5,958 research outputs found

    Systematic classification of three-loop realizations of the Weinberg operator

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    We study systematically the decomposition of the Weinberg operator at three-loop order. There are more than four thousand connected topologies. However, the vast majority of these are infinite corrections to lower order neutrino mass diagrams and only a very small percentage yields models for which the three-loop diagrams are the leading order contribution to the neutrino mass matrix. We identify 73 topologies that can lead to genuine three-loop models with fermions and scalars, i.e. models for which lower order diagrams are automatically absent without the need to invoke additional symmetries. The 73 genuine topologies can be divided into two sub-classes: Normal genuine ones (44 cases) and special genuine topologies (29 cases). The latter are a special class of topologies, which can lead to genuine diagrams only for very specific choices of fields. The genuine topologies generate 374 diagrams in the weak basis, which can be reduced to only 30 distinct diagrams in the mass eigenstate basis. We also discuss how all the mass eigenstate diagrams can be described in terms of only five master integrals. We present some concrete models and for two of them we give numerical estimates for the typical size of neutrino masses they generate. Our results can be readily applied to construct other d=5d=5 neutrino mass models with three loops.Comment: Erratum added, published version in JHE

    A formacao da cultura jurídica nacional e os cursos jurídicos no brasil: uma análise preliminar (1854-1879)

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    Este trabajo pretender detectar las características de la formación de la cultura jurídica brasileña en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Considerando el esfuerzo realizado por Brasil nada más independizarse por formar sus propios cuadros culturales, deben insertarse en esa línea las dos únicas facultades de Derecho del período imperial (1822-1889), las de Recife y Sao Paulo, la buscada relación de estas dos instituciones de enseñanza del derecho con la incipiente cultura jurídica brasileña y su papel en la formación del jurista brasileño del ochocientos.This work attempts to identify the characteristics of the origin of the juridical culture in Brazil during the second half of the 19th century. The only two Law Schools created during the Imperial Period (1822-1889), in Recife and in Sao Paulo, must be considered as part of the effort made by Brazil to develop its own culture after independence, and they played an important role in the development of the early Brazilian juridical culture and in the education of the Brazilian jurists of that century.Publicad

    Traditions, translations, betrayals: dialogues among legal cultures

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    A partir do balanço feito pelos juristas a respeito das “tradições jurídicas”, seus usos e suas premissas, seja fazendo uso de conceitos como “recepção” ou “transplante jurídico”, este texto busca enfrentar este debate com a noção de “tradução”, num movimento de aproximação entre as tarefas do tradutor e do historiador, enquanto um intérprete das diferentes linguagens do passado. Tomando o fato de que, de acordo com teóricos da tradução, ela sempre implica em um processo de “perda” (Steiner), de “negociação” (Eco) ou até mesmo de “manipulacão” (Aslanov), a relação entre as “tradições jurídicas” no tempo e no espaço deve ser sempre lida a partir das contingências históricas complexas específicas, envolvendo os interesses presentes na cena histórica que presidem a “tradução” de uma dada “tradição” jurídica para um outro contexto geográfico ou temporal. Exemplo deste procedimento foi o modo como o jurista brasileiro do século XIX, Teixeira de Freitas, fez sua peculiar adaptação do legado jurídico do direito civil estrangeiro para a cena brasileira, em sua ‘Consolidação das Leis Civis’.Based on insights from jurists regarding “legal traditions” – their uses and premises,whether drawing on concepts such as “reception” or “legal transplantation” – thistext seeks to address this debate through the notion of “translation,” that is, themovement of approximation between the tasks of the translator and the historian,as an interpreter of the different languages of the past. Observing the notion that,according to theorists, translation always involves a process of “loss” (Steiner),“negotiation” (Eco) or even “manipulation” (Aslanov), the relationship between “legaltraditions” in time and space must always be read from the perspective of specificcomplex historical contingencies, involving the interests present in the historicalcontext that preside over the “translation” of a given legal“ tradition ”into anothergeographical or temporal context.” The way in which the 19th century Brazilian jurist,Teixeira de Freitas, made his peculiar adaptation of the legal legacy of foreign civil lawto the Brazilian context, in his “Consolidation of Civil Laws” is provided as an exampleof this translation process

    Electron - positron cascades in multiple-laser optical traps

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    We present an analytical and numerical study of multiple-laser QED cascades induced with linearly polarised laser pulses. We analyse different polarisation orientations and propose a configuration that maximises the cascade multiplicity and favours the laser absorption. We generalise the analytical estimate for the cascade growth rate previously calculated in the field of two colliding linearly polarised laser pulses and account for multiple laser interaction. The estimate is verified by a comprehensive numerical study of four-laser QED cascades across a range of different laser intensities with QED PIC module of OSIRIS. We show that by using four linearly polarised 30 fs laser pulses, one can convert more than 50 % of the total energy to gamma-rays already at laser intensity I1024 W/cm2I\simeq10^{24}\ \mathrm{W/cm^2}. In this configuration, the laser conversion efficiency is higher compared with the case with two colliding lasers

    Identification and validation of microsatellite markers in strawberry tree (Arbutusunedo L.)

