3,691 research outputs found

    Paley--Wiener Theorems for the U(n)--spherical transform on the Heisenberg group

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    We prove several Paley--Wiener-type theorems related to the spherical transform on the Gelfand pair (Hnâ‹ŠU(n),U(n))\big(H_n\rtimes U(n),U(n)\big), where HnH_n is the 2n+12n+1-dimensional Heisenberg group. Adopting the standard realization of the Gelfand spectrum as the Heisenberg fan in R2{\mathbb R}^2, we prove that spherical transforms of U(n) U(n)--invariant functions and distributions with compact support in HnH_n admit unique entire extensions to C2{\mathbb C}^2, and we find real-variable characterizations of such transforms. Next, we characterize the inverse spherical transforms of compactly supported functions and distributions on the fan, giving analogous characterizations

    Musculature of two bdelloid rotifers, Adineta ricciae and Macrotrachela quadricornifera: organization in a functional and evolutionary perspective

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    Organization of muscles in microinvertebrates has often been studied to answer functional questions and understand phylogenetic relationships among taxa. In this study, the musculature of two bdelloid species, Adineta ricciae and Macrotrachela quadricornifera, was illustrated, and their organization was compared with other rotifer taxa to generate possible hypotheses of evolutionary relationships among Rotifera. The two species share a common habitat but differ from each other in feeding and locomotion. A. ricciae feeds on the biofilm by scraping it, is unable to swim, and slides on the head cilia using the foot to propel over the substratum. M. quadricornifera feeds by filtration, can swim, and advances by looping in a leech-like motion. Their musculature, stained with TRITC-phalloidin, was observed using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Major differences between the two species were observed in the muscles of head and foot, possibly reflecting differences in their life style. Muscles of the trunk were similarly arranged: circular muscles surrounded longitudinal bands, which were inserted at different points on the body wall. In both bdelloids, circular muscles of the trunk were incomplete ventrally, a condition also present in Seison and in soft-bodied monogononts from benthos. Within rotifers, circular muscles in the form of complete rings are present in acanthocephalans and in soft-bodied planktonic monogononts but are absent in loricate monogononts, which generally possess dorsoventral bands. The diversity of muscle organization among rotifers was interpreted and discussed. Riassunto Lo studio dell'organizzazione muscolare e stato condotto in numerosi microinvertebrati nel tentativo di comprenderne la funzione ma anche i rapporti evolutivi tra i vari taxa. Seguendo la medesima linea investigativa, abbiamo osservato la muscolatura di due rotiferi bdelloidei, Adineta ricciae e Macrotrachela quadricornifera, quindi confrontato i risultati con i dati di letteratura presenti per altri rotiferi. Le due specie investigate condividono lo stesso habitat ma differiscono per modalita di alimentazione e locomozione. Adineta ricciae si nutre grattando il fondo, e incapace di nuotare e si muove strisciando sul substrato utilizzando la forza propulsiva del piede; M. quadricorniferae filtratrice, e in grado di nuotare e di spostarsi sul fondo con caratteristico movimento a sanguisuga. La loro muscolatura, evidenziata con falloidina rodaminata, e stata osservata con microscopio confocale. I risultati mostrano differenze nella regione del capo e del piede, differenze che verosimilmente riflettono lo stile di vita delle specie, la muscolatura del tronco invece mostra un'organizzazione simile: muscoli circolari incompleti esterni e muscoli longitudinali interni inseriti in diversi punti del corpo. I muscoli circolari del tronco sono interrotti ventralmente in entrambe le specie investigate, condizione condivisa con i Seison e con i monogononti bentonici a corpo molle. Estendendo il confronto ad altre specie di rotiferi, si evince che muscoli circolari completi sono presenti in ploimidi planctonici a corpo molle e negli acantocefali, mentre mancano nei monogononti loricati, i quali possiedono muscoli dorsoventrali. Differenze nell'organizzazione muscolare vengono interpretate e discusse sulla base dell'attuale visione filogenetica dei rotiferi

