39 research outputs found

    State Humanities Committees (1979-1982): Correspondence 18

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    General Practitioners’ perceptions of the stigma of dementia and the role of reciprocity

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    YesA qualitative exploration of the stigma of dementia reported that GPs described lack of reciprocity as one way in which people with dementia are perceived within society. This was closely linked to their perception of dementia as a stigma. In this paper, we explore whether GPs perceive people with dementia as lacking reciprocity and, so, if this is linked with societal opinions about dementia as a stigma. The implications of both perceptions of people with dementia failing to reciprocate and of stigma for timely diagnosis are explored. GPs’ perceptions of societal views of people with dementia included a perception of a lack of reciprocity. Specifically, an absence of reciprocity was linked with; failing to respond to human contact, the absence of an appropriate return on social investment and failing to contribute to, or being a burden to, society. GPs reported a link between societal perceptions of lack of reciprocity and stereotypes about advanced dementia, difficulties communicating with people with dementia and lack of opportunities for people with dementia to reciprocate. GPs occupy a key position, they can challenge stereotypes and, with support and targeted training about communicating with people living with dementia, can emphasise the ways in which people with dementia can communicate, thereby enhancing their potential to reciprocate. Such changes have implications for improved care and quality of life through the continued maintenance of social inclusion and perceptions of personhood.non

    Ethical implications of the perception and portrayal of dementia

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    yesThe way we perceive and portray dementia has implications for how we act towards people with dementia and how we address the issue of dementia within society. As a multi-disciplinary working group, established within the framework of the European Dementia Ethics Network of Alzheimer Europe, we aimed to describe the different ways that people with dementia are perceived and portrayed within society and to consider the moral implications of this. In the current paper, we address perceptions of dementia as reflected in explanatory models of its cause and nature, descriptions of characteristics of people with dementia, the use of language, media portrayals and the views of people living with dementia. Academics and professionals could use this exploration to reflect on their behaviour and their use of language regarding people with dementiaThe taskforce’s work arises from the 2013 Work Plan of Alzheimer Europe, which received funding from the European Union in the framework of the Health Programme

    Consumer ethnicity three decades after: a TCR agenda

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    Research into consumer ethnicity is a vital discipline that has substantially evolved in the past three decades. This conceptual article critically reviews its immense literature and examines the extent to which it has provided extensive contributions not only for the understanding of ethnicity in the marketplace but also for personal/collective well-being. We identify two gaps accounting for scant transformative contributions. First, today social transformations and conceptual sophistications require a revised vocabulary to provide adequate interpretive lenses. Second, extant work has mostly addressed the subjective level of ethnic identity projects but left untended the meso/macro forces affecting ethnicity (de)construction and personal/collective well-being. Our contribution stems from filling both gaps and providing a theory of ethnicity (de)construction that includes migrants as well as non-migrants

    Large-eddy simulation of supercritical fluid injection

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    International audienc

    LOx/CH4 mixing and combustion under supercritical conditions

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    Simulation of supercritical flows in rocket-motor engines: application to cooling channel and injection system

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    To address physical modeling of supercritical multicomponent fluid flows, ideal-gas law must be changed to real-gas equation of state (EoS), thermodynamic and transport properties have to incorporate dense fluid corrections, and turbulence modeling has to be reconsidered compared to classical approaches. Real-gas thermodynamic is presently investigated with validation by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) data. Two major issues of Liquid Rocket Engines (LRE) are also presented. The first one is the supercritical fluid flow inside small cooling channels. In a context of LRE, a strong heat flux coming from the combustion chamber (locally Φ ≈ 80 MW/m2) may lead to very steep density gradients close to the wall. These gradients have to be thermodynamically and numerically captured to properly reproduce in the simulation the mechanism of heat transfer from the wall to the fluid. This is done with a shock-capturing weighted essentially nonoscillatory (WENO) numerical discretization scheme. The second issue is a supercritical fluid injection following experimental conditions [1] in which a trans- or supercritical nitrogen is injected into warm nitrogen. The two-dimensional results show vortex structures with high fluid density detaching from the main jet and persisting in the low-speed region with low fluid density

    Dementia diagnostics in primary care : a representative 8-year follow-up study in Lower Saxony, Germany

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    AIM: To investigate whether primary-care physicians' competency regarding dementia diagnostics improved from 1993 to 2001. METHODS: In a representative follow-up survey 122 out of 170 (71.8%) family physicians (FPs) were randomly assigned to 2 written case samples presenting patients with slight memory impairment (case 1a: female vs. case 1b: male) and moderate dementia [vascular type (case 2a) vs. Alzheimer's disease (case 2b)]. Potential diagnostic workup was inquired by a structured face-to-face interview. RESULTS: 'Basic' diagnostics like history taking or laboratory investigations were considered in the first place. In case 1, neuropsychological screening was significantly more frequently considered at follow-up (19.3% in 1993 vs. 31.1% in 2001); it still would have been applied rarely in case 2 (2a: 14.1 vs. 14.8%; 2b: 23.5 vs. 24.6%). Neuroimaging remained not to be considered as a standard procedure, and only a minority of FPs would have performed a screening for depression (2001: 1a: 6.7%; 1b: 11.3%; 2a: 0.0%; 2b: 1.6%). CONCLUSIONS: With regard to dementia diagnostics in primary care, guideline adherence remained low at follow-up. Structured training efforts aiming at FPs appear to be necessary