192 research outputs found
Sexual dimorphism, diet, and notes on reproduction in Oxyrhopus trigeminus (Serpentes: Colubridae) in the semiarid Caatinga of northeastern Brazil
Sexual dimorphism, diet, and notes on reproduction in Oxyrhopus trigeminus (Serpentes: Colubridae) in the semiarid Caatinga of northeastern Brazil. Selected morphological characters, diet, and reproduction of the false-coral snake, Oxyrhopus trigeminus, from several localities in the Caatinga region of northeastern Brazil are described based on examination of preserved specimens. Sexual dimorphism is evident, with females attaining larger body sizes than males, but males have relatively larger heads and tails. A total of 25 prey items was identifed in 23 of the 97 O. trigeminus examined; based on the orientation of the prey in the stomachs, all items were ingested headfrst. Lizards are the most frequent prey (96%) of O. trigeminus, with the lizard Tropidurus hispidus being the most important prey species both in number and in volume; marsupials account for 4% of the diet. Juveniles have a narrower dietary niche width than adults, presumably because they have smaller mouths with a narrower gape. Females have a wider dietary niche than males, but there is a high niche overlap between the sexes; males and females do not differ in prey volumes. The analysis of the gonads showed that 10 females have 4–13 vitellogenic follicles (mean 7.8 ± 2.8 follicles), and 2 females have oviducal eggs, one with only one egg and the other with fve eggs. The estimated minimum size at maturity for female O. trigeminus in the Caatinga is 400 mm.Dimorfsmo sexual, dieta e notas sobre a reprodução em Oxyrhopus trigeminus (Serpentes: Colubridae) na Caatinga semiárida do nordeste do Brasil. Caracteres morfológicos selecionados, dieta e reprodução da serpente falsa-coral, Oxyrhopus trigeminus, de várias localidades da região da Caatinga do nordeste do Brasil, são descritos com base no exame de espécimes preservados. O dimorfsmo sexual é evidente, com as fêmeas atingindo maiores tamanhos corporais que os machos, mas os machos possuindo cabeças e caudas relativamente maiores. Um total de 25 itens alimentares foi identifcado em 23 dos 97 espécimes de O. trigeminus; com base na orientação das presas no interior dos estômagos, todas foram ingeridas primeiramente pela cabeça. Lagartos são as presas mais frequentes de O. trigeminus (96%), com o lagarto Tropidurus hispidus representando a espécie de presa mais importante tanto em número quanto em volume; marsupiais representam 4% da dieta. Os juvenis apresentam uma menor amplitude de nicho que os adultos, presumivelmente devido a limitações de tamanho da boca. As fêmeas têm uma maior amplitude de nicho que os machos, mas há uma alta sobreposição de nicho entre os sexos; machos e fêmeas não diferem no volume das presas. A análise das gônadas mostrou que 10 fêmeas têm 4–13 folículos vitelogênicos (média de 7.8 ± 2.8 folículos), e duas fêmeas apresentam ovos nos ovidutos, uma com apenas um ovo e a outra com cinco ovos. O tamanho mínimo de maturidade estimado para as fêmeas de O. trigeminus na Caatinga é 400 mm
Estudo comparativo do manejo das desovas de <i>Caretta caretta</i> (Testudines: Cheloniidae) no litoral do Espírito Santo, sudeste do Brasil
Este estudio evaluó el éxito reproductivo de la tortuga marina Caretta caretta según el manejo aplicado por Projeto Tamar, entre los meses de septiembre de 2002 y enero de 2003, en la playa de Guriri, estado del Espírito Santo, sudeste del Brasil. Se aplicaron tres técnicas de manejo para proteger la población que anida en el área: nidos mantenidos en el mismo sitio de la postura (in situ), nidos transferidos en la propia playa, y nidos transferidos a cercos de incubación. Basado en la proporción de nacimientos el mejor manejo fue el de los nidos in situ (86.4 ± 14.4%). La eclosión fue menor en los nidos transferidos a los cercos de incubación (65.1 ± 23.0%) y en la playa (64.0 ± 23.2%), pero estas estrategias de manejo fueron aun importantes para proteger los nidos de los depredadores y de otras amenazas naturales en este sitio, que es una de las playas más importantes para el anidación de esta tortuga en el sudeste del Brasil.This study aims to evaluating the reproductive success of the loggerhead marine turtle Caretta caretta according to management applied by Projeto Tamar, from September 2002 to January 2003, on Guriri beach, Espírito Santo State, southeastern Brazil. Three manage- ment techniques were applied to protect the loggerhead nesting population in the area: nests maintained at the same local of posture (in situ), nests transferred into the beach boundaries, and nests transferred to incubation fences. Based on the hatchlings rate, the best management was in situ nest (86.4 ± 14.4%). The emergence of hatchlings was smaller in both the nests transferred to incubation fences (65.1 ± 23.0%) and at the beach (64.0 ± 23.2%), but these management strategies were still important to protect the nests from predators and natural threats in this site that is one of the most important loggerhead nesting beaches of southeastern Brazil.Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (AHA
