672 research outputs found

    Lady researchers : mapping urban community and learning spaces

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    This paper documents a collaborative research project with middle and high school young women during an afterschool program at Children and Urban Family Movement (CFUM) in Des Moines, Iowa. A research team consisting of members from the School of Education, Community and Regional Planning, Human Development and Family Studies, and Extension and Outreach from Iowa State University partnered with CFUM to provide programming for gender-specific youth called Design Dialogues. The research team, with the help of ISU Undergraduate Facilitators, conducted six discussion groups with middle and high school youth. During the fall of 2015, The Whyld Girls, also known as Lady Researchers, literally and figuratively “mapped” their community and learning spaces during each activity

    The “problem” of teacher quality: exploring challenges and opportunities in developing teacher quality during the Covid-19 global pandemic in England

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    Teachers and teacher education are often presented as “problems” to be solved, with policy solutions that focus on ways to make teachers “better” and improve teacher “quality” by introducing prescriptive strategies. We investigate the ways Covid-19-related changes to university and school-based facets of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in England influence teacher quality in relation to both student teachers and early career teachers, working in secondary schools. Drawing on 34 interviews with school leaders, school mentors and ITE tutors, we critically explore the ways in which teacher quality was developed through key aspects of teachers’ pedagogy and practice during the pandemic crisis when schools were closed and teaching moved online. Our findings show that the pandemic crisis has highlighted the different facets of teacher quality which arguably disrupt narrow and prescriptive understandings of what constitutes “quality” in policy terms. Although there were many instances of challenge in the development of new and student teachers, our data also shows how ITE tutors, school mentors and leaders responded creatively to the crisis. Participants highlighted the opportunities afforded by the pandemic to develop diverse and innovative pedagogies and practice, enhance students’ subject knowledge, as well as overcome some of the challenges in other areas of pedagogy and practice. Furthermore, the study shows that teacher quality was not substantially reduced despite the challenges arising from the pandemic and concerns that pre-service teachers would not be ready and prepared for a career in the classroom

    Collaborative identity development during a global pandemic: exploring teacher identity through the experiences of pre-service high school teachers in England

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    Since early 2020, COVID-19 has had a substantial impact on teacher education. We consider novel aspects of how pre-service teachers have collaboratively developed their professional identities during the pandemic. Drawing on findings from forty-five interviews with pre-service high school teachers working in England during September 2020 – June 2021, we share how collaborative identity development was central and occurred in a variety of spaces, communities and modes. Collaborative identity development featured in how pre-service teachers saw themselves making a positive contribution to society through education and, in strong subject connections. Reflection that is collaborative, personalised, iterative, and separate from notions of formal progression enables positive identity work. Notions of identity are absent from international policy initiatives in ITE (Initial Teacher Education). This case study provides insights for policy makers in and beyond England who aim to support teachers at the beginning of their career so that they are retained

    Hide and seek between Andromeda's halo, disk, and giant stream

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    Photometry in B, V (down to V ~ 26 mag) is presented for two 23' x 23' fields of the Andromeda galaxy (M31) that were observed with the blue channel camera of the Large Binocular Telescope during the Science Demonstration Time. Each field covers an area of about 5.1kpc x 5.1kpc at the distance of M31 ((m-M)o ~ 24.4 mag), sampling, respectively, a northeast region close to the M31 giant stream (field S2), and an eastern portion of the halo in the direction of the galaxy minor axis (field H1). The stream field spans a region that includes Andromeda's disk and the giant stream, and this is reflected in the complexity of the color magnitude diagram of the field. One corner of the halo field also includes a portion of the giant stream. Even though these demonstration time data were obtained under non-optimal observing conditions the B photometry, acquired in time-series mode, allowed us to identify 274 variable stars (among which 96 are bona fide and 31 are candidate RR Lyrae stars, 71 are Cepheids, and 16 are binary systems) by applying the image subtraction technique to selected portions of the observed fields. Differential flux light curves were obtained for the vast majority of these variables. Our sample includes mainly pulsating stars which populate the instability strip from the Classical Cepheids down to the RR Lyrae stars, thus tracing the different stellar generations in these regions of M31 down to the horizontal branch of the oldest (t ~ 10 Gyr) component.Comment: 59 pages, 26 figures, 12 tables, ApJ in pres


