift was applied subsequent to ballute jettison. Primary ballute size drivers are the thermal limitations and areal densities of the ballute material. Performance requirements for both of those metrics were generated over a range of total ballute system masses. Lastly, preliminary investigation of a lower mass cargo variant of the CEV allowed for additional reduction of ballute system mass. However, ballute system mass as a percentage of the total entry mass was shown to be relatively independent of the entry mass