Estudo comparativo do manejo das desovas de <i>Caretta caretta</i> (Testudines: Cheloniidae) no litoral do Espírito Santo, sudeste do Brasil
Este estudio evaluó el éxito reproductivo de la tortuga marina Caretta caretta según el manejo aplicado por Projeto Tamar, entre los meses de septiembre de 2002 y enero de 2003, en la playa de Guriri, estado del Espírito Santo, sudeste del Brasil. Se aplicaron tres técnicas de manejo para proteger la población que anida en el área: nidos mantenidos en el mismo sitio de la postura (in situ), nidos transferidos en la propia playa, y nidos transferidos a cercos de incubación. Basado en la proporción de nacimientos el mejor manejo fue el de los nidos in situ (86.4 ± 14.4%). La eclosión fue menor en los nidos transferidos a los cercos de incubación (65.1 ± 23.0%) y en la playa (64.0 ± 23.2%), pero estas estrategias de manejo fueron aun importantes para proteger los nidos de los depredadores y de otras amenazas naturales en este sitio, que es una de las playas más importantes para el anidación de esta tortuga en el sudeste del Brasil.This study aims to evaluating the reproductive success of the loggerhead marine turtle Caretta caretta according to management applied by Projeto Tamar, from September 2002 to January 2003, on Guriri beach, Espírito Santo State, southeastern Brazil. Three manage- ment techniques were applied to protect the loggerhead nesting population in the area: nests maintained at the same local of posture (in situ), nests transferred into the beach boundaries, and nests transferred to incubation fences. Based on the hatchlings rate, the best management was in situ nest (86.4 ± 14.4%). The emergence of hatchlings was smaller in both the nests transferred to incubation fences (65.1 ± 23.0%) and at the beach (64.0 ± 23.2%), but these management strategies were still important to protect the nests from predators and natural threats in this site that is one of the most important loggerhead nesting beaches of southeastern Brazil.Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (AHA
Competências Empreendedoras na Geração Z: Um Estudo com Alunos de Graduação em Administração: Entrepreneurial Skills in Generation Z: A Study with Undergraduate Business Administration Students
A geração Z entra agora em um mercado de trabalho muito dinâmico, em que o emprego formal como conhecemos parece fadado a desaparecer ou se restringir. Por isso, é de fundamental importância para os membros dessa geração e para as instituições de ensino identificar e analisar a percepção de espírito empreendedor e as competências empreendedoras dessa geração. A pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar a percepção dos alunos da Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contábeis e Atuariais da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (FEA PUC-SP) pertencentes à geração Z do curso de Administração sobre suas competências empreendedoras e se acreditam que o curso estimula esses comportamentos empreendedores. Os resultados mostram que os alunos possuem as competências empreendedoras em nível destacado (índice de 3,95 em cinco) e acreditam que a universidade estimula seu espírito empreendedor, fornecendo conhecimento e ferramentas básicas para desenvolver o empreendedorismo (favorabilidade acima de 80%). O estudo indica algumas oportunidades de melhoria e sugere continuidade de pesquisas, visando compreender melhor a geração Z e o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de empreendedorismo
Academic Production: Expanded Summary in Libras
The article proposes to show how the use of the academic genre expanded summary is important to make academic production accessible to deaf and hearing researchers who know Libras. We present reasons why the academic genre expanded abstract has gained relevance in productions written in Portuguese and its potential and promising use in sign languages. In the theoretical framework, we justify the importance of translation work, and point out evidence of how important it is for the creation of term-signs. As for methodology, we use Ricoeur's (1988) hermeneutic interpretation and detail how academic production in Libras involves not only specific care in the work of translating, but also involves expertise and technique for its filming and dissemination, especially when carried out remotely.O artigo propõe-se a mostrar como a utilização do gênero acadêmicoresumo expandido é importante para acessibilizar a produção acadêmica para ospesquisadores surdos e ouvintes que sabem Libras. Apresentamos razões pelas quais ogênero acadêmico resumo expandido tem ganhado relevância em produções escritasem língua portuguesa e seu potencial e promissor uso em línguas de sinais. Noreferencial teórico, justificamos a importância do trabalho de tradução, e apontamosevidências em como ela é importante para a criação de sinais-termo. Quanto àmetodologia, utilizamos a interpretação hermenêutica de Ricoeur (1988) edetalhamos como a produção acadêmica em Libras envolve não só cuidadosespecíficos no trabalho de traduzir, mas também envolve perícia e técnica para suafilmagem e divulgação, especialmente quando realizado de maneira remota