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    Objective: to list and analyze the possible enhancers and hindering factors of clinical nursing practice in the context of the Family Health Strategy. Method: integrative literature review conducted in LILACS and MEDLINE databases. Results: It is found in the reviewed articles the following potential factors: social care practice involving expanded from strategies as the host and the systematization of nursing care clinic. And while hindering factors: influence of the biomedical model; incipient qualification of nurses, for example, to implement the nursing process; and inadequate organizational and structural conditions. Final considerations: there is the importance of research-intervention to take effect so that they can perform certain practices and recommend them, especially with regard to the application of the nursing process in Primary Health Care, in its full aspects organizational, structural and assistance.  Descriptors: Nursing; Nursing Process; Primary Health Care.Objetivo: elencar e analisar os possíveis fatores potencializadores e dificultadores da prática clínica do enfermeiro no contexto da Estratégia de Saúde da Família. Método: revisão integrativa da literatura realizada nas bases de dados LILACS e MEDLINE. Resultados: encontraram-se nos artigos revisados os seguintes fatores potencializadores: prática social do cuidado envolvendo a clínica ampliada a partir de estratégias como o acolhimento e a sistematização da assistência de enfermagem. E enquanto fatores dificultadores: influência do modelo biomédico; incipiente qualificação dos enfermeiros, como por exemplo, para a implementação do processo de enfermagem; e, condições organizacionais e estruturais inadequadas. Considerações finais: verifica-se a importância de que pesquisas-intervenção sejam efetivadas para que se possam realizar determinadas práticas e recomendá-las, principalmente, no que se refere, à aplicação do processo de enfermagem na Atenção Primária à Saúde, em seus plenos aspectos organizacionais, estruturais e assistenciais. Descritores: Enfermagem; Processos de Enfermagem; Atenção Primária à Saúde.


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    It is a literature review, which had the purpose of summarizing the available evidences in researches on ‘theerrors and difficulties found in the process of scientific publication’ subject, as well as offering subsidies for theimplementation of changes that promote the quality and the publication of information produced by the fields of sciences,such as nursing. The bibliographic survey was gathered from the LILACS and BDENF databases in the health virtuallibrary website. The main errors and rejection factors of the submitted articles were: poor writing; out of date informationand/or data; methodology failures, mistakes on the literature review; misspelling; insufficient and inadequate information;statistics problems and use of incorrect statistics. As main suggestions for authors to make the process of publicationeasier: the review of literature must be up to date; the fully understanding of the chosen methodology; the data analysismust be concise.Se trata de una revisión de literatura con objetivos de sumariar las evidencias disponibles a través de lasinvestigaciones realizadas sobre los errores y dificultades encontrados en el proceso de publicación científica, ofrecersubsidios para la implementación de modificaciones que fomentan la calidad y la publicación de las informaciones producidaspor los campos de ciencia, entre ellos, la Enfermería. El levantamiento bibliográfico se realizó en las bases de datos de laLILACS y BDENF del sitio de la biblioteca virtual de salud. Han sido identificados como principales errores y factores derechazo de artículos sometidos a la publicación el hecho del artículo ser pobremente escrito, informaciones insuficientese inadecuadas; problemas estadísticos y uso de estadísticas incorrectas. Como sugerencias a los autores para facilitar lapublicación científica fueron resaltadas la actualización de la literatura; dominio de la metodología aplicada al estudio yanálisis conciso de datos.Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura com objetivos de sumarizar as evidências disponíveis, por meio daspesquisas realizadas, sobre os erros e dificuldades encontrados no processo de publicação científica, e oferecer subsídiospara a implementação de modificações que promovam a qualidade e a publicação das informações produzidas peloscampos da ciência, entre eles, a Enfermagem. O levantamento bibliográfico foi realizado nas bases de dados da LILACS eBDENF do sítio da Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde. Foram identificados como principais erros e fatores de rejeição de artigossubmetidos à publicação: o fato do artigo ser pobremente escrito; informações e/ou dados desatualizados; falha nametodologia; erros de revisão de literatura e de redação; informações insuficientes e inadequadas; problemas estatísticose uso de estatísticas incorretas. Como sugestões aos autores, para facilitar a publicação científica, foram elencadas: aatualidade da literatura; domínio da metodologia aplicada ao estudo e análise dos dados concisa

    Remote platelet function testing using P-selectin expression in patients with recent cerebral ischaemia on clopidogrel