    Detection of Faint BLR Components in the Starburst/Seyfert Galaxy NGC 6221 and Measure of the Central BH Mass

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    In the last decade, using single epoch virial based techniques in the optical band, it has been possible to measure the central black hole mass on large AGN1 samples. However these measurements use the width of the broad line region as a proxy of the virial velocities and are therefore difficult to be carried out on those obscured (type 2) or low luminosity AGN where the nuclear component does not dominate in the optical. Here we present the optical and near infrared spectrum of the starburst/Seyfert galaxy NGC 6221, observed with X-shooter/VLT. Previous observations of NGC 6221 in the X-ray band show an absorbed (N_H=8.5 +/- 0.4 x 10^21 cm^-2) spectrum typical of a type 2 AGN with luminosity log(L_14-195 keV) = 42.05 erg/s, while in the optical band its spectrum is typical of a reddened (A_V=3) starburst. Our deep X-shooter/VLT observations have allowed us to detect faint broad emission in the H_alpha, HeI and Pa_beta lines (FWHM ~1400-2300 km/s) confirming previous studies indicating that NGC 6221 is a reddened starburst galaxy which hosts an AGN. We use the measure of the broad components to provide a first estimate of its central black hole mass (M_BH = 10^(6.6 +/- 0.3) Msol, lambda_Edd=0.01-0.03), obtained using recently calibrated virial relations suitable for moderately obscured (N_H<10^24 cm^-2) AGN.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Published in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science

    Schwartz correspondence for real motion groups in low dimensions

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    For a Gelfand pair (G,K)(G,K) with GG a Lie group of polynomial growth and KK a compact subgroup, the "Schwartz correspondence" states that the spherical transform maps the bi-KK-invariant Schwartz space S(K\G/K){\mathcal S}(K\backslash G/K) isomorphically onto the space S(ΣD){\mathcal S}(\Sigma_{\mathcal D}), where ΣD\Sigma_{\mathcal D} is an embedded copy of the Gelfand spectrum in Rℓ{\mathbb R}^\ell, canonically associated to a generating system D{\mathcal D} of GG-invariant differential operators on G/KG/K, and S(ΣD){\mathcal S}(\Sigma_{\mathcal D}) consists of restrictions to ΣD\Sigma_{\mathcal D} of Schwartz functions on Rℓ{\mathbb R}^\ell. Schwartz correspondence is known to hold for a large variety of Gelfand pairs of polynomial growth. In this paper we prove that it holds for the strong Gelfand pair (Mn,SOn)(M_n,SO_n) with n=3,4n=3,4. The rather trivial case n=2n=2 is included in previous work by the same authors

    R-spondin 1/Dickkopf-1/beta-catenin machinery is involved in testicular embryonic angiogenesis

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    Testicular vasculogenesis is one of the key processes regulating male gonad morphogenesis. The knowledge of the molecular cues underlining this phenomenon is one of today's most challenging issues and could represent a major contribution toward a better understanding of the onset of testicular morphogenetic disorders. R-spondin 1 has been clearly established as a candidate for mammalian ovary determination. Conversely, very little information is available on the expression and role of R-spondin 1 during testicular morphogenesis. This study aims to clarify the distribution pattern of R-spondin 1 and other partners of its machinery during the entire period of testicular morphogenesis and to indicate the role of this system in testicular development. Our whole mount immunofluorescence results clearly demonstrate that R-spondin 1 is always detectable in the testicular coelomic partition, where testicular vasculature is organized, while Dickkopf-1 is never detectable in this area. Moreover, organ culture experiments of embryonic male UGRs demonstrated that Dickkopf-1 acted as an inhibitor of testis vasculature formation. Consistent with this observation, real-time PCR analyses demonstrated that DKK1 is able to slightly but significantly decrease the expression level of the endothelial marker Pecam1. The latter experiments allowed us to observe that DKK1 administration also perturbs the expression level of the Pdgf-b chain, which is consistent with some authors' observations relating this factor with prenatal testicular patterning and angiogenesis. Interestingly, the DKK1 induced inhibition of testicular angiogenesis was rescued by the co-administration of R-spondin 1. In addition, R-spondin 1 alone was sufficient to enhance, in culture, testicular angiogenesis

