188 research outputs found

    Positive Quantization in the Presence of a Variable Magnetic Field

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    Starting with a previously constructed family of coherent states, we introduce the Berezin quantization for a particle in a variable magnetic field and we show that it constitutes a strict quantization of a natural Poisson algebra. The phase-space reinterpretation involves a magnetic version of the Bargmann space and leads naturally to Berezin-Toeplitz operators.Comment: 15 page

    Magnetic pseudodifferential operators with coefficients in C*-algebras

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    In previous articles, a magnetic pseudodifferential calculus and a family of C*-algebras associated with twisted dynamical systems were introduced and the connections between them have been established. We extend this formalism to symbol classes of H\"ormander type with an x-behavior modelized by an abelian C*-algebra. Some of these classes generate C*-algebras associated with the twisted dynamical system. We show the relevance of these classes to the spectral analysis of pseudodifferential operators with anisotropic symbols and magnetic fields.Comment: 23 page

    Die Protokolle Des cisleithanischen Ministerrates 1867-1918: Band II: 1868-1871 (1. Jänner 1868-21. November 1871)

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    The publication contains the edited minutes of the Cisleithanian Council of Ministers 1868-1871. This period, immediately following the Austro-Hungarian compromise, represents a major reconstruction of the Habsburg Monarchy from the unit Empire Austria (Kaisertum Österreich) into the dualistic monarchy Austria-Hungary. This is also mirrored in the minutes of the Council of Ministers. Being one of the highest institutions of the state this concil had to deal with a wide range of topics that were prepared for the imperial decision. The publication of the edited minutes opens up a source for further historical research in all fields of sciences, also beyond political historiography (e.g. history of economy, of financial economy, of social sciences, of everyday life, or of technology).Die Publikation enthält die edierten Protokolle des cisleithanischen Ministerrats aus dem Zeitabschnitt 1868-1871. Diese Zeitperiode, die unmittelbar an den österreichisch- ungarischen Ausgleich anschloss, stellt eine der großen innenpolitischen Umbruchsphasen der Habsburgermonarchie dar, was sich auch in den Protokollen des Ministerrats, der eines der höchsten Staatsorgane war, niedergeschlagen hat. Aufgrund der großen Breite an Themen, die von dem Gremium behandelt und entschieden wurden, erschließt sich durch die Publikation der edierten Protokolle für die historischen Wissenschaften ein Quellenbestand, der eine Vielzahl von Anknüpfungspunkten für neue Forschungen auch abseits der politischen Geschichtsschreibung bietet (so etwa in den Bereichen der Wirtschafts-, Finanz-, Sozial-, Alltags-und Technikgeschichte)

    PON1 status does not influence cholinesterase activity in Egyptian agricultural workers exposed to chlorpyrifos.

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    Animal studies have shown that paraoxonase 1 (PON1) genotype can influence susceptibility to the organophosphorus pesticide chlorpyrifos (CPF). However, Monte Carlo analysis suggests that PON1 genotype may not affect CPF-related toxicity at low exposure conditions in humans. The current study sought to determine the influence of PON1 genotype on the activity of blood cholinesterase as well as the effect of CPF exposure on serum PON1 in workers occupationally exposed to CPF. Saliva, blood and urine were collected from agricultural workers (n=120) from Egypt's Menoufia Governorate to determine PON1 genotype, blood cholinesterase activity, serum PON1 activity towards chlorpyrifos-oxon (CPOase) and paraoxon (POase), and urinary levels of the CPF metabolite 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCPy). The PON1 55 (P≤0.05) but not the PON1 192 genotype had a significant effect on CPOase activity. However, both the PON1 55 (P≤0.05) and PON1 192 (P≤0.001) genotypes had a significant effect on POase activity. Workers had significantly inhibited AChE and BuChE after CPF application; however, neither CPOase activity nor POase activity was associated with ChE depression when adjusted for CPF exposure (as determined by urinary TCPy levels) and stratified by PON1 genotype. CPOase and POase activity were also generally unaffected by CPF exposure although there were alterations in activity within specific genotype groups. Together, these results suggest that workers retained the capacity to detoxify chlorpyrifos-oxon under the exposure conditions experienced by this study population regardless of PON1 genotype and activity and that effects of CPF exposure on PON1 activity are minimal

    Magnetic calculus and semiclassical trace formulas

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    The aim of these notes is to show how the magnetic calculus developed in \cite{MP, IMP1, IMP2, MPR, LMR} permits to give a new information on the nature of the coefficients of the expansion of the trace of a function of the magnetic Schr\"odinger operator whose existence was established in \cite{HR2}

    The Economy of Dürrnberg-Bei-Hallein: An Iron Age Salt-mining Centre in the Austrian Alps

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    For the first time in English, we present a summary of the international programme of excavation work carried out between 1990 and 2001 in and around the Iron Age salt-mining complex of the Diirrnberg region, south of Salzburg. First we describe the results of excavation in the prehistoric adits, and of work to locate and survey associated settlements. This is followed by a series of specialist reports embracing floral and faunal remains, palaeodiet and parasitology, leather and woodworking and other crafts. The evidence suggests that a complex inter-relationship existed between the Diirrnberg and other communities in the Alpine foreland. It is assumed that the Diirrnberg was under the control of an elite - perhaps a local dynasty whose wealth is reflected in the grave

    The M\u3csub\u3er\u3c/sub\u3e-value of chloroplast coupling factor 1

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    The Mr of spinach chloroplast coupling factor 1 has been determined by sedimentation equilibrium and by light scattering to be 400 000 ± 24 600 and 407 000 ± 20 000, respectively. These values differ substantially from that obtained previously (325 000) and are consistent with an α3β3γδε{lunate} subunit stoichiometry. © 1983