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    Background Antiplatelet agents reduce recurrence after cerebral ischaemia but are not effective in all patients, in part because of treatment resistance. The primary aim was to assess the proportion of patients who are insensitive to clopidogrel. The secondary aim was to assess the association between insensitivity to clopidogrel and recurrent cerebrovascular events. Methods Following written informed consent, independent patients with a recent noncardioembolic ischaemic stroke or TIA, and taking clopidogrel, were enrolled. Platelet function was assessed with remote measurement of surface expression of P-selectin (CD62P) using commercial kits sensitive to aspirin or clopidogrel. Participants’ general practitioners provided details on recurrent vascular events at least 90 days later. Data are mean (standard deviation) and median [interquartile range]. Resistance was defined as: aspirin median fluorescence (MF) >500 units, clopidogrel MF >860 units. Non-parametric descriptors and tests were used. Results 63 patients were recruited: mean age 64 (13.7) years, female 47%. At baseline, 59 (95%) patients were taking clopidogrel alone with three (5%) on combined clopidogrel and aspirin. Assessment of platelet surface P-selectin revealed: aspirin test 528 [317, 834], >500 54.8%; clopidogrel test 429 [303, 656], >860 11.3%. No participants on aspirin and clopidogrel showed aspirin resistance. Thirteen (20.6%) patients had a recurrent cerebrovascular event; those with an ischaemic stroke had a non-significantly higher baseline P-selectin using the clopidogrel test as compared with those with no recurrence: 626 [380, 801] vs. 406 [265, 609], p=0.08. Conclusions Remote measurement of platelet function assessed using the platelet surface expression of P-selectin is feasible. 11% of patients taking clopidogrel showed resistance. No significant associations were noted between clopidogrel resistance and recurrent ischaemic events

    Fair domestic allocation of monkeypox virus countermeasures

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    Countermeasures for mpox (formerly known as monkeypox), primarily vaccines, have been in limited supply in many countries during outbreaks. Equitable allocation of scarce resources during public health emergencies is a complex challenge. Identifying the objectives and core values for the allocation of mpox countermeasures, using those values to provide guidance for priority groups and prioritisation tiers, and optimising allocation implementation are important. The fundamental values for the allocation of mpox countermeasures are: preventing death and illness; reducing the association between death or illness and unjust disparities; prioritising those who prevent harm or mitigate disparities; recognising contributions to combating an outbreak; and treating similar individuals similarly. Ethically and equitably marshalling available countermeasures requires articulating these fundamental objectives, identifying priority tiers, and recognising trade-offs between prioritising the people at the highest risk of infection and the people at the highest risk of harm if infected. These five values can provide guidance on preferable priority categories for a more ethically sound response and suggest methods for optimising allocation of countermeasures for mpox and other diseases for which countermeasures are in short supply. Properly marshalling available countermeasures will be crucial for future effective and equitable national responses to outbreaks

    Mitochondrial peptide humanin facilitates chemoresistance in glioblastoma cells

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    Humanin (HN) is a mitochondrial-derived peptide with robust cytoprotective effects in many cell types. Although the administration of HN analogs has been proposed to treat degenerative diseases, its role in the pathogenesis of cancer is poorly understood. Here, we evaluated whether HN affects the chemosensitivity of glioblastoma (GBM) cells. We found that chemotherapy upregulated HN expression in GBM cell lines and primary cultures derived from GBM biopsies. An HN analog (HNGF6A) boosted chemoresistance, increased the migration of GBM cells and improved their capacity to induce endothelial cell migration and proliferation. Chemotherapy also upregulated FPR2 expression, an HN membrane-bound receptor, and the HNGF6A cytoprotective effects were inhibited by an FPR2 receptor antagonist (WRW4). These effects were observed in glioma cells with heterogeneous genetic backgrounds, i.e., glioma cells with wild-type (wtIDH) and mutated (mIDH) isocitrate dehydrogenase. HN silencing using a baculoviral vector that encodes for a specific shRNA for HN (BV.shHN) reduced chemoresistance, and impaired the migration and proangiogenic capacity of GBM cells. Taken together, our findings suggest that HN boosts the hallmark characteristics of GBM, i.e., chemoresistance, migration and endothelial cell proliferation. Thus, strategies that inhibit the HN/FPR2 pathway may improve the response of GBM to standard therapyInstituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecula