9,492 research outputs found

    Evidence for an accretion origin for the outer halo globular cluster system of M31

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    We use a sample of newly-discovered globular clusters from the Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey (PAndAS) in combination with previously-catalogued objects to map the spatial distribution of globular clusters in the M31 halo. At projected radii beyond ~30 kpc, where large coherent stellar streams are readily distinguished in the field, there is a striking correlation between these features and the positions of the globular clusters. Adopting a simple Monte Carlo approach, we test the significance of this association by computing the probability that it could be due to the chance alignment of globular clusters smoothly distributed in the M31 halo. We find the likelihood of this possibility is low, below 1%, and conclude that the observed spatial coincidence between globular clusters and multiple tidal debris streams in the outer halo of M31 reflects a genuine physical association. Our results imply that the majority of the remote globular cluster system of M31 has been assembled as a consequence of the accretion of cluster-bearing satellite galaxies. This constitutes the most direct evidence to date that the outer halo globular cluster populations in some galaxies are largely accreted.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Ways of coping with AIDS: opinion of mothers with HIV children

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    The research aims at identifying strategies of coping with AIDS used by mothers of HIV positive children to live better with their children's disease. The method used was a descriptive qualitative study. Thirty-three structured interviews were conducted with HIV positive women voluntaries and registered as users in the clinic of the public hospital of reference for the treatment of AIDS in Natal/RN. For data analysis, the method used was thematic content analysis. From the analysis, prevalent categories regarding forms of facing AIDS came up, they were: overprotection and fear; donation; hope; religious belief; underestimation of HIV; hiding the diagnosis; and resignation. This study shows that despite AIDS limitations and barriers, relatives develop strategies that make it possible to face every day problems and live better with it.El estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar estrategias de madres con niños seropositivos para enfrentar el sida; de tal forma que puedan convivir con la enfermedad de sus hijos. El método utilizado fue la investigación cualitativa y descriptiva. Las respuestas fueron obtenidas de treinta y tres entrevistas realizadas con mujeres seropositivas voluntarias y registradas en el servicio ambulatorio de un hospital público especializado en tratamiento de SIDA de Natal/RN. Para ello, fue utilizada la técnica de análisis de contenido, específicamente por temática. Del análisis, surgieron categorías con relación a las formas de enfrentar el SIDA: sobreprotección y miedo, donación, negación y poca importancia dada al HIV, ocultando la enfermedad, resignación, religión y esperanza. Este estudio mostró que, a pesar de las limitaciones y barreras debidas al SIDA, los familiares desarrollan estrategias que permiten enfrentar el cotidiano y convivir mejor con esta experiencia.O estudo teve como objetivo identificar as estratégias de enfrentamento, utilizadas por mães de crianças soropositivas, para melhor conviverem com a doença dos filhos. O método utilizado foi a pesquisa qualitativa descritiva. As falas foram retiradas de trinta e três entrevistas estruturadas com mulheres soropositivas voluntárias, inscritas no ambulatório de um hospital público de referência para o tratamento da AIDS em Natal, RN. Utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo, em especial, a temática. Da análise, emergiram categorias prevalentes em relação às formas de enfrentamento da AIDS, ou seja: superproteção e medo, doação, negação e subestimação do HIV, ocultação da doença, resignação, religião e esperança. Este estudo revelou que, apesar dos limites e barreiras impostas pela AIDS, os familiares desenvolvem estratégias que possibilitam enfrentar o cotidiano e conviver melhor com essa experiência

    Service rendered to parturient at a university hospital

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    Objective: To investigate the quality of care offered to pregnant woman in a maternity ward. Method: This is a descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach and basic and applied nature conducted through interviews with mothers. The sample was through the saturation of the collected data was used to thematic analysis. Results: It was observed that most of the women in the age group between 20-29 years old have a partner; all have little education and low income. Most of them underwent normal deliveries and none of the users had completed their partograph during labor. Following categories emerged: Ease in attendance; Quality of care; Humanization of care; Pre-test counseling for HIV; Respect the right of patients to have a companion, and Right to Information. Conclusion: The concept of quality in health brought by those interviewed related the proper care with interpersonal issues, technical skills and adequate infrastructure

    Nursing care across the prevention of vertical transmission of HIV

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    Objective: To analyze the contextual aspects of nursing care across the prevention of vertical transmission of HIV. Method: this is an integrative review conducted in the databases SCOPUS, CINAHL, PUBMED and LILACS. The articles were analyzed using the theoretical framework of contextual analysis, according to Hinds, Chaves and Cypress. Results: the results were: nurses´ performance against the prevention of vertical transmission (immediate); factors hinder this prevention (specific); cultural aspects involved (general) and Health Policies aimed at preventing HIV/AIDS (meta-context). Conclusion: the analysis of these dimensions involves a growing understanding of the phenomenon and their interrelations. The nurse should know the angles of this reality to act with better resolution and quality in prevention of vertical HIV transmission