Ecologia térmica de anuros da Caatinga, Nordeste do Brasil
Thermal ecology of anurans in the Caatinga, Northeastern Brazil. Anurans regulate their body temperature through external heat sources. In this sense, the microhabitat used can influence this physiological process. Thus, the objective of this study was to verify the body temperature of anuran species in the Caatinga domain and to correlate the possible variations to the different microhabitats used. For this, active searches were carried out during the day and night shifts, between August 2019 and May 2021. The frogs were captured manually to measure the cloacal temperature and then released. Substrate and air temperatures were also checked for associations with body temperature. In total, 420 frogs were captured, and the body temperature was obtained from 147 individuals of five species in the rainy season (Leptodactylus macrosternum, Scinax x-signatus, Rhinella granulosa, Rhinella diptycha and Pithecopus gonzagai), and from 273 individuals of four species in the dry season (L. macrosternum, S. x-signatus, R. granulosa and R. diptycha). In general, the highest body temperature averages (28.4-29.3ºC) were observed in the rainy season for L. macrosternum, R. granulosa and R. diptycha. The most preferred microhabitats of anurans were soil and water. Finally, even though an association between body temperature and air temperature was found, substrate temperature proved to be the most important source of thermal regulation for most anuran species investigated.Os anuros regulam sua temperatura corpórea por meio de fontes externas de calor. Nesse sentido, o micro-hábitat utilizado pode influenciar nesse processo fisiológico. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a temperatura corpórea de espécies de anuros no domínio Caatinga e correlacionar as possíveis variações aos diferentes micro-hábitats utilizados. Para isso foram realizadas buscas ativas nos turnos diurno e noturno, entre agosto de 2019 e maio de 2021.
Os anuros foram capturados manualmente para aferição da temperatura cloacal e soltos em seguida. As temperaturas do substrato e do ar também foram verificadas para associações com a temperatura corpórea. No total, 420 anuros foram capturados, sendo obtida a temperatura corpórea de 147 indivíduos de cinco espécies no período chuvoso (Leptodactylus macrosternum, Scinax x-signatus, Rhinella granulosa, Rhinella diptycha e Pithecopus gonzagai), e de 273 indivíduos de quatro espécies no período seco (L. macrosternum, S. x-signatus, R. granulosa e R. diptycha). De um modo geral, as maiores médias de temperatura corpórea (28,4−29,3ºC) foram observadas no período chuvoso para L. macrosternum, R. granulosa e R. diptycha. Os microhábitats de maior preferência dos anuros foram o solo e a água. Finalmente, ainda que tenha sido encontrada associação da temperatura corpórea com a temperatura do ar, a temperatura do substrato demonstrou ser a fonte mais importante na regulação térmica para a maioria das espécies de anuros investigadas.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin
Ecologia térmica de anuros da Caatinga, Nordeste do Brasil
Thermal ecology of anurans in the Caatinga, Northeastern Brazil. Anurans regulate their body temperature through external heat sources. In this sense, the microhabitat used can influence this physiological process. Thus, the objective of this study was to verify the body temperature of anuran species in the Caatinga domain and to correlate the possible variations to the different microhabitats used. For this, active searches were carried out during the day and night shifts, between August 2019 and May 2021. The frogs were captured manually to measure the cloacal temperature and then released. Substrate and air temperatures were also checked for associations with body temperature. In total, 420 frogs were captured, and the body temperature was obtained from 147 individuals of five species in the rainy season (Leptodactylus macrosternum, Scinax x-signatus, Rhinella granulosa, Rhinella diptycha and Pithecopus gonzagai), and from 273 individuals of four species in the dry season (L. macrosternum, S. x-signatus, R. granulosa and R. diptycha). In general, the highest body temperature averages (28.4-29.3ºC) were observed in the rainy season for L. macrosternum, R. granulosa and R. diptycha. The most preferred microhabitats of anurans were soil and water. Finally, even though an association between body temperature and air temperature was found, substrate temperature proved to be the most important source of thermal regulation for most anuran species investigated.Os anuros regulam sua temperatura corpórea por meio de fontes externas de calor. Nesse sentido, o micro-hábitat utilizado pode influenciar nesse processo fisiológico. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a temperatura corpórea de espécies de anuros no domínio Caatinga e correlacionar as possíveis variações aos diferentes micro-hábitats utilizados. Para isso foram realizadas buscas ativas nos turnos diurno e noturno, entre agosto de 2019 e maio de 2021.