    Determination of Short-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins by Carbon Skeleton Gas Chromatography

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    Short-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins (SCCPs) are highly complex technical mixtures of polychlorinated n-alkanes with a chlorination degree between 50 and 70 % by mass, and a linear carbon chain length from C10 to C13, constituted by thousands of homologues, diastereomers and enantiomers. They have been used in many different applications, such as extreme pressure additives in lubricants and cutting fluids, plasticizers in PVC, and flame retardants in paints, adhesives and sealants. SCCPs are toxic towards aquatic organisms, bioaccumulative and persistent, and therefore the concern about this class of pollutants has increased in the last few years. In 2000 the European Union has included SCCPs in the list of priority substances in the field of water policy, amending the Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/60/EC. The implementation of the directive requires that laboratories should be able to measure such substances reliably at the level of the environmental quality standard (EQS). Unfortunately, this is not the case for SCCPs. The analytical tools currently available for the analysis of this class of compounds are scarce and no methodology has been fully validated. This is due to the complexity of their mixtures, and the lack of pure solutions for calibrations as well as matrix-matched reference materials. No routine method for monitoring purposes exists and a poor comparability of results was demonstrated. At present determination of SCCPs is mostly performed by mass spectrometry (MS) in the Electron Capture Negative Ionisation (ECNI) mode. The quantification relies on the monitoring of [M-Cl]- ions of specific mass to charge (m/z) ratio for each SCCP group according to the method developed by Tomy et al. This approach is prone to interferences from other chlorinated compounds and from medium chain chlorinated paraffins, therefore a thorough clean-up of the sample and a careful selection of the ions to be detected are necessary. The method is also affected by a strong dependence on the degree of chlorination of the standard used for calibration. Errors of up to 1100 % have been reported when the calibrant does not match the chlorination degree of the sample. An alternative approach for SCCPs determination is the carbon skeleton gas chromatography (GC)-MS in which chlorinated paraffins are catalytic hydrodechlorinated to the corresponding n-alkanes (see Figure 1). Information on the chlorination degree is lost, but accurate quantification is possible. In this paper the two approaches are compared, and some preliminary results in the determination of SCCPs in water samples with the carbon skeleton method are presented.JRC.DG.D.2-Reference material

    Therapy-Related Myeloid Neoplasms in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia

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    Secondary myelodysplasia (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are frequent long term complications in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) and Waldenström Macroglobulinemia (WM) patients. Although disease-related immune-suppression plays a crucial role in leukemogenesis there is great concern that therapy may further increase the risk of developing these devastating complications

    The EnergyKids Pilot Study: Comparing Energy Balance of Primary School Children during School and Summer Camp

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    Children’s energy requirements may vary during school and summer camp days. To evaluate energy balance during these two periods, seventy-eight children (45% females, 8–10 years) living in Parma, Italy, were enrolled in this observational study. Participants completed a 3-day food diary and wore an activity tracker for three consecutive days during a school- and a summer camp-week to estimate energy intake (EI) and energy expenditure (TEE). Height and body weight were measured at the beginning of each period to define children’s weight status. BMI and EI (school: 1692 ± 265 kcal/day; summer camp: 1738 ± 262 kcal/day) were similar during both periods. Both physical activity and TEE (summer camp: 1948 ± 312; school: 1704 ± 263 kcal/day) were higher during summer camp compared to school time. Therefore, energy balance was more negative during summer camp (−209 ± 366 kcal/day) compared to school time (−12 ± 331 kcal/day). Similar results were observed when males and females were analyzed separately but, comparing the sexes, males had a higher TEE and a more negative energy balance than females, during both periods. The results strongly suggest that an accurate evaluation of children’s energy balance, that considers both diet and physical activity, is needed when planning adequate diets for different situations
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