3,984 research outputs found
Evaluation of Feed Additives and Delivery Method for Receiving and Finishing Cattle
Trace minerals (TM) and vitamins are essential to improve production output and efficiency in beef cattle. The first experiment was conducted to investigate if the delivery method of TM and Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast culture influence growth performance and hepatic TM content of receiving steers. The second experiment evaluated the effect of supplemental protected B - vitamins to finishing steers. Experiment 1 used Charolais x Angus steers calves (n = 192; 256 ± 14 kg) in a 49-d receiving experiment. Within 36h of weaning, steers were weighed, allotted to 24 pens (n = 8 steers/pen; 8 pens/treatment) and randomly assigned to treatments: traditional receiving diet (Con); traditional receiving diet plus the “stress-pack” directly in the diet (Force); traditional receiving diet plus a low-moisture, cooked molasses block fortified with the “stress-pack” (Tub). The “stresspack” was offered the first 28 d of the 49-d experiment. Hepatic biopsy samples were collected from a subsample of steers (n = 14 steers) on the day of weaning and subsequent samples were collected from the same steer (n = 1 steer/pen) on d 14, 28 and 49 for hepatic TM concentration determination. A treatment × day interaction (P ≤ 0.01) for hepatic Cu concentration was noted. Force had greater hepatic Cu (P ≤ 0.05) compared to Tub and Con at each sampling point. Tub had greater hepatic Cu compared to Con on d 14 and 28 (P \u3c 0.05), but was similar to Con on d 49 (P \u3e 0.10). Force tended (P = 0.08) to have greater DMI compared to Tub from d 1 to 14. From d 15 to 28, steers offered “stress-pack” had greater DMI (P = 0.01) and tended (P = 0.07) to have greater ADG compared to Con by 12.5%. From d 29 to 49, “stress-pack” steers had greater DMI (P = 0.01) and Force consumed 6.9% more DM compared to Tub (P = 0.01). Cumulative DMI (P = 0.01) and ADG (P = 0.05) was greater for Force compared to Tub by 5.4% and 9.4%, respectively. These data indicate that application of a “stresspack” in diets offered to newly-weaned cattle enhanced production responses, but delivery method influences DMI and daily gain. In experiment 2, steers (n = 246; initial shrunk BW = 411 ± 25.8 kg) from two sources, were used in a 126-d experiment to evaluate use of a rumen-protected B – vitamin blend (RPBV). Within 48 h after arrival, steers were individually weighed and processed. Steers were then allotted to one of 24 pens (n = 10 to 12 steers; 8 pens/treatment) and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: 1) No RPBV; 2) RPBV1 at 1 g/steer·d1; 3) RPBV2 at 2 g/steer·d1. During the first 14 d cattle received two transition diets. From d 15 to 126 cattle were fed the final diet containing [dry matter (DM) basis]: 53% dry-rolled corn; 23% corn silage; 20% MDGS; and 4% suspended supplement. No differences (P ≥ 0.13) were found for DMI, live final BW, ADG, or G:F. Carcass-adjusted final BW, ADG, and G:F were not influenced by treatment (P ≥ 0.59). Hot carcass weight (HCW), dressing percentage, marbling score, kidney-pelvic-heart fat, or BW at 28% empty body fat did not differ among treatments (P ≥ 0.11). Ribeye area (REA) was altered (quadratic effect, P = 0.02) by treatment; steers from RPBV1 had decreased REA compared to others. Additionally, calculated yield grade (YG) and calculated retail yield (RY) were altered (quadratic effect, P ≤ 0.01) by treatment; steers from RPBV1 had increased YG and decreased RY compared to others. Estimated empty body fatness tended (P = 0.06) to be greater from steers fed RPBV compared to control. Overall, USDA YG distribution was altered by dietary treatment (P = 0.01). The proportions of YG1 and YG5 carcasses were unaffected by treatment, but there was a shift in the proportion of carcasses that graded YG2, YG3, and YG4 among treatments. Distribution of USDA Quality Grade was not altered by treatment (P = 0.53). No differences were observed on liver abscess prevalence or severity among treatments. The use of RPBV altered carcass muscularity and rib fat accumulation influencing the overall YG distribution. However, RPBV did not appreciably influence any cumulative growth performance measures or liver abscess outcomes in these steers