    On the emergent Semantic Web and overlooked issues

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    The emergent Semantic Web, despite being in its infancy, has already received a lotof attention from academia and industry. This resulted in an abundance of prototype systems and discussion most of which are centred around the underlying infrastructure. However, when we critically review the work done to date we realise that there is little discussion with respect to the vision of the Semantic Web. In particular, there is an observed dearth of discussion on how to deliver knowledge sharing in an environment such as the Semantic Web in effective and efficient manners. There are a lot of overlooked issues, associated with agents and trust to hidden assumptions made with respect to knowledge representation and robust reasoning in a distributed environment. These issues could potentially hinder further development if not considered at the early stages of designing Semantic Web systems. In this perspectives paper, we aim to help engineers and practitioners of the Semantic Web by raising awareness of these issues


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    The implementation and discussion of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) programs has gained prominence in environmental policy. However, there are still knowledge gaps regarding economic indicators that are fundamental for the analysis of the viability and financing of PES projects. Thus, obtaining information related to the analysis of investment projects in PES programs can contribute to future decision-making. In this context, the objective was to estimate the Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost (EUAC) of investment projects for PES in subwatersheds in the State of São Paulo under conditions of uncertainty, as well as to analyze whether the EUAC allows attesting to the economic viability of these investment projects. From the costs of the PES actions, the EUAC was used and then the Monte Carlo method was applied to incorporate stochastic solutions. The average EUAC of the PES investment projects for the priority and non-priority subwatersheds is USD 1,814.11 and USD 1,675.54, respectively. The costs associated with the purchase of organic fertilizer and fence posts have the greatest impact on the EUAC in both the priority and non-priority areas. The EUAC, combined with Spearman's correlation, allows for the analysis of the economic viability of investment projects and thus assists in the decision-making process regarding the prioritization of resource allocation in sub-watersheds

    A Genome-wide gene-expression analysis and database in transgenic mice during development of amyloid or tau pathology

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    We provide microarray data comparing genome-wide differential expression and pathology throughout life in four lines of "amyloid" transgenic mice (mutant human APP, PSEN1, or APP/PSEN1) and "TAU" transgenic mice (mutant human MAPT gene). Microarray data were validated by qPCR and by comparison to human studies, including genome-wide association study (GWAS) hits. Immune gene expression correlated tightly with plaques whereas synaptic genes correlated negatively with neurofibrillary tangles. Network analysis of immune gene modules revealed six hub genes in hippocampus of amyloid mice, four in common with cortex. The hippocampal network in TAU mice was similar except that Trem2 had hub status only in amyloid mice. The cortical network of TAU mice was entirely different with more hub genes and few in common with the other networks, suggesting reasons for specificity of cortical dysfunction in FTDP17. This Resource opens up many areas for investigation. All data are available and searchable at http://www.mouseac.org

    Limits and obstacles in the adherence to antiretroviral therapy

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    Objective: To analyze and list factors and monitoring techniques related to the adherence to antiretroviral treatment. Method: study of integrative review of the literature from the electronic bases LILACS and MEDLINE, conducted in April and May, 2013. Results: factors such as education level, complexity of treatment, psychological aggravating and the relationship between health professional and the user were highlighted in adherence to ART. In this context, to monitor and measure adherence to antiretroviral therapy with the use of appropriate techniques can contribute to a significant increase of these values. Conclusion: it is true that there is no gold standard to ensure ideal adhesion, however, the use of correct and combined monitoring techniques, can significantly decrease the impact of several factors that predispose the ineffective adherence to AIDS treatment

    Adolescent students knowledge about transmition, prevention and risky behavior related to STD/HIV/AIDS

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    Objective: To evaluate adolescents' knowledge, public school students in the city of Natal/RN, about transmission, prevention and risk behavior regarding STD/HIV/AIDS. Methods: Descriptive study with a quantitative approach carried out from March to December 2013 with 222 students of a public school in the city of Natal, Northeastern Brazil. Data were collected from a semi-structured questionnaire answered in the classroom. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, CAAE: 13831113.6.0000.5537. Prior written consent was obtained from parents or caregivers and adolescents. The inclusion criteria consisted of the student being regularly enrolled in school, in high school, and agree to participate voluntarily in the research. Results: The study found significant levels of ignorance about transmission, prevention and treatment of AIDS, and elucidated some risk behaviors that make young people vulnerable to STD/AIDS. Conclusion: Sexual orientation programs in schools are needed to encourage adolescents for a safe sexual behavior, healthier and less exposed to risk

    Evaluation of adherence to antiretroviral therapy for AIDS patients

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    Objective: The objective of the present study was to evaluate adherence to antiretroviral treatment for AIDS patients. Method: This is a quantitative study, field, and descriptive, at Reference Center for infectious diseases in Natal/RN, from August 2010 to July 2011. Data were collected through medical records, interviews and the pharmacy dispensing records. Results: Participated in the study 402 patients, among whom (70,2%) were male, the mean age was 35 years, and 90,0 had been diagnosed of HIV infection between 1 to 5 years. It was observed that 30% of the patients adhered to treatment. Conclusion: The Adherence in the present study are lower than those recommended in the literature, to increase adherence to ART is essential to carry out strategies to increase awareness and user engagement