9 research outputs found

    Perturbation of indole-3-butyric acid homeostasis by the UDP-glucosyltransferase UGT74E2 modulates Arabidopsis architecture and water stress tolerance

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    Reactive oxygen species and redox signaling undergo synergistic and antagonistic interactions with phytohormones to regulate protective responses of plants against biotic and abiotic stresses. However, molecular insight into the nature of this crosstalk remains scarce. We demonstrate that the hydrogen peroxide–responsive UDP-glucosyltransferase UGT74E2 of Arabidopsis thaliana is involved in the modulation of plant architecture and water stress response through its activity toward the auxin indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Biochemical characterization of recombinant UGT74E2 demonstrated that it strongly favors IBA as a substrate. Assessment of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), IBA, and their conjugates in transgenic plants ectopically expressing UGT74E2 indicated that the catalytic specificity was maintained in planta. In these transgenic plants, not only were IBA-Glc concentrations increased, but also free IBA levels were elevated and the conjugated IAA pattern was modified. This perturbed IBA and IAA homeostasis was associated with architectural changes, including increased shoot branching and altered rosette shape, and resulted in significantly improved survival during drought and salt stress treatments. Hence, our results reveal that IBA and IBA-Glc are important regulators of morphological and physiological stress adaptation mechanisms and provide molecular evidence for the interplay between hydrogen peroxide and auxin homeostasis through the action of an IBA UGT

    Diel- and temperature-driven variation of leaf dark respiration rates and metabolite levels in rice

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    Leaf respiration in the dark (R-dark) is often measured at a single time during the day, with hot-acclimation lowering R-dark at a common measuring temperature. However, it is unclear whether the diel cycle influences the extent of thermal acclimation of R-dark, or how temperature and time of day interact to influence respiratory metabolites. To examine these issues, we grew rice under 25 degrees C : 20 degrees C, 30 degrees C : 25 degrees C and 40 degrees C : 35 degrees C day : night cycles, measuring R-dark and changes in metabolites at five time points spanning a single 24-h period. R-dark differed among the treatments and with time of day. However, there was no significant interaction between time and growth temperature, indicating that the diel cycle does not alter thermal acclimation of R-dark. Amino acids were highly responsive to the diel cycle and growth temperature, and many were negatively correlated with carbohydrates and with organic acids of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Organic TCA intermediates were significantly altered by the diel cycle irrespective of growth temperature, which we attributed to light-dependent regulatory control of TCA enzyme activities. Collectively, our study shows that environmental disruption of the balance between respiratory substrate supply and demand is corrected for by shifts in TCA-dependent metabolites.Peer reviewe

    Rubisco lysine acetylation occurs at very low stoichiometry in mature Arabidopsis leaves: implications for regulation of enzyme function

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    Multiple studies have shown ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (E.C.; Rubisco) to be subject to Lys-acetylation at various residues; however, opposing reports exist about the biological significance of these post-translational modifications. One aspect of the Lys-acetylation that has not been addressed in plants generally, or with Rubisco specifically, is the stoichiometry at which these Lys-acetylation events occur. As a method to ascertain which Lys-acetylation sites on Arabidopsis Rubisco might be of regulatory importance to its catalytic function in the Calvin-Benson cycle, we purified Rubisco from leaves in both the day and night-time and performed independent mass spectrometry based methods to determine the stoichiometry of Rubisco Lys-acetylation events. The results indicate that Rubisco is acetylated at most Lys residues, but each acetylation event occurs at very low stoichiometry. Furthermore, in vitro treatments that increased the extent of Lys-acetylation on purified Rubisco had no effect on Rubisco maximal activity. Therefore, we are unable to confirm that Lys-acetylation at low stoichiometries can be a regulatory mechanism controlling Rubisco maximal activity. The results highlight the need for further use of stoichiometry measurements when determining the biological significance of reversible PTMs like acetylation.This work was supported through funding by the Australian Research Council (ARC) to B.M.O. as a DECRA Fellow (DE150100130) and A.H.M. through the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology (CE140100008)

    The mitochondrial LYR protein SDHAF1 is required for succinate dehydrogenase activity in Arabidopsis

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    Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH, complex II), which plays an essential role in mitochondrial respiration and tricarboxylic acid metabolism, requires the assembly of eight nuclear-encoded subunits and the insertion of various cofactors. Here, we report on the characterization of an Arabidopsis thaliana leucine-tyrosine-arginine (LYR) protein family member SDHAF1, (At2g39725) is a factor required for SDH activity. SDHAF1 is located in mitochondria and can fully complement the yeast SDHAF1 deletion strain. Knockdown of SDHAF1 using RNA interference resulted in a decrease in seedling hypocotyl elongation and reduced SDH activity. Proteomic analyses revealed a decreased abundance of various SDH subunits and assembly factors. Protein interaction assays revealed that SDHAF1 can interact exclusively with the Fe-S cluster-containing subunit SDH2 and HSCB, a cochaperone involved in Fe-S cluster complex recruitment. Therefore, we propose that in Arabidopsis, SDHAF1 plays a role in the biogenesis of SDH2 to form the functional complex II, which is essential for mitochondrial respiration and metabolism

    The macrocyclizing protease butelase 1 remains autocatalytic and reveals the structural basis for ligase activity

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    Plant asparaginyl endopeptidases (AEPs) are expressed as inactive zymogens that perform maturation of seed storage protein upon cleavage-dependent autoactivation in the low-pH environment of storage vacuoles. The AEPs have attracted attention for their macrocyclization reactions, and have been classified as cleavage or ligation specialists. However, we have recently shown that the ability of AEPs to produce either cyclic or acyclic products can be altered by mutations to the active site region, and that several AEPs are capable of macrocyclization given favorable pH conditions. One AEP extracted from Clitoria ternatea seeds (butelase 1) is classified as a ligase rather than a protease, presenting an opportunity to test for loss of cleavage activity. Here, making recombinant butelase 1 and rescuing an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant lacking AEP, we show that butelase 1 retains cleavage functions in\ua0vitro and in\ua0vivo. The in\ua0vivo rescue was incomplete, consistent with some trade-off for butelase 1 specialization toward macrocyclization. Its crystal structure showed an active site with only subtle differences from cleaving AEPs, suggesting the many differences in its peptide-binding region are the source of its efficient macrocyclization. All considered, it seems that either butelase 1 has not fully specialized or a requirement for autocatalytic cleavage is an evolutionary constraint upon macrocyclizing AEPs