This article aims to show a reading of Kierkegaard on Socrates. To the Danish philosopher, irony is a deeper element of Socrates, that not only connects with his method, but also with his own philosophy: that is the negative as a philosophical point of view. Thus, the reading of Kierkegaard, shows us all Socratic philosophy as nothing but irony. The author seeks to explicit under what atmosphere, according to which fundamental pathology, walked the Greek philosopher, to understand their attitude and thinking. Irony is a form of negativity, as the questioning method exhausts the contents toward the abstract, conceptually empty. And the Apology, written by Plato, will be the most appropriate text for such research.Este artigo trata de uma leitura singular de Kierkegaard acerca de Sócrates. Segundo o filósofo dinamarquês, haveria na ironia de Sócrates um elemento mais profundo, que não só se conecta com seu método, mas também à sua própria filosofia: trata-se do negativo como ponto de vista filosófico. Assim, na leitura de Kierkegaard, toda a filosofia socrática não passa de ironia. O autor busca evidenciar sob qual atmosfera e segundo qual patologia fundamental movia-se o filósofo grego, para compreender sua postura e pensamento. A ironia é o trabalho do negativo, que no método do questionamento, exaure os conteúdos na direção do abstrato, forma conceitual vazia. E será a Apologia, escrita por Platão, o texto mais apropriado para tal investigação
Análisis renal de corredora en la prueba de 75 kilómetros
OBJECTIVE: To identify urinary abnormalities, indicative of renal involvement, in 75 km ultra-marathon racer and pacer (cyclist that gives support to the racer). METHODS: Renal analysis consisted of urine dipstick tests in four different times and anthropometric measures. RESULTS: Both the racer and the pacer were in eutrophic conditions. There was an association between the capacity for maximum physical effort and detection of urinary abnormalities determined by the presence of hematuria and/or proteinuria. CONCLUSION: Renal analysis allowed the identification of transitory renal involvement in both healthy individuals during intense exercise.OBJETIVO: Identificar alteraciones urinarias compatibles con compromiso renal en una corredora y un pacer (ciclista de apoyo) a lo largo de una prueba de 75 Kilómetros. MÉTODOS: Para tal efecto, se utilizó un test de orina con cinta reactiva aplicado en cuatro tiempos diferentes, además de una evaluación antropométrica. RESULTADOS: Las medidas concernientes a la corredora la clasificaron como eutrófica, así como el pacer. Se observó que existe asociación entre los momentos de esfuerzo físico máximo y la detección de alteraciones urinarias, definidas por la presencia de hematuria y, a veces, proteinuria. CONCLUSIÓN: Fue posible demostrar la alteración transitoria en dos individuos saludables sometidos a ejercicio intenso.OBJETIVO: Identificar alterações urinárias compatíveis com comprometimento renal em ultramaratonista e pacer (ciclista de apoio) ao longo de uma prova de 75 quilômetros. MÉTODOS: Para tal, utilizou-se teste de urina com fita reagente em quatro tempos diferentes, além de avaliação antropométrica. RESULTADOS: As medidas concernentes a ultramaratonista a classificaram como eutrófica, assim como o pacer. Observou-se, assim, associação entre os momentos de esforço físico máximo e a detecção de alterações urinárias, definidas pela presença de hematúria e, por vezes, positivação da proteinúria. CONCLUSÃO: Foi possível ilustrar alteração transitória em dois indivíduos saudáveis submetidos a exercício intenso.UNIFESPUNIFESP Setor de Glomerulopatias e Imunopatologia Renal da Disciplina de NefrologiaUNIFESP, Setor de Glomerulopatias e Imunopatologia Renal da Disciplina de NefrologiaSciEL
Neuroimaging in Friedreich's ataxia : new approaches and clinical aplication