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    Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.), an evergreen shrub/small tree of the family Ericaceae, is a main constituent of the Mediterranean basin flora; although it is also found in southwestern Prance, Macaronesia, and Ireland. The small fruits are edible but mostly used for preparation of preserves and jams, and for liquors such as the Portuguese traditional "aguardente de medronho". Traditionally cultivated by small farmers, often in consociation with Quercus sp., strawberry tree is presently emerging as a new important fruit crop cultivated in large orchards by modern export-oriented enterprises. This change of paradigm requires a growing role of plant breeding, upstream of the production process. Genomic tools for this species are mostly limited to the chloroplast genome sequence and to genomic data described in this work. In order to identify strawberry tree microsatellite (SSR) loci we performed partial genome next-generation sequencing using the Ion Torrent technology. The sequenced similar to 24.6M nucleotides resulted in the identification of 1185 microsatellite markers mostly constituted by dinucleotide motifs. The relative amount of microsatellite dinucleotide motifs (AG/CT - 71.7%, AC/GT - 20.5%, AT/AT - 2.9%, and CG/CG - 0.3%) is similar to the one observed in other Ericaceae species. Among a tested sample of 40 SSR primer pairs, 20 amplified well-defined PCR products, 12 (30%) were validated as polymorphic. Used in our collaborative project for molecular identification of selected and improved clones, the identified SSR loci constitute a strong tool for a large panoply of applied and fundamental studies of this emerging fruit crop.Pluriannual Funding Program of the Portuguese National Foundation for Science and Technologyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Marketing interno : uma proposta para o setor turístico açoriano

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, 17 de fevereiro de 2017, Universidade dos Açores.No atual contexto de grande desenvolvimento e mudanças profundas no setor turístico dos Açores, ganha cada vez maior relevância, num mercado composto maioritariamente por atividades de alto contato, desenvolver mecanismos capazes de garantir o crescimento e retenção dos melhores colaboradores, otimizando os custos, e assegurando a entrega de um serviço de excelência. Esta investigação pretende, dessa forma, expor o Marketing Interno como o novo caminho a seguir nesse sentido, analisando a evolução do construto, quer a nível teórico, desde os conceitos que estão na sua raiz, até à sua conceção e evolução para o estado atual, quer a nível prático, através da análise de uma série de casos de estudo documentados. Também é efetuado um estudo estatístico utilizando um inquérito de medição de satisfação profissional, o Índice Descritivo do Trabalho, aplicado a 119 colaboradores, para determinar se é justificável a implementação do Marketing Interno nas empresas hoteleiras açorianas. É demonstrado que entre amostra em estudo, a satisfação profissional não é reduzida, no entanto, a aplicação de práticas e políticas de Marketing Interno poderão de igual modo ser justificáveis, dado que os incentivos monetários tradicionais não parecem ter grande peso na criação dessa mesma satisfação, e estes mecanismos asseguram vantagens sustentadas e competitivas que vão de encontro às necessidades que se detetam no setor, na Região, atualmente.ABSTRACT: In the current context of great development and profound changes in the tourism sector of the Azores, a market comprised mainly by high contact activities, it becomes ever more relevant the need to develop mechanisms capable of guaranteeing the growth and retaining of the best staff, optimizing costs and assuring the delivery of excellent service. The present investigation intends to present Internal Marketing as a new course of action in this sense, analysing the evolution of the construct, either theoretically, starting with the concepts that are at it’s roots, all the way up to the conception and evolution to the present day, either in a practical sense, through the analysis of a series of documented case studies. A statistical study is also performed, employing a survey that measures job satisfaction. The Job Descriptive Index, distributed between 119 respondents, to determine if the implementation of Internal Marketing in the azorian hotel enterprises is justified. It is demonstrated that job satisfaction is not low for the studied sample, but the application of Internal Marketing practices and policies might still be justifiable, since traditional monetary incentives don’t seem to have much of an impact on the building of job satisfaction in this context, and these mechanisms assure competitive and sustained advantages, which meets the current needs detected in this sector, for the Region in question, in the present day

    Shock formation in electron-ion plasmas: mechanism and timing

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    We analyse the full shock formation process in electron-ion plasmas in theory and simulations. It is accepted that electromagnetic shocks in initially unmagnetised relativistic plasmas are triggered by the filamentation instability. However, the transition from the first unstable phase to the quasi-steady shock is still missing. We derive a theoretical model for the shock formation time, taking into account the filament merging in the non-linear phase of the filamentation instability. This process is much slower than in electron-positron pair shocks, so that the shock formation is longer by a factor proportional to sqrt(m_i/m_e) ln(m_i/m_e)

    N-Relaxion: Large Field Excursions from a Few Site Relaxion Model

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    Relaxion models are an interesting new avenue to explain the radiative stability of the Standard Model scalar sector. They require very large field excursions, which are difficult to generate in a consistent UV completion and to reconcile with the compact field space of the relaxion. We propose an N-site model which naturally generates the large decay constant needed to address these issues. Our model offers distinct advantages with respect to previous proposals: the construction involves non-abelian fields, allowing for controlled high energy behaviour and more model building possibilities, both in particle physics and inflationary models, and also admits a continuum limit when the number of sites is large, which may be interpreted as a warped extra dimension.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; v2: version to appear in PR

    Influence of Firms’ Environmental Management and Community Involvement Programs in their Employees and in the Community

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    To assure enduring success, firms need to generate economic value with respect for the environment and social value. They also need to be aware of the needs and expectations of relevant stakeholders and incorporate them in their business strategies and programs. These challenges imply that engineers should take into consideration societal, health and safety,environmental and commercial issues in their professional activity. This investigation accesses the influence of firms’ environmental management programs and community involvement programs on their own employees and in the community, with a focus on small and medium companies. Based on a quantitative research, the findings suggest that firms that invest both in environmental management programs and in community involvement programs have a higher involvement of their own employees with the community, while at the same time receiving more feedback (positive, but also negative) from the community, stressing the need to pay special attention to their communication policies