Os anuros foram capturados manualmente para aferição da temperatura cloacal e soltos em seguida. As temperaturas do substrato e do ar também foram verificadas para associações com a temperatura corpórea. No total, 420 anuros foram capturados, sendo obtida a temperatura corpórea de 147 indivíduos de cinco espécies no período chuvoso (Leptodactylus macrosternum, Scinax x-signatus, Rhinella granulosa, Rhinella diptycha e Pithecopus gonzagai), e de 273 indivíduos de quatro espécies no período seco (L. macrosternum, S. x-signatus, R. granulosa e R. diptycha). De um modo geral, as maiores médias de temperatura corpórea (28,4−29,3ºC) foram observadas no período chuvoso para L. macrosternum, R. granulosa e R. diptycha. Os microhábitats de maior preferência dos anuros foram o solo e a água. Finalmente, ainda que tenha sido encontrada associação da temperatura corpórea com a temperatura do ar, a temperatura do substrato demonstrou ser a fonte mais importante na regulação térmica para a maioria das espécies de anuros investigadas.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin
Clinical and laboratory profile of patients with Dengue virus treated in a service of urgency and emergency in Cacoal city - RO
The dengue is manifested in the acute and systemic manner, ranking three distinct forms:
classical dengue, dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome or dengue with
complications. The severe dengue is defined as a form of evolution that presents a critical
phase in higher intensity your with important plasma extravasation taking the shock and/or
respiratory failure. Viral isolation and Gold Standard Diagnostics paragraph, but are the
serological testes most used in medical practice. This work evaluates the clinical and
laboratory profile of patients admitted to the Hospital Emergency Department of the City of
Cacoal-RO (HEURO) infected hair dengue virus in period one year being que such
parameters were submitted to Statisticians testicles according to the interest search, described
more detail nsa methods. It is hum descriptive epidemiological cross-sectional study. It found
a leukopenia and lymphopenia occurred associated with neutropenia in patients included in
this study. Were analyzed as clinical features and laboratory of patients included in according
study with your platelet count at admission when compared patients in two groups, one with
platelet count <100.000(thousand/mm³) and DQRWKHU WKRXVDQG PPñ). Patients with
platelet count <100.000/ mm³ had less rhythm symptoms no admission and lower neutrophil
count and Total leukocytes. And it was Found a lower ratio neutrophil / lymphocyte in
pacientes que presented less than 100.000platelets thousand/mm³
Determining the Presence of Sexual Dimorphism in the Species Pseudoboa nigra.
Pseudoboa nigra, the Black False Boa, is a non-venomous snake (family Dipsidadae) found in the Caatinga region of Brazil. Studies in the region are not very expansive and as such, biological information is still required for this species of snake. The present study aimed to determine the level of sexual dimorphism found in Pseudoboa nigra as well as replicate earlier work testing the relationship between body size and gender. In order to calculate sexual dimorphism within the species, twenty-one preserved specimens were used to collect data by measuring snout-vent length, tail length, head length, and head width of each specimen. Each specimen, identified by the collection tags used by the university, was sexed using a probe and then dissected by making incisions along the ventral side of the snake to further verify gender. A t-test was used to analyze the data from the specimens along with the Sexual-Size Dimorphism Index. Results indicated low sexual dimorphism in the species with males larger than females with a t-score of 5.37. A calculated Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient of 0.633 indicated a moderate positive relationship between head length and head width in both sexes. This study was not able to replicate the results of the earlier research because the number of individuals used was small. For future studies, larger samples may yield results that are more accurate
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