Orientadores: Marcondes Cavalcante França Junior, Andreia Vasconcellos FariaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: A ataxia de Friedreich (FRDA) é a ataxia autossômica recessiva mais comum no mundo. Clinicamente, é caracterizada por início precoce, alterações sensoriais e ataxia de lenta progressão. Os estudos de imagem têm focado somente em estruturas infratentoriais, desconsiderando o envolvimento de estruturas supratentoriais, diferenças fenotípicas e duração da doença, bem como a evolução do dano neurológico. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar, por meio de imagens de ressonância magnética multimodal, pacientes com ataxia de Friedreich a fim de compreender a evolução do dano encefálico, identificar o padrão de dano encefálico entre os fenótipos da doença, os sítios de depósitos de ferro extra-cerebelares e as primeiras estruturas acometidas na doença. A fim de atingir todos os objetivos, foram recrutados 25 pacientes adultos com a forma clássica da doença, 13 pacientes com início tardio e 12 pacientes pediátricos. Para quantificar a gravidade da doença foi utilizada a escala FARS. O dano estrutural de substância cinza e branca foi avaliado via imagens de ressonância magnética ponderadas em T1, T2 e DTI. Para análise de tais imagens foram utilizadas as ferramentas FreeSurfer, T1 MultiAtlas, DTI Multiatlas, SPM, SpineSeg e TBSS. As comparações de grupos revelaram comprometimento microestrutural multifocal na substância branca encefálica na FRDA, com dano extenso nos pedúnculos cerebelares, corpo caloso e tratos piramidais. Encontramos também alterações na substância cinzenta no núcleo denteado do cerebelo, tronco e córtex motor. Nós não identificamos mudanças volumétricas longitudinais, porém análises prospectivas da substância branca identificaram anormalidades microestruturais progressivas no corpo caloso, tratos piramidais e pedúnculos cerebelares superiores após um ano de seguimento. A respeito do estudo comparando o tipo clássico e o tipo tardio (cFRDA vs. LOFA), nós mostramos que ambos os fenótipos possuem um padrão de anormalidades similares, mas não idênticas. Embora sutis, as diferenças estruturais encontradas ajudam a explicar a variabilidade fenotípica entre estas duas apresentações da doença. Por exemplo, o maior dano microestrutural no trato córtico-espinhal no grupo LOFA ajuda a explicar os sinais piramidais mais exuberantes neste grupo. Não fomos capazes de identificar depósitos de ferro cerebrais nos pacientes com FRDA. Neste sentido, tais depósitos ficariam restritos somente ao núcleo denteado do cerebelo. Por fim, fomos capazes de observar que a manifestação inicial da doença, vista em pacientes pediátricos, se concentra na medula espinhal e no pedúnculo cerebelar inferiorAbstract: Friedreich¿s ataxia (FRDA) is the most common autosomal-recessive ataxia worldwide; it is characterized by early onset, sensory abnormalities and slowly progressive ataxia. Besides that, most of neuroimaging studies have been focused only in infratentorial structures of adult patients. Furthermore, studies comparing different phenotypes of disease does not exist. Therefore, the objective of this study is to assess, using multimodal magnetic (MRI) resonance imaging, patients with Friedreich ataxia to better comprehend the progression of brain damage, to identify the pattern of damage across disease phenotypes, to identify areas with abnormal iron deposits in the brain and to characterize the structures initially damaged in early disease stages. To accomplish that, we enrolled 25 adult patients with classical FRDA, 13 patients with late-onset FRDA and 12 pediatric patients. The FARS scale was employed to quantify the disease severity. To assess the structural damage in gray and white matter, we acquired T1-weighted, T2-weighted and DTI images of the brain. To evaluate these images, we used the following tools: FreeSurfer, T1 MultiAtlas, SPM, DTI MultiAtlas, SpineSeg and TBSS. After group comparisons, there was widespread microstructural damage in the cerebral white matter, including cerebellar peduncles, corpus callosum and pyramidal tracts of patients with FRDA. We also found gray matter volumetric reduction in the dentate nuclei of the cerebellum, brainstem and motor cortex. We did not find volumetric reduction over time, but there was progressive white matter microstructural damage in the corpus callosum, pyramidal tracts and superior cerebellar peduncles after 1 year of follow-up. Regarding the disease phenotypes, we found that both classical FRDA and LOFA have similar, but not identical neuroimaging signatures. Although subtle, the structural differences might help to explain the phenotypic differences seen in both conditions. The corticospinal tracts are damaged in both conditions, but more severely in the late-onset FRDA group, which may explain why pyramidal signs are more evident in the latter subgroup. We failed to identify iron deposits in brain regions other than the dentate nuclei of patients with FRDA. Finally, we found that the spinal cord and inferior cerebellar peduncles are the structures compromised in pediatric patients with FRDADoutoradoFisiopatologia MédicaDoutor em Ciências2014/19786-7, 2015/09793-9FAPES
A escolha do calçado por corredores amadores: caracterização e associação com o histórico de lesão auto reportada
Running shoes are an essential elementfor sports practice. Evidence on the effect of the shoecharacteristics and prescription in running injuries arescarce. Thus, this study aimed to investigate runners'sprocess of choosing running shoes and to verify whetherthe variables related to running shoes and their selectionprocess are associated with the presence and recurrenceof injuries in the previous year. An observational study wasconducted with 254 runners who answered a self-reportedquestionnaire about demographics, sports practice, shoecharacteristics and selection criteria, and injuries in the last12 months. The chi-square test evaluated whether there wasa difference in the distribution of answers to each question.The logistic regression evaluated whether the variablesrelated to shoes and selection criteria predicted injury’spresence and recurrence in the previous year. The resultsshowed that most runners had specific shoes for sports O calçado é um elemento importante para aprática de corrida. As evidências sobre os impactos dascaracterísticas do calçado e de sua prescrição nas lesõesde corredores são restritas. Dessa forma, os objetivosdeste estudo foram investigar o processo de escolhado calçado por corredores e verificar se variáveisrelacionadas ao calçado e seu processo de escolhaestavam associadas à presença e recorrência de lesãono último ano. Foi realizado um estudo observacionalcom 254 corredores que responderam um questionárioautoadministrado sobre características demográficas,a prática esportiva, o calçado e o processo de suaescolha, e lesões ocorridas nos últimos 12 meses. O testequi-quadrado foi empregado para verificar se haviadiferença na distribuição das respostas de cada questão,enquanto o teste de regressão logística para verificar seas variáveis relacionadas ao calçado e ao processo deescolha predizem a presença e recorrência de lesão noúltimo ano. Os resultados indicaram que a maioria doscorredores possui tênis específico para a prática esportivae considera algumas características ao adquiri-lo,como o amortecimento intermediário e a diferença naaltura do solado entre a parte posterior e a anterior deaproximadamente 10mm. A maioria indica conhecer seutipo de pisada, mas não a considera na escolha do calçado.Além disso, a maioria não usa palmilha e não recebeuorientação para a escolha do calçado. O modelo obtidocom a regressão não foi significativo. Assim, apesar de oscorredores considerarem as características do calçado aoadquiri-lo, essas características e o processo de escolhanão foram associados à presença e recorrência de lesãonos últimos 12 mesesEl calzado es un elemento importante para la prácticadeportiva de carrera. Sin embargo, es limitada la evidencia sobrelos impactos de las características del calzado deportivo y suprescripción sobre las lesiones en los corredores. Por lo tanto,los objetivos de este estudio fueron investigar el proceso de elecciónde calzado por los corredores y verificar si las variables relacionadascon el calzado y su proceso de elección se asociaron con la presenciay recurrencia de lesiones en el último año. Se realizó un estudioobservacional con 254 corredores que respondieron un cuestionarioautoinformado sobre las características demográficas, la prácticadeportiva, el calzado y el proceso de elección, y las lesiones que sellevaron a cabo en los últimos 12 meses. La prueba de chi-cuadradose aplicó para verificar la existencia de diferencias en la distribuciónde respuestas para cada pregunta. Y se utilizó la prueba de regresiónlogística para determinar si las variables relacionadas con el calzadoy su proceso de elección pueden predecir la presencia y recurrenciade lesiones en el último año. Los resultados indicaron que la mayoríade los corredores tienen zapatillas adecuadas para hacer deportey consideran algunas características a la hora de adquirirlas, comouna amortiguación intermedia y la diferencia de altura de la suelaentre la parte delantera y la trasera de aproximadamente 10mm.La mayoría afirma conocer el tipo de paso, pero no lo considera ala hora de elegir el calzado. Además, la mayoría no utiliza plantillasy no recibe orientación sobre la elección del calzado. El modeloque se obtuvo con la regresión no fue significativo. Por lo tanto,aunque los corredores tienen en cuenta las características delcalzado a la hora de adquirirlo, esas características y el proceso deelección no se asociaron con la presencia y recurrencia de lesiónen los últimos 12 mese
Some remarks about -regularity for real analytic maps
In this paper, we discuss the concept of -regularity of analytic map
germs and its close relationship with the existence of locally trivial smooth
fibrations, known as the Milnor fibrations. The presence of a Thom regular
stratification or the Milnor condition (b) at the origin, indicates the
transversality of the fibers of the map G with respect to the levels of a
function , which guarantees -regularity. Consequently, both
conditions are crucial for the presence of open book structures and the Milnor
fibrations. The work aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the main
results concerning the existence of Thom regular stratifications and the Milnor
condition (b) for germs of analytic maps. It presents strategies and criteria
to identify and ensure these regularity conditions and discusses situations
where they may not be satisfied. The goal is to understand the presence and
limitations of these conditions in various contexts
Os efeitos da poupança pública sobre o crescimento econômico:
This article analyzed the relations between public savings and economicgrowth. Initially, theoretician-descriptive analysis of these relations showed that thepublic savings is a more complete pointer of fiscal sustainability than the primary surplusand tends to present more positive effect on the product than the operational surplus. Theestimated equations and the tests of robustness of the results of the posterioreconometrical analysis, that used models of multiple regression for a panel of 38 nations,had proven, at high confidence levels, the hypothesis of positive relation between publicsavings and and per capita economic growth taxes – indicating the direction ofcausalidade between them –, besides supplying consistent and interesting results about the form of association between development and other variables. The central conclusionwas that an increase of a unit in the public savings tax must lead, in average, to a rise of0,17 units in the per capita economic growth tax
Polarization-selective excitation of N-V centers in diamond
The nitrogen-vacancy (N-V) center in diamond is promising as an electron spin
qubit due to its long-lived coherence and optical addressability. The ground
state is a spin triplet with two levels () degenerate at zero
magnetic field. Polarization-selective microwave excitation is an attractive
method to address the spin transitions independently, since this allows
operation down to zero magnetic field. Using a resonator designed to produce
circularly polarized microwaves, we have investigated the polarization
selection rules of the N-V center. We first apply this technique to N-V
ensembles in [100] and [111]-oriented samples. Next, we demonstrate an imaging
technique, based on optical polarization dependence, that allows rapid
identification of the orientations of many single N-V centers. Finally, we test
the microwave polarization selection rules of individual N-V centers of known
Sertão de promessas
O objetivo deste trabalho é dissertar sobre a obra Grande sertão: veredas, de João Guimarães Rosa, principalmente sobre os aspectos que envolvem promessas feitas pelas personagens desde o início até o final da história. Para isso, serão observados os compromissos firmados pelos protagonistas, bem como por outros atores no romance; bem como as implicações dessas promessas para o desenrolar da trama.Palavras-chave: João Guimarães Rosa. Promessas. Grande sertão: